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█#Chapter 1
█╠This guide is intended for█╩the█╩user█╩of█╩the█╩IBM█╩personal█╩computer
█╠system, and assumes█╩that█╩the█╩reader█╩is experienced with the use and
█╠operation█╩of█╩a█╩PC.█╩PC-DeskMates█╩User's█╩Guide█╩is organized to█╩be
█╠utilized as both an installation manual and a reference manual.
█╠1.1 Description and Capabilities
█╠PC-DeskMates█╩allows█╩your█╩PC█╩to█╩eliminate█╩those devices█╩that█╩are
█╠currently█╩cluttering█╩your█╩desktop.█╦It is no█╩longer█╩necessary█╩to
█╠maintain an alarm clock, calculator, typewriter, phone book or calendar
█╠on your desktop.█╩These functions can easily be performed by your PC at
█╠functions.█╦In█╩addition,█╩PC-DeskMates allows you to control█╩the█╩PC
█╠printer█╩and█╩to execute commonly used PC DOS█╩commands█╩while█╩running
█╠other programs.
█╠PC-DeskMates█╩is stored in your PC's memory so that it may be█╩accessed
█╠by pressing a single command key.█╩This allows█╩you█╩to█╩execute█╩these
█╠functions█╩at█╩any█╩time█╩from within any program without exiting█╩your
█╠program or loading diskettes.
█╠PC-DeskMates includes the following utilities:
█╠- Alarm Clock█ß- Calculator
█╬*█╩Display Time█▀*█╩Full Function
█╬*█╩Hourly Chime█▀*█╩Printing
█╬*█╩Ring Bell█Γ*█╩Monitor Display Tape
█╬*█╩Display Note█▀*█╩Memory & Percentage
█╬*█╩Auto Program Start█┘*█╩Read Screen Numbers
█,*█╩Return Answer
█╠- Calendar█Σ- DOS Commands
█╬*█╩Display & Print Any Month█╥*█╩Chkdsk
█╤Between 1964 & 2050█╪*█╩Chdir
█╬*█╩Maintain Multiple Calendars Of█═*█╩Copy, Erase & Rename Files
█╤Important Dates & Appointments█═*█╩Display Directories
█,*█╩Print & Type Files
█%- 5 -
█╠- Notepad█σ- Phone Dialer
█╬*█╩Enter Notes█α*█╩Automatic Phone Dialer
█╬*█╩Print Notes█α*█╩Maintain Multiple Phone Books
█╬*█╩Recall & Save Notes From Disk█╬*█╩Store Them Within PC Memory
█,*█╩Save & Recall From Disk
█╠- Printer Control█▌- Typewriter
█╬*█╩Enable/Disable PrtScr█╓*█╩Emulate Electric Typewriter
█╬*█╩Select Printer Type█╪*█╩Character Mode
█╬*█╩Select Printer Device█╓*█╩Line Mode
█╬*█╩Print a Test Pattern█╫*█╩Margin Control
█╬*█╩Select Special Printer Functions█╦*█╩Tab Control
█╠The program also contains the following features:
█╬1.█╩Menu Driven
█╬2.█╩Help Facilities
█╬3.█╩Can be used as either a memory resident or stand alone program.
█╬4.█╩Ability to change the start key for the memory resident version.
█╬5.█╩Ability to configure the█╩Printer█╩Control█╩Utility█╩for█╩non-IBM
█╥compatible printers
█╠1.2 Requirements
█╬-█╩An IBM Personal Computer,█╩or█╩true compatible, with at least 128K
█╤of memory
█╬-█╩At█╩least one█╩single or double sided,█╩double█╩density,█╩diskette
█╬-█╩An 80 column monochrome display or a color monitor with a graphics
█╬-█╩PC DOS 2.0
█╬-█╩Optional: Dot matrix█╩or█╩letter quality printer, hard disk, Hayes
█╤compatible Smartmodem
█╠Since PC-DeskMates is stored in your PC's█╩memory,█╩it█╩is necessary to
█╠have enough memory to█╩run█╩your█╩largest█╩application█╩program plus an
█╠additional 64 Kbytes to store PC-DeskMates.
█%- 6 -
█╠1.3 Conventions
█╠The█╩following█╩terminology█╩and█╩conventions are used throughout█╩this
█╠User's Guide and with the operation of PC-DeskMates.
█╠Alt-█╓indicates█╩pressing the█╩Alt key in combination█╩with
█▐another key.█╩The Alt key is used in a manner similar
█▐to that of a typewriter shift key.
█╠Return█╘indicates pressing the Return or Enter key.
█╠Ctrl-█╒indicates pressing the Ctrl key█╩in combination█╩with
█▐another█╩key.█╦The█╩Ctrl█╩key█╩is█╩used in a█╩manner
█▐similar to that of a typewriter shift key.
█╠Esc█╫indicates the pressing of the Escape key.
█╠F1 - F0█╙refers█╩to█╩one of the ten function keys.█╩F0 will be
█▐used to designate function key F10.
█╠Shift-█╘indicates pressing the Shift key in combination█╩with
█▐another key.
█╠Window█╘The area on the monitor█╩that a PC-DeskMates' utility
█▐will outline to define its environment.
█%- 7 -
█#Chapter 2
█τUsing PC-DeskMates
█╠2.1 Installation
█╠The following procedure can█╩be used to make a copy of the PC-DeskMates
█╠distribution diskette.
█╨1.█╩Insert your system diskette into drive A and
█╘execute the following command:
█╨2.█╩Insert the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette
█╘into drive A and a blank diskette into drive B
█╘then press the "Return" key.
█╠Once you have created a new copy of your distribution█╩diskette,█╩store
█╠the original copy in a secure location.
█╠Since PC-DeskMates█╩is█╩stored█╩in your PC's memory, it is necessary to
█╠load it█╩into memory each time you boot or reload PC DOS. Therefore, it
█╠is most likely that█╩you█╩will want to copy the PC-DeskMates program to
█╠any system diskette that you use to boot PC DOS.
█╠2.1.1 Diskette Systems
█╠The█╩following█╩procedures█╩can█╩be used on either one or two█╩diskette
█╠drive systems to copy PC-DeskMates to█╩a█╩bootable diskette.█╩Note that
█╠on█╩one█╩diskette█╩drive systems, it will be necessary to█╩execute█╩the
█╠commands and then wait for PC-DOS to inform you to mount the█╩diskettes
█╠into drive A or B.
█╨1.█╩Insert the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette
█╘into drive A.
█╨2.█╩Insert your bootable system diskette into drive B.
█╨3.█╩Execute the following command:
█%- 8 -
█╠2.1.2 Hard Disk Systems
█╠Since the█╩PC-DeskMates distribution diskette is not copy protected, it
█╠is possible to copy█╩and█╩execute█╩the█╩program█╩from a hard disk.█╩The
█╠following steps can be used to█╩install█╩PC-DeskMates█╩onto a hard disk
█╠within the root directory.
█╨1.█╩Insert the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette
█╘into drive A.
█╨2.█╩Execute the following command:
█╠2.1.3 Monochrome with Graphics Cards
█╠If you are using█╩a█╩monochrome█╩monitor█╩with a color graphics card it
█╠will█╩be necessary to execute the following█╩command█╩before█╩executing
█╠The sample "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file█╩contained█╩on the distribution diskette
█╠contains an example of this command.
█╠2.1.4 Installation Utility
█╠The█╩distribution█╩diskette contains a utility program named█╩"INSTALL"
█╬-█╩Select█╩an█╩alternative█╩key█╩that█╩will start the memory resident
█╤version of the program.
█╬-█╩Insert your registration number into the program.
█╬-█╩Define█╩printer█╩configurations for non-IBM compatible dot█╩matrix
█╠Refer to the appendix discussing the Installation█╩Utility█╩for further
█%- 9 -
█╠2.2 How To Get Started
█╠PC-DeskMates█╩can be used as either a memory resident or a stand█╩alone
█╠program.█╩When used as a█╩memory resident program, it is only necessary
█╠to execute the program once.█╩At that time,█╩the program will remain in
█╠memory and can be accessed at any time by pressing the "Alt-M" key.
█╠When used as a stand alone program, it is necessary to run█╩the program
█╠from a diskette each time you want to use it.
█╠2.2.1 Memory Resident Version
█╠Once PC-DeskMates has been copied to your bootable█╩system█╩diskette or
█╠to a hard disk you will need to load the program into█╩your PC's memory
█╠each█╩time you boot or reload PC DOS. Perform the following command█╩to
█╠complete the initial loading of PC-DeskMates:
█╠It is only necessary to load PC-DeskMates into memory once.█╩Loading it
█╠more than once will only waste memory.
█╠You may want to insert the command "DESKMATE /M" into your AUTOEXEC.BAT
█╠file so that it is automatically executed each time you boot or█╩reload
█╠distribution diskette.█╩You may want to copy this file█╩to█╩your system
█╠PC-DeskMates' Notepad utility to edit this file.
█╠Before using PC-DeskMates you should read█╩the Appendix titled "Special
█╠Considerations". This will detail█╩certain█╩situations█╩that need to be
█╠considered when using PC-DeskMates.
█╠PLEASE NOTE:█╩Memory█╩resident█╩programs█╩interact█╩with PC█╩DOS█╩using
█╠non-standard techniques.█╩Therefore, other programs that█╩also interact
█╠with█╩PC█╩DOS█╩in non-standard ways█╩may█╩not█╩function█╩properly█╩with
█╠PC-DeskMates. Due to the large number of programs available for the IBM
█╠PC, it is impossible█╩for us to test PC-DeskMates with all of them.█╩We
█╠strongly suggest that you test PC-DeskMates with█╩those█╩other programs
█╠that█╩you█╩normally█╩run█╩before█╩using█╩this█╩program█╩in day█╩to█╩day
█╠operations.█╩Once█╩PC-DeskMates█╩is█╩loaded,█╩it█╩is simply a matter of
█╠pressing the "Alt-M" key to start the program.
█╠2.2.2 Stand Alone Version
█╠If█╩you█╩do█╩not want to store PC-DeskMates in memory, but would█╩still
█╠like█╩to█╩use█╩it█╩as a stand alone program, it may be executed from█╩a
█╠diskette or hard disk by performing the following command:
█%- 10 -
█╠2.2.3 Start Key
█╠The memory resident█╩version█╩of the program is started by pressing the
█╠"Alt-M" key.█╩If you need to use this█╩key█╩for other applications, you
█╠may perform either of the following:
█╥PC-DeskMates' menu will appear.█╩The second time█╩the "Alt-M" key
█╥will be passed on to your application program.
█╬2.█╩You may change█╩the "Alt" key that is used to start PC-DeskMates.
█╥Refer█╩to█╩the█╩appendix discussing the Installation Utility█╩for
█╥further information.
█╠2.2.4 Main Menu
█╠Once PC-DeskMates is started, a menu will appear in the upper righthand
█╠portion of the monitor similar to the following figure:
█αF2█╦Alarm Clock
█αF5█╦DOS Commands
█αF7█╦Phone Dialer
█╠appropriate function key.█╩You█╩may█╩return to your interrupted program
█╠by pressing the "Esc" key.
█╠Each utility, as it is started, creates a small window on your█╩monitor
█╠that█╩defines█╩the█╩environment█╩for its use.█╩It may simply outline█╩a
█╠notepad or phone book, display a typewriter, calculator or calendar, or
█╠present a box defining its available functions.
█╠The utilities will either█╩have█╩a█╩Help█╩facility, that is selected by
█╠pressing the "F2" key,█╩or█╩will indicate how its features are selected
█╠within its window.
