"What street is this","/Quelle est cette rue","He has finished","/Il a fini","The telephone number","/Le numéro de téléphone","Come here","/Venez ici","How is the weather","/Quel temps fait-il","I am in a hurry","/Je suis pressé","I am thirsty","/J'ai soif","A pair of shoes","/Une paire de chaussures","Day before yesterday","/Avant-hier","Next week","/La semaine prochaine","Can you help me","/Pouvez-vous m'aider","Mashed potatoes","/Les pommes de terre en purée","Did you see","/Avez-vous vu","To have a headache","/Avoir mal à la tête","I am busy","/Je suis occupé","I am happy","/Je suis heureux","It is windy","/Il fait du vent","He was running","/Il courait","We have a farm","/Nous avons une ferme","I am sorry","/Je suis désolé",ndy","/Il fait du vent","He