"To go shopping","/Faire les courses","She has a fever","/Elle a de la fièvre","To lock a door","/Fermer une porte à clé","I think so","/Je crois que oui","The railroad","/Le chemin de fer","During the winter","/Pendant l'hiver","To be well","/Se porter bien","I am cold","/J'ai froid","The purse","/Le sac a main","What time is it","/Quelle heure est-il","I did not hear","/Je n'ai pas entendu","We will finish","/Nous finirons","She has blue eyes","/Elle a les yeux bleus","That is all","/C'est tout","How much is that","/Combien est-ce","Bath towel","/La serviette de bain","What are you eating","/Que mangez-vous","He was going","/Il allait","How are you","/Comment allez-vous","We will go","/Nous irons", are you eating","/Que mangez-vous","He was going","/Il al