PC Press 1997 July
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PRODUCT : Paradox NUMBER : 684
DATE : August 12, 1992 PAGE : 1/4
TITLE : A Brief Description of New Features in Paradox 3.5
The major changes in the technical upgrade of Paradox ver 3.0 to
3.5 are in the areas of memory management, connectivity to SQL
databases, updates to PAL, changes in the form and report
generators, and some improvements to the Custom Configuration
1-In the area of memory management the major changes are:
The application of VROOMM (tm) technology into Paradox now allows
it to run faster while requiring less memory (depending on
equipment and configuration), thereby leaving more memory for
your network drivers, your applications, and/or your data.
On an 80286 or 80386 based computer Paradox can be configured to
run in real mode or protected mode if you have more than 1MB of
RAM. Real mode is that which simulates the functionality of the
8086 computer, (addressing up to 1MB of RAM) and the ability to
utilize expanded memory only. In real mode Paradox 3.5 can use
expanded (EMS) and extended RAM as a swap device or disk cache.
In protected mode Paradox can now utilize your systems' hardware
to best advantage. Since extended memory does not use a memory
manager based on 64K pages, its' use is advantageous over
expanded memory. Paradox 3.5 can load in protected mode if there
is 1MB or more of extended memory, so that up to 16MB of RAM can
be addressed for program code, applications, data, scripts and
variables. With enough memory swapping to disk can be reduced in
most cases. This also means that Paradox 2.0 version 386 is no
longer needed. In addition, there are command line parameters
that will allow you to control the amount of extended and/or
expanded memory Paradox 3.5 is using, thereby leaving the
remainder of your memory available for other programs.
If you are operating on a 8088 IBM XT, there will be little or no
difference in the performance you will see. If you have a 286 or
386 and no extended RAM, again you will notice little change. If
however you have a 286 or 386 and total RAM of more than 2
megabytes, your applications should run faster. How much faster
will be determined by a number of different factors. The type of
work you do and how much RAM you have available for Paradox 3.5
are the two main determining factors.
2-A second area which differs from Paradox 3.0 is connectivity.
PRODUCT : Paradox NUMBER : 684
DATE : August 12, 1992 PAGE : 2/4
TITLE : A Brief Description of New Features in Paradox 3.5
Paradox 3.5 is SQL Link available for when you might need
connectivity an SQL database. The Paradox SQL-Link is a separate
package you can add anytime. With the SQL Link Paradox can now
perform QBE and other data manipulation operations on data stored
on the following SQL servers without the user first having to
learn SQL:
-IBM OS/2 Extended Edition v 1.2 Database Manager
-Oracle Server v6.0
-Microsoft SQL Server v 1.0 or higher
-with more SQL database servers to be added in the future.
3-Improvements to Forms and Reports include:
Now up to 9 tables may be embedded in a single master form (up
from 5 embedded tables in version 3).
Also, many PAL functions and commands are now available in
Reports and Forms. Some of these are: ABS, ACOS, CAVERAGE, CSUM,
4-Changes to Paradox Network Support are:
Paradox now supports 3Com 3Plus Open networks. Additionally,
Paradox also supports:
-Standard 3Com 3+
-Novell Netware Versions 2.0A or higher
-IBM PCLan Version 1.12 or higher
-AT&T StarGroup for DOS Version 3.1 or higher
-Banyan Vines version 2.10 or higher
5-The Custom Configuration Program Has the Following Additions
and Changes:
Tune: The custom program has a new section called Tune that deals
with the way Paradox handles the use of Extended and Expanded
RAM. From within the Tune menu you can optimize the speed with
which Paradox accesses Protected Mode RAM.
PRODUCT : Paradox NUMBER : 684
DATE : August 12, 1992 PAGE : 3/4
TITLE : A Brief Description of New Features in Paradox 3.5
Setting colors has a new menu which makes customizing the Paradox
screens a simpler process.
6-Some Other Changes To Paradox are:
Import/Export - Now able to Import/Export Quattro Pro Files
Menus - Paradox now uses "incremental menus". If any menu has
more than one choice with the same starting letter, typing the
second, third and successive letters of the choice you want will
select the item with the minimum number of keystrokes. The
visible list of choices will be limited on-screen as the letters
are entered.
As usual, earlier versions are upwardly compatible. Table
objects (data, valchecks, image seatings, etc.) produced in 3.0
or earlier versions will work in Paradox 3.5 (It is recommended
that you use {Modify} {Restructure} <F10> {Do-it!} without making
changes to your tables once in Paradox 3.5).
Microsoft (tm) Windows - Paradox will also run within Enhanced
mode Windows 3, but only in Real mode. It can use Expanded Ram
under Windows control as Paradox is XMS compatible. The PIF and
GRP files are provided for using Paradox under Windows 3.0. See
the Paradox README.
7-PAL has been updated in this new release in a number of ways:
Some new PAL commands include:
-CalcDebug which Allows a calculated field to display a blank
(with OFF option) or display ERROR (with CalcDebug set to ON).
-SaveTables - Forces table changes out to the disk without
clearing the workspace, locks and main mode activities.
-ShowArray, ShowFiles, ShowMenu, ShowTables - The Until and Keyto
options have been added to the commands above. The Until option
allows a programmer to set exit keys in a manner similar to the
WAIT TABLE command. The Keyto option will store the key pressed
to select from the menu to a variable.
Some of the changed PAL commands are:
PRODUCT : Paradox NUMBER : 684
DATE : August 12, 1992 PAGE : 4/4
TITLE : A Brief Description of New Features in Paradox 3.5
-CopyToArray has been changed to allow insertion of new records
into detail table.
-Run NoShell - New option for RUN that will not automatically
load command.com. This saves memory, and allows DOS error values
to be passed to Retval when Paradox is entered again.
-SETSWAP has changed to fit into the totally new memory
management system.
Some of the new functions are:
-Rmemleft() - This function returns a value representing the
amount of RAM available in the Code Pool portion of available
-FormType() - This is a Boolean function that requires a text
string of a form type (MultiRecord, linked, etc.). The function
will then return its value based on the type of form currently
-RecordStatus() - This is a Boolean function that is passed a
string of a status (new, locked, modified, etc.) It will then
return true or false based on the status of the current image
<Alt-F10> {MiniScript} and {Value} - When using MiniScript or
Value, the <CTRL-E> key stroke will bring up the last line typed
in, allowing you to edit the previous line. <CTRL-E> key stroke
will bring up the last line typed in, allowing you to edit the
previous line.
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subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that
you received with the Borland product to which this information