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Text File  |  1997-09-16  |  10KB  |  1,106 lines

  1. aboriginal
  2. aborigine
  3. about
  4. absurd
  5. accessary
  6. accessory
  7. acclaim
  8. acetylene
  9. acquit
  10. acrylic
  11. action
  12. activist
  13. adherent
  14. adjustable
  15. admission
  16. adolescent
  17. all
  18. alleged
  19. alpine
  20. analysis
  21. and
  22. annual
  23. ant
  24. antenna
  25. antidepressant
  26. apartment
  27. applicator
  28. arch
  29. architecture
  30. archivist
  31. artichoke
  32. articulate
  33. as
  34. assignment
  35. at
  36. auditorium
  37. auditory
  38. avocado
  39. awkward
  40. backgammon
  41. backlog
  42. bacteria
  43. bank
  44. barefoot
  45. barely
  46. barley
  47. barometer
  48. barometers
  49. basil
  50. batsman
  51. be
  52. beautician
  53. bedlam
  54. been
  55. beetroot
  56. bench
  57. berserk
  58. bestial
  59. bible
  60. billet
  61. billiards
  62. bipartisan
  63. blackcurrant
  64. blizzard
  65. bolt
  66. bondage
  67. bout
  68. brace
  69. briefcase
  70. broadcaster
  71. broccoli
  72. bulb
  73. bulldog
  74. bumper
  75. buoy
  76. but
  77. by
  78. bypass
  79. bystander
  80. calm
  81. cannibal
  82. canvass
  83. capsicum
  84. cardboard
  85. carriage
  86. cassata
  87. casserole
  88. cassette
  89. casualty
  90. cauliflower
  91. celebrant
  92. celery
  93. chalk
  94. chapel
  95. chapter
  96. cheep
  97. chive
  98. choir
  99. chute
  100. cicada
  101. circuit
  102. cladding
  103. clam
  104. clamp
  105. cleaver
  106. clinic
  107. clockwise
  108. clump
  109. cochlear
  110. cockpit
  111. colleague
  112. compact
  113. compartment
  114. competence
  115. comportment
  116. cone
  117. conform
  118. consenting
  119. constellation
  120. consumption
  121. continent
  122. continental
  123. contrary
  124. coolant
  125. coolest
  126. core
  127. cormorant
  128. cottage
  129. cough
  130. could
  131. courage
  132. creditor
  133. cremation
  134. crisper
  135. croissant
  136. crust
  137. cumquat
  138. cymbals
  139. cypress
  140. dairy
  141. date
  142. decay
  143. deceased
  144. deity
  145. delegation
  146. dentures
  147. dermatologist
  148. desperate
  149. detachable
  150. deter
  151. detergent
  152. detour
  153. dictator
  154. did
  155. directorship
  156. discrimination
  157. dispenser
  158. disposable
  159. dispose
  160. ditch
  161. do
  162. does
  163. done
  164. donor
  165. dragonfly
  166. drain
  167. drastic
  168. drawbridge
  169. dressmaker
  170. drier
  171. earn
  172. earnest
  173. earth
  174. eat
  175. eclipse
  176. edible
  177. egg
  178. eggplant
  179. eject
  180. electronic
  181. element
  182. elevation
  183. ellipse
  184. embalm
  185. embroidered
  186. emission
  187. encrusted
  188. enrol
  189. entente
  190. envious
  191. escalator
  192. escort
  193. espresso
  194. essay
  195. evaporate
  196. evergreen
  197. evoked
  198. exotic
  199. exploit
  200. external
  201. fallout
  202. far
  203. fatal
  204. fatality
  205. fellowship
  206. fertiliser
  207. fickle
  208. finance
  209. flare
  210. flatter
  211. flora
  212. flout
  213. focus
  214. for
  215. forgave
  216. forgery
  217. foundation
  218. foyer