█╠Where possible, the selection of█╩certain functions are accomplished by
█╠pressing the same keys█╩between█╩utilities.█╦The█╩following█╩keys█╩are
█╠usually used to select the same functions:
█╠F1 Menu█╙Selects PC-DeskMates' menu.
█%- 11 -
█╠F2 Help█╙Selects the Help feature for the particular utility.
█╠F3 Move█╙Alternately█╩moves█╩the█╩utility█╩from█╩either top to
█▐bottom or right to left on the monitor.
█╠F4 Print█╥Selects the printing option for the utility.
█╠2.2.5 Line Editing Functions
█╠When PC-DeskMates' utilities█╩prompts█╩you█╩to enter information, it is
█╠possible for you to either enter or change the information prompted for
█╠by using any of the█╩line█╩editing functions.█╩These functions could be
█╠used█╩when entering a Date, Time,█╩filename█╩or█╩Directory█╩name.█╦The
█╠following line editing functions are available:
█╠Backspace█╤Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
█╠Delete█╘Deletes the character located under the cursor.
█╠End█╫Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
█╠Esc█╫Completes the entry of the currently displayed prompt
█╠Home█╓Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
█╠Insert█╘Inserts a blankspace under the cursor.
█╠Left Arrow█╨Moves the cursor one character to the left.
█╠Return█╘Completes the entry of the currently displayed prompt
█╠Right Arrow█╧Moves the cursor one character to the right.
█%- 12 -
█#Chapter 3
█"Alarm Clock
█╠The Alarm Clock utility allows your PC to:
█╬-█╩Display the time on the monitor every 15 seconds.
█╬-█╩Sound an hourly chime.
█╬-█╩Set the system date and time.
█╬-█╩Designate a time that the Alarm Clock will ring and display a note
█╤on the monitor.
█╬-█╩Execute a DOS command, a program or a batch file when the alarm is
█╠The█╩Alarm█╩Clock█╩is█╩selected█╩by█╩pressing function█╩key█╩"F2"█╩from
█╠PC-DeskMates' menu.█╩The monitor will display the following information
█╠to indicate the current█╩status█╩of the Alarm Clock and to define which
█╠function keys are pressed to set its features.
█µAlarm Clock
█▀F2█╩Date█╩January 1, 1985
█▀F3█╩Time█╩11:49 am
█▀F4█╩Clock On
█▀F5█╩Chime On
█▀F6█╩Alarm Off
█╠If you wish to█╩return█╩to█╩PC-DeskMates'█╩menu█╩press█╩the█╩"F1" key.
█╠Pressing█╩the█╩"Esc"█╩key allows you█╩to█╩return█╩to█╩your█╩interrupted
█╠3.1 Setting The Date
█╠Pressing the "F2"█╩key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩change█╩the█╩system date.█╩The
█╠program will prompt you to enter the new date in the format "MM/DD/YY".
█%- 13 -
█╠You█╩may use any of the line editing functions to change the date.█╦It
█╠is important to include all digits█╩and█╩to enter leading zeros.█╩Press
█╠the█╩"Return" key to complete your entry.█╩If the date is invalid,█╩the
█╠program will beep and not change█╩the█╩date.█╦If█╩you█╩do█╩not want to
█╠change the date, just press the "Return" key.
█╠3.2 Setting The Time
█╠Pressing the "F3"█╩key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩change█╩the█╩system time.█╩The
█╠program will prompt you to enter the new█╩time█╩in█╩the format "HH:MM".
█╠You may use any of the█╩line█╩editing functions to change the time.█╩It
█╠is important█╩to█╩include all digits and to enter leading zeros.█╩Press
█╠the█╩"Return" key to complete your entry.█╩If the time is invalid,█╩the
█╠program█╩will█╩beep█╩and█╩not█╩change█╩the time.█╩If you do not want to
█╠change the time, just█╩press█╩the "Return" key.█╩The time is entered in
█╠24 hour format.█╩That is, 5:00 pm is entered as 17:00.
█╠3.3 Clock Display
█╠Alternately pressing the "F4" key enables█╩and█╩disables█╩the time from
█╠being displayed on the monitor every 15 seconds.
█╠3.4 Hourly Chime
█╠Alternately pressing█╩the█╩"F5" key enables and disables the ringing of
█╠an hourly chime.
█╠3.5 Setting The Alarm
█╠Alternately pressing the "F6" key enables█╩and disables the Alarm Clock
█╠from ringing and displaying a note on the monitor.
█╠Pressing█╩the "F7" key allows you to set the time that the Alarm█╩Clock
█╠will ring and display a note.█╩The█╩program█╩will prompt you to enter a
█╠new alarm time█╩in█╩the█╩format█╩"HH:MM".█╩You█╩may use any of the line
█╠editing█╩functions█╩to█╩change█╩the time.█╩Press the█╩"Return"█╩key█╩to
█╠complete your entry.█╩If█╩the█╩time█╩that█╩you█╩enter is incorrect, the
█╠alarm time will be set to "00:00". Simply press the "Return" key if you
█╠do not█╩wish to change the alarm time.█╩The alarm time is entered in 24
█╠hour format.█╩That is, 5:00 pm is entered as 17:00.
█%- 14 -
█╠The program will also prompt you to enter a note that will be displayed
█╠when the alarm goes off.█╩You may use any of the line editing functions
█╠to either change or enter the note.█╩You may enter█╩up to 15 characters
█╠for the note.█╩Press the "Return" key to complete your entry.
█╠When the program has determined that the alarm is ready█╩to█╩go off, it
█╠will█╩ring█╩the█╩chime█╩and█╩display the note on the monitor until█╩you
█╠disable the Alarm Clock by pressing the "F6" key.
█╠3.6 Program Starting
█╠It is possible for█╩the█╩Alarm█╩Clock█╩to█╩start█╩a█╩program, execute a
█╠command or start a batch file when the Alarm Clock goes off.█╦This█╩is
█╠accomplished by placing█╩the█╩command█╩in the note feature of the Alarm
█╠Clock█╩preceded█╩by█╩the ">" character.█╩For example, to█╩automatically
█╠print the file "PAY.PRT"█╩when█╩the█╩Alarm█╩Clock█╩goes off, insert the
█╠following note into the Alarm Clock:
█σ>Print PAY.PRT
█╠If█╩the█╩command█╩is█╩longer than 15 characters or if you would like to
█╠execute█╩multiple█╩commands█╩simply█╩place█╩them into a batch file█╩and
█╠insert the name of the batch file into the note.
█%- 15 -
█#Chapter 4
█╠The Calculator utility provides█╩a█╩full█╩function█╩printing calculator
█╠with█╩a█╩monitor█╩tape█╩display.█╦It also allows you to█╩read█╩numbers
█╠directly█╩off of the monitor and to copy█╩the█╩result█╩back█╩into█╩your
█╠interrupted program.
█╠The Calculator█╩utility█╩is█╩selected█╩by█╩pressing█╩the█╩"F3" key from
█╠PC-DeskMates' menu.█╩The program will create█╩a█╩window█╩on the display
█╠which contains a picture█╩of█╩a█╩calculator.█╦This█╩picture is used to
█╠indicate which keys are used to select the Calculator's functions.
█╠The utility provides you with a█╩four█╩function█╩arithmetic█╩calculator
█╠with memory█╩storage█╩and█╩percentage key.█╩The following functions are
█ßF1 Menu█╠F2 Help
█ßF3 Move█╠F4 Print
█ßF5 Format█╩F6 Copy #
█╠F1 Menu█╙Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2 Help█╙Displays the Calculator Help information.
█╠F3 Move█╙Alternately moves the Calculator display between█╩the
█▐left and righthand portion of the monitor.
█╠F4 Print█╥Alternately█╩enables█╩and disables█╩the█╩printing█╩of
█▐calculations on the lineprinter.
█╠F5 Format█╤Selects the number█╩of digits printed to the right of
█▐the decimal point.
█╠F6 Copy #█╤Copies the current Calculator█╩result█╩back█╩to█╩your
█▐interrupted program.
█╠Clear Entry█╧Pressing█╩the█╩"C" key clears the last number entered
█▐into the calculator.
█╠Clear All█╤Pressing the "C" key twice in a row completely clears
█▐the calculator.
█╠Esc Exit█╥Returns you to your interrupted program.
█╠M Memory█╥Pressing the█╩"M" key allows you to select one of the
█▐memory functions ( +, -, *, /, C, E, R ).
█%- 16 -
█╠Return█╘Copies█╩the number█╩located under the cursor into the
█╠4.1 Entering Numbers
█╠The first time you select the calculator the█╩keypad█╩will█╩be█╩set█╩to
█╠select█╩the█╩cursor functions.█╩If you want to use the keypad to█╩enter
█╠numbers,█╩press█╩the "Num Lock" key.█╩Each time you exit the calculator
█╠the program will save the current status of the keypad.█╩The next█╩time
█╠you█╩select the calculator the previous status of the█╩keypad█╩will█╩be
█╠Numbers█╩are█╩entered by simply pressing the appropriate number on█╩the
█╠numeric keypad located to the right of the keyboard.█╦As█╩the█╩numeric
█╠keys are entered, they are displayed in the Calculator window.
█╠The decimal point can be█╩entered█╩at█╩any█╩time to indicate fractional
█╠Negative█╩numbers█╩can█╩be█╩entered by first entering the number,█╩then
█╠pressing the█╩"S"█╩key,█╩which changes the sign of the number currently
█╠displayed in the Calculator.
█╠Incorrect entries can be cleared by pressing the█╩"C"█╩key,█╩which will
█╠clear the current number displayed in the Calculator.
█╠4.2 Arithmetic Operations
█╠Arithmetic operations provide the ability to perform such operations as
█╠addition, subtraction,█╩division,█╩multiplication, and percentage.█╩The
█╠corresponding arithmetical function.
█╠Problems are entered into the Calculator in a manner similar█╩to█╩which
█╠they are entered into an electronic calculator.█╩The "=" key is used to
█╠example, to add the█╩two█╩numbers█╩5.75 and 7.25 the following keys are
█%- 17 -
█╠After a result is█╩obtained in one calculation, it may then be directly
█╠used as the first number in the next calculation.█╩It is not█╩necessary
█╠to enter the number again.
█╠Calculations can be entered█╩one█╩at█╩a█╩time,█╩(such as in the example
█╠above).█╦Complex█╩problems can█╩be█╩entered█╩in█╩a█╩chained█╩fashion.
█╠Chaining█╩allows█╩the█╩Calculator█╩to█╩perform█╩a█╩string of arithmetic
█╠operations█╩without█╩having█╩to█╩have the "=" key█╩pressed█╩after█╩each
█╠operation.█╩For example, a complex problem█╩such as the following could
█╠be solved in two ways:
█▀((16 - 5)*25 + 14)/5
█╘1. Non-Chained
█╘2. Chained
█╠4.3 Percentages
█╠The█╩percentage█╩key█╩"%" converts the current number displayed in█╩the
█╠Calculator to a decimal█╩percentage.█╦That█╩is,█╩it will multiply this
█╠number by 0.01.
█╠The real█╩power█╩of this operation is obtained when used in conjunction
█╠with the█╩addition█╩and subtraction operations.█╩It is then possible to
█╠add or subtract a percentage of a number from itself.█╩This allows█╩you
█╠to solve the most common percentage problems.
█╠For example, to find the total cost of an item costing $50 with a sales
█╠tax of 7 percent, perform the following operation:
█%- 18 -
█╠To find the total cost of an item█╩costing $75 that is on sale for a 10
█╠percent discount, perform the following operation:
█╠4.4 Clear Key
█╠Pressing the "C" key once,█╩clears█╩the current number displayed in the
█╠Calculator. This could be used to█╩change█╩any█╩incorrect█╩numbers that
█╠were entered.█╩Pressing the "C" key twice in█╩a█╩row█╩also█╩clears█╩all
█╠previous operations and results.
