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File List  |  1994-05-16  |  12.0 KB  |  154 lines

  1.  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2.  │                      55 - Frequently Asked Questions                      │
  3.  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  5. 2600FAQ.ZIP      3214  03-27-94  FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from        
  6.                                | the alt.2600 newsgroup (2600 magazine).      
  7. ACAPEL10.ZIP    25060  02-02-94  Internet FAQ:  Acapella singing.             
  8. ADDR1193.ZIP    12440  02-04-94  How to find people's E-mail addresses        
  9.                                | on the Internet.  Some helpful info and      
  10.                                | tips.                                        
  11. ALTGROUP.ZIP     4782  03-18-94  So You Want to Create an Internet "Alt       
  12.                                | Newsgroup"?  This file gives the lowdown     
  13.                                | on what the "alt" hierarchy really is,       
  14.                                | and some pointers on getting the group       
  15.                                | of your choice created.                      
  16. ALTHIST1.ZIP    22995  02-03-94  Internet FAQ on "what if?" histories.        
  17. ALTPGPFQ.ZIP    47869  03-13-94  PGP FAQ:  From Internet                      
  18.                                | alt.pgp.security.                            
  19. ALT_CD.ZIP      42490  02-18-94  FAQ:  Basic information about your           
  20.                                | CD-ROMs and CD-ROM drive, data formats,      
  21.                                | etc.                                         
  22. ASC_FAQ.ZIP     17315  02-02-94  FAQ:  lt.startrek.creative.  How to          
  23.                                | submit Star Trek creative material to        
  24.                                | various places (scripts, books, etc.).       
  25. ASTROL12.ZIP    25601  03-18-94  Internet FAQ (answers to frequently          
  26.                                | asked questions) on astrology.               
  27. BEARD30.ZIP      7928  03-05-94  The coming bear market?  Investment          
  28.                                | chat from the Internet's misc.invst          
  29.                                | conference.  Thru 12/30/93.                  
  30. BIG_LANS.ZIP    22930  02-15-94  BIG LANS FAQ:  Comp.dcom.lans.misc           
  31.                                | newsgroup on NLBBS.  This primarily          
  32.                                | covers campus LANs, but works as an          
  33.                                | excellent non-protocol specific source       
  34.                                | of LAN development and administration        
  35.                                | information.                                 
  36. BIOETHIC.ZIP    31709  02-18-94  From Internet:  Text detailing the           
  37.                                | recent Vatican pronouncements concerning     
  38.                                | invitro fertilization, artificial            
  39.                                | insemination, and cloning.                   
  40. BREWFAQ.ZIP      8697  02-24-94  Home brewers FAQ from                        
  41.                                | rec.crafts.brewing.                          
  42. BUYSEL01.ZIP     5137  02-06-94  Internet FAQ:  Buying/Selling over net.      
  43. CAFFAQ12.ZIP    13005  03-18-94  Internet FAQ (answers to frequently          
  44.                                | asked questions) re:  caffeine.  12/93       
  45.                                | version (replaces all previous).             
  46. CA_EMF12.ZIP    20269  03-08-94  Internet FAQ (answers to frequently          
  47.                                | asked questions) re:  cancer & electro-      
  48.                                | magnetic fields  e.g.  High tension          
  49.                                | power lines.  12/93 version (replaces        
  50.                                | all previous).                               
  51. CELTMAIL.ZIP     5299  02-22-94  Internet FAQ on Celtic music by mail         
  52.                                | order.                                       
  53. CGRAPH09.ZIP    88260  02-01-94  Internet FAQ:  Computer Graphics.            
  54. CLASSC12.ZIP    17939  03-27-94  Internet FAQ (answers to frequently          
  55.                                | asked questions) re: classical music.        
  56.                                | A gold mine.  Dec. 1993 version              
  57.                                | (replaces all earlier version).              
  58. CMUSIC01.ZIP    26756  02-06-94  Internet FAQ:  Computers/Electronics.        
  59. DIPLYVAR.ZIP    65513  02-13-94  From Internet - Various variations of        
  60.                                | Diplomacy.  There are more than you          
  61.                                | think!                                       
  62. DMFAQ25.ZIP     16322  02-08-94  The "Official" DOOM FAQ 2.5.                 
  63. DMFAQ50.ZIP     40382  03-27-94  The "Official" DOOM FAQ 5.0.  Includes:      
  64.                                | Cheat codes, spoilers, troubleshooting,      
  65.                                | add-on software, and more.                   
  66. DOOMFQ50.ZIP    39246  03-08-94  The "Official" DOOM FAQ 5.0.  Questions      
  67.                                | and answers about ID Software's DOOM         
  68.                                | game.                                        
  69. DV_FAQ14.ZIP    31425  02-06-94  DESQview & QEMM FAQ List:  From the          
  70.                                | Usenet group comp.os.msdos.desqview.         
  71.                                | Invaluable tips and info re:  DV386,         
  72.                                | DV/X, and QEMM.                              
  73. ECONNET.ZIP     19542  02-24-94  Internet Resources of interest to            
  74.                                | economists.  Draft paper by student at       
  75.                                | USM, Economics Department.                   
  76. FAQ21D.ZIP     210608  02-15-94  OS/2 FAQ List.                               
  77. FAXAMF.ZIP       6818  02-11-94  WinWord 6.x:  Macro that allows you to       
  78.                                | easily fax.                                  
