Submissions are welcome(and badly needed) to submit, follow the
directions listed here;
1)If you copy songs from a magazine or a song book, you MUST credit
your source. And you must also know that you take FULL responsiblity for any
copyright laws that are violated.
2)You must put your name on the Tab. I will try to answer any question
I can, but I will not be able to answer questions about songs I have never
3)Send your Tab to;
Put the name of the song and artist in the subject. Please don't forget the artist, as the archive is arranged by artist, and if you forget, I won't know where to put it 8-).
When submitting TAB, keep in mind that peole all over the world use
this site. I will not edit what you send me, but I do ask you to keep
in mind to be careful with any language you use. What may be extremely funny
to you, may be an insult, or a slur to someone else. Please use some
Any questions, or comments about this archive can be sent to me at
the address listed above. Don't be afraid to tell me that I f*cked something
up. With all the new submissions I process everyday, I bound to f*ck up now and then, and I need you guys to tell me so I can fix it.