█╠4.5 Sign Key
█╠Pressing the "S" key, changes the sign of█╩the█╩number displayed in the
█╠Calculator.█╩Negative numbers can be entered█╩into█╩the█╩Calculator█╩by
█╠first pressing the appropriate numeric keys followed by the "S" key.
█╠4.6 Printing
█╠Pressing the "F4" key allows the█╩Calculator█╩to print all transactions
█╠and█╩calculations█╩that█╩it performs on the selected lineprinter.█╦The
█╠Calculator will indicate that the printer is selected by displaying the
█╠letter "P" on the Calculator window.█╩The printer█╩used will be the one
█╠that has been previously█╩selected█╩by█╩PC-DeskMates'█╩Printer█╩Control
█╠You█╩SHOULD█╩NEVER█╩select█╩the Print option if a█╩lineprinter█╩is█╩not
█╠available on your system█╩or if it is not ready.█╩This situation causes
█╠the Calculator to pause for a few seconds until DOS determines that the
█╠lineprinter is unavailable.
█╠The printer option may be turned off by pressing the "F4" key again.
█%- 19 -
█╠4.7 Format
█╠Pressing the "F5" key█╩allows█╩you█╩to select the number of digits that
█╠are█╩displayed█╩to the right of the decimal point.█╩The Calculator will
█╠indicator.█╩Repeatedly pressing█╩the█╩"F5"█╩key increases the number of
█╠fractional digits displayed until it returns to zero.
█╠The Calculator uses 11 digits when performing all calculations.█╩If the
█╠entered number or result█╩that█╩occurs is too large to be displayed, an
█╠overflow message is displayed and the Calculator is cleared.
█╠4.8 Reading Screen Numbers
█╠It is possible for the Calculator to read numbers that are displayed on
█╠the monitor.█╩This is accomplished by performing the following:
█╨1.█╩Select the cursor function on the keypad by pressing
█╘the "Num Lock" key.
█╨2.█╩Place the cursor over any digit of the number that
█╘you want to read by pressing the up, down, left
█╘and right arrow keys on the keypad.
█╨3.█╩Press the "Return" key.
█╠If the number was█╩invalid, a zero will be placed into the calculator.
█╠The█╩number█╩that is read is placed into the Calculator just as if█╩you
█╠had individually█╩pressed█╩the keys corresponding to each of the digits
█╠in the number.
█╠4.9 Returning Results
█╠It is possible for the Calculator to copy█╩the█╩current█╩number█╩it█╩is
█╠displaying█╩back to your█╩interrupted█╩program.█╦To█╩accomplish█╩this,
█╠simply place your█╩program█╩to█╩the state it would be in when you would
█╠utility and perform your calculations.█╩When you have█╩finished,█╩press
█╠the "F6" key.█╩This will copy the number█╩back█╩into█╩your█╩program and
█╠also continue your program at the point which it was interrupted.
█%- 20 -
█╠4.10 Memory Functions
█╠The memory feature of█╩your█╩Calculator is a special place in which you
█╠may store numbers so█╩that█╩they can be used in calculations at a later
█╠time.█╩It is possible to add, subtract, multiply, divide, clear, recall
█╠and exchange numbers within Memory.
█╠The memory█╩functions█╩are first selected by pressing the "M" key.█╩The
█╠Calculator will then display█╩the█╩letter█╩"M"█╩indicating that you may
█╠then█╩select█╩the█╩desired█╩memory█╩function.█╦The following█╩keyboard
█╠symbols are pressed to select the desired function.
█╠+ Addition█╨Adds the currently displayed number with the memory.
█╠- Subtraction█═Subtracts the█╩currently█╩displayed█╩number█╩from the
█╠* Multiply█╨Multiplies the█╩currently█╩displayed number with█╩the
█╠/ Divide█╥Divides memory by the currently displayed number.
█╠C Clear█╙Clears the current number stored in the memory.
█╠R Recall█╥Recalls█╩the█╩number currently█╩stored in memory into
█▐the Calculator. This█╩allows█╩the█╩Calculator█╩to use
█▐numbers█╩stored█╩in memory with█╩any█╩function.█╦The
█▐number in█╩memory is not affected and can be recalled
█▐as many times as required.
█╠E Exchange█╨Exchanges█╩the number█╩stored█╩in█╩memory█╦with█╩the
█▐effectively clears█╩and█╩adds█╩the current Calculator
█▐number to the memory and recalls the number stored in
█▐memory into the Calculator.
█%- 21 -
█#Chapter 5
█╠The Calendar utility allows█╩you█╩to█╩maintain█╩your█╩daily calendar of
█╠important events, such as holidays, vacations, appointments and special
█╠activities, within your PC's memory█╩at█╩all times.█╩You may also edit,
█╠print, save and█╩recall█╩the█╩information█╩to█╩a█╩Calendar file on your
█╠disk.█╩This allows you to maintain as many Calendar files as you█╩would
█╠The Calendar█╩utility█╩is█╩selected█╩by pressing function key "F4" from
█╠PC-DeskMates'█╩menu.█╦The Calendar will create█╩two█╩windows█╩on█╩your
█╠monitor.█╦The█╩top█╩window█╩will display the current monthly█╩calendar
█╠while█╩the█╩bottom█╩window█╩will█╩be a Calendar Notepad containing█╩the
█╠currently selected█╩Calendar file.█╩Those dates that have been included
█╠in the Calendar file█╩will█╩be█╩displayed█╩in high intensity within the
█╠Calendar window.
█╠The█╩Calendar█╩window█╩will█╩be█╩selected█╩when the█╩utility█╩is█╩first
█╠started.█╩Pressing the "F2"█╩key█╩will allow you to access the Calendar
█╠Notepad.█╩Pressing the "Esc" key from within the Calendar Notepad█╩will
█╠return you to the Calendar Window.
█╠The position of the cursor will indicate which window you are currently
█╠using.█╦PLEASE NOTE:█╩The█╩meaning█╩of█╩the█╩function█╩keys█╩will█╦be
█╠dependent on the window that you are using.
█╠5.1 Calendar Window
█╠The following function and control keys are available from the Calendar
█╠F1 Menu█╙Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2 Notepad█╨Allows you to access the Calendar█╩Notepad.█╩You█╩are
█▐then able to edit,█╩recall,█╩save█╩and print Calendar
█╠F3 Move█╙Alternately moves the Calendar between█╩the right and
█▐left portions of the monitor.
█%- 22 -
█╠F4 Print█╥Prints the█╩current█╩monthly█╩calendar along with any
█▐notes█╩associated█╩with█╩the█╩month█╩on the█╩selected
█╠-█┘Displays the previous month.
█╠+█┘Displays the next month.
█╠Up Arrow█╥Displays the current month for next year.
█╠Down Arrow█╨Displays the current month for the previous year.
█╠PgUp█╓Allows you to page backward within the notepad.
█╠PgDn█╓Allows you to page forward within the notepad.
█╠Home█╓Displays the monthly calendar associated with today's
█╠Esc Exit█╥Returns you to your interrupted program.
█╠Each time the Calendar month is changed, the Notepad window is█╩changed
█╠to display the information█╩for█╩the█╩currently█╩selected month.█╩If no
█╠information is available for this month, the█╩next█╩month's information
█╠is displayed.
█╠The "PgDn" and "PgUp" functions allow you to scan your Calendar Notepad
█╠without having to press the "F2" key to enter the Notepad window.
█╠It is possible to print a plain monthly█╩calendar without notes, if you
█╠simply erase or read█╩a█╩non-existent█╩calendar█╩file into the Calendar
█╠Notepad. You can also print multiple months per page if you advance the
█╠displayed calendar month and select the Calendar█╩Print█╩option again.
█╠You may want to try printing your calendars using the special character
█╠sizes█╩available on the IBM compatible dot matrix█╩printers█╩using█╩the
█╠Printer Control utility.█╩Selecting█╩Double█╩Width and Compressed print
█╠produces an interesting printed calendar.
█╠5.2 Calendar Notepad
█╠When█╩using█╩the█╩Calendar utility, it is possible to have█╩a█╩calendar
█╠stored within memory so that important dates█╩can█╩be█╩indicated on the
█╠monthly calendar.█╩When PC-DeskMates is█╩first█╩loaded█╩into memory, it
█╠attempts to█╩read a Calendar file named "CALENDAR.PAD" from the current
█╠default█╩directory and drive.█╩If you█╩maintain█╩your█╩important█╩dates
█╠within this file, you will have immediate access to them at all times.
█╠The PC-DeskMates distribution diskette will contain a copy of this file
█╠which has all the holidays defined for the current year.
█╠The Calendar Notepad is accessed█╩by█╩selecting█╩the "Notepad" function
█%- 23 -
█╠from█╩within█╩the█╩Calendar window.█╩This is performed by pressing█╩the
█╠"F2" key.█╩This Notepad will function similarly to the Notepad█╩that is
█╠selected from PC-DeskMates' menu.█╦However,█╩the following differences
█╠should be noted:
█╤PC-DeskMates is first loaded into memory.
█╬-█╩The█╩information█╩within█╩the█╩Calendar█╩Notepad█╩is█╩stored█╩in a
█╤different location of memory than█╩the█╩Notepad█╩that█╩is selected
█╤from█╩PC-DeskMates'█╩menu.█╦This allows you to have█╩a█╩Calendar,
█╤Phone Book and note within memory at all times.
█╠The█╩Calendar█╩Notepad█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩enter information within█╩your
█╠calendar in█╩a█╩free format.█╩This allows you to format the information
█╠in a█╩method that best meets your needs.█╩However, if you would like to
█╠have important dates highlighted on the█╩monthly█╩calendar display, you
█╠will need to follow the following conventions:
█╬-█╩All dates are█╩entered in the format "MM/DD/YY" and must start█╩in
█╤column one of the line.
█╬-█╩All dates must be inserted into the█╩Calendar█╩file█╩in the proper
█╬-█╩You may have multiple lines of information█╩for a specific date by
█╤simply not placing a█╩date█╩in█╩columns 1 to 8 for each additional
█╠You may want to print or type out the Calendar file which is█╩contained
█╠on█╩the PC-DeskMates distribution diskette to use as█╩an█╩example█╩when
█╠creating your own Calendar files.
█╠The█╩following█╩function and control keys are available when using█╩the
█╠Calendar Notepad:
█╠F1 Menu█╙Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2 Help█╙Displays the Calendar Notepad Help information.
█╠F3 Move█╙Alternately moves the█╩Calendar between the right and
█▐left portions of the monitor.
█╠F4 Print█╥Prints the█╩information█╩stored█╩within█╩the Calendar
█▐Notepad to the selected lineprinter.
█╠F5 Recall█╤Recalls a█╩Calendar file█╩into█╩the█╩Notepad█╩from█╩a
█▐Calendar file name and then ask█╩if you would like to
█%- 24 -
█╠F6 Save█╙Saves the█╩information█╩contained within the Calendar
█▐Notepad to a disk█╩file.█╩The program will prompt you
█▐to█╩enter█╩a█╩Calendar file name and then ask if█╩you
█▐would like to continue.
█╠Esc Exit█╥Returns you to the Calendar window.
█╠For█╩further█╩information█╩regarding█╩the█╩editing capabilities of█╩the
█╠Calendar Notepad, please refer to the chapter discussing█╩PC-DeskMates'
█%- 25 -
█#Chapter 6
█"DOS Commands
█╠The DOS Commands utility█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩perform█╩commonly█╩used█╩DOS
█╠commands from within any application program.█╩This utility allows your
█╠PC to:
█╬-█╩Check the available and free space on a disk drive.