  219. fracture
  220. fragile
  221. freak
  222. from
  223. funnel
  224. futuristic
  225. galaxy
  226. gallery
  227. galley
  228. gargle
  229. gawk
  230. generator
  231. girder
  232. global
  233. gokart
  234. graduation
  235. graft
  236. grater
  237. gratia
  238. gravy
  239. grieve
  240. grog
  241. guitar
  242. gumtree
  243. gynaecologist
  244. hacksaw
  245. had
  246. ham
  247. handlebars
  248. hangover
  249. harbour
  250. hardship
  251. hatchback
  252. have
  253. hawk
  254. hazelnut
  255. he
  256. heartbreaking
  257. hem
  258. hemisphere
  259. her
  260. herb
  261. herbier
  262. herbivore
  263. hessian
  264. hewn
  265. him
  266. hire
  267. hive
  268. hobo
  269. hollow
  270. honorary
  271. hoof
  272. hooligan
  273. humidifier
  274. hut
  275. hydrofoil
  276. hygiene
  277. hypnotic
  278. hypochondriac
  279. ideal
  280. identify
  281. if
  282. immature
  283. immediate
  284. impulsive
  285. in
  286. inclusive
  287. inconvenient
  288. index
  289. industrial
  290. infectious
  291. initiative
  292. inmate
  293. insulation
  294. intensify
  295. intoxication
  296. invalid
  297. irritable
  298. is
  299. itinerant
  300. jaundice
  301. javelin
  302. jaw
  303. jet
  304. jitters
  305. judo
  306. jungle
  307. jury
  308. keyboard
  309. kidney
  310. knapsack
  311. knob
  312. lamb
  313. lantern
  314. lapel
  315. lapse
  316. latest
  317. lathe
  318. launch
  319. leaf
  320. leech
  321. leek
  322. liberty
  323. lighthouse
  324. limb
  325. limitation
  326. limousine
  327. literacy
  328. litter
  329. livestock
  330. lunar
  331. macaroni
  332. macaroon
  333. maggot
  334. magnate
  335. magnet
  336. magnetic
  337. magnetics
  338. maim
  339. mallet
  340. mango
  341. maniac
  342. manicure
  343. manners
  344. manor
  345. mantelpiece
  346. manure
  347. mare
  348. mascara
  349. mast
  350. mature
  351. mayor
  352. mechanics
  353. melted
  354. memorial
  355. menage
  356. mender
  357. menthol
  358. mercury
  359. meringue
  360. mesh
  361. messier
  362. meteors
  363. mezzanine
  364. millennium
  365. mirage
  366. miscarriage
  367. miscellaneous
  368. mischief
  369. mischievous
  370. moderate
  371. moistener
  372. mooring
  373. mortar
  374. mouthful
  375. muffin
  376. muffler
  377. multimedia
  378. multinational
  379. multipurpose
  380. musk
  381. mustard
  382. muster
  383. mutate
  384. nag
  385. nap
  386. naval
  387. nectarine
  388. neglect
  389. negotiator
  390. nest
  391. neutron
  392. nip
  393. no
  394. nomadic
  395. not
  396. notify
  397. nozzle
  398. oats
  399. obstacle
  400. obstetrician
  401. occupational
  402. occur
  403. odometer
  404. odour
  405. of
  406. offend
  407. olive
  408. omit
  409. on
  410. opportunist
  411. oral
  412. orchard
  413. orchestra
  414. orchid
  415. orientate
  416. ornament
  417. ostrich
  418. otter
  419. ounce
  420. ozone
  421. paddock
  422. paddocks
  423. padlock
  424. pagoda
  425. pancake
  426. paramedical
  427. parched
  428. pardon
  429. parliament
  430. parole
  431. parquet
  432. parsley
  433. particle
  434. partition
  435. passenger
  436. password
  437. patent
  438. pathologist
  439. patio
  440. pavlova
  441. pea
  442. peach
