#Computing Definition%Access Time - The time between the instant at which information is called for, and the instant at which management expects the final report.
#Computing Definition%Assembler - One who drops his card deck.
#Computing Definition%Bit - The increment by which programmers slowly go mad.
#Computing Definition%Breakpoint - The point at which programmer increments past last bit available.
#Computing Definition%Chaining - A method of attaching programmers to desk, to speed up output.
#Computing Definition%Checkpoint - The location from which a programmer draws his salary.
#Computing Definition%Core storage - A receptacle for the center section of apples.
#Computing Definition%Counter - An area over which martini's are served.
#Computing Definition%Crash - What a detached programmer would dearly love to do, for at least eight hours.
#Computing Definition%Default - De line west of which de state of california will float off to sea at de next major quake.
#Computing Definition%Device - Medieval torture instrument such as thumbscrew, iron maiden.
#Computing Definition%Documentation - A manual which tells you how to use a program, system, or utility one version ago, and which is now unsupported.
#Computing Definition%Error - What someone else has made when they disagree with your computer output.
#Computing Definition%Fixed Word Length - Four letter word used by programmers in a state of confusion.
#Computing Definition%Hardware - Nuts, bolts, and circuit boards "left over" after repairman has reassembled cpu.
#Computing Definition%I/O Device - Note you sign for the bank in/order to get loan for new (old) car.
#Computing Definition%Library - An organized collection of obsolete material.
#Computing Definition%Low Order Position - The programmer's location in the chain of command.
#Computing Definition%Mainframe - Primary person who just got set up for the blame of the system crash.
#Computing Definition%Microsecond - Amount of time needed for a program to bomb.
#Computing Definition%Nanosecond - Measure of time on mork's planet ork.
#Computing Definition%Off-Line - Uncharitable remarks programmer makes to wife or husband upon being phoned at 9pm to come in because system just crashed.
#Computing Definition%On-Line - Programmer trying to deal rationally on phone with management at 9pm.
#Computing Definition%Peripheral - Now you see it, now you don't...
#Computing Definition%Printout - A document to verify data you know is wrong anyway.
#Computing Definition%Programmer - Red eyed mumbling mammal, capable of communicating with inanimate objects.
#Computing Definition%Source file - One which was "appropriated" from one of the competitors.
#Computing Definition%Switch - When management changes its mind.
#Graffiti%... it is predictable, but I wouldn't like to predict it myself. - C. Lawson
#Graffiti%100,000 lemmings can't be wrong.
#Graffiti%1948 - A novel for dyslexics by George Orwell.
#Graffiti%A bank manager is someone who lends you an umbrella when the sun is shining, and who asks for it back when it start to rain.
#Graffiti%A committee is a life form with six or more legs and no brain.
#Graffiti%A friend in need is a pain in the ass.
#Graffiti%A man is as old as he feels. But never as important.
#Graffiti%A man is as old as the woman he feels.
#Graffiti%A phone call costs less than you think. Soon it'll cost more than you believe.
#Graffiti%A sense of humour is the difference between ambition and achievement.
#Graffiti%A seven day honeymoon makes one weak.
#Graffiti%Absolute zero is cool.
#Graffiti%Alas poor kiroY, I knew him backwards.
#Graffiti%All that glitters is not gold. - All that doesn't glitter isn't either.
#Graffiti%Always be sincere - Even when you don't mean it.
#Graffiti%Always put the important before the merely urgent.
#Graffiti%Always tell her she's pretty, especially when she isn't.
#Graffiti%Always yield to temptation - it may never pass your way again.
#Graffiti%Amnesia rules - O
#Graffiti%An Australian lover is like a wombat :- he eats roots, shoots, and leaves.
#Graffiti%An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field.
#Graffiti%An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less.
#Graffiti%An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
#Graffiti%Anarchists of the world unite !
#Graffiti%Anarchy, No rules - OK?
#Graffiti%Anyone who can see through a woman is missing a lot.
#Graffiti%Anyone who goes to see a psychiatrist, ought to have his head examined.
#Graffiti%Are you a schizo? - If so, that makes four of us.
#Graffiti%Arsonists of the world, ignite!
#Graffiti%Asking the boss for a rise may not be patriotic, but it will help the government with the extra tax if it comes off.
#Graffiti%Assassination is an extreme form of censorship.