█╬-█╩Change either your application or PC-DeskMates' default disk drive
█╤and directory.
█╬-█╩Copy a file.
█╬-█╩Obtain a display of the files contained within a directory.
█╬-█╩Erase a file.
█╬-█╩Print a file on the selected lineprinter.
█╬-█╩Rename a file.
█╬-█╩Type a file on the monitor.
█╠Each of the commands█╩are█╩selected by pressing an appropriate function
█╠key.█╩The following menu is displayed at the bottom of the monitor when
█╠this utility is selected:
█╠F1 Menu█╙Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2 Chkdsk█╤Displays the amount of█╩available and free space on a
█▐disk drive.
█╠F3 Chdir█╥Changes█╩the█╩default█╩disk█╩drive█╩and directory for
█▐either PC-DeskMates' utilities or your application.
█╠F4 Copy█╙Copies a file to another file name.
█╠F5 Dir█╘Displays█╩the available files stored on a disk█╩drive
█▐or within a directory.
█%- 26 -
█╠F6 Erase█╥Erases a file.
█╠F7 Print█╥Prints a file to the selected lineprinter.
█╠F8 Rename█╤Renames a file.
█╠F9 Type█╙Displays a file on the monitor.
█╠Esc Exit█╥Returns you to your interrupted program.
█╠After selecting a DOS Command, the program█╩prompts█╩you█╩to█╩enter the
█╠required█╩information█╩for that command.█╩If the command has a█╩default
█╠value, it is displayed.█╩You may change this information by█╩using█╩any
█╠of the line editing functions.█╩Press the "Return" key to complete your
█╠The COPY, DIR, ERASE, PRINT, RENAME and█╩TYPE█╩commands█╩are capable of
█╠using█╩the wildcard characters "*" and "?". When using these█╩commands,
█╠the█╩utility█╩will█╩display█╩each█╩filename█╩that is█╩affected█╩by█╩the
█╠PLEASE NOTE:█╩It is█╩not█╩possible█╩for█╩PC-DeskMates to determine if a
█╠data█╩file is currently being accessed by█╩your█╩application█╩program.
█╠Therefore, you should not use the COPY, ERASE, PRINT, RENAME,█╩or█╩TYPE
█╠commands█╩on█╩data█╩files█╩that█╩your█╩application program is currently
█╠Programs█╩such█╩as█╩word processors and spreadsheets█╩normally█╩do█╩not
█╠access data files once they have completed reading or writing them.█╩On
█╠the other hand, data base managers█╩and application programs written in
█╠higher level languages, such█╩as█╩accounting programs, may continuously
█╠access data files.
█╠6.1 Chkdsk
█╠Pressing function key "F2" allows you to obtain the amount of available
█╠and free space on a disk drive.█╩The command will prompt█╩you█╩to enter
█╠the█╩desired█╩drive█╩letter.█╦Press the "Return" key to complete█╩your
█╠entry.█╦If a drive letter is not entered█╩the█╩command█╩will█╩use█╩the
█╠currently selected disk drive.
█╠6.2 Chdir
█╠The█╩Chdir█╩command█╩allows█╩you to select the default disk█╩drive█╩and
█╠access.█╩This allows you to access files stored█╩in subdirectories from
█%- 27 -
█╠There are two directories associated with PC-DeskMates. One is referred
█╠to as the "Desk" directory and is normally█╩used█╩to█╩access files from
█╠PC-DeskMates'█╩utilities.█╦The█╩other is█╩referred█╩to█╩as█╩the█╩"DOS"
█╠directory and is set to the directory that your application█╩program is
█╠accessing when PC-DeskMates is started.
█╠Pressing the "F3" key allows you to perform two different functions:
█╬1.█╩Select which directory (Desk or DOS) will be█╩used when accessing
█╥files from PC-DeskMates' utilities.
█╬2.█╩Allows you to█╩change the default disk drive█╩and█╩directory█╩for
█╥either the "Desk" or "DOS" directory.
█╠Each time you access PC-DeskMates' utilities,█╩the█╩current█╩drive█╩and
█╠directory that your█╩application program is using is saved as the "DOS"
█╠directory.█╩The "Desk" drive and directory█╩is█╩then█╩made█╩the default
█╠value.█╩Each time you exit█╩the█╩program,█╩the█╩default█╩disk drive and
█╠directory is restored to the value stored in the "DOS" directory.
█╠You█╩may█╩alternate between█╩the█╩"DOS"█╩and█╩"Desk"█╩directories█╩when
█╠accessing█╩files█╩from█╩within PC-DeskMates' utilities by pressing█╩the
█╠"F3" key.█╩It is also possible█╩for█╩you█╩to█╩change the disk drive and
█╠directory associated with the "DOS" or "Desk" directory by editing this
█╠information when the command prompts you to enter these values.█╩If you
█╠do not█╩desire█╩to change these values, simply press the "Return" key.
█╠The currently selected directory will be displayed at the bottom of the
█╠DOS window.
█╠application program is using, perform the following:
█╬1.█╩Press the "F3"█╩key█╩until█╩the█╩utility prompts you to enter the
█╥default "DOS" disk drive and directory.
█╬2.█╩Use the█╩line editing functions to change the default disk█╩drive
█╥and directory.
█╬3.█╩Press the "Return" key to complete your selection.
█╬4.█╩Press the "Esc" key to return to your interrupted program.
█╠You█╩would perform the same steps to change the default disk drive█╩and
█╠directory█╩used█╩by█╩the█╩PC-DeskMates' utilities replacing the█╩"Desk"
█╠directory for the "DOS" directory.
█╠This command█╩allows█╩you█╩to now access files stored in subdirectories
█╠directories.█╩It█╩even█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩change█╩the█╩default drive and
█╠directory while your program is running.
█%- 28 -
█╠6.3 Copy
█╠Pressing the "F4" key█╩allows█╩you to copy a file to another file.█╩The
█╠command will prompt you to enter the "From" and "To" file names.█╩Press
█╠the "Return" key to complete the entry of each file name.
█╠PLEASE NOTE:█╩The COPY command will take a█╩longer█╩amount█╩of█╩time to
█╠complete█╩the█╩file transfer than the normal DOS COPY command,█╩due█╩to
█╠smaller memory buffers.
█╠6.4 Directory
█╠Pressing the "F5" key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩obtain█╩a█╩display of the files
█╠contained on a disk or within a directory.█╩The command will prompt you
█╠to enter the desired directory mask.
█╠6.5 Erase
█╠Pressing the "F6" key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩erase a file.█╩The command will
█╠prompt you to enter the name of the file you wish to erase.
█╠6.6 Print
█╠Pressing█╩the█╩"F7" key allows you to print█╩a█╩file█╩on█╩the█╩selected
█╠lineprinter.█╦The█╩command will prompt you to enter the file name that
█╠you wish to print.█╩Printing of the current█╩file may be stopped at any
█╠time by pressing the "Esc" key.
█╠6.7 Rename
█╠Pressing the "F8" key█╩allows█╩you█╩to rename a file.█╩The command will
█╠prompt you to enter the "From" and "To" file names.█╩Press the "Return"
█╠key to complete the entry of each file name.
█%- 29 -
█╠6.8 Type
█╠Pressing the "F9" key allows you to display a file on the monitor.█╩The
█╠command will prompt you to enter a file name.█╩After the command█╩fills
█╠the█╩DOS window, it will prompt you to█╩press█╩any█╩key█╩to█╩continue.
█╠Pressing the "Esc" key will stop the display of the file.
█%- 30 -
█#Chapter 7
█╠The Notepad utility allows you to enter a█╩note█╩into█╩your computer at
█╠any time, save it to a disk file and█╩recall█╩it█╩at a later time.█╩You
█╠may even print the note to the selected lineprinter.
█╠PC-DeskMates'█╩menu.█╦The utility will create a window█╩on█╩the█╩right
█╠portion of your monitor which will resemble a Notepad.
█╠The top portion of the Notepad will indicate█╩the█╩name█╩of the Notepad
█╠file that is currently being used.
█╠The█╩following█╩functions█╩may be selected by pressing the█╩appropriate
█╠function key:
█╠F1 Menu█╙Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2 Help█╙Displays the Notepad Help information.
█╠F3 Move█╙Alternately█╩moves the Notepad between the right█╩and
█▐left portions of the monitor.
█╠F4 Print█╥Prints the█╩information█╩contained within the Notepad
█▐on to the selected lineprinter.
█╠F5 Recall█╤Recalls a Notepad file that was previously saved.
█╠F6 Save█╙Saves the█╩current█╦information█╦contained█╩in█╩the
█▐Notepad to a disk file.
█╠F7 Align█╥Word aligns and merges█╩lines█╩of█╩information within
█▐the Notepad.
█╠Esc Exit█╥Returns you to your interrupted program.
█╠7.1 Entering Information
█╠The█╩Notepad█╩works in a manner similar to a full screen text editor or
█╠word processor.█╩Simply enter█╩information█╩by pressing the appropriate
█╠keys.█╩The following keys allow you to edit the information once it has
█╠been entered:
█%- 31 -
█╠Backspace█╤Deletes the character to the left of█╩the█╩cursor and
█▐moves the cursor to the left one position.
█╠Del█╫Deletes the character located beneath the cursor.
█╠Ins█╫Inserts a space into the Notepad.
█╠Ctrl-D█╘Deletes█╩the entire line that the cursor is currently
█▐located on.
█╠Return█╘Creates a new line.
█╠The following commands will allow you to move around the Notepad:
█╠Left Arrow█╨Moves the cursor to the left one position.
█╠Right Arrow█╧Moves the cursor to the right one position.
█╠Up Arrow█╥Moves the cursor up one line.
█╠Down Arrow█╨Moves the cursor down one line.
█╠Home█╓Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
█╠End█╫Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
█╠Ctrl-Home█╤Moves the cursor to the top of the current page.
█╠Ctrl-End█╥Moves the cursor to the end of the current page.
█╠PgDn█╓Advances the cursor one page.
█╠PgUp█╓Moves the cursor backward one page.
█╠Ctrl-PgDn█╤Moves the cursor to the last line of the note.
█╠Ctrl-PgUp█╤Moves the cursor to the first line of the note.
█╠The Notepad is capable of storing up to█╩2000█╩characters at any time.
█╠Should you attempt to insert more than█╩this█╩amount,█╩the Notepad will
█╠display the message "Buffer Space Full".
█╠7.2 Print
█╠Pressing█╩the "F4" key allows you█╩to█╩print█╩the█╩current█╩information
█╠stored in the Notepad to the selected lineprinter.
█%- 32 -
█╠7.3 Recall & Save
█╠Pressing the "F5"█╩key█╩allows you to recall a previously stored note.
█╠The█╩Notepad█╩will prompt you to enter the name of the file█╩containing
█╠the note.█╩You may use any█╩of█╩the█╩line editing functions to enter or
█╠change the filename.█╩Press the "Return" key to complete the█╩entry█╩of
█╠the filename.
█╠If█╩you█╩wish to clear the Notepad simply recall a note file that█╩does
█╠not exist.█╩The Notepad will indicate that the█╩file█╩is█╩not found and
█╠will clear the Notepad.
█╠The Notepad will ask█╩you█╩if█╩you█╩would█╩like█╩to█╩continue before it
█╠recalls the file.█╩Either press the "Y" key█╩to continue or the "N" key
█╠to stop the Notepad recall command.