  79. FAXFAQ01.ZIP    22084  02-06-94  Internet FAQ:  FAXing.                       
  80. FOLK1293.ZIP     4522  03-16-94  Internet FAQ:  Folk Music.                   
  81. FONTS194.ZIP   102799  02-27-94  Internet FAQ:  Fonts and Fontography.        
  82. GRPS1193.ZIP   107181  02-02-94  Usenet Newsgroups Listing.                   
  83. HAM0194.ZIP     32062  02-06-94  Internet FAQ:  HAM Radio.                    
  84. IA003772.ZIP     8859  02-24-94  Disneyland FAQ.                              
  85. INETQUES.ZIP    28610  03-25-94  INET USER QUESTIONS 12/29/93  Provides       
  86.                                | answers to the most often questions new      
  87.                                | internet users ask.  Anonymous FTP:          
  88.                                | nic/merit.edu /documents/fyi/fyi_04.txt      
  89. INTERN2.ZIP     28384  03-22-94  Internet Networking Group - Request for      
  90.                                | comments document.                           
  91. INTERNT.ZIP     91173  02-09-94  "The Beginner's Guide to the Internet"       
  92.                                | A full-color, computer-based tutorial        
  93.                                | about the Internet.  Topics covered          
  94.                                | include email, ftp, telnet, gopher,          
  95.                                | archie, veronica, wais, www, USENET          
  96.                                | newsgroups, BITNET listservs, and            
  97.                                | Internet Relay Chat.  The only computer      
  98.                                | based tutorial that gives step-by-step       
  99.                                | instructions on how to do almost             
  100.                                | anything productively on the Internet.       
  101. LAW1293.ZIP     42633  03-11-94  Compendium of law-related resources on       
  102.                                | the Internet, 12/93 version (replaces        
  103.                                | all prior versions).                         
  104. LNXJAN94.ZIP    20387  02-04-94  Lastest FAQ file for LINUX 1.03 from         
  105.                                | Compuserve.  FAQ file date: January          
  106.                                | 1994.                                        
  107. MIXED01.ZIP      5223  02-06-94  Internet FAQ:  Inter-racial marriage.        
  108. MK2NFAQ.ZIP     13845  02-20-94  Mortal Kombat FAQ - Complete Guide - 20      
  109.                                | Revision - Jan 19th, 1994 - includes all     
  110.                                | must all friendship and pit and babality     
  111.                                | moves.                                       
  112. OS24WFAQ.ZIP     3985  02-15-94  OS/2 for Windows, Special Edition FAQ.       
  113.                                | This is the compiled list of Frequently      
  114.                                | Asked Questions on the OS/2 for Windows,     
  115.                                | Special Edition, release.                    
  116. PATFAQ.ZIP      37816  03-20-94  Purchasing Amateur Telescope FAQ from        
  117.                                | Usenet sci.astro area.  Everything you       
  118.                                | wanted to know about buying telescopes.      
  119.                                | November updated issue.                      
  120. PFAQ221.ZIP    189684  03-08-94  Programmer's FAQ 2.21:  For OS/2.            
  121.                                | ASCII and INF format.                        
  122. PGPFAQ.ZIP      30476  03-22-94  PGP FAQ from the Internet.                   
  123. SCIFIFAQ.ZIP   118072  02-14-94  FAQ:  Movies and Sci-Fi TV Shows.            
  124. SEWFAQ_1.ZIP    20064  03-21-94  UseNet alt.sewing Frequently-Asked           
  125.                                | Questions: (1 of 3)  This concerns           
  126.                                | general sewing questions, supply             
  127.                                | information & restoring antique sewing       
  128.                                | machines.                                    
  129. SEWFAQ_2.ZIP    17908  03-11-94  UseNet alt.sewing Frequently-Asked           
  130.                                | Questions: (2 of 3)  This concerns           
  131.                                | costuming & historical clothing.             
  132. SEWFAQ_3.ZIP    31405  03-02-94  UseNet alt.sewing Frequently-Asked           
  133.                                | Questions: (3 of 3)  This concerns books     
  134.                                | that cover sewing, fitting and pattern       
  135.                                | drafting.                                    
  136. SHNANGN1.ZIP     8336  02-06-94  Internet FAQ:  Practical Jokes.              
  137. STARFAQS.ZIP    41249  02-21-94  FAQ:  Star Trek.  Upcoming TV shows,         
  138.                                | movies, and more.                            
  139. STD_FAQ.ZIP     31548  02-10-94  FAQ:  ISO standards, ISO/ITU/ANSI.           
  140. TCPIPFAQ.ZIP    37966  02-13-94  The TCP/IP FAQ from the Internet             
  141.                                | newsgroup comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc.       
  142.                                | Definitive source of information on          
  143.                                | running TCP/IP on PC-compatible              
  144.                                | computers.                                   
  145. TRANSPL1.ZIP    14895  02-06-94  Internet FAQ:  Organ Transplantation.        
  146. VIDEOFAQ.ZIP    34800  02-14-94  FAQ:  Consumer Video Equipment.              
  147. WNBFF20A.ZIP    66708  02-06-94  WinBiff 2.0A:  Windows version of the        
  148.                                | well known UNIX biff program that is a       
  149.                                | mail notification utility for UUPC,          
  150.                                | Waffle, FSUUCP, Pegasus Mail, Novell         
  151.                                | MHS, or PC-NFS.                              
  152. ZYXFAQ35.ZIP    43501  03-13-94  ZyXEL modems frequestly asked question       
  153.                                | list.                                        