  443. peanut
  444. peasant
  445. pebble
  446. peculiar
  447. pedal
  448. pedestrian
  449. pee
  450. pellet
  451. pelvis
  452. perdition
  453. peril
  454. perishable
  455. pew
  456. pharmacy
  457. phial
  458. phyla
  459. picket
  460. pierce
  461. pistachio
  462. plagiarist
  463. planetarium
  464. plant
  465. platform
  466. pledge
  467. plenty
  468. plum
  469. plural
  470. plush
  471. pneumonia
  472. poach
  473. poacher
  474. poet
  475. polar
  476. policy
  477. political
  478. pollen
  479. population
  480. populous
  481. porcupine
  482. portable
  483. position
  484. practical
  485. prank
  486. precaution
  487. predictable
  488. prejudice
  489. premature
  490. prescription
  491. pretzel
  492. prevent
  493. preview
  494. priesthood
  495. privatise
  496. privileged
  497. probe
  498. professor
  499. pronunciation
  500. proof
  501. proposal
  502. prosecution
  503. prudent
  504. psychosomatic
  505. public
  506. publicity
  507. punt
  508. punter
  509. putter
  510. puzzle
  511. quarry
  512. quay
  513. quell
  514. quest
  515. quiche
  516. racist
  517. radar
  518. radical
  519. radish
  520. railing
  521. rainfall
  522. ramble
  523. randomly
  524. rapid
  525. rare
  526. rawhide
  527. reaction
  528. rebel
  529. rectify
  530. recuperate
  531. recycle
  532. recycled
  533. refine
  534. refinery
  535. reflector
  536. refreshments
  537. refrigerated
  538. regulation
  539. reimburse
  540. reinforce
  541. reinforced
  542. relapse
  543. rely
  544. remain
  545. remedial
  546. remedy
  547. remote
  548. renew
  549. renovation
  550. rental
  551. repay
  552. repulsive
  553. reputation
  554. request
  555. reservoir
  556. resort
  557. respect
  558. restoration
  559. retitle
  560. revive
  561. roast
  562. roasting
  563. roosting
  564. root
  565. rough
  566. royal
  567. runaway
  568. runway
  569. rural
  570. ruthless
  571. rye
  572. sabotage
  573. saddle
  574. safari
  575. saloon
  576. sapphire
  577. sate
  578. satellite
  579. satire
  580. scallop
  581. scan
  582. scandal
  583. scavenge
  584. scheme
  585. schooner
  586. scientific
  587. scissors
  588. scoff
  589. secretive
  590. seizure
  591. seminar
  592. sensitive
  593. sentimental
  594. serial
  595. sermon
  596. settee
  597. settle
  598. shackles
  599. shandy
  600. she
  601. shekels
  602. sheriff
  603. shingles
  604. shutter
  605. shuttlecock
  606. signal
  607. silky
  608. silo
  609. silverware
  610. singular
  611. sinus
  612. siphon
  613. skim
  614. skull
  615. skylight
  616. skyscraper
  617. slaughter
  618. slave
  619. so
  620. sociable
  621. socket
  622. solar
  623. solemn
  624. soluble
  625. solvent
  626. soot
  627. sophisticated
  628. spacesuit
  629. spearman
  630. speedometer
  631. spicy
  632. spinal
  633. spiral
  634. spire
  635. splinter
  636. splurge
  637. sponge
  638. sprinkler
  639. stability
  640. stable
  641. stadium
  642. stagnant
  643. stalk
  644. starvation
  645. stationary
  646. stationery
  647. status
  648. steamer
  649. steep
  650. stepladder
  651. stew
  652. stilts
  653. strainer
  654. strategy
  655. stretcher
  656. studio
  657. sublet
  658. subscribe
  659. suggest
  660. sulk
