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Readme file for Grogsoft's PalmWar
Palm War V1.4 README file
PalmWar and all contents Copyright 1999 Greg Babineau
What's New in 1.4
It has been about two weeks since the release of 1.0. In that time we
have been very busy fielding questions, and trying to bring the most
needed updates to PalmWar. The biggest things that have changed are:
(1) A vastly improved AI (much tougher to beat!)
(2) A stats screen has been added
(3) Bulk transfer capability (press in the large numbers to move all units)
(4) Humans now have an equal chance of going first
There were also several other fairly minor modifications. One bug that has
become apparent is the distortion of the screen when a menu shortcut is used.
The command identification that comes up (to indicate you can enter a menu
shortcut) garbles the distribution values if new game is the shortcut
selected. To get around this as a user, simply select one of your hexes and
the numbers will clear up. Keep the comments comming and we will keep
improving the game.
One more note, Palm Creations owns the trademark for the name Palm and
GrogSoft is not in a position to license the name, so starting with the
next release, PalmWar will become HexWar.
You can register PalmWar at http://www.pilotgear.com. Registration costs
$10.00 (U.S.). Registered users gain access to both the stats screen, and
the preferences screen.
The Game
Thanks for trying out PalmWar. PalmWar(PW) is a simple game of strategy.
The game is played on a hex grid of adjustable size. There can be up to
five computer opponents. The layout of the map is random. A user adjustable
percentage of hex locations are occupied by water. The water represents an
impenetrable barrier. Currently there is only one way to win; occupy all
non-water hex locations. For each location your armies occupy at the start
of your turn, you receive an additional army to allocate as you wish. As a
registered user, you have access to the preferences screen. Here you may
set the number of opponents as well as other factors that affect the game.
When selecting a hex the user must select within the square icon that
resides in the hex. At least one army must stay in each occupied hex
location. There are three distinct stages to each turn. The first is
distribution. You must distribute all of the armies you are given at the
start of your turn. You may distribute them into multiple locations or
simply dump them all into one. After you have distributed your new armies,
you enter the attack phase.
In the attack phase You first select the armies with which you will be
attacking then you select the opponent. One of three results will occur.
Either you will loose two armies or your opponent will loose two armies
or you will each loose one army. If the defender only has one army, he
will loose it. An attacker must have no less than two armies. You may make
as many attacks as you wish (while your armies last!). When you are done
with your attacks, you enter the third and final phase of you turn, the
transfer phase.
In the transfer phase you have the ability to transfer armies between
neighboring locations. Remember that you must leave one army in each
location. There is no limit to the number of transfers you may make.
End Game
Please report bugs, suggestions, comments to babs@ix.netcom.com
Special thanks go out to:
Bruce Clemnts, David Bahi, Christoph Fromy, Tom Cloutier,
Frank Perricone, and Stuart Nicholson, Gabriel Antonio Garcia Prado,
Randy Kaempen, and Curtis Neesley
Future Plans:
- different "personalities" for each AI player
- Capture the Flag variation
- No Man's Land variation (start with empty locations)
- Percentage Win (capture a certain percentage to win)
- Blind Backlines (only "see" what is neighboring your forces or
only "see" where your forces have "explored")
- Handle hex selection anywhere in hex
- manual map setup
- different terrain
Revision History:
Date Version Description
-------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------
02/25/99 01.00 Initial release
03/16/99 01.10 identify 1.0 build problem
03/22/99 01.15 sound preference now internal
03/22/99 01.20 add attack and defend markers
revamp of AI
03/24/99 01.30 fix AI bug on dice rolls
add block transfer capability
03/29/99 01.35 humans randomly go first
added stats screen
03/30/99 01.40 release version (remove debug code)