█╠Pressing the "F6" key allows you to save the information in the Notepad
█╠to a disk file.█╩The Notepad will prompt you to enter a file name.█╩You
█╠may use any of the line editing functions to either enter or change the
█╠The Notepad will ask you if you would like to█╩continue before it saves
█╠the file.█╩Either press the "Y"█╩key to continue or the "N" key to stop
█╠the Notepad save command.
█╠7.4 Align
█╠After█╩extensive█╩editing,█╩information within the notepad will█╩become
█╠fragmented between lines.█╩It█╩will█╩be█╩necessary to merge information
█╠between lines so that they will be properly aligned.
█╠The Align function█╩will automatically merge and word align information
█╠between lines within the█╩notepad.█╦Simply█╩place█╩the█╩cursor█╩on any
█╠character within the first line that█╩you█╩would█╩like to have aligned,
█╠then press the "F7" key.█╩The Notepad will merge the included lines█╩on
█╠word boundaries until a blank line is found.
█╠7.4.1 Special Notepad Files
█╠We█╩have█╩included█╩a█╩variety█╩of█╩Notepad█╩files on the█╩distribution
█╠diskettes that we have found useful.█╩You may█╩use█╩them as examples or
█╠as helpful business tools.
█╠Ascii.pad█╤Contains a table of the ascii character set and their
█▐decimal values.
█%- 33 -
█╠Holidays.pad█╬A sample calendar█╩file█╩containing█╩the holidays for
█╠Metrics.pad█╧A metric conversion table.
█╠States.pad█╨Includes an alphabetic█╩listing█╩of█╩all█╩states with
█▐their abbreviations and zip code ranges.
█%- 34 -
█#Chapter 8
█"Phone Dialer
█╠The Phone Dialer allows you to automatically dial any telephone█╩number
█╠that is displayed on the monitor, if your█╩PC█╩has█╩access█╩to█╩a Hayes
█╠compatible Smartmodem.
█╠The Phone Dialer█╩Notepad█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩maintain█╩a█╩phone█╩book of
█╠important█╩telephone█╩numbers in your PC's memory so that they█╩may█╩be
█╠available at all times.█╩You may edit, print,█╩save█╩or█╩recall as many
█╠phone books as you would like.
█╠The Phone Dialer utility is selected by pressing function key "F7" from
█╠PC-DeskMates'█╩menu.█╦The utility█╩will█╩create█╩two█╩windows█╩on█╩the
█╠righthand portion█╩of the monitor.█╩The top window will display the use
█╠of the█╩function█╩keys that allow you to automatically dial a telephone
█╠number.█╩The bottom window is a notepad that will contain the telephone
█╠numbers of the current phone book that is being used.
█╠The█╩shape█╩of the cursor is used to█╩indicate█╩which█╩window█╩you█╩are
█╠currently█╩using.█╩When the cursor resembles█╩a█╩square█╩box,█╩you█╩are
█╠working from the Phone█╩Dialer█╩window.█╦If the cursor is a thin line,
█╠you are in the notepad window.
█╠8.1 Phone Dialer Window
█╠The█╩Phone█╩Dialer window will be selected when this utility█╩is█╩first
█╠started.█╩Pressing the "F2"█╩key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩access█╩the█╩notepad
█╠window.█╩Pressing the "Esc"█╩key from within the notepad window returns
█╠you to the Phone Dialer window.
█╠PLEASE NOTE:█╩The meaning and use of the█╩function keys is dependent on
█╠which window you are currently using.
█╠The Phone Dialer window█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩automatically█╩dial any phone
█╠number that is currently displayed on█╩the monitor.█╩It is possible for
█╠you to dial phone numbers that are█╩either█╩contained█╩within the Phone
█╠Dialer█╩Notepad█╩or that are being displayed by other programs█╩on█╩the
█%- 35 -
█µPhone Dialer
██F7█╩Hang Up█╧F8█╩Prefix
██F9█╩Phone 1
██F0█╩Phone 2
█╠F1█╩Menu█╥Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2█╩Notepad█╧Selects the Phone Dialer Notepad.
█╠F3█╩Move█╥Alternately moves the█╩Phone Dialer between the right
█▐and left portions of the monitor.
█╠F4█╩Com1█╥Selects either communication port Com1 or Com2.
█╠F5█╩Dial█╥Automatically█╦dials█╩the█╩telephone number█╩located
█▐under the cursor.
█╠F7█╩Hang Up█╧Hangs up the modem after a telephone█╩call█╩has█╩been
█╠F8█╩Prefix█╨Allows█╩you█╩to█╩enter a prefix that will be added to
█▐each█╩telephone█╩number that is dialed.█╩This can█╩be
█▐used█╩to█╩dial Watts lines, long distance, or gain an
█▐outside number through a PBX system.
█╠F9-F0█╒Allows you to█╩store█╩telephone numbers, local access
█▐telephone█╩numbers█╩and authorization codes that█╩are
█▐used frequently within the Phone Dialer. You can even
█▐currently displayed on the monitor.
█╠PgUp█╓Allows you to page backwards within the█╩Phone Dialer
█╠PgDn█╓Allows you to█╩page█╩forward█╩within the Phone Dialer
█╠Esc█╩Exit█╤Returns you to your interrupted program.
█╠Please█╩Note:█╩Each█╩time█╩you█╩dial a phone number, the communications
█╠port and modem will be initialized.█╩The Hang█╩Up function, "F7" can be
█╠pressed█╩at█╩any█╩time and will initialize the selected█╩communications
█╠port and modem.█╩You should NEVER attempt to use the█╩Phone Dialer on a
█╠non-existent█╩communications port█╩or█╩modem█╩as█╩this█╩may█╩hang█╩your
█╠The█╩following█╩Phone█╩Dialer information is saved by the Configuration
█%- 36 -
█▌- Communications Port Number
█▌- Touch or Pulse Dialing
█▌- Prefix
█▌- Phone 1 & 2
█╠The "PgUp" and "PgDn" functions█╩allow█╩you█╩to page through your Phone
█╠Dialer Notepad without having█╩to press the "F2" key to enter the Phone
█╠Dialer Notepad window.█╩This█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩easily display any phone
█╠number stored in the notepad on the monitor.
█╠8.1.1 Dialing Telephone Numbers
█╠Dialing a phone number█╩with█╩the█╩Phone Dialer is a simple process and
█╠consists of the following steps:
█╬1.█╩Select the proper communications port by alternately pressing the
█╥"F4" key.
█╬2.█╩Select either Touch Tone or Pulse dialing by alternately pressing
█╥the "F6" key.
█╬3.█╩Place the cursor over the first█╩character█╩of█╩the█╩phone number
█╥that you want to█╩dial█╩by█╩pressing the left, right, down and up
█╥arrow keys located on the keypad.
█╬4.█╩Press the "F5" key█╩to dial the number.█╩The number that you have
█╥selected will be displayed on the monitor and you will be able to
█╥also hear the modem dial the phone number.
█╬5.█╩Once█╩the█╩telephone█╩number is ringing you should first lift the
█╥telephone receiver and then█╩hang█╩up█╩the█╩modem by pressing the
█╥"F7" key.
█╠Any of the following█╩characters█╩may be contained within the telephone
█╠number:█╩(,█╩), -, 0 ... 9, space, and commas.█╦Commas█╩allow█╩you█╩to
█╠insert a pause of two seconds during the dialing sequence.
█╠Since█╩you█╩select█╩the█╩starting position of the phone number that█╩is
█╠dialed, you may want to always include the area code within your█╩phone
█╠books.█╩This way you will be able to use your Phone Dialer when you are
█╠calling outside of your local area code.
█╠8.1.2 Telephone Prefixes
█╠The Prefix option allows you to set the█╩initial█╩information█╩that█╩is
█╠always dialed before█╩the selected phone number.█╩This could be used to
█╠obtain access to a telephone line outside of a PBX system, or to█╩allow
█╠you to make calls█╩using█╩a█╩Watts█╩line.█╦Placing█╩a comma within the
█╠string█╩allows you to delay the dialing sequence, so that you can█╩gain
█╠access to an outside line.█╩For example, the following prefix would█╩be
█╠selected to make a█╩long█╩distance█╩call█╩from within a PBX system that
█╠uses the digit "9" to gain█╩access to an outside line: "9,1". You could
█╠also use█╩the█╩prefix to dial a "1" before a telephone number if it was
█%- 37 -
█╠outside of your█╩local█╩dialing area.█╩This function will prompt you to
█╠enter the prefix information and can be up to 9 characters long.
█╠8.1.3 Phone Dialer Information
█╠The█╩"F9"█╩and█╩"F0"█╩keys█╩allow█╩you█╩to either store important phone
█╠numbers█╩and█╩access█╩codes within the█╩Phone█╩Dialer█╩or█╩to█╩enter█╩a
█╠telephone█╩number█╩that█╩is█╩not█╩presently█╩displayed on the█╩screen.
█╠Selecting these functions will prompt you to enter the information that
█╠you█╩would█╩like█╩stored.█╦The information may be up to 25█╩characters
█╠8.1.4 Long Distance Services
█╠It is possible to█╩use the Phone Dialer when using access services such
█╠as Sprint and MCI. It is necessary to perform the following steps█╩when
█╠making calls using any type of access service:
█╬1.█╩Select the█╩correct communications port and dialing method█╩using
█╥function keys "F4" and "F6".
█╬2.█╩Place█╩the cursor█╩over the first character of the█╩local█╩access
█╥telephone number and press the "F5" key.
█╬3.█╩After the local access number has█╩been█╩answered█╩and is waiting
█╥for█╩your authorization code, place the cursor over█╩your█╩access
█╥code and press the "F5" key again.
█╬4.█╩Then place the cursor over the telephone number that you want█╩to
█╥dial and press the "F5" key again.
█╬5.█╩After the number█╩begins█╩to█╩ring, hang up the modem by pressing
█╥the "F7" key.
█╠It█╩may█╩be possible for you to dial the local access telephone█╩number
█╠and enter█╩your█╩authorization█╩code█╩in█╩one█╩step by inserting commas
█╠between the local access█╩telephone number and the authorization code.
█╠This allows the modem to delay the█╩dialing█╩of█╩the authorization code
█╠two█╩seconds█╩for█╩each█╩inserted█╩comma.█╦For example, the█╩following
█╠sequence may be used:
█╠authorization code within the two█╩phone█╩numbers█╩that█╩are maintained
█╠within the Phone Dialer. Insert any█╩non-telephone character, such as a
█╠";", after the local access telephone number, if you are unable to█╩use
█╠the█╩delay technique.█╩The PC-DeskMates' configuration file located█╩on
█╠the distribution diskette contains an example of storing a local access
█╠telephone number and authorization code.
█%- 38 -
█╠8.2 Phone Dialer Notepad
█╠The Phone Dialer█╩Notepad█╩is█╩selected█╩by█╩pressing the "F2" key from
█╠within█╩the█╩Phone█╩Dialer█╩window.█╩The following function and control
█╠keys are available when using the Phone Dialer Notepad:
█╠F1█╩Menu█╥Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2█╩Help█╥Displays the Phone Dialer Notepad Help information.
█╠F3█╩Move█╥Alternately moves the█╩Phone Dialer between the right
█▐and left portions of the monitor.
█╠F4█╩Print█╤Prints█╩the Phone█╩Dialer█╩Notepad█╩on█╩the█╩selected
█╠F5█╩Recall█╨Recalls█╩a█╩phone book into the Notepad from a disk.
