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/ Game Zone - 1,000+ Games / GAMEZONE.BIN / Programs / Win / PUZZLE2 / PUZZLE$$.EXE / PUZZLE / CONFIG / ENGLISH.CFG < prev    next >
INI File  |  1999-06-19  |  14KB  |  427 lines

  1. [Language]
  2. Name=English
  3. Version=1.3.7
  4. Author=Johannes Unnewehr
  6. [Category]
  7. Name=Category
  8. Info=Assign the vocabulary items to different categories.
  10. [Choice]
  11. Name=Choice
  12. Info=Choice is a fast multiple-choice test for your vocabulary that increases learning results by automatically repeating words not guessed.
  14. [Word Invader]
  15. Name=Word Invader
  16. Info=Repel attacking words.
  17. SubNameCaption=Vokabulary Game
  18. ShareHint1Caption=Shareware, test for 30 days.
  20. [Memory]
  21. Name=Memory
  22. Name2=with Words
  23. Info=Uncover related cards to find a translation for every word.
  25. [Puzzle]
  26. Name=Puzzle
  27. Info=Form word fields by dragging the vocabulary items on coloured puzzle pieces.
  29. [Wordshop]
  30. Name=Wordshop
  31. Info=Wordshop is a lesson editor for a simple creating, editing, combining and converting of lessons.
  33. [WordTris]
  34. Name=WordTris
  35. Info=Feed in a translation before the vocabulary items pile up to the top.
  37. [AboutBox]
  38. AboutBoxCaption=About
  39. SubNameCaption=Language Game for Win 95, 98 and NT
  40. LabelHomepageCaption=Foreign Language Learning Homepage:
  41. ShareHint1Caption=Shareware, please test for 30 days.
  42. ShareHint2Caption=Today is your
  43. ShareHint4Caption=day.
  44. OrderButtonCaption=&Order
  45. ExtraButton=1 more day
  46. ExitButtonCaption=&Exit
  47. OKButtonCaption=OK
  49. [MainForm]