  661. sundial
  662. super
  663. supergene
  664. superior
  665. supervisor
  666. surname
  667. surveyor
  668. swab
  669. swivel
  670. symbols
  671. symphony
  672. tadpole
  673. tadpoles
  674. tail
  675. tame
  676. tanker
  677. tapestry
  678. target
  679. tarmac
  680. tax
  681. temper
  682. temperature
  683. temple
  684. temporary
  685. tempt
  686. tender
  687. terminate
  688. territory
  689. terror
  690. terrorism
  691. testify
  692. than
  693. that
  694. that
  695. thaw
  696. their
  697. them
  698. thermostat
  699. this
  700. thoughtful
  701. threshold
  702. throb
  703. through
  704. tidal
  705. tide
  706. title
  707. to
  708. toadstool
  709. toaster
  710. tobacco
  711. toenail
  712. toffee
  713. tombstone
  714. tongs
  715. tortoise
  716. tough
  717. tourniquet
  718. tramp
  719. trawler
  720. trespass
  721. trial
  722. trimmer
  723. tripod
  724. tropical
  725. tropics
  726. trunk
  727. turban
  728. turbine
  729. tutor
  730. twig
  731. typical
  732. tyrant
  733. ultimate
  734. unaware
  735. uncertain
  736. uncomfortable
  737. unconscious
  738. undergraduate
  739. undeveloped
  740. unemployment
  741. uninformed
  742. union
  743. united
  744. university
  745. unqualified
  746. unreliable
  747. unrest
  748. until
  749. upright
  750. urban
  751. urbane
  752. usher
  753. ute
  754. utility
  755. vacancy
  756. vacuum
  757. vague
  758. vandal
  759. vat
  760. veal
  761. vehicle
  762. veins
  763. velum
  764. velvet
  765. vent
  766. versatile
  767. very
  768. viable
  769. vibrate
  770. vice
  771. village
  772. vine
  773. vintage
  774. visa
  775. visor
  776. vital
  777. vocal
  778. voltage
  779. volts
  780. voluntary
  781. voucher
  782. voyage
  783. waffle
  784. wagon
  785. wallet
  786. walnut
  787. walrus
  788. warning
  789. warrant
  790. was
  791. washer
  792. wasp
  793. watercolours
  794. waterproof
  795. wax
  796. weapon
  797. weasel
  798. weekender
  799. weevil
  800. welfare
  801. were
  802. wheat
  803. wheelbarrow
  804. whey
  805. which
  806. whisk
  807. wholemeal
  808. widow
  809. wig
  810. willow
  811. winch
  812. windbreak
  813. windmill
  814. windshield
  815. wisdom
  816. wisher
  817. wit
  818. with
  819. wok
  820. woodcut
  821. workaholic
  822. worthy
  823. would
  824. wrapping
  825. wreck
  826. wrinkled
  827. x-ray
  828. yacht
  829. yawn
  830. yellowish
  831. yes
  832. yet
  833. yoga
  834. yoghurt
  835. yolk
  836. zenith
  837. zest
  838. zombie
  839. zoo
  840. zoom
  841. zucchini
  842. Aaron
  843. Abdollah
  844. Abraham
  845. Adam
  846. Adriana
  847. Alan
  848. Alex
  849. Amanda
  850. Andrew
  851. Andy
  852. Angelo
  853. Ann
  854. Athena
  855. Ayeesha
  856. Barbara
  857. Becky
  858. Bert
  859. Beth
  860. Bill
  861. Bonnie
  862. Branko
  863. Bruce
  864. Carlos
  865. Carol
  866. Carolyn
  867. Cheryl
  868. Clara
  869. Colin
  870. Con
  871. Craig
  872. Damian
  873. Danielle
  874. Darlene
  875. Deirdre
  876. Dennis
  877. Dimitri
  878. Douglas
  879. Duncan
  880. Eamonn
  881. Elaine
  882. Emma
  883. Eva
  884. Frances
  885. Francis
  886. Garry
  887. Gavin
  888. George
  889. Germaine
  890. Gillian
  891. Gordon
  892. Greg
