Description: Encourage more feedback and discussion from readers, by rewarding them every time they post a comment! Readers with the most comments are displayed on your Wordpress blog, with their names (linked to their website if they provided one).
Shameless Begging: While this plugin is completely free to use, we would greatly appreciate a post telling your readers that you are using this new plugin. By doing so you will encourage us to make other great plugins for WordPress that you can also use in the future!
$ns_options = array(
"reset" => "monthly", //reset hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, all OR # (eg 30 days)
"limit" => 10, //maximum number of commentator's to show
"filter_users" => "Administrator,admin", //commma seperated list of users ("nate,jeff,etc").
"filter_user_ids" => "1,2", //comma sperated list of user_ids ("1,2")
"filter_urls" => "", //commma seperated list of full or partial URL's (,etc)
"none_text" => "None yet!", //if there are no commentators, what should we display?
"make_links" => 1, //link the commentator's name to thier website?
"number_of_comments" => "y", //show number of comments next to their name? y=yes n=no
"name_limit" => 28, //maximum number of characters a commentator's name can be, before we cut it off with an ellipse
"start_html" => "<li>",
"end_html" => "</li>",
//first we need to format options so they are useable
$ns_options = ns_format_options($ns_options);
function ns_substr_ellipse($str, $len) {
if(strlen($str) > $len) {
$str = substr($str, 0, $len-3) . "...";
return $str;
//temporary until i can condense this into one query in $commenters