  50. MenuGameCaption=&Game
  51. MenuUserCaption=&User
  52. MenuUserNewCaption=&New...
  53. MenuUserOpenCaption=&Open...
  54. MenuUserSaveCaption=&Save
  55. MenuUserSaveAsCaption=Save &as...
  56. MenuUserLinkCaption=Create &Link...
  57. MenuLessonCaption=&Lesson
  58. MenuLessonNewCaption=&New (Info)...
  59. MenuLessonOpenCaption=&Open...
  60. MenuLessonMixCaption=&Mix...
  61. MenuNewGameCaption=New &Game
  62. MenuPauseCaption=&Pause
  63. MenuOptionsCaption=Options...
  64. MenuKnowledgeCaption=&Knowledge...
  65. MenuCharmapCaption=&Charmap...
  66. MenuHighscoreCaption=&Highscore...
  67. MenuLanguageCaption=&Lingua franca
  68. MenuExitCaption=&Exit
  69. MenuTopicsCaption=&Topics
  70. MenuStepsCaption=&Short Instruction
  71. MenuProductsCaption=I want &more games
  72. MenuOnlineCaption=&Online Service
  73. MenuHomepageCaption=&Homepage...
  74. MenuOrderCaption=Online &Order Service...
  75. MenuUpdateCaption=&Update Service...
  76. MenuBugrepCaption=Report a &Bug...
  77. MenuFeatureCaption=Suggest a &Feature...
  78. MenuTipsCaption=&Learntips...
  79. MenuHollyCaption=&Travelling...
  80. MenuNewsletterCaption=Free &Newsletter...
  81. MenuRegisterCaption=&Register...
  82. MenuAboutCaption=&About...
  83. MenuBackgroundCaption=Back&ground...
  84. MenuBeginnerCaption=&Beginner
  85. MenuAdvancedCaption=&Advanced
  86. MenuProfiCaption=E&xpert
  87. MenuFileCaption=&File
  88. MenuNewCaption=&New
  89. MenuBrowseCaption=&Browse...
  90. MenuExtrasCaption=&Extras
  91. MenuSaveLanguageCaption=&Save
  92. MenuWindowsCaption=&Windows
  93. MenuCascadeCaption=&Cascade
  94. MenuTileVerticalCaption=Tile &horizontal
  95. MenuTileHorizontalCaption=Tile &vertical
  96. MenuArrangeIconsCaption=&Arrange Icons
  97. MenuHelpCaption=&Help
  98. CutBtnHint=Cut|
  99. CopyBtnHint=Copy|
  100. PasteBtnHint=Paste|
  101. NewBtnHint=New|
  102. OpenBtnHint=Open|
  103. SaveBtnHint=Save|
  104. PrintBtnHint=Print|
  105. HelpBtnHint=Help|
  106. OpenDialogFilter=Lesson (*.rtf;*.txt;*.vok)|*.rtf;*.txt;*.vok|Rich Text Lesson (*.rtf)|*.rtf|Text Lesson (*.txt)|*.txt|vokki Lesson (*.vok)|*.vok
  107. OpenUserDialogFilter=User (*.usf;*.usm)|*.us*
  109. [SynonymExtensionDlg]
  110. SynonymExtensionDlgCaption=Immediate Synonym Extension
  111. YesBtnCaption=&Yes
  112. DefaultBtnCaption=As &Default
  113. NoBtnCaption=&No
  115. [HighscoreDlg]
  116. HighscoreDlgCaption=Highscore
  117. OKBtnCaption=OK
  119. [HighScoreEntryDlg]
  120. HighScoreEntryDlgCaption=Gratulations!
  121. Label1Caption=Do you want an entry to the highscore list?
  122. Label2Caption=Your name:
  123. OKBtnCaption=OK
  124. CancelBtnCaption=Cancel
  125. CheckBox1Caption=Add to old result
  127. [NewUserDlg]
  128. NewUserDlgCaption=Welcome new user!
  129. LabelRequestUserNameCaption=Please feed in your name:
  130. OKBtnCaption=OK
  131. CancelBtnCaption=Cancel
  132. RadioButtonFemaleCaption=Female
  133. RadioButtonMaleCaption=Male
  135. [CharmapDlg]
  136. CharmapDlgCaption=Charmap
  137. Label1Caption=Select the umlauts to be shown below the input field:
  138. OKBtnCaption=OK
  139. CancelBtnCaption=Cancel
  140. ButtonGermanCaption=German
  141. StringGrid1Hint=Feed in the Character or the ANSI-Code here.
  142. ButtonFrenchCaption=French
  143. ButtonSpanishCaption=Spanish
  144. Button1Caption=Charmap Off
  146. [OptionsDlg]
  147. OptionsDlgCaption=Options
  148. OKBtnCaption=OK
  149. CancelBtnCaption=Cancel
  150. TabSheetQuestionsCaption=Questions
  151. GroupNumberCaption=Number
  152. LabelNumberCaption=Questions per stage:
  153. RadioGroupDirectionCaption=Direction (Strg+D)
  154. RadioGroupDirectionItems0=Language 1 - Language 2
  155. RadioGroupDirectionItems1=Language 2 - Language 1
  156. GroupTimingCaption=Timing
  157. LabelMsecCaption=msec
  158. LabelTimingCaption=Show translation for:
  159. GroupTypingErrorCaption=Typing Errors
