Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | dog | person | poster | tie OCR: talk deadly about sins the me things late last they'd done niqht for a since reunion last time they had they had set met ADBOP Gluttony spoke with merriment Covetousness owns amajor tir Lusi pud Knua are on the tube between each hearty chew that deals if acquisition selling produets like shampoo Turns out che': selling diet pills He's looking forward to the day Too bad that they don't realize channel twent' two car buy politician that now they're products toc Anger's in the streets these days Pride pasnyar to Jook at them Sloth yawned twice PWD left his pals promot ting all he can I quess he felt ashamed to qo back home to bed He swept the senate floors simply turned the other way He decided just to watch them all ana joined the Ku Klux Klan avoid his being blomed on the morning news inste ...