  893. Guenter
  894. Hamish
  895. Heather
  896. Helen
  897. Helena
  898. Howard
  899. Imogen
  900. Isobel
  901. Jack
  902. Jamal
  903. Janine
  904. Jennifer
  905. Jeremy
  906. Jerry
  907. Joe
  908. John
  909. John
  910. Juan
  911. Justin
  912. Karen
  913. Kathleen
  914. Katrina
  915. Kim
  916. Larry
  917. Lenny
  918. Liza
  919. Luke
  920. Lynn
  921. Marcello
  922. Margaret
  923. Maria
  924. Marion
  925. Mary
  926. Maureen
  927. Meg
  928. Megan
  929. Melissa
  930. Melissa
  931. Michael
  932. Mila
  933. Milan
  934. Minh
  935. Mitch
  936. Mohammed
  937. Monica
  938. Murry
  939. Nadia
  940. Nakhoul
  941. Natalie
  942. Nguyen
  943. Nicky
  944. Noel
  945. Norman
  946. Oliver
  947. Pamela
  948. Patricia
  949. Penny
  950. Philip
  951. Priscilla
  952. Ralph
  953. Ray
  954. Richard
  955. Robert
  956. Rodney
  957. Rosalie
  958. Rosemary
  959. Roxanne
  960. Ruth
  961. Sally
  962. Sam
  963. Sam
  964. Sarah
  965. Sean
  966. Simone
  967. Stephen
  968. Susan
  969. Tara
  970. Terry
  971. Thanh
  972. Therese
  973. Tim
  974. Tom
  975. Tony
  976. Trevor
  977. Tsang
  978. Vanessa
  979. Vivienne
  980. Warren
  981. Wendy
  982. Albany
  983. Arnhem
  984. Bairnsdale
  985. Ballarat
  986. Barton
  987. Beaumaris
  988. Belconnen
  989. Bendigo
  990. Bondi
  991. Braddon
  992. Brighton
  993. Broadbeach
  994. Broome
  995. Brunswick
  996. Bunbury
  997. Burnside
  998. Cairns
  999. Campbelltown
  1000. Canterbury
  1001. Carlingford
  1002. Carlton
  1003. Claremont
  1004. Coburg
  1005. Como
  1006. Concord
  1007. Cooktown
  1008. Coolangatta
  1009. Cottesloe
  1010. Croydon
  1011. Currumbin
  1012. Dalkeith
  1013. Dandenong
  1014. Darlinghurst
  1015. Darlington
  1016. Doncaster
  1017. Dubbo
  1018. Elizabeth
  1019. Elsternwick
  1020. Epping
  1021. Essendon
  1022. Fitzroy
  1023. Frankston
  1024. Fremantle
  1025. Geelong
  1026. Geraldton
  1027. Glebe
  1028. Glebe
  1029. Glenelg
  1030. Gosford
  1031. Grafton
  1032. Gympie
  1033. Hackney
  1034. Hahndorf
  1035. Heidelberg
  1036. Highgate
  1037. Hill
  1038. Hindmarsh
  1039. Homebush
  1040. Indooroopilly
  1041. Jolimont
  1042. Kakadu
  1043. Kalgoorlie
  1044. Karrinyup
  1045. Katherine
  1046. Katoomba
  1047. Kensington
  1048. Kwinana
  1049. Larrakeyah
  1050. Lismore
  1051. Liverpool
  1052. Longreach
  1053. Manly
  1054. Maryborough
  1055. Mitcham
  1056. Mordialloc
  1057. Moreton
  1058. Morningside
  1059. Mosman
  1060. Narrabeen
  1061. Newcastle
  1062. Newmarket
  1063. North
  1064. Northbridge
  1065. Norwood
  1066. Olympic
  1067. Parap
  1068. Parap
  1069. Payneham
  1070. Penrith
  1071. Portsea
  1072. Prahran
  1073. Queanbeyan
  1074. Renmark
  1075. Richmond
  1076. Richmond
  1077. Rockhampton
  1078. Rockingham
  1079. Rocks
  1080. Shepparton
  1081. Sorrento
  1082. Southport
  1083. St Kilda
  1084. Strathfield
  1085. Sunnybank
  1086. Surry Hills
  1087. Toorak
  1088. Toorak
  1089. Toowoomba
  1090. Uluru
  1091. Unley
  1092. Unley
  1093. Vaucluse
  1094. Wangaratta
  1095. Wanneroo
  1096. Waratah
  1097. Warrnambool
  1098. Werribee
  1099. Whyalla
  1100. Windsor
  1101. Woden
  1102. Wollongong
  1103. Wyndham
  1104. Yarralumla
  1105. Yulara