  160. LabelRequestTextCaption=Request:
  161. LabelIgnoreTextCaption=Ignore:
  162. TabSheetCardsCaption=Cards
  163. GroupSizingCaption=Sizing
  164. LabelCardsNumberCaption=Number:
  165. LabelCardsFontSizeCaption=Fontsize:
  166. LabelCardSizeCoveredCaption=Size covered:
  167. LabelCardSizeUncoveredCaption=Size uncovered:
  168. RadioGroupEqualImageCaption=Backs
  169. RadioGroupEqualImageItems0=Equal
  170. RadioGroupEqualImageItems1=Unequal
  171. RadioGroupOrderCaption=Distribution
  172. RadioGroupOrderItems0=Order
  173. RadioGroupOrderItems1=Chaos
  174. TabSheetFontCaption=Font
  175. GroupFontSizingCaption=Fontsize
  176. LabelTitleSizeCaption=Title:
  177. LabelNormalSizeCaption=Normal:
  178. LabelDroppedSizeCaption=Dropped:
  179. LabelDrawnSizeCaption=Dragged:
  180. TabSheetSoundCaption=Other
  181. CheckBoxSoundCaption=Sound (Soundcard required)
  182. CheckBoxAnimationCaption=Animation
  183. CheckBoxDemoCaption=Keep running
  184. ResetBtnCaption=Reset
  185. TabSheetFiletypesCaption=Filetypes
  186. GroupBoxUserCaption=User (*.usf, *.usm)
  187. LabelUserStarterCaption=Starter:
  188. LabelUserEditorCaption=Editor:
  189. LabelUserDirectoryCaption=Directory:
  190. LabelFirstLessonCaption=First Lesson:
  191. CheckBoxUserContextCaption=Add game to context menu
  192. GroupBoxLessonCaption=Lesson (*.vok)
  193. LabelLessonStarterCaption=Starter:
  194. LabelLessonEditorCaption=Editor:
  195. LabelLessonDirectoryCaption=Directory:
  196. CheckBoxLessonContextCaption=Add game to context menu
  197. TabSheetConfigCaption=Configuration
  198. RadioGroupStartWithCaption=Start with ...
  199. RadioGroupStartWithItems0=Last User
  200. RadioGroupStartWithItems1=New User
  201. RadioGroupStartWithItems2=Open Dialog
  202. GroupBoxLocationsCaption=Files
  203. LabelHighscoreCaption=Highscore:
  204. LabelFontsCaption=Fonts:
  205. LabelLanguagesCaption=Languages:
  206. LabelLocalisationsCaption=Localisations:
  207. LabelDefLocalCaption=Default Localisation:
  208. GroupOtherCaption=Settings
  209. CheckBoxStayOnTopCaption=Stay on top (Strg+T)
  210. OpenDialogFilter=Program (*.exe)|*.exe|Icon (*.ico;*.exe)|*.ico;*.exe|Lesson (*.rtf;*.txt;*.vok)|*.rtf;*.txt;*.vok|Highscore File (*.hsc)|*.hsc|Configuration (*.ini)|*.ini|All Files (*.*)|*.*
  211. LabelUserFemaleIconCaption=Icon (female):
  212. LabelUserMaleIconCaption=Icon (male):
  213. LabelLessonIconCaption=Icon:
  214. GroupBoxGlobalCaption=Use globally:
  215. CheckBoxGlobalLessonsCaption=Lessons opened
  216. CheckBoxGlobalQuestionsCaption=Number of questions per turn
  217. CheckBoxGlobalDirectionCaption=Direction of questions
  219. [RegisterDlg]
  220. RegisterDlgCaption=Registration
  221. LabelRegisterCaption=Please feed in your license number:
  222. ButtonRegisterCaption=OK
  223. ButtonCancelCaption=Cancel
  225. [LaCarteDlg]
  226. LaCarteDlgCaption=Mix your Lessons a la Carte
  227. LabelCaptionCaption=Lessons a la Carte
  228. LessonListView0=File
  229. LessonListView1=Title
  230. LessonListView2=Language 1
  231. LessonListView3=Language 2
  232. LessonListView4=Entries
  233. LessonListView5=Words
  234. ButtonOkCaption=OK
  235. ButtonAddCaption=&Add
  236. ButtonRemoveCaption=&Remove
  237. ButtonCancelCaption=Cancel
  238. LabelMixInfoCaption=Questions are drawn at random from the lessons on the list beside.
  239. LabelDragDropCaption=The list may contain %s.
  240. LabelHelpCaption=Read more about Lessons a la Carte.
  241. LabelQuestionsCaption=How many questions would you like to be asked each turn?
  243. [KnowledgeDlg]
  244. KnowledgeDlgCaption=Knowledge
  245. LabelCaptionCaption=Knowledge View
  246. ListView0=Word
  247. ListView1=Score
  248. ListView2=Language 1
  249. ListView3=Language 2
  250. LabelKnowledgeInfoCaption=This window shows how the program assesses your knowledge and how it draws the questions from the lesson.
