PC Press 1997 July
Text File
560 lines
* File......: NETTO.RMK
* Date......: $Date$
* Revision..: $Revision$
* Log file..: $Logfile$
* Modification history:
* ---------------------
* $Log$
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This makefile will allow you to use RMAKE, provided with every
Clipper 5.01 package, to maintain your own copy of NETTO.
It is also an example of one way to use RMAKE on a fairly
large project.
To use it, you must first understand what it does, and what your
limitations are. A discussion of MAKE utlities is beyond the scope
of this comment; read the CA-Clipper documentation, or the Norton Guide
file, for more information on RMAKE.
This makefile is different from some others in that it also
automatically builds the NETTO Norton Guide documentation.
Therefore, if you are familiar with the Nanforum Toolkit makefile,
this will be a bit more complex.
*** Compilers and Assemblers you need
Note that currently, NETTO sources are written in assembly language,
Clipper, and C. In order to do a perfect re-build of NETTO, you
need the following tools.
Microsoft C (v5.1 or later)
Borland Turbo Assembler
Nantucket Clipper v5.2 or later
Expert Help (a Norton Guide compiler from SofSolutions, Inc)
*** What's FT_DOC?
FT_DOC is a public domain program written by Leo Letendre, a
regular contributor to the Nanforum Toolkit. It automates the
process of building Norton Guide documentation from the Toolkit-style
documentation headers. It can be found on CompuServe as
FT_DOC.ZIP in library 5 of the CA-Clipper forum (GO CLIPPER). Complete
source is provided and the Nanforum Toolkit is required to build
*** What will PKZip be used for?
This makefile completely automates the production of the deliverable
components of the NETTO distribution. Therefore, one of the
final steps
*** What is Expert Help?
It is important to note that FT_DOC does not actually generate the
Norton Guide format files. It simply prepares input for a Norton
Guide compiler. While FT_DOC supports the Norton Guide
compiler, it also supports the Expert Help engine from Sofsolutions,
Inc., an excellent commercial package that is well-supported and
which we have used to build the NETTO documentation.
*** What is STAMPVER.EXE?
STAMPVER.EXE is a public domain program written by Glenn Scott
that simply stamps a date and time onto a file, given certain
version number-like parameters on the command line. It is
available in library 5 of the CA-Clipper forum on CompuServe
(GO CLIPPER). STAMPVER is used to date and time stamp all the
deliverables before they are zipped up.
*** Library Utility
Yyou must have a library utility. Microsoft supplies
LIB.EXE with its Compiler products, for example. LIB will work
fine with this makefile. Note that we assume a command line syntax
for library utilities that works like this:
lib <libname> -+objname
Note the "-+" directive, indicating "replace module." If your
library utility does not support this syntax on the command line,
then you will have to edit the relevant lines in the makefile.
A version of LIB.EXE can be found on CompuServe. Download S12776.ARC
from the MSL forum.
*** Customizing the Makefile
We have tried not to assume anything about your environment.
To achieve that flexibility, you must check and set some macros
that can be found just below this documentation. They are:
TARGLIB The name of the target library (i.e., NETTO.LIB) (no path!)
SRCZIP The path and name of the source distribution zip file
LIBZIP The path and name of the library distribution zip file
LIBADD Files to be added to library distribution zipfile
(i.e., readmes)
RELDIR Path to the directory where deliverables should end up
OBJDIR Path to the directory where .OBJ files should be put
SRCDIR Path to the root of the source directory tree
DOCDIR Path to the root of the documentation workarea
SAMPDIR Path to the root of the source code samples tree
DOCFILE Path and name of the documentation workfile
DOCLNK Path and name of the link script to be used by the
Norton Guide linker
RSPFILE Path and name of the response file to be used as
input to the library utility for building the library
CLIPCMD Path and name of the Clipper 5.x compiler
CLIPOPT Command line options for Clipper
CLIPINC Directory for CA-Supplied Clipper include files
TASMCMD Path and name of the Borland Turbo Assembler executable
TASMOPT Command line options for Turbo Assembler
CCMD Path and name of Microsoft C Compiler
CCOPT Command line options for Microsoft C
CCINC Directory for Microsoft C include files (see below)
LIBCMD Path and name of library utility
LIBOPT Command line options for the Library utilitiy
ZIPCMD Path and name of the compression utility used to build
distribution files
ZIPOPT Command line options for the compression utility
VERSION The version number to stamp on the file
RELDATE The release date to stamp on the file mm/dd/yy
Note that directory paths should *not* end in a backslash.
If you like to keep your .obj and source files in the same
directory, simply point the paths to the same place.
Be careful not to nest your "rebuilding environment" (see below)
too deep; you could end up creating very long command lines that
will exceed DOS limits.
