* The Camera3D class creates a camera that views the area around a target object.
* <p/>
* A camera defines the view from which a scene will be rendered. Different camera settings would present a scene from different points of view.
* <p/>
* 3D cameras simulate still-image, motion picture, or video cameras of the real world. When rendering, the scene is drawn as if you were looking through the camera lens.
* The Camera3D constructor creates cameras that view the area around a target object.
* Its initial position can be specified in the initObject.
* @param zoom This value specifies the scale at which the 3D objects are rendered. Higher values magnify the scene, compressing distance. Use it in conjunction with focus.
* <p/>
* @param focus This value is a positive number representing the distance of the observer from the front clipping plane, which is the closest any object can be to the camera. Use it in conjunction with zoom.
* <p/>
* @param initObject An optional object that contains user defined properties with which to populate the newly created DisplayObject3D.
* <p/>
* It includes x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ, scaleX, scaleY scaleZ and a user defined extra object.
* <p/>
* If extra is not an object, it is ignored. All properties of the extra field are copied into the new instance. The properties specified with extra are publicly available.
* <p/>
* The following initObject property is also recognized by the constructor:
* <ul>
* <li><b>sort</b>: A Boolean value that determines whether the 3D objects are z-depth sorted between themselves when rendering. The default value is true.</li>
* </ul>
public function Camera3D( target:DisplayObject3D=null, zoom:Number=2, focus:Number=100, initObject:Object=null )
super( zoom, focus, initObject );
this.target = target || DisplayObject3D.ZERO;
this.goto = new Number3D( this.x, this.y, this.z );
// this.goTarget = new Number3D( this.target.x, this.target.y, this.target.z );
* [experimental] Hovers the camera around as the user moves the mouse, without changing the distance to the target. This greatly enhances the 3D illusion.
* @param type Type of movement.
* @param mouseX Indicates the x coordinate of the mouse position in relation to the canvas MovieClip.
* @param mouseY Indicates the y coordinate of the mouse position in relation to the canvas MovieClip.
public function hover( type:Number, mouseX:Number, mouseY:Number ):void
var target :DisplayObject3D = this.target;
var goto :Number3D = this.goto;
// var gotoTarget :Number3D = this.gotoTarget;
var camSpeed :Number = 8;
switch( type )
case 0:
// Sphere mapped camera (free)
var dX :Number = goto.x - target.x;
var dZ :Number = goto.z - target.z;
var ang :Number = Math.atan2( dZ, dX );
var dist :Number = Math.sqrt( dX*dX + dZ*dZ );
var xMouse :Number = 0.5 * mouseX;
var camX :Number = dist * Math.cos( ang - xMouse );
var camZ :Number = dist * Math.sin( ang - xMouse );
var camY :Number = goto.y - 300 * mouseY;
this.x -= (this.x - camX) /camSpeed;
this.y -= (this.y - camY) /camSpeed;
this.z -= (this.z - camZ) /camSpeed;
case 1:
this.x -= (this.x - 1000 * mouseX) /camSpeed;
this.y -= (this.y - 1000 * mouseY) /camSpeed;
// this.z -= (this.z - ) /camSpeed;
case ???:
// Sphere mapped camera (fixed)
var dX = cam.pos.gx - cam.target.x;
var dZ = cam.pos.gz - cam.target.z;
ang -= ( ang - (Math.atan2( dZ, dX ) - iCanvas._xmouse/300) ) /camSpeed;