PC Press 1997 July
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152 lines
# CL520MID.LNK - 03/22/93 Version 1.0
# Blinker link script for CA-Clipper 5.2
# Based on Chuck Friedel's original CL501STD.LNK for Clipper 5.01
# Our thanks go to Chuck for his valued efforts in preparing the
# original script on which this script is based. Chuck's original script
# (CL501STD.LNK) has been used by many as a standard script in all
# applications, as it achieves good memory savings with minimal
# performance degradation.
# For ease of use this script should be stored in your library
# directory, (the directory pointed to by the LIB environment variable),
# which will allow Blinker to find the script without you having to specify
# a full path.
# This script MUST be included outside of any BEGINAREA / ENDAREA commands
# and after all libraries except the RDDs and LLIBCA if it is being used).
# example:
# FILE one
# FILE two
# FILE three
# FILE four
# @CL520MID
# LIB LLIBCA # (if used)
# Modules within CLIPPER.LIB are, by their nature, called very frequently
# within any CLIPPER application. Therefore, overlaying these routines
# will almost certainly result in some performance degradation, which can
# be minimised by increasing the OVERLAY OPSIZE, and enabling the overlay
# cache (Blinker 2.0 and above).
mod tbrowse0 # Uncomment these three lines
mod tbrowse1 # to speed up TBROWSE by forcing
mod linelen # it into the root.
lib clipper
mod ACCEPT # .c
mod ACOPY # .c
mod ADEL # .c
mod AINS # .c
mod APPEXIT # .c
mod APPINIT # .c
mod ATAIL # .c
mod CMEM # .c
mod DBCMD0 # .c
mod DBCMD1 # .c
mod DBCMD2 # .c
mod DBCMD3 # .c
mod DBCMD4 # .c
mod DBCMD5 # .c
mod DBCREATE # .c
mod DBGAPI # .c
mod DBGSHADO # .c
mod DBNUBS # .asm
mod DBSTRUCT # .c
mod DELIMDYN # .asm
mod DISKIO # .c
mod DLM0 # .c
mod DLM1 # .c
mod EMMALLOC # .asm
mod EMMCOUNT # .asm
mod EMMFREE # .asm
mod EMMINST # .asm
mod EMMPAGE # .asm
mod EMMREALL # .asm
mod EMMSTAT # .asm
mod EMMVERS # .asm
mod ERRORSYS # Clipper
mod ERRSYS0 # .c
# mod ERRSYS1 # .c (Overlay if not using PS ERROR)
mod EXACTCMP # .c
mod GETENV # .c
mod GETS0 # .c
mod GETS1 # .c
mod GETS2 # .c
mod GX # .c
mod INITEXIT # .c
mod INSTD # .asm
mod JOINLIST # .c
mod LUPDATE # .c
mod MAXROW # .c
mod MEMORY # .c
mod MRELEASE # .c
mod MSAVE # .c
mod OLDBOX # .c
mod OLDCLEAR # .c
mod OUTSTD # .c
mod PHILES # .c
mod RDDORD # .c
mod RDDSRV # .c
mod RUN # .c
mod SAVEREST # .c
mod SCROLL # .c
mod SDF0 # .c
mod SDF1 # .c
mod SDFDYN # .asm
mod SEND # .c
mod SEQ # .c
mod SORTOF # .c
mod SQUAWK # .asm
mod STARTSYM # .asm
mod TB # .c
# mod TXOPEN # .c (Overlay if not using NETLIB)
mod VERSION # .c
mod _AFIELDS # Clipper
mod _APPINI # Clipper
mod _ATPROMP # Clipper
mod _CENTURY # Clipper
mod _DBCOPY # Clipper
mod _DBDELIM # Clipper
mod _DBF # Clipper
mod _DBFLIST # Clipper
mod _DBGBROW # Clipper
mod _DBGHELP # Clipper
mod _DBGINSP # Clipper
mod _DBGMENU # Clipper
mod _DBJOIN # Clipper
mod _DBLIST # Clipper
mod _DBLOCAT # Clipper
mod _DBSDF # Clipper
mod _DBSORT # Clipper
mod _DBSTRUX # Clipper
mod _DBTOTAL # Clipper
mod _DBUPDAT # Clipper
mod _DELIM # Clipper
mod _ERRSYS # Clipper
mod _FLEDIT # Clipper
mod _GETMSG # Clipper
mod _GETSYS # Clipper
mod _HELPKEY # Clipper
mod _INPUT # Clipper
mod _RDDORD # Clipper
mod _READVAR # Clipper
mod _SAVESCR # Clipper
mod _SETFUNC # Clipper
mod _SETTA # Clipper
mod _TEXT # Clipper
mod _WAIT # Clipper
lib terminal
lib dbfntx