*** How include files are handled
The librarian maintains a few versions of Clipper on his disk
at any one time, as well as one or two versions of various
C compilers. As time went on, he realized that the SET
INCLUDE= and SET LIB= environment variables were somewhat evil.
For example, toolkit v2.1 is supposed to be built with the
exact includes supplied by Computer Associates for 5.01a, but the
librarian's INCLUDE envar points to the 5.0 includes. Resetting
these variables is easy but if one forgets, there is a potential
for version confusion.
To eliminate confusion over where the globals are, the following
was decided:
All include files shall be pointed to explicitly using
compiler command line options, and if possible, the
INCLUDE environment variable shall be ignored.
Clipper 5.x provides the /i option for this, and Microsoft C
provides both the /X option and the /I option. Read your docs
for details.
*** Suggestions for setting up a "rebuilding environment"
Should you want to rebuild, the following is suggested:
First, make sure you keep an unmodified NETTO.LIB, downloaded
from the forum, in a safe place. Do not modify it.
Next, create a directory structure like this
*** Problems, bugs, support
Support for this makefile can be found on CompuServe, in the
Clipper Forum (GO CLIPPER). Leave messages in section 5
"Nanforum Toolkit"). Updates and patches will be posted in
Library 5.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RELDATE = 7/15/93
TARGLIB = netto.lib
RELDIR = $(WORKDRV)\release
SRCZIP = $(RELDIR)\nettos.zip
LIBZIP = $(RELDIR)\nettol.zip
LIBADD = $(DOCDIR)\readme.1st
DOCFILE = $(DOCDIR)\netto.lst
DOCLNK = $(DOCDIR)\netto.lnk
RSPFILE = $(OBJDIR)\netto.rsp
CLIPCMD = i:\c5\bin\clipper
CLIPINC = /ii:\c5\include;i:\inc\clip;$(SRCDIR)
CLIPOPT = /m /n /r /w /q /es2 $(CLIPINC)
CLIPOPT = /m /n /r /w /q /es2 $(CLIPINC) /DNOENCRYPTION
TASMCMD = tasm
DOCCMD = ft_doc
CCMD = cl
CCINC = /X /I i:\inc\msc /I i:\c5\include
CCOPT = /AL /Gs /FPa /Ox /Zl /c /Gh $(CCINC)
LIBCMD = lib
LIBLST = $(RELDIR)\netto.lst
ZIPCMD = pkzip
NGCMD = ehc
NGOPT = -ng -np
STAMPVER = stampver
LOGFILE = c:\build.log
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
!iffile $(RSPFILE)
#! del $(RSPFILE)
!iffile $(DOCFILE)
#! del $(DOCFILE)
!iffile $(LOGFILE)
#! del $(LOGFILE)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$(CLIPCMD) $< $(CLIPOPT) /o$@ >> $(LOGFILE)
echo -+$(OBJDIR)\$* & >> $(RSPFILE)
echo $< >> $(DOCFILE)
$(TASMCMD) $(TASMOPT) $<, $@; >> $(LOGFILE)
echo -+$(OBJDIR)\$* & >> $(RSPFILE)
echo $< >> $(DOCFILE)
$(CCMD) $(CCOPT) /Fo$(OBJDIR)\$* $< >> $(LOGFILE)
echo -+$(OBJDIR)\$* & >> $(RSPFILE)
echo -+$(SRCDIR)\login\llogin.obj >> $(RSPFILE)
echo $(LIBLST); >> $(RSPFILE)
if not exist $(RELDIR)\$(TARGLIB) $(LIBCMD) $(RELDIR)\$(TARGLIB);
echo No encryption support
echo. >> $(RSPFILE)
echo $(LIBLST); >> $(RSPFILE)
if not exist $(RELDIR)\$(TARGLIB) $(LIBCMD) $(RELDIR)\$(TARGLIB);
cd $(DOCDIR)
$(NGCMD) $< $(NGOPT) >> $(LOGFILE)
/* Accounting Services ---------------------------------------------- */
/* Bindery Services ------------------------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\acclevl.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\acclevl.prg
$(OBJDIR)\addbind.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\addbind.prg
$(OBJDIR)\chgosec.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\chgosec.prg
$(OBJDIR)\chgpass.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\chgpass.prg
$(OBJDIR)\chgpsec.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\chgpsec.prg
$(OBJDIR)\clsbind.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\clsbind.prg
$(OBJDIR)\crtobj.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\crtobj.prg
$(OBJDIR)\crtprop.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\crtprop.prg
$(OBJDIR)\delobj.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\delobj.prg
$(OBJDIR)\delobjs.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\delobjs.prg
$(OBJDIR)\delprop.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\delprop.prg
$(OBJDIR)\getname.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\getname.prg
$(OBJDIR)\getobjid.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\getobjid.prg
$(OBJDIR)\ingroup.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\ingroup.prg
$(OBJDIR)\isinset.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\isinset.prg
$(OBJDIR)\issupeq.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\issupeq.prg
$(OBJDIR)\maildir.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\maildir.prg
$(OBJDIR)\net386.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\net386.c
$(OBJDIR)\nwrdprop.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\nwrdprop.prg
$(OBJDIR)\objlists.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\objlists.prg
$(OBJDIR)\openbind.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\openbind.prg
$(OBJDIR)\renamobj.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\renamobj.prg
$(OBJDIR)\scanobj.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\scanobj.prg
$(OBJDIR)\scanprop.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\scanprop.prg
