1004 Pat Smith works at XYZ company. His information is:
1005 patsm
1006 xyz.com
1007 Pat Smith
1008 Married
1009 Single
1100 Member ID:
1101 Name:
1102 City/Town:
1103 State/Province:
1104 Country:
1105 Personal
1106 Professional
1107 Other information
1108 Date of birth:
1109 Sex:
1111 Marital status:
1112 Language:
1113 Interests:
1114 Job description:
1115 Company name:
1116 City/Town:
1118 State/Province:
1119 Country:
1120 First name:
1121 Last name:
1122 E-mail address:
1123 Description:
1124 Domain name:
1125 The Microsoft Network Member
1126 Internet over The Microsoft Network
1127 The Microsoft Network
1128 Member properties
1129 Your address book entry has been successfully updated. \n\nThese changes will not appear in the address book for up to 24 hours. Please note that only your address book information has been changed.
1130 General
1131 N/A
1132 Internet Address
1133 MSN Member
1500 This task cannot be completed at this time. Please try again later.
1501 Address book not valid. Please select another one.
1502 These fields cannot be edited.
1503 No address book entries meet this search criteria.
1504 Cannot connect to The Microsoft Network. Please try again later.
1505 No search criteria were entered.
1506 There are no entries in this address book.
1507 Cannot update your member information at this time. Please try again later.
1508 Date of birth not valid. Please enter a valid date.
1509 First name cannot be empty. Please enter your first name.
1600 Interface not supported.
1601 Invalid parameter.
1602 Unknown flags received.
1603 Out of memory. There is not enough memory available to complete this task. Try closing other windows and quitting other programs.
1604 Function not supported.
1605 Version not supported.
1606 Cannot connect to The Microsoft Network. The Microsoft Network is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
1607 Invalid entry ID.
1608 Unknown entry ID.
1609 Call failed.
1610 Bad table column.
1611 Invalid bookmark.
1612 Expression too complex.
1613 The address book is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
1614 This task cannot be completed at this time. Please try again later.
1615 Parameter type not supported.
1616 Object or property not found.
1617 This search resulted in too many address book entries to display. Please use more specific search criteria.