$s['contact_subject'] = "Contact Form"; // Subject of the contact form message
$s['image_folder'] = "img"; // Folder to save images
$s['charset'] = "iso-8859-2"; // Default charset
$s['display_num_categories'] = False; // Display number of articles next to a category name (True or False)
$s['new_timezone'] = "Europe/London"; // Enter you timezome in GMT and please include the + or - sign
$s['date_format'] = "d.m.Y."; // Date format
$s['fp_date_format'] = "d.m."; // Date format for front page articles
$s['comments_order'] = "ASC"; // Order of displaying comments ASC or DESC (DESC - newer ones on top)
$s['results_per_page'] = "100"; // Number of comments to display per page
$s['display_comment_time'] = "YES"; // display date and time on comments (YES or NO)
$s['comment_dt_format'] = "d.m."; // Date and time format for comments
$s['rss_limit'] = "5"; // Limit RSS feed to a number of articles
$s['rss_date_format'] = "l dS \of F Y h:i:s A"; // RSS date format (DATE_RFC822)
$s['language'] = ""; // Download the translation file from http://translations.solucija.com/ put it in the same directory with snews.php and write the language name.
$s['use_javascript'] = True; // Use Javascript functions in snews (YER or NO)
// If you want to enable word filtering you must provide a file with the words you want to remove. One word per line
$s['word_filter_enable'] = 'NO'; // Do you want to filter out bad words from your comments? YES / NO
$s['word_filter_file'] = 'bad_words.txt'; // This is a file with words you want to exclude from your comments.
$s['word_filter_change'] = 'XXXX'; // What you want to change words that have been filtered to?
$s['css_error'] = "error";
$s['css_success'] = "success";
$s['date_class'] = "date"; // class used for info line (read more, comments, date, etc.)
$s['button'] = "button"; // button on submit comment, contact, etc.
$l['title_error'] = "Either a title or SEF title was not entered";
$l['text_error'] = "You must enter some text";
$l['back'] = "Back";
$l['comments'] = "Comments";
$l['enabled'] = "Enabled";
$l['disabled'] = "Disabled";
$l['delete_comment'] = "Delete comment";
$l['title'] = "Title";
$l['sef_title'] = "Search engine friendly title (will be used as link to the article)";
$l['sef_title_cat'] = "Search engine friendly title (will be used as link to the category)";
$l['text'] = "Text";
$l['position'] = "Position";
$l['display_menu_item'] = "Display as menu item";
$l['left'] = "Left";
$l['center'] = "Center";
$l['right'] = "Right";
$l['saved_images'] = "Saved images";
$l['image_error'] = "Image could not be copied";
$l['error_category_seftitle_exists'] = "The category SEF title allready exists.";
$l['error_category_name_exists'] = "The category name allready exists.";
$l['error_category_name_empty'] = "The category name cannot be empty.";
$l['error_category_seftitle_empty'] = "The category SEF title cannot be empty.";
$l['error_not_logged_in'] = "You are not currently logged in and so are not allowed to do that.";
$l['error_article_seftitle_exists'] = "The article SEF title allready exists.<br /><br /><strong>Be carefull:</strong> Due to the fact that when something goes wrong most posting options are lost, please check them before posting again.";
$l['error_article_title_exists'] = "The article title allready exists.<br /><br /><strong>Be carefull:</strong> Due to the fact that when something goes wrong most posting options are lost, please check them before posting again.";
$l['error_article_title_empty'] = "The article title cannot be empty.<br /><br /><strong>Be carefull:</strong> Due to the fact that when something goes wrong most posting options are lost, please check them before posting again.";
$l['error_article_seftitle_empty'] = "The article SEF title cannot be empty.<br /><br /><strong>Be carefull:</strong> Due to the fact that when something goes wrong most posting options are lost, please check them before posting again.";
$l['warning_delete'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this?"; //Javascript warning when trying to delete an article, category, comment or file.
$l['make_sef_text'] = "Make SEF title"; //This is the name of the javascript link that creates the SEF titles.
$l['error_article_seftitle_illegal'] = "The SEF title you entered contains illegal characters.<br />You can only user a-z, 0-9 _ and -<br /><br />A new SEF url has been selected from the title. Please check it.";
$l['error_category_seftitle_illegal'] = "The SEF title you entered contains illegal characters.<br />You can only user a-z, 0-9 _ and -<br /><br />A new SEF url has been selected from the title. Please check it.";
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .s('prefix'). "articles WHERE position = 1 AND published = 1 AND category = $use_cat_id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $article_limit";
} else {
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .s('prefix'). "articles WHERE position = 1 AND published = 1 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $article_limit";
} else {
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .s('prefix'). "articles WHERE position = 1 AND published = 1 AND category = $use_cat_id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $article_limit";
if (isset($r['textlimit'])) {
$shorten = $r['textlimit'];
if (isset($shorten) == 0) { $shorten = 9999000; }
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($article == "") {
$shorten = $r['textlimit'];
if ($shorten == 0) { $shorten = 99990000; }}
$comments_num = 0;
$comment_query = "SELECT * FROM " .s('prefix'). "comments WHERE articleid = $r[id]";
$comment_result = mysql_query($comment_query);
while ($comment_r = mysql_fetch_array($comment_result)) { $comments_num++; }
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .s('prefix'). "articles WHERE title LIKE '$search_query_var' || text LIKE '$search_query_var' AND position <> 2 AND published = 1 ORDER BY id DESC";