  251. LabelAskedCaption=asked
  252. LabelMarkedToDoCaption=marked to be asked
  253. LabelMarkedAgainCaption=marked again
  254. LabelMarkedDoneCaption=marked and done
  255. LabelDoneCaption=done
  256. LabelStrategyCaption=Use the combobox to change the strategy how the questions are drawn.
  257. LabelHelpCaption=Read more about strategies.
  258. ComboBoxStrategyItems0=Maximum Adaptivity
  259. ComboBoxStrategyItems1=Half-Split
  260. ComboBoxStrategyItems2=Walk Through
  261. ButtonCheatCaption=&Cheat
  262. ButtonResetCaption=&Reset
  264. [VocabEditForm]
  265. TabSetTabs0=File Header
  266. TabSetTabs1=Entries
  267. TabSetTabs2=Text
  268. NotebookPages0=FileHeader
  269. NotebookPages1=Entries
  270. NotebookPages2=Text
  271. LabelTitleCaption=Title:
  272. LabelTopicCaption=Topic:
  273. LabelAuthorCaption=Author:
  274. LabelLanguageCaption=Language:
  275. LabelFontCaption=Font:
  276. LabelImageCaption=Image:
  277. LabelEntriesCaption=Entries:
  278. LabelWordsCaption=Words:
  279. LabelStatisticsCaption=Total
  280. LabelFormCaption=Form:
  281. LabelEntryCaption=Entry:
  282. MemoSynonymsHint=Synonyms
  283. MemoTranslationsHint=Translations
  284. MemoAntonymsHint=Antonyms
  285. MemoTransvertionsHint=Translations of Antonyms
  286. BitBtnDeleteHint=Delete Entry
  287. BitBtnInsertHint=Insert Entry
  288. BitBtnMirrorHint=Mirror Entry
  289. BitBtnCopyHint=Double Entry
  290. EditEntryNrHint=Go to Entry
  291. ComboBoxFormItems0=v.
  292. ComboBoxFormItems1=s.
  293. ComboBoxFormItems2=adj.
  294. ComboBoxFormItems3=adv.
  295. ComboBoxFormItems4=other
  296. MenuFileCaption=&File
  297. MenuNewCaption=&New
  298. MenuOpenCaption=&Open...
  299. MenuBrowseCaption=&Browse...
  300. MenuCloseCaption=Close
  301. MenuCloseAllCaption=Close all
  302. MenuSaveCaption=&Save
  303. MenuSaveAsCaption=Save &as...
  304. MenuSaveAllCaption=Save all
  305. MenuPrintCaption=&Print...
  306. MenuExitCaption=&Exit
  307. MenuEditCaption=&Edit
  308. MenuCutCaption=C&ut
  309. MenuCopyCaption=&Copy
  310. MenuPasteCaption=&Paste
  311. MenuDeleteCaption=&Delete
  312. MenuSelectAllCaption=&Select all
  313. MenuExtrasCaption=&Extras
  314. MenuFontCaption=&Font...
  315. MenuCharmapCaption=&Charmap...
  316. MenuLanguageCaption=&Lingua franca
  317. MenuEnglishCaption=&English
  318. MenuGermanCaption=&German
  319. MenuSaveLanguageCaption=&Save
  320. MenuMirrorCaption=&Mirror
  321. MenuCompactCaption=Com&pact
  322. MenuConcatCaption=&Concat...
  323. MenuSubstituteCaption=&Substitute Language...
  324. PopupMenuCutCaption=Cut
  325. PopupMenuCopyCaption=Copy
  326. PopupMenuPasteCaption=Paste
  328. [CombiLessonsDlg]
  329. CombiLessonsDlgCaption=Combine Lessons
  330. OKBtnCaption=OK
  331. CancelBtnCaption=Cancel
  332. HelpBtnCaption=&Help
  333. Panel1Caption=Language 1 - Language 2
  334. Panel2Caption=Language 3 - Language 4
  335. Panel6Caption=New Lesson
  336. Panel7Caption=Language 1 - Language 4
  338. [SetupWizard]
