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- allCLEAR for Windows!
- allCLEAR for Windows Installation
- Installation Status h
- all.bmp
- allCLEAR requires a VGA graphics card.Install anyway?
- \ALL2;
- Installing allCLEAR for Windows;
- Installing allCLEAR for Windows;
- Installing allCLEAR for Windows
- 3.00a
- allCLEAR requires Windows 3.1 or later.
- Installation will be terminated.
- Installation Status
- Please enter destination directory
- for allCLEAR installation:
- This is a Single User version of allCLEAR.
- This version cannot be installed on the network drive.
- Please call 1-800-338-1759 to upgrade to the Network version.
- Would you like to install
- allCLEAR on the local drive?
- is an invalid disk drive.
- Select Ok to return to path selection.*
- Installation Status
- Not enough space on
- Select Ok to try another disk drive.*
- Installation Status
- Unable to create specified path
- Please enter correct path, e.g C:ALL2.*
- Installation Status
- allCLEAR is already installed.
- Select one of the following:
- Install Additional Examples
- Update allCLEAR System files
- Install allCLEAR for 286 System
- Reinstall allCLEAR
- Examples have been installed.
- allCLEAR System files have been updated.
- allCLEAR System files have been updated for 286 Processor.
- A2W.INI&
- CompanyName
- Please enter your company name:
- Please enter user name:
- You must enter user name to complete installation.
- exe.cmp
- Please insert allCLEAR Program Disk into the source drive.
- allCLEAR disk is write-protected!
- Please remove protection.
- Creating Program Group & Icons...
- allCLEAR for Windows
- Install.exe
- allCLEAR Install
- allCLEAR Help
- Installation successfully
- completed.
- README file contains useful information
- on the new features not documented
- in the User's Guide.
- Would you like to review the README file?
- examples
- Unable to create ACL directory.
- Decompressing ACL Files...
- acl.cmpC
- atutor
- Unable to create Tutorial directory.
- Decompressing Tutorial Files...
- atutor.cmpC
- asamples\general
- Unable to create General directory.
- Decompressing General examples...
- general.cmpC
- asamples\account
- Unable to create Account directory.
- Decompressing Accounting examples...
- account.cmpC
- asamples\business
- Unable to create Business directory.
- Decompressing Business examples...
- business.cmpC
- asamples\computer
- Unable to create Computer directory.
- Decompressing Computers examples...
- computer.cmpC
- asamples\engineer
- Unable to create Engineer directory.
- Decompressing Engineering examples...
- engineer.cmpC
- asamples\hr
- Unable to create HR directory.
- Decompressing HR examples...
- hr.cmpC
- asamples\Legal
- Unable to create Legal directory.
- Decompressing Legal examples...
- Legal.cmpC
- asamples\Medical
- Unable to create Medical directory.
- Decompressing Medical examples...
- Medical.cmpC
- asamples\Phones
- Unable to create Phones directory.
- Decompressing Phones examples...
- Phones.cmpC
- asamples\Insuranc
- Unable to create Insuranc directory.
- Decompressing Insurance examples...
- Insuranc.cmpC
- asamples\Military
- Unable to create Military directory.
- Decompressing Military examples...
- Military.cmpC
- asamples\Quality
- Unable to create Quality directory.
- Decompressing Quality examples...
- Quality.cmpC
- asamples\DBF_WK1
- Unable to create DBF_WK1 directory.
- Decompressing DBF_WK1 examples...
- DBF_WK1.cmpC
- Are you sure you want to CANCEL allCLEAR installation?
- Unable to copy or decompress file
- asamples
- Unable to create directory ASAMPLES.
- Decompressing Program files...d
- exe.cmp
- exe.cmpC
- Decompressing 286 Program files...d
- 286.cmp
- 286.cmpC
- Install.*
- install.*
- Shapes
- Decompressing Shape Library...d
- Shapes
- shapes.cmp
- shape1.shpC
- exe.cmp
- Please insert allCLEAR Program Disk into the source drive.
- exe.cmp"
- win.ini
- A2W.EXE ^.acl%
- Extensions
- win.ini
- A2W.EXE ^.apj%
- Extensions
- win.ini
- allCLEAR Diagram, allCLEAR Diagram,
- A2W.EXE,picture%
- Embedding
- allCLEARServer
- A2wPath
- temp%
- TempPath
- shapes%
- ShapePath
- \default.sty%
- DefaultSty
- CompanyName
- Unable to create directory TEMP.
- Select one of the following:
- Install ALL Examples/Tutorial files
- Select Examples/Tutorial Files
- Helv
- Select examples to be installed:
- Tutorial (10k)
- General (10k)
- Accounting (10k)
- Business (10k)
- Computers (10k)
- Engineering (10k)
- Human Resources (10k)
- Legal (10k)
- Medical (10k)
- Phone (10k)
- Insurance (10k)
- Military (10k)
- Quality (10k)
- Spreadsheet.. WK? /Database DBF (10k)
- a2w.exeC
- a2w.hlpC
- bwcc.dllC
- eng_win.dllC
- textdll.dllC
- readme.wriC
- Please enter source drive
- off allCLEAR disk:
- A2W.ini
- A2W.INI&
- A2wPath
- update.cmp
- Update.cmp file found in allCLEAR directory.
- Update System files?
- Updating files...
- update.cmp
- update.cmpC
- Instalation Check. Please wait!d
- update.bakx
- update.cmp
- update.bakC
- Update successfully
- completed.
- Would you like to review the VERSION README file?
- A2W.ini
- A2W.INI&
- ShapePath
- shupdate.cmp
- SHupdate.cmp file found in allCLEAR Shapes directory.
- Update Shape files?
- Updating Shape files...
- shupdate.cmp
- SHupdate.cmpC
- shupdate.cmp
- shupdate.bak*
- Update successfully
- completed.
- acl\folder.ico
- sample.apj
- Sample Examples
- atutor.
- atutor.apj
- Tutorial Examples
- asamples\general.
- general.apj
- General Examples
- asamples\account.
- account.apj
- Accounting Examples
- asamples\business.
- business.apj
- Business Examples
- asamples\Computer.
- Computer.apj
- Computer Examples
- asamples\Engineer.
- Engineer.apj
- Engineering Examples
- asamples\HR.
- HR.apj
- HR Examples
- asamples\Legal.
- Legal.apj
- Legal Examples
- asamples\Medical.
- Medical.apj
- Medical Examples
- asamples\Phones.
- Phones.apj
- Phones Examples
- asamples\Insuranc.
- Insuranc.apj
- Insurance Examples
- asamples\Military.
- Military.apj
- Military Examples
- asamples\Quality.
- Quality.apj
- Quality Examples
- asamples\DBF_WK1.
- DBF_WK1.apj
- dBASE and Lotus 123 Examples
- acl\diag.ico
- sample-f.acl
- Flow Chart
- sample-p.acl
- Process Flow
- sample-o.acl
- Organizational Chart
- ceffect.acl
- Cause & Effect Diagram
- sample-d.acl
- Decision Tree Diagram
- balsheet.acl
- Hierarchical Chart
- dfd.acl
- Data Flow Diagram
- Helv
- Create Icons for
- allCLEAR Group:
- allCLEAR Help
- allCLEAR Readme
- Template Diagrams
- Examples by Industry/Category