PC Press 1997 July
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"Read Me 1st" file for the
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L I B R A R Y version 3.00
Revision 1
for Clipper 5.01
(Evaluation Version)
Released September 30th, 1992
(c)1989-1992 by Softwarebureau Pepijn Smits
1. Welcome!
Welcome to version 3.00 of the Expand library for Clipper 5.01.
This file contains some last minute notes and some important
remarks about this library, it's usage and the conditions of usage.
You have received this Library via colleagues, a friend, a shareware
distribution centre or by downloading from a Bulletin Board System,
you (should!) have the Evaluation Version of the Library. See documentation
for more details. There is a difference between Evaluation and Commercial
versions of the Library.
2. Files in Archive:
The Expand archive or the disk labeled Expand v3.00 for Clipper 5.01
should contain the following files:
EXPAND.LIB The Expand Library, for Clipper 5.01, version 3.00
Just link in with your Clipper 5.01 applications. This file
works with Clipper 5.01 _and_ CA-Clipper 5.01a.
EXPAND.NG The Norton Guide to Expand. Use NG.EXE or XPNGDEMO.ARJ to
read the information contained herein. There is no written
documentation (although it could be printed using functions
from the library), this, because using the Electronic version
is quite easier and handier. This allows changes, updates,
easier distribution and, besides, it spares paper.
EXPAND.LNK A Linker response File for the Blinker (tm) Users.
XPDEMO.ARJ This archive contains the demonstration program. It's
stored in Compressed form by means of the ARJ archiver.
Retrieve the files by executing ARJ X XPDEMO at the DOS prompt.
XPNGDEMO.ARJ This archive contains utilities concerning the Norton Guides
routines of the Expand Library.
EXPAND52.ARJ An upgrade module for the users of older versions of the Expand
library. See "Release Notes" in the Documentation for more
ORDER.DOC Ordering information, see the file itself for more information.
REGISTER.DOC Information about registering the Expand Library.
READ.ME This file.
3. Expand documentation:
All the documentation is grouped into a Norton Guide file, to be read
by the Norton Guides program as supplied with Clipper 5.01. If you want
to print the documentation, use the NGPRINT.PRG program. The NGPRINT
program read's EXPAND.NG (using Expand Library features), and prints
it to a printable file, EXPAND.PRN for instance.
4. Licence Agreement:
Read the "Licence" Part of the documentation for full details on the
license. The Expand library for Clipper 5.01 is distributed on BBS's
in an Evaluation version. If you are going to effectively use the Library,
you must purchase the Library. You can purchase the Library in three different
ways, depending on the fact if you want (parts of) sources. Please read
the section "Registering" when you consider purchasing Expand. Note that you
now already have a fully functionnal version of the Library, no items
have been left out, as is required by the definition of "shareware".
5. "Quick" Compile:
If you want a Quick demonstration of the main features of the Expand library,
Compile and Link to XPDEMO.EXE as follows:
if you use .RTlink, or
if you use Blinker.
Note that you must first extract the Files from the XPDEMO.ARJ archive.
It is a good idea to place them in a separate directory.
6. Distribution:
When in the USA or Canada, contact the US distributor of the Expand Library:
United States Distributor
Dixie Aire Computer Services, Inc.
535, N. Ann Arbor, Suite 30
Phone (405)947-7779
Fax (405)947-7968
When in Germany, or any German speaking country, contact:
German Distributor
SoftSol: Software Solutions
Salzburger Häuser 4
D-2100 HAMBURG 90
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Phone +49-40-7665764
Fax +49-40-7665664
When in another European country or the rest of the World, contact:
Expand Library Author
Softwarebureau Pepijn Smits
Sophiastraat 8
3061 LT Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Phone +31-10-2120589
Fax +31-10-2121205
See the file ORDER.DOC for more information on ordering.
See the file REGISTER.DOC for info about the registration.