█▐The█╩program█╩will█╩prompt you to enter a phone█╩book
█╠F6█╩Save█╥Saves█╩the█╩information█╩contained█╩within the█╩Phone
█▐Dialer█╩Notepad█╩to█╩either█╩an existing or new█╩disk
█▐file.█╩The program will prompt█╩you█╩to enter a phone
█▐book file name and then ask█╩if█╩you█╩would█╩like█╩to
█╠Esc█╩Exit█╤Returns you to the Phone Dialer window.
█╠When█╩PC-DeskMates█╩is first loaded into memory, it attempts to read█╩a
█╠phone book█╩file█╩named "PHONE.PAD" from the current default disk drive
█╠and directory.█╩If you maintain your important telephone numbers within
█╠this file, you will have immediate access to them at all times.
█╠The PC-DeskMates distribution diskette will contain a copy of this file
█╠which has sample telephone numbers included.
█╠The Phone Dialer Notepad will function similarly to the Notepad that is
█╠selected from PC-DeskMates' menu.█╩However,█╩the█╩following differences
█╠should be noted:
█╬-█╩This█╩Notepad has the phone book file█╩"PHONE.PAD"█╩recalled█╩when
█╤PC-DeskMates' is first loaded into memory.
█╬-█╩Each name and█╩telephone█╩number will use only one line within the
█╤Phone Dialer Notepad.
█╬-█╩The information within the Phone█╩Dialer█╩Notepad█╩is█╩stored in a
█╤different location of memory than the█╩Notepad█╩that█╩is█╩selected
█╤from PC-DeskMates' menu.█╩This allows█╩you█╩to█╩have█╩a█╩Calendar,
█%- 39 -
█╤Phone Book and note within memory at all times.
█╠You may want█╩to█╩print█╩or█╩type█╩out█╩the█╩phone█╩book█╩file which is
█╠contained█╩on█╩the█╩PC-DeskMates distribution diskette█╩to█╩use█╩as█╩an
█╠example when creating your own Phone Book.
█╠For further information regarding the editing capabilities of the Phone
█╠Dialer█╩Notepad,█╩please refer to the chapter discussing█╩PC-DeskMates'
█%- 40 -
█#Chapter 9
█ Printer Control
█╠The Printer Control utility allows you to disable the Print Screen key,
█╠select special print features of your dot matrix printer, print█╩a test
█╠pattern and select the printer device used by PC-DeskMates' utilities.
█╠The Printer Control utility is selected by pressing█╩the█╩"F8" key from
█╠PC-DeskMates' menu.█╩The utility█╩will█╩create█╩a window on the monitor
█╠that█╩will█╩indicate█╩the status of the lineprinter and which█╩function
█╠keys are pressed to select the various functions:
█µPrinter Control
█▀F2█╩Test Pattern
█▀F3█╩Recall Config.
█▀F4█╩Printer Device█╦Lpt1
█▀F6█╩Double Width█═Off
█╠If you█╩wish█╩to█╩return█╩to█╩PC-DeskMates'█╩menu█╩press the "F1" key.
█╠Pressing█╩the "Esc" key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩return█╩to█╩your█╩interrupted
█╬1.█╩It is possible█╩for█╩the status of functions "F6" through "F9" to
█╥be incorrect if█╩either█╩the█╩printer█╩is█╩turned off or if other
█╥programs change the█╩status█╩of█╩the lineprinter.█╩If this occurs
█╥simply press these functions until█╩they█╩cycle█╩between "On" and
█╬2.█╩Options "F6"█╩through█╩"F9"█╩should█╩only█╩be selected if you are
█╥using an█╩IBM█╩compatible█╩dot█╩matrix█╩printer█╩or█╩if█╩you have
█╥previously█╩reconfigured these options to correspond to your█╩dot
█╥matrix printer.
█╬3.█╩Do not select█╩any█╩printer option if the selected printer is not
█╥ready█╩as this will cause your system to pause until the█╩printer
█╥times out.
█%- 41 -
█╠9.1 Test Pattern
█╠Pressing█╩the█╩"F2" key allows you to print█╩a█╩test█╩pattern█╩on█╩your
█╠printer to ensure that the features you have selected are correct.
█╠9.2 Recall Configuration
█╠It is█╩possible█╩for█╩you█╩to recall a printer configuration file named
█╠"PRINTER.CFG" from the█╩default█╩disk█╩drive█╩and█╩directory█╩that will
█╠define the special█╩print█╩features█╩of█╩your dot matrix printer to the
█╠Printer Control Utility. Pressing the "F3" key will█╩recall this file.
█╠Read█╩the appendix discussing█╩the█╩Installation█╩Utility█╩for█╩further
█╠9.3 PrtScr Control
█╠How many times have you accidentally pressed the PrtScr key while using
█╠the PC keyboard?█╩Pressing█╩the█╩"F4"█╩key█╩allows█╩you█╩to alternately
█╠enable and disable the PrtScr key from functioning.
█╠9.4 Printer Device
█╠Alternately pressing the "F5" key selects the printer█╩port█╩that█╩your
█╠printer is█╩attached█╩to.█╦The█╩selection will sequence from "Lpt1" to
█╠"Lpt3". This selection is used by PC-DeskMates' utilities only and does
█╠not affect your interrupted program.
█╠9.5 Double Width
█╠If you█╩are█╩using█╩an█╩IBM compatible dot matrix printer, pressing the
█╠"F6" key alternately enables█╩and█╩disables█╩the double width character
█╠feature of the printer.
█%- 42 -
█╠9.6 Compressed Print
█╠If you are█╩using█╩an█╩IBM█╩compatible dot matrix printer, pressing the
█╠"F7" key alternately changes█╩the█╩character█╩size█╩between█╩10█╩and 17
█╠characters per inch.█╩The status indicator will display an "On" when 17
█╠character per inch is█╩selected.█╦Using█╩this function with the double
█╠width function can also█╩allow█╩characters█╩of█╩6 and 12 characters per
█╠inch to be selected.█╩Please refer to█╩your█╩printer manual for further
█╠9.7 Emphasized Print
█╠If you are using an█╩IBM█╩compatible█╩dot█╩matrix printer, pressing the
█╠"F8"█╩key alternately enables and disables the emphasized print feature
█╠of the printer.
█╠9.8 Enhanced Print
█╠If you█╩are█╩using█╩an█╩IBM compatible dot matrix printer, pressing the
█╠"F9" key alternately enables and disables the enhanced print feature of
█╠the printer.
█%- 43 -
█#Chapter 10
█╠The Typewriter utility allows your PC and printer█╩to become an easy to
█╠use electronic typewriter.█╩Those█╩documents such as envelopes, labels,
█╠forms and█╩memos,█╩which█╩are not easily printed with a word processor,
█╠can now be typed on your PC in a manner similar to█╩using an electronic
█╠The Typewriter is selected by pressing the "F9"█╩key from PC-DeskMates'
█╠The program creates a█╩window█╩on the monitor that displays information
█╠regarding█╩the█╩status█╩of█╩the█╩Typewriter. The center portion of█╩the
█╠window will█╩provide█╩you█╩with█╩a█╩Typewriter█╩ruler indicating the 80
█╠columns, margin settings, and tab settings.█╩The double vertical█╩lines
█╠on the ruler█╩will█╩indicate where the margins are currently set.█╩Tabs
█╠will be indicated by a blankspace within the ruler.█╩The following menu
█╠is displayed when the utility is selected:
█═Margins: 10 70█╦F5█╩Tabs█╦F6█╩Matrix█╩F7█╩Lpt1█╦PgDn█╩Form Feed
█╠The column█╩indicator displays the current location of the cursor.█╩The
█╠current margin settings are displayed below the column indicator.
█╠The following function and control keys█╩are█╩available█╩when using the
█╠F1█╩Menu█╥Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2█╩Mode█╥Alternately selects character or line mode.
█╠F3█╩Move█╥Alternately moves the Typewriter between the top█╩and
█▐bottom portions of the monitor.
█╠F4█╩Margins█╧Sets the left and right margin columns.
█╠F5█╩Tabs█╥Sets and clears tab columns.
█╠F7█╩Device█╨Selects█╩the█╩printer port█╩that the line printer█╩is
█▐attached to.
█%- 44 -
█╠PgDn█╓Form feeds the paper in the printer to the top of the
█▐next page.
█╠Esc█╩Exit█╤Returns you to your interrupted program.
█╠10.1 Typing Modes
█╠It is first important to ensure that PC-DeskMates' lineprinter settings
█╠are correct.█╩The printer█╩type█╩(Letter or Matrix), and device, (Lpt1,
█╠2, 3) should be properly set.
█╠There are two different typing modes that the█╩Typewriter█╩can function
█╠in:█╩Line or Character. Line█╩mode allows you to enter information into
█╠the Typewriter, edit it█╩and█╩then█╩print█╩it█╩when the "Return" key is
█╠pressed.█╩Character mode allows█╩you█╩to█╩print█╩the█╩characters on the
█╠printer as you enter them.█╩The desired mode is alternately selected by
█╠pressing the "F2" key.
█╠Line Mode:
█╠Any one of the line editing functions (Backspace, Tab,█╩Del,█╩Ins, Left
█╠Arrow,█╩Right█╩Arrow,█╩Home,█╩End)█╩may be used█╩to█╩edit█╩the█╩entered
█╠information before it is typed on the lineprinter.
█╠The "Return" key is pressed to print the entire line and to advance the
█╠paper one line.
█╠Character Mode:
█╠Since█╩all characters are printed as they█╩are█╩entered,█╩there█╩is█╩no
█╠editing capability in this mode.█╩The backspace key may be used to move
█╠the printer carriage to█╩the█╩left.█╦This█╩will allow you to overprint
█╠characters on your printer.█╦This technique could be used to underline
█╠The "Return" key is pressed to advance the paper one line.
█╠When using Character mode make sure that█╩you█╩have selected the proper
█╠printer type (Matrix or Letter) by presssing the "F6" key.█╩The program
█╠will not be able to properly backspace if this selection is incorrect.
█╠It is also necessary to note that dot█╩matrix printers will not advance
█╠their print head until a printable character is pressed.
█╠10.2 Margins
█╠The Typewriter ruler will indicate the current setting█╩of the left and
█╠right█╩margins.█╦The Typewriter will not allow you to█╩type█╩past█╩the
█%- 45 -
█╠Pressing the "F4" key allows you to select█╩new█╩margin█╩columns.█╦The
█╠program█╩will█╩prompt█╩you█╩to enter the left and right█╩margin█╩column
█╠number.█╩If you do not want to change the margin settings, simply press
█╠the return key.
█╠PLEASE NOTE:█╩Use the space and backspace key to place█╩the cursor on a
█╠column that will be within the new margin settings, or else the program
█╠automatically align the left margin when using line mode.
█╠10.3 Tabs
█╠The tab key allows█╩you█╩to automatically skip to predefined Typewriter
█╠columns.█╩The Typewriter initially has a tab set at column 15. Tabs are
█╠set and cleared by first placing the cursor over the desired column and
█╠then pressing the "F5" key.█╩The current tab locations are indicated by
█╠displaying spaces within the Typewriter ruler.
█╠10.4 Printer Type
█╠Alternately pressing the "F6" key selects the printer type that you are
█╠using.█╦Select "Letter" if you are using a letter quality printer█╩and
█╠"Matrix" if you are using a dot matrix printer.█╩This selection is used
█╠by the utility to determine how to backspace in character mode.
█╠10.5 Printer Device
█╠Alternately pressing the "F7" key selects the printer█╩port█╩that█╩your
█╠printer is attached to.█╦The█╩selection█╩will█╩sequence from "Lpt1" to
█╠"Lpt3". This selection is used by PC-DeskMates' utilities only and does
█╠not affect your interrupted program.
█╠10.6 Page Feed
█╠Pressing the "PgDn" key form feeds the paper in the█╩printer to the top
█╠of the next page.
█%- 46 -
█#Chapter 11
█╠The Setup utility allows you to perform the following functions:
█╬-█╩Set the Foreground and Background Monitor Colors.
█╬-█╩Save and Recall configuration settings.
█╠PC-DeskMates' menu.█╩The utility█╩will█╩create█╩a window on the monitor
█╠that will look similar to the following figure:
█σSetup Menu
█▀F2█╩Foreground Color
█▀F3█╩Background Color
█▀F4█╩Save Config.
█▀F5█╩Recall Config.
█╠If█╩you█╩wish█╩to█╩return█╩to█╩PC-DeskMates'█╩menu press the "F1" key.
█╠Pressing█╩the "Esc" key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩return█╩to█╩your█╩interrupted
█╠11.1 Setting Monitor Colors
█╠Pressing the "F2" key allows you to change the foreground color used by
█╠PC-DeskMates' utilities.█╩Pressing the "F3" key█╩allows█╩you█╩to change
█╠the background color.
█╠As you cycle through the different█╩monitor colors, it will be possible
█╠to select combinations that will not display█╩at█╩all█╩on the monitor.
█╠Simply continue pressing█╩the█╩"F2"█╩and█╩"F3"█╩keys until you find the
█╠color combination that pleases you.
█╠Some color combinations may█╩not█╩allow█╩calendar█╩dates to be properly
█╠highlighted on your monitor.
█%- 47 -
█╠11.2 Save & Recall Configurations
█╠Pressing the "F4" key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩save█╩the█╩current PC-DeskMates
█╠configuration settings█╩to█╩a█╩disk█╩file█╩named█╩"DESKMATE.CFG" on the
█╠current default disk drive and directory.
█╠Each time█╩you█╩load PC-DeskMates into memory, the program will attempt
█╠to█╩read the file "DESKMATE.CFG" from the default disk drive,█╩so█╩that
█╠these█╩settings█╩may be restored to their previous values.█╦If█╩it█╩is
█╠unable to find this█╩file,█╩it█╩will█╩set█╩the options to their default
█╠Pressing the "F5" key█╩allows you to read the configuration file at any
█╠The following options will be saved and restored by these functions:
█!Foreground Color
█!Background Color
█╫Alarm Clock:█╬Display - On/Off
█!Chime - On/Off
█!Alarm - On/Off
█!Alarm - Time
█!Alarm - Note
█╫Printer Control:█╩PrtScr - On/Off
█!Print Device - Lpt1/2/3
█╫Phone Dialer█╬Com Device - Com1/2
█!Touch or Pulse Dialing
█!Phone 1 & 2
█╫Typewriter:█╧Mode - Line/Char
█!Print Type - Matrix/Letter
█!Margin Settings
█!Tab Settings
█%- 48 -
█#Chapter 12
█╠12.1 Special Considerations
█╠The following items need to be considered when using PC-DeskMates:
█╥PC-DeskMates,█╩you█╩may█╩need█╩to█╩consider the█╩order█╩that█╩the
█╥programs are loaded.█╩Usually, PC-DeskMates will work properly if
█╥it is loaded last.
█╬2.█╩PC-DeskMates requires 64 Kbytes of memory.█╩Be sure that you have
█╥enough remaining memory to█╩run█╩your█╩other application programs
█╥after PC-DeskMates has been loaded.
█╬3.█╩If you are█╩using█╩a█╩black█╩and█╩white monochrome monitor with a
█╥color graphics card, it will be█╩necessary to execute the command
█╥"MODE BW80" just before█╩PC-DeskMates is loaded.█╩You may want to
█╥insert█╩this█╩command█╩into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.█╦It█╩may█╩be
█╥accidentally run a program that sets the monitor to color mode.
█╬4.█╩PC-DeskMates will not function if█╩the█╩current█╩program█╩that is
█╥running█╩has set the monitor into graphics mode.█╩If you█╩attempt
█╥to access PC-Deskmates while the monitor is in graphics mode, the
█╥program will ring the bell.
█╬5.█╩When█╩using█╩memory█╩resident█╩programs that can█╩interrupt█╩your
█╥program at any time, it█╩is usually best if you do not select the
█╥memory resident program while█╩your█╩program█╩is█╩performing disk
█╥I/O, writing to the monitor, accessing a modem or printing to the
█╥printer.█╩Should you access█╩PC-DeskMates█╩while█╩your program is
█╥performing any█╩of█╩these█╩functions,█╩it█╩is█╩possible that your
█╥program will not continue until you press another key.
█╬6.█╩It is not possible for PC-DeskMates or your application█╩programs
█╥to determine if you█╩have█╩inserted█╩a█╩different diskette into a
█╥disk drive.█╩Therefore, if you should insert a different diskette
█╥into a disk drive while using PC-DeskMates be sure to█╩insert the
█╥original diskette back into the disk█╩drive█╩before resuming your
█╥application program.
█╬7.█╩Each█╩time PC-DeskMates█╩is started█╩and█╩stopped█╩it█╩will█╩read
█%- 49 -
█╥information off the currently accessed disk drive.█╩Therefore, it
█╥is important that a diskette is loaded in the default█╩disk drive
█╥before█╩starting█╩PC-DeskMates.█╩If█╩there█╩is not a disk in█╩the
█╥drive,█╩PC-DeskMates█╩will not start until the disk time out█╩has
█╠12.2 Messages and Explanations
█╠PC-DeskMates will display the following error and warning messages:
█╠* / By Zero
█╤While using the Calculator utility, an attempt was█╩made to divide
█╤a number by zero.█╩This error will clear the calculator.
█╠* Bad File Name
█╤A filename was entered that does not conform to the DOS filenaming
█╤conventions.█╩This error will also occur█╩if you attempt to copy a
█╤file to itself while using the DOS Commands Utility.
█╠* Buffer Space Full
█╤While using one█╩of█╩the notepad utilities, an attempt was made to
█╤enter more information than could be█╩stored█╩within the available
█╤memory buffers.
█╠* Device Error
█╤This message occurs if an attempt is made to access a device█╩that
█╤is not ready.█╩The most likely reasons for█╩this error are: a disk
█╤drive█╩is not available or ready, there is no diskette█╩loaded█╩in
█╤the█╩disk█╩drive,█╩the█╩diskette█╩is not formatted,█╩the█╩selected
█╤printer port is not available, or█╩the█╩selected communications or
█╤modem port is not available.
█╠* Disk Full
█╤While attempting to write█╩to█╩a disk file, the disk drive ran out
█╤of available storage space.
█╠* File Not Found
█╤The program was unable█╩to read or access the named data file from
█╤the selected█╩disk█╩drive.█╩The most likely reasons for this error
█╤are:█╩the█╩file█╩does not exist on the selected disk drive, or█╩an
█╤attempt was made to rename█╩a█╩file█╩to█╩a█╩filename█╩that already
█╠* Overflow
█╤While using the Calculator utility, an attempt was made to input a
█%- 50 -
█╤number which was greater than 11 digits, or a calculation resulted
█╤in an answer which was larger than or equal to 100 billion.█╦This
█╤error will█╩also occur on smaller numbers if the format option has
█╤reduced█╩the number of digits that are printed to the left of█╩the
█╤decimal point.█╩This error will clear the calculator.
█╠* Path Not Found
█╤While using the CHDIR command, an attempt█╩was█╩made█╩to█╩access a
█╤disk directory which does not exist.
█╠* Printer Error
█╤Either the lineprinter is not on, not ready, or is out of paper.
█╠* Read Error
█╤A disk error occurred while█╩attempting█╩to█╩read█╩a file from the
█╤selected disk drive.
█╠* Write Error
█╤An error occurred while attempting to write to a disk drive.█╩This
█╤error may occur if the diskette is write protected.
█╠12.3 Installation Utility
█╠The Installation Utility allows you to customize the following features
█╠of PC-DeskMates:
█╬-█╩Insert your registration number into the program.
█╬-█╩Alter the starting key.
█╬-█╩Create a printer█╩configuration█╩file█╩so that the Printer Control
█╤Utility may use non-IBM compatible dot matrix printers.
█╠PLEASE NOTE:█╩This program will write information into the PC-DeskMates
█╠program█╩stored█╩on the diskette.█╩Therefore, you should█╩only█╩execute
█╠this program on a copy of the distribution diskette.
█╠To start the program you will need to perform the following operation:
█╨1.█╠Insert a copy of PC-DeskMates' distribution diskette
█╓into drive A.
█╨2.█╠Execute the following commands:
█%- 51 -
█╠The program will display the following menu:
██F2█╩Reg. No.█╧0000000
██F3█╩Start Key█╬Alt-M
██F4█╩Printer Config.
█╠Pressing the "F1" key allows you to exit the program
█╠After either inserting your registration number or█╩changing█╩the start
█╠key, it will be necessary to copy the modified program to any diskettes
█╠that you use to load PC-DeskMates from.█╦This█╩can█╩be accomplished by
█╠performing the following:
█╨1.█╩Insert the modified PC-DeskMates distribution
█╘diskette into drive A.
█╨2.█╩Insert your bootable system diskette into drive B.
█╨3.█╩Execute the following command:
█╠12.3.1 Inserting Your Registration No.
█╠Pressing█╩the "F2" key allows you to insert█╩your█╩registration█╩number
█╠into the PC-DeskMates program.█╦The█╩program█╩will prompt you to enter
█╠the█╩new█╩registration█╩number.█╦You█╩may█╩use any of the line editing
█╠functions to enter the number.█╩Press the "Return" key to complete your
█╠12.3.2 Setting Start Key
█╠PC-DeskMates uses the "Alt-M" key to start itself once it is stored█╩in
█╠memory.█╦However,█╩you█╩may█╩find█╩that█╩this key is utilized by other
█╠application█╩programs█╩that you█╩use.█╦Therefore,█╩you█╩may█╩select█╩a
█╠different "Alt" key combination█╩by pressing the "F3" key.█╩The program
█╠will prompt you to press the new "Alt" key combination that you want to
█╠use.█╩You may use the keys "A thru P", "S thru Z", "1 thru 9", "-", and
█╠12.3.3 Printer Configuration
█╠If you█╩are not using an IBM compatible dot matrix printer you may want
█╠to create a printer configuration file█╩to█╩define the special printing
█╠capabilities of your printer.
█╠The ability to█╩customize█╩the█╩Printer█╩Control utility when selecting
█╠special█╩printing█╩capabilities of dot matrix printers assumes that you
█╠are familiar with the selection of these features on your printer.█╩You
█%- 52 -
█╠should read█╩your█╩printer's█╩manual█╩and attempt to select the desired
█╠features█╩of█╩your printer█╩by█╩first█╩using█╩a█╩Basic█╩program█╩before
█╠attempting to create a printer configuration file.
█╠Pressing the█╩"F4"█╩key█╩on█╩the█╩Installation Utility will display the
█╠following Printer Configuration Menu:
█╤F2█╩Recall Config.
█╤F3█╩Save Config.
█σOn Code█═Off Code
█╤F6█╩Double Width█╠27,87,49█╠27,87,48
█╠F1 Menu█╙Allows you to exit to the main menu.
█╠F2 Recall█╤Allows█╦you█╦to█╠recall█╩a█╦previously█╦defined
█▐configuration file from disk.
█╠F3 Save█╙Allows█╩you█╩to save the current█╩configuration to█╩a
█▐disk file.
█╠The recall and save options will prompt you to enter a filename.
█╠Keys "F6" through "F0" are used to define the special printing features
█╠of your dot matrix printer.█╩When the program is first started the█╩IBM
█╠compatible configuration will be displayed on the monitor.