$(OBJDIR)\verpass.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\verpass.prg
$(OBJDIR)\writprop.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\writprop.prg
$(OBJDIR)\xbind.obj : $(SRCDIR)\bindery\xbind.prg
/* Connection / Workstation Services -------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\addr.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\addr.prg
$(OBJDIR)\attach.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\attach.prg
$(OBJDIR)\connid.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\connid.prg
$(OBJDIR)\conninf.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\conninf.prg
$(OBJDIR)\connum.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\connum.prg
$(OBJDIR)\drvinfo.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\drvinfo.prg
$(OBJDIR)\emode.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\emode.prg
$(OBJDIR)\env.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\env.prg
$(OBJDIR)\eoj.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\eoj.prg
$(OBJDIR)\fsname.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\fsname.prg
$(OBJDIR)\getsn.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\getsn.prg
$(OBJDIR)\logged.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\logged.prg
$(OBJDIR)\login.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\login.prg
$(OBJDIR)\shver.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\shver.prg
$(OBJDIR)\whoami.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\whoami.prg
$(OBJDIR)\xconnws.obj : $(SRCDIR)\connws\xconnws.prg
/* File System Services ----------------------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\allochan.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\allochan.prg
$(OBJDIR)\creatdir.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\creatdir.prg
$(OBJDIR)\curdir.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\curdir.prg
$(OBJDIR)\deletdir.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\deletdir.prg
$(OBJDIR)\devtype.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\devtype.prg
$(OBJDIR)\dvolnm.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\dvolnm.prg
$(OBJDIR)\extattr.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\extattr.prg
$(OBJDIR)\fisvcpy.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\fisvcpy.prg
$(OBJDIR)\getdh.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\getdh.prg
$(OBJDIR)\getpath.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\getpath.prg
$(OBJDIR)\getright.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\getright.prg
$(OBJDIR)\gdlfso.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\gdlfso.prg
$(OBJDIR)\gsofdl.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\gsofdl.prg
$(OBJDIR)\rendir.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\rendir.prg
$(OBJDIR)\rights.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\rights.prg
$(OBJDIR)\resdh.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\resdh.prg
$(OBJDIR)\savdh.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\savdh.prg
$(OBJDIR)\setdh.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\setdh.prg
$(OBJDIR)\showdot.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\showdot.prg
$(OBJDIR)\volinf.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\volinf.prg
$(OBJDIR)\volinfh.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\volinfh.prg
$(OBJDIR)\volinfn.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\volinfn.prg
$(OBJDIR)\volname.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\volname.prg
$(OBJDIR)\volnum.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\volnum.prg
$(OBJDIR)\xdirect.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fsys\xdirect.prg
/* File Server Services --------------------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\chkcon.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fserv\chkcon.prg
$(OBJDIR)\clrconn.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fserv\clrconn.prg
$(OBJDIR)\fsdtime.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fserv\fsdtime.prg
$(OBJDIR)\fslogin.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fserv\fslogin.prg
$(OBJDIR)\getfsi.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fserv\getfsi.prg
$(OBJDIR)\maxconn.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fserv\maxconn.prg
$(OBJDIR)\netver.obj : $(SRCDIR)\fserv\netver.prg
/* Message Services ------------------------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\bmode.obj : $(SRCDIR)\msgserv\bmode.prg
$(OBJDIR)\broadmsg.obj : $(SRCDIR)\msgserv\broadmsg.prg
$(OBJDIR)\btoc.obj : $(SRCDIR)\msgserv\btoc.prg
/* MHS Services ----------------------------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\mhs.obj : $(SRCDIR)\mhs\mhs.prg
/* Miscellaneous Services ------------------------------------------- */
/* Print Services --------------------------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\banuser.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\banuser.prg
$(OBJDIR)\capflags.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\capflags.prg