  339. DefaultDir=Foreign Language
  340. DefaultStartMenu=Foreign Language Game Collection
  341. BitBtnLanguageCaption=OK
  342. BitBtn1Caption=Cancel
  343. BitBtn2Caption=Cancel
  344. BitBtn3Caption=Cancel
  345. Label5Caption=If you want to select another directory, please feed in the complete path.
  346. Label6Caption=The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
  347. LabelLicenseCaption=Please accept the License:
  348. CancelBtnCaption=Cancel
  349. CopyBtnCaption=OK
  350. StartmenuBtnCaption=&Entry
  351. Button3Caption=Skip
  352. Button4Caption=Show details
  353. LabelRegister2Caption=You can feed in your license number or use this program as shareware.
  354. BitBtnRegisterOKCaption=OK
  355. BitBtnRegisterCancelCaption=Cancel
  356. BitBtnRegisterShareCaption=Shareware
  358. [SelDirDlg]
  359. SelDirDlgCaption=Select directory
  360. Button1Caption=OK
  361. Button2Caption=Cancel
  363. [Dynamic]
  364. VocabEditFormCaption=New Lesson
  365. NewLesson=New Lesson
  366. Language1=Language 1
  367. Language2=Language 2
  368. ConcatLesson=Concat Lessons
  369. SubstituteLesson=Substitute Language
  370. CancelLesson=Do you want to save ''%s''?
  371. Licensed=Thank you for registration. Your shareware version has been tranformed to a licensed version.
  372. NoSoundcard=Soundcard not found. It is recommended to turn off the sound.
  373. NoSound=The sound file ''%s'' cannot be played. Do you want to switch off the sound?
  374. Copy2Dir=Setup will copy ''%s'' to the directory:
  375. StartMenu=Setup will make an entry for ''%s'' to the start menu.
  376. ProcessCopy=''%s'' is copied ...
  377. Success=''%s'' was installed successfully.
  378. NoSuccess=''%s'' was not compleately installed.
  379. DirWanted=Please feed in a directory.
  380. DriveNotFound=Drive ''%s'' not found.
  381. KBWanted=Your destination has less than ''%s'' KB free space.
  382. AlreadyInstalled=''%s'' is already installed in your destination. Please select another directory.
  383. ArchiveWanted=Archive ''%s'' not found.
  384. EmptyGroupName=The entry name is missing.
  385. EmptyLesson=The lesson ''%s'' is empty.
  386. NoGroup=The entry cannot be added to the start menu.
  387. NoSymbol=The symbol cannot be added to the start menu.
  388. ShowDetails=Show details
  389. HideDetails=Hide details
  390. Register=Register
  391. AddSolution=Do you want to add your solution ''%s'' to the lesson?
  392. RequestTypingError=Oops! - You typed ''%s'' for ''%s'', right?
  393. Compiling=Compiling
  394. Error=Error
  395. Errline=Format error in selected line.
  396. ErrForm=Format error in file ''%s''.
  397. ErrVers=File ''%s'' is a higher Version.
  398. ErrNotLesson=''%s'' is not a lesson file.
  399. ErrSave=Can not write file ''%s''.
  400. License=Licensed for:
  401. DeleteEntry=Delete Entry ''%s''?
  402. Add3=up to 3 lessons
  403. Add4=up to 4 lessons
  404. AddUnlimited=as many lessons as you like
  405. Stage=Stage
  406. Score=Score
  407. PointsPerWord=pts per Word
  408. Completed=completed
  409. GameOver=Game over.
  410. OpenLesson=Please open a lesson.
  411. NewUser=New User
  412. Open=Open
  413. SaveAs=Save as
  414. ReadOnly=%s is read only.
  415. NoDirectory=Directory for %s does not exist.
  416. SaveUser=%s, do you want to save your user file?
  417. UserFemale=User
  418. UserMale=User
  419. Play=Play %s
  420. PlayLast=Play last game
  421. Lesson=Lesson
  422. OpenWith=Open with %s
  423. EditWith=Edit with %s
  424. LearnWith=Learn with %s
  425. Paused=Paused (F3)
  426. Advanced=Advanced
  427. Simple=Simple