█╠Pressing█╩keys█╩"F6"█╩through█╩"F0"█╩will prompt you for the█╩following
█╫1. Name of the print feature
█╫2. On selection codes
█╫3. Off selection codes
█╠You may define up to five█╩selections for your printer corresponding to
█╠the function keys "F6" through "F0".
█╠The█╩On/Off█╩codes█╩are█╩entered using the decimal█╩equivalent█╩of█╩the
█╠corresponding characters separated by commas.
█╠For example, the following printer features and On/Off codes for an IBM
█╠displayed on the above menu:
█╨Print Feature█╦On Code█╦Off Code
█╨Double Width█╠Esc W1█╠Esc W0
█╨Emphasized█╬Esc E█═Esc F
█╨Enhanced█╨Esc G█═Esc H
█%- 53 -
█╠Each time█╩you█╩start PC-DeskMates or select the Recall Printer feature
█╠of█╩the█╩Printer Control Utility the program will attempt to█╩read█╩the
█╠file "PRINTER.CFG" from the default disk drive and directory.█╩If it is
█╠unable to find this█╩file,█╩the█╩IBM█╩compatible default values will be
█╠used.█╩Therefore, after█╩you█╩have created a printer configuration file
█╠you█╩will need to█╩copy█╩the█╩file█╩to█╩the█╩diskette█╩that█╩you█╩start
█╠PC-DeskMates from with the name "PRINTER.CFG".
█╠We have included a few configuration files on the distribution diskette
█╠that you may either want to use or refer to as examples.
█╠EPSON.CFG█▀IBM compatible printer
█╠OKIDATA.CFG█▌Okidata u92 or u93
█╠PLUGPLAY.CFG█▄Okidata u92/93 with Plug'N Play
█%- 54 -
█╠12.4 Shareware Software
█╠innovative█╩marketing█╩approach█╩called Shareware. Shareware, which was
█╠originated by█╩Bob█╩Wallace█╩of█╩Quicksoft, is a method of distributing
█╠quality software at a low price.
█╠Anyone can receive a distribution copy of the product for█╩$10.00.█╩You
█╠may then review█╩the█╩product█╩to█╩determine█╩if you'd like to continue
█╠using█╩it.█╦If█╩you█╩decide█╩to█╩use█╩it, we encourage you to become a
█╠registered user of the product.█╩Whatever█╩your decision, you may still
█╠Why would we give our product away?█╩Quite simply, we can save a lot of
█╠money by having our users distribute and promote█╩our product.█╩Kind of
█╠like word█╩of█╩mouth█╩advertising.█╩These savings are then passed on to
█╠you.█╦Our $10.00 fee is mainly used to pay for advertising, production
█╠and distribution charges.
█╠But█╩then█╩why█╩should█╩you█╩pay█╩a fee to register█╩as█╩a█╩user?█╦The
█╠registration fee is used to further develop PC-DeskMates and other█╩new
█╠products█╩and█╩to provide us with a modest profit.█╩Compare the concept
█╠to public█╩television.█╦Our future existence depends on the support of
█╠our users, and we feel once you've tried PC-DeskMates, you'll be honest
█╠enough to become a registered user.
█╠Alternative Decision Software products are all tested, fully documented
█╠and have the same quality and features of higher priced products.█╦But
█╠you do not pay for the fancy packaging and expensive advertising.
█╠After using our product,█╩we█╩encourage█╩you█╩to register with us for a
█╠$25.00█╩fee,█╩$15.00█╩if█╩you've█╩previously█╩purchased a█╩distribution
█╠diskette from us.
█╠Registration provides the following benefits:
█╬1.█╩Receive█╩a█╩new PC-DeskMates distribution disketteii character set and their
█▐decimal values.
█%- 33 -
█╠Holidays.pad█╬A sample calendar█╩file█╩containing█╩the holidays for
█╠Metrics.pad█╧A metric conversion table.
█╠States.pad█╨Includes an alphabetic█╩listing█╩of█╩all█╩states with
█▐their abbreviations and zip code ranges.
█%- 34 -
█#Chapter 8
█"Phone Dialer
█╠The Phone Dialer allows you to automatically dial any telephone█╩number
█╠that is displayed on the monitor, if your█╩PC█╩has█╩access█╩to█╩a Hayes
█╠compatible Smartmodem.
█╠The Phone Dialer█╩Notepad█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩maintain█╩a█╩phone█╩book of
█╠important█╩telephone█╩numbers in your PC's memory so that they█╩may█╩be
█╠available at all times.█╩You may edit, print,█╩save█╩or█╩recall as many
█╠phone books as you would like.
█╠The Phone Dialer utility is selected by pressing function key "F7" from
█╠PC-DeskMates'█╩menu.█╦The utility█╩will█╩create█╩two█╩windows█╩on█╩the
█╠righthand portion█╩of the monitor.█╩The top window will display the use
█╠of the█╩function█╩keys that allow you to automatically dial a telephone
█╠number.█╩The bottom window is a notepad that will contain the telephone
█╠numbers of the current phone book that is being used.
█╠The█╩shape█╩of the cursor is used to█╩indicate█╩which█╩window█╩you█╩are
█╠currently█╩using.█╩When the cursor resembles█╩a█╩square█╩box,█╩you█╩are
█╠working from the Phone█╩Dialer█╩window.█╦If the cursor is a thin line,
█╠you are in the notepad window.
█╠8.1 Phone Dialer Window
█╠The█╩Phone█╩Dialer window will be selected when this utility█╩is█╩first
█╠started.█╩Pressing the "F2"█╩key█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩access█╩the█╩notepad
█╠window.█╩Pressing the "Esc"█╩key from within the notepad window returns
█╠you to the Phone Dialer window.
█╠PLEASE NOTE:█╩The meaning and use of the█╩function keys is dependent on
█╠which window you are currently using.
█╠The Phone Dialer window█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩automatically█╩dial any phone
█╠number that is currently displayed on█╩the monitor.█╩It is possible for
█╠you to dial phone numbers that are█╩either█╩contained█╩within the Phone
█╠Dialer█╩Notepad█╩or that are being displayed by other programs█╩on█╩the
█%- 35 -
█µPhone Dialer
██F7█╩Hang Up█╧F8█╩Prefix
██F9█╩Phone 1
██F0█╩Phone 2
█╠F1█╩Menu█╥Returns you to PC-DeskMates' menu.
█╠F2█╩Notepad█╧Selects the Phone Dialer Notepad.
█╠F3█╩Move█╥Alternately moves the█╩Phone Dialer between the right
█▐and left portions of the monitor.
█╠F4█╩Com1█╥Selects either communication port Com1 or Com2.
█╠F5█╩Dial█╥Automatically█╦dials█╩the█╩telephone number█╩located
█▐under the cursor.
█╠F7█╩Hang Up█╧Hangs up the modem after a telephone█╩call█╩has█╩been
█╠F8█╩Prefix█╨Allows█╩you█╩to█╩enter a prefix that will be added to
█▐each█╩telephone█╩number that is dialed.█╩This can█╩be
█▐used█╩to█╩dial Watts lines, long distance, or gain an
█▐outside number through a PBX system.
█╠F9-F0█╒Allows you to█╩store█╩telephone numbers, local access
█▐telephone█╩numbers█╩and authorization codes that█╩are
█▐used frequently within the Phone Dialer. You can even
█▐currently displayed on the monitor.
█╠PgUp█╓Allows you to page backwards within the█╩Phone Dialer
█╠PgDn█╓Allows you to█╩page█╩forward█╩within the Phone Dialer
█╠Esc█╩Exit█╤Returns you to your interrupted program.
█╠Please█╩Note:█╩Each█╩time█╩you█╩dial a phone number, the communications
█╠port and modem will be initialized.█╩The Hang█╩Up function, "F7" can be
█╠pressed█╩at█╩any█╩time and will initialize the selected█╩communications
█╠port and modem.█╩You should NEVER attempt to use the█╩Phone Dialer on a
█╠non-existent█╩communications port█╩or█╩modem█╩as█╩this█╩may█╩hang█╩your
█╠The█╩following█╩Phone█╩Dialer information is saved by the Configuration
█%- 36 -
█▌- Communications Port Number
█▌- Touch or Pulse Dialing
█▌- Prefix
█▌- Phone 1 & 2
█╠The "PgUp" and "PgDn" functions█╩allow█╩you█╩to page through your Phone
█╠Dialer Notepad without having█╩to press the "F2" key to enter the Phone
█╠Dialer Notepad window.█╩This█╩allows█╩you█╩to█╩easily display any phone
█╠number stored in the notepad on the monitor.
█╠8.1.1 Dialing Telephone Numbers
█╠Dialing a phone number█╩with█╩the█╩Phone Dialer is a simple process and
█╠consists of the following steps:
█╬1.█╩Select the proper communications port by alternately pressing the
█╥"F4" key.
█╬2.█╩Select either Touch Tone or Pulse dialing by alternately pressing
█╥the "F6" key.
█╬3.█╩Place the cursor over the first█╩character█╩of█╩the█╩phone number
█╥that you want to█╩dial█╩by█╩pressing the left, right, down and up
█╥arrow keys located on the keypad.
█╬4.█╩Press the "F5" key█╩to dial the number.█╩The number that you have
█╥selected will be displayed on the monitor and you will be able to
█╥also hear the modem dial the phone number.
█╬5.█╩Once█╩the█╩telephone█╩number is ringing you should first lift the
█╥telephone receiver and then█╩hang█╩up█╩the█╩modem by pressing the
█╥"F7" key.
█╠Any of the following█╩characters█╩may be contained within the telephone
█╠number:█╩(,█╩), -, 0 ... 9, space, and commas.█╦Commas█╩allow█╩you█╩to
█╠insert a pause of two seconds during the dialing sequence.
█╠Since█╩you█╩select█╩the█╩starting position of the phone number that█╩is
█╠dialed, you may want to always include the area code within your█╩phone
█╠books.█╩This way you will be able to use your Phone Dialer when you are
█╠calling outside of your local area code.
█╠8.1.2 Telephone Prefixes
█╠The Prefix option allows you to set the█╩initial█╩information█╩that█╩is
█╠always dialed before█╩the selected phone number.█╩This could be used to
█╠obtain access to a telephone line outside of a PBX system, or to█╩allow
█╠you to make calls█╩using█╩a█╩Watts█╩line.█╦Placing█╩a comma within the
█╠string█╩allows you to delay the dialing sequence, so that you can█╩gain
█╠access to an outside line.█╩For example, the following prefix would█╩be
█╠selected to make a█╩long█╩distance█╩call█╩from within a PBX system that
█╠uses the digit "9" to gain█╩access to an outside line: "9,1". You could
█╠also use█╩the█╩prefix to dial a "1" before a telephone number if it was
█%- 37 -
█╠outside of your█╩local█╩dialing area.█╩This function will prompt you to
█╠enter the prefix information and can be up to 9 characters long.
█╠8.1.3 Phone Dialer Information
█╠The█╩"F9"█╩and█╩"F0"█╩keys█╩allow█╩you█╩to either store important phone
█╠numbers█╩and█╩access█╩codes within the█╩Phone█╩Dialer█╩or█╩to█╩enter█╩a
█╠telephone█╩number█╩that█╩is█╩not█╩presently█╩displayed on the█╩screen.
█╠Selecting these functions will prompt you to enter the information that
█╠you█╩would█╩like█╩stored.█╦The information may be up to 25█╩characters
█╠8.1.4 Long Distance Services
█╠It is possible to█╩use the Phone Dialer when using access services such
█╠as Sprint and MCI. It is necessary to perform the following steps