$(OBJDIR)\captfile.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\captfile.prg
$(OBJDIR)\captpjob.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\captpjob.prg
$(OBJDIR)\captpque.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\captpque.prg
$(OBJDIR)\deflpt.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\deflpt.prg
$(OBJDIR)\gcapstat.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\gcapstat.prg
$(OBJDIR)\getque.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\getque.prg
$(OBJDIR)\gptrsta.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\gptrsta.prg
$(OBJDIR)\lptcapt.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\lptcapt.prg
$(OBJDIR)\setprc.obj : $(SRCDIR)\print\setprc.prg
/* Queue Services ---------------------------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\abortsvc.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\abortsvc.prg
$(OBJDIR)\cfabort.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\cfabort.prg
$(OBJDIR)\cfstqjb.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\cfstqjb.prg
$(OBJDIR)\chqjent.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\chqjent.prg
$(OBJDIR)\chqjpos.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\chqjpos.prg
$(OBJDIR)\creatq.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\creatq.prg
$(OBJDIR)\crqjbfi.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\crqjbfi.prg
$(OBJDIR)\finsvc.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\finsvc.prg
$(OBJDIR)\joblist.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\joblist.prg
$(OBJDIR)\miscq.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\miscq.prg
$(OBJDIR)\qjfsize.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\qjfsize.prg
$(OBJDIR)\qrights.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\qrights.prg
$(OBJDIR)\qsstat.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\qsstat.prg
$(OBJDIR)\rdgjent.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\rdqjent.prg
$(OBJDIR)\rdqstat.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\rdqstat.prg
$(OBJDIR)\remjob.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\remjob.prg
$(OBJDIR)\scurstat.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\scurstat.prg
$(OBJDIR)\svcqjob.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\svcqjob.prg
$(OBJDIR)\xprtjob.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\xprtjob.prg
$(OBJDIR)\xqjob.obj : $(SRCDIR)\qms\xqjob.prg
/* Synchronization Services ------------------------------------------ */
$(OBJDIR)\clrrelfi.obj : $(SRCDIR)\synchro\clrrelfi.prg
$(OBJDIR)\lockfile.obj : $(SRCDIR)\synchro\lockfile.prg
$(OBJDIR)\lockmode.obj : $(SRCDIR)\synchro\lockmode.prg
$(OBJDIR)\logfile.obj : $(SRCDIR)\synchro\logfile.prg
$(OBJDIR)\logrec.obj : $(SRCDIR)\synchro\logrec.prg
$(OBJDIR)\sema.obj : $(SRCDIR)\synchro\sema.prg
/* Transaction Tracking System Services ------------------------------ */
$(OBJDIR)\tts.obj : $(SRCDIR)\tts\tts.prg
/* To be determined / Undocumented ----------------------------------- */
$(OBJDIR)\fnncp.obj : $(SRCDIR)\ncp\fnncp.prg
$(OBJDIR)\ncpcon.obj : $(SRCDIR)\ncp\ncpcon.prg
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
echo Building $(SRCZIP) >> $(LOGFILE)
del $(SRCZIP)
echo exclude.ex > $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.obj >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.rsp >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.bak >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.ch >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.err >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.log >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.txt >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.eho >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.bat >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo *.ngi >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo $(DOCFILE) >> $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
$(ZIPCMD) -a -r -p -x@$(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex $(SRCZIP) $(SRCDIR)\*.*
del $(DOCDIR)\exclude.ex
echo NETTO v$(VERSION) - Source code > $(DOCDIR)\comment.txt
$(ZIPCMD) $(SRCZIP) -z < $(DOCDIR)\comment.txt
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$(DOCDIR)\inf.eho : $(DOCDIR)\inf.doc
$(DOCDIR)\res.eho : $(DOCDIR)\res.doc
$(DOCDIR)\structs.eho : $(DOCDIR)\structs.doc
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
del $(RELDIR)\*.bak
echo !name: Netto Release $(VERSION) Reference Guide > $(DOCDIR)\NETTO.TOP
echo !credits: >> $(DOCDIR)\NETTO.TOP
echo Netto >> $(DOCDIR)\NETTO.TOP
echo Novell NetWare (tm) API Library for CA-Clipper (tm) >> $(DOCDIR)\NETTO.TOP
echo Supported on CompuServe -- `GO CLIPPER' >> $(DOCDIR)\NETTO.TOP
echo Public domain software; no warranties; provided AS IS. >> $(DOCDIR)\NETTO.TOP
cd $(DOCDIR)
copy $(DOCDIR)\*.NG $(RELDIR)
copy $(SRCDIR)\*.CH $(RELDIR)
cd $(RELDIR)
del $(LIBZIP)
echo NETTO v$(VERSION) - Library & Documentation > $(DOCDIR)\comment.txt
$(ZIPCMD) $(LIBZIP) -z < $(DOCDIR)\comment.txt
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */