PC Press 1997 July
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Text File
322 lines
DWHost v3.0
(c) Copyright 1986 - 1992 by J.C. Kilday Associates
Developed at the Northern Lights BBS
207-761-4782 (v.32bis/VHST)
Table of Contents
Introduction .................... 1
Description ..................... 1
Advanced Answering Modes ........ 2
Installation .................... 3
Additional Setup Notes .......... 4
Operating DW Host ............... 6
Advanced Features ............... 7
Support ......................... 8
DW Host v3.0 Page 1
DW Host is a specialized host communications program primarily
intended to support operations at the DOS level on the host. It may
be interfaced with other communications packages to implement more
complex functions. It is intended for operation with Doorway (which
allows nearly any non-graphics program to be run from remote). File
transfer operations are supported directly from DOS by DWXFER as is
mentioned in the next section. Popular applications of DW Host
include home-to-office (and vice versa) communications as well as
operations between a company home office and its remote sites.
Software configuration and file maintenance on the DW Host-equipped
host are frequent uses. DW Host is designed for operation on an IBM
PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or a close compatible connected to a Hayes-compatible
modem or a US Robotics HST.
The complete DW Host package includes the following files:
DWHost.DOC - this file
DWHost.COM - executable module
DWHost.OVR - DW Host "overlay" file
CONFIG.HLP - context-sensitive help file
HOST.BAT - optional controlling batch file
DO_DW.BAT - batch file executed by DW Host
READ.ME - quick review information
DW Host normally monitors the modem and upon detecting a ring answers
the call while adjusting to the caller's baud rate. Speeds of 38,400
bps down to 300 bps are supported with the following comm parameters:
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. Upon successful connect, DW Host
greets the caller with a one-line message of your choosing and requests
entry of a password, also of your choosing. If the correct password is
supplied and the callback mode is not in effect, DW Host will transfer
control of the next part of the communications session to other
software. Depending on the configuration option chosen, the caller may
be dropped to the DOS level (with a DOORWAY command line having been
invoked to support continued communications). Or a caller may next see
another communications application, such as a BBS-like package, or a
menu of programs that might be run (using the Doorway munu capability).
If the correct password is not given to DW Host in three attempts,
DW Host hangs up and recycles.
For enhanced security against unauthorized access the callback feature
is available. If the callback mode is in effect when the correct
password is given, rather than give the caller immediate access, the
program disconnects the caller and dials the telephone number
specified in the configuration data. Access is granted only if there
is a successful connect at that number. DW Host makes up to 3
attempts to establish a connect (it calls a 2nd and 3rd time at
intervals of 1 minute if no answer, a busy signal, or no modem
connect). If no connection is made on the 3rd attempt, the program
DW Host Page 2
recycles and sets up to await another call.
If access is granted to the DOS level on the host machine (through
DOORWAY), virtually all DOS commands may be executed and so may most
other programs which do not use bit mapped graphics. A program called
DWXFER supports file transfers while in DOS. It is included in this
ZIP. You might also like to try Chuck Forsberg's DSZ for Zmodem file
transfers, rather than the older protocol provided by DWXFER (although
DWXFER is simpler to use).
A log of call activity (a file called DW.LOG) is created by DW Host so
that any attempts of unauthorized access to your system may be noted.
Calls accepted (and normal logoffs), rejected calls (password
failures), and other connects not resulting in access to the system
(hang ups at the password prompt and 3-minute timeouts awaiting
password entry) are all recorded in this text file. The file includes
the date and time of each call and how each ended. It can be viewed
using the the DOS TYPE command. It may be deleted at any time (using
DOS ERASE or DEL) and the program will start a new one whenever the
next entry is to be made.
When DW Host is awaiting a call, a display including the date and
time, some key setup information, and present DW Host status is shown.
A screen blanker turns off the screen if there is no keyboard activity
within a 2-minute span. Striking any key restores the display. The
display also is toggled on and off by hitting F9. F10 presents
information about the program. F3 allows access to the configuration
screen where various DW Host setup options may be specified. F1 or F2
cause DW Host to terminate. F1 leaves the telephone line in a BUSY
state (modem offhook) while F2 leaves the modem onhook.
Advanced Answering Modes
DW Host normally is set up to answer a call on the first ring. But
where there is need for the host computer to share a phone line and
not intrude on voice calls, special answering modes may be configured.
"Long Ring" may be configured such that DW Host answers only after the
specified number of rings have been received. Alternatively, "Ring
Back" may be chosen. This mode requires a caller to dial twice before
DW Host answers. The first call consists of a specified number of
rings (or DW Host can be configured for a non-specific number of rings
on the first call). DW Host answers a second call if received within
one minute of the first that lasted the proscribed number of rings.
Still another answering mode, Triggered Callback, may be specified
where DW Host never answers but, instead, places a call to the number
with which it had been configured. Almost a combination of callback
and Ring Back, Triggered Callback is set up by two calls much the same
as Ring Back. The first call must be of a specified number of rings
(or a non-specific number) and a second call must be received within
DW Host v3.0 Page 3
Advanced Answering Modes (Continued)
one minute of the first. If so "triggered", DW Host goes offhook and
dials out. Upon connecting to the called computer, a password is
required before the called party is allowed access. Just as in the
callback process described earlier, 3 attempts at a successful connect
are made.
DW Host is designed to operate under DOS 3.0, and up, on IBM PC's,
XT's, AT's and compatibles equipped with Hayes 1200-compatible modems.
If DW Host has been configured to answer on true ring detect, the
modem cable used must have pin 22 (ring indicate) connected. Also pin
20 (Data Transmitter Ready signal) must be connected and the modem
must be capable of providing result messages indicating baud rate at
connect time (e.g., CONNECT 1200). Recommended Hayes switch settings
SW 1 - Up, DTR normal (pin 20 controlled by program)
SW 2 - Up, Verbal result messages sent (not numeric result codes)
SW 3 - Dn, Result messages sent (not quiet mode)
SW 4 - Dn, Commands not echoed back
SW 5 - Dn, Auto Answer suppressed (controlled by program)
SW 6 - Up, Carrier detect indicated by modem (not always on)
SW 7 - Up, Single phone line connection
SW 8 - Dn, Normal "AT" command set enabled
If you are using a modem other than the Hayes standard, make sure that
its basic configurable functions are set up the same as above. If
your modem does not have switches for one or more of the above
functions, there should be appropriate AT commands to achieve the same
state. Please consult your modem owner's manual.
DW Host has been improved so that the complication of having
controlling batch files is no longer a requirement. There may be
circumstances, however, that may require you to use a batch file (like
HOST.BAT, included in the distribution archive), but more on that
later. To install the software you need only copy DW Host.COM,
DW Host.OVR, and CONFIG.HLP to a directory from which it will be run.
The directory you choose should be the default directory when DW Host
is invoked.
To configure DW Host, run it for the first time in LOCAL mode so that
it won't look for your modem and attempt to initialize it. Enter the
command: DW Host L . The L command line parameter specifies LOCAL
mode. Initially, the file DWCONFIG cannot be found, you are so
informed, and the configuration/setup screen is presented with default
settings. If you take some time with this screen and use the F1 key
to display the available help for each configuration item, you'll have
a good understanding of DW Host capabilities when you finish. Hit the
F10 key to save the configuration information. After DW Host returns
to its status screen, hit F1 or F2 to quit operations in LOCAL mode.
DW Host v3.0 Page 4
Installation (Continued)
If all necessary configuration information has been specified and
you've set up whatever batch files and/or other programs that are to
be accessed from remote through DW Host, your're ready to try bringing
up DW Host for its first test run. The command DW Host with no
command line parameters should be tried next. If the code displays a
status screen and "Waiting for a call" in the status field, you're
ready to try calling in.
As indicated on the screen, you may exit DW Host by pressing F1 or F2
(choose F1 if you wish to have the line ring BUSY to anyone calling).
DWCONFIG is a straight ASCII file and can be modified using any ASCII
editor so long as its lines are not interchanged and the limits of the
variables (as specified by the original prompts for the data) are not
exceeded. It may be necessary to modify this file from remote, in
which case the DOS EDLIN, or your favorite line editor may be used.
Additional Setup Notes
Near the bottom of the configuration screen is a parameter headed by:
"Program name of executable to be run ...". If this item is left
empty, DW Host exits to DOS upon successful entry of a password from
remote. Therefore, proper operation of DW Host requires that a batch
file such as HOST.BAT be used as a controlling batch file when the
"program name to execute" is left blank on the configuration screen.
If you study HOST.BAT, you will see how DW Host is controlled and is
not permitted to drop to DOS without invoking a communications program
A better way to set up DW Host is to enable it to "shell out" to a
another program to be executed when a caller successfully enters the
password. This can be done by specifying the program name to execute,
perhaps as in the following example:
doorway COM1 /g:on /m:100 /O: /S:* /v:d^U /R:^X /c:dos
(causes Doorway to operate using COM1, allowing the caller
100 minutes of time after dropping to DOS. Additionally it
would allow the running of full-screen, direct screen-writing
applications from remote, such as Lotus, word processors, Kedit,
Brief, Vern Buerg's LIST, etc. )
The above setup allows you to invoke DW Host on the host computer by
merely the command DWHost. When a caller enters the correct password,
a shell to do_drwy.bat is invoked and the simple batch file invokes
DOORWAY, which in turn invokes COMMAND.COM. Operations at the DOS
level from remote are sustained until the caller gives the EXIT
command. Upon the EXIT, control is returned directly to DW Host and
the code recycles internally to set up for another call.
DW Host v3.0 Page 5
Additional Setup Notes (Continued)
This setup also allows DW Host to remain resident during the "shell."
This increases memory usage, since both DOORWAY and DW Host will be
resident at the same time. For maximum memory availability it is
recommended to use the DROP to BATCH FILE method.
The above shows how DW Host may be set up to operate in conjunction
with other software without using batch files. The advantages are
simplicity and speed of recycling after a call. The only disadvantage
to this kind of setup is that, in the worst case, about 35K of memory
is required for DW Host during the shell. If you cannot afford the
memory utilization, a controlling batch file such as HOST.BAT is
Operation within HOST.BAT leaves more of system memory available for
applications after DW Host has answered the call and verified correct
password entry. For this reason, operation with a controlling batch
file such as HOST.BAT remains an available option.
If you use the batch file approach to control of DW Host, include
HOST.BAT in the directory where you have installed DW Host. Modify it
to suit your environment and setup as appropriate. For example, you
may wish to change "DOORWAY COM1" to "DOORWAY COM2" if you have
specified use of COM2 on the DW Host configuration screen.
DW Host v3.0 Page 6
Operating DW Host
If the DW Host drive/directory is the current default, and your modem
is turned on, simply enter the following command to run:
DWHost (or HOST if employing batch file)
The complete syntax of DW Host is as follows:
DWHost [ P|L[ C|T ] [ S ] ] [ O ]
The C and T are optional parameters which invoke the callback mode or
triggered callback mode (but only if the callback mode had been
configured during the setup of DWCONFIG). If the S parm is specified
alone or appended to another parm such as C or T, the "slow" BIOS
screen write method will be used for writing to the host system
screens. Otherwise, fast screen writing methods are used. If running
under a multi-tasker such as Omniview or DoubleDOS, some bleed through
may be noted if DW Host is operating in a background partition. In
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