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File List | 1994-01-22 | 64.4 KB | 825 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 5 - Windows Applications │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 4ALAUNCH.ZIP 41997 08-01-93 4A Launch v1.10: An application
- | launcher for Windows. Its modifies
- | "Open" dialog box allows you to browse
- | all floppy and hard drives for
- | applications to run. An option is
- | included to launch programs minimized,
- | maximized, or normal.
- 649DRAW.ZIP 248935 10-22-93 6/49 Lotto for Windows. Your ticket to
- | win this saturday's Jackpot.
- ADDER21.ZIP 63859 11-05-93 Windows calculator specialized to show
- | continuous display of the accumulated
- | SUM (like the M on a calculator). Also
- | has Save-to-file, Store-Recall, Math
- | functions and user-definable constants.
- ADSLID12.ZIP 3972 10-04-93 Programmable Slide Show v1.2 for After
- | Dark v2.0. This module allows you to
- | create slide shows as a list of Windows
- | BMP files. The files are faded in and
- | faded out at a userspecified speed, or
- | displayed instantly without unattractive
- | visible "banding." Each image can be
- | displayed at a specified position on the
- | screen, with an individual.
- ALM31A.ZIP 294535 10-12-93 ALMANAC v3.1a: Calendar, Information,
- | Note, Scheduler For Windows 3.1 -
- | Several Types Of Calendars, Moon
- | Phases, Holiday Displays, Truetype Font
- | Support, Time Zones. Full-featured
- | classic!
- APPPAD40.ZIP 195776 09-09-93 Application Pad v4.0: Latest version of
- | Application Pad. This is a replacement
- | for Windows Program Manager.
- ASMITH.ZIP 36028 08-11-93 Allows you to define up 60 different
- | cursor arrows and 20 different wait
- | cursors.
- CAPPS.ZIP 163502 09-08-93 HyperAct allows the creation of dialog
- | boxes, edit system control files and
- | perform other functions without writing
- | a single line of code because it uses
- | standard Windows Help or Notepad
- | commands. All specific functions are
- | performed by using the simple HyperAct
- | options. It's also usable by any help
- | authoring system that creates Windows
- | HELP.
- CAPTURE3.ZIP 35736 10-22-93 Capture v3.0: Windows screen capture
- | utility Captures icons and bitmaps.
- | Supports Region, Window, Client Area and
- | Desktop Modes. User definable hotkey and
- | fixed scalings are also featured.
- CARDSWS1.ZIP 136480 10-11-93 CardsWorkShop v1.0: An integrated
- | editor and compiler/player allowing the
- | quick design and play of solitary card
- | games. The language used ressembled
- | PASCAL and is kinda object oriented. A
- | good number of examples are included.
- | Windows 3.x.
- CHNGIT12.ZIP 11231 07-30-93 ChangeIt v1.2: DOS-based utility that
- | will look at any MS-Windows.GRP,.INI,
- | or.PIF file & change all references to a
- | given drive letter to a different drive
- | letter.
- CKBK70.ZIP 254192 06-22-93 v7.0 of Windows 3.1 most popular
- | Checkbook program.
- CKBKCV.ZIP 130487 06-03-93 File for CKBK70.ZIP checkbook program.
- | It converts old data records to the new
- | type of record.
- CLPMT208.ZIP 217175 08-29-93 ClipMate for Windows v3: Clipboard
- | Enhancement. ClipMate remembers all
- | items that you copy to the Windows
- | Clipboard. Lets you view, edit, combine,
- | and print clipboard data. New release
- | features support for most clipboard
- | formats, including Bitmap, Picture, RTF,
- | OLE, and more! Select items visually
- | with new Thumbnail view. New
- | PowerPaste(tm) feature eases pasting.
- CMP167.ZIP 70741 05-21-93 Compose for Windows v1.67: MS-Windows
- | app that allows mnemonic access to
- | characters not found on your keyboard,
- | dialog box access to the individual
- | chars of a font, access to the current
- | date/time & allows previewing of the
- | many scaleable typefaces that are
- | available for Windows along w/technical
- | info about the font.
- DAANI.ZIP 77751 10-03-93 Davy's Art Nouveau Initials Postscript
- | Adobe font: Collection of unrelated drop
- | capitals from the Art Nouveau period; a
- | full alphabet is represented (there is
- | also an extra A, T & I in the lower-case
- | slots), but no more than 3 characters of
- | the same style are found in the font;
- | characters are very ornate & complex.
- DASHFLOT.ZIP 9212 10-11-93 This is a little utility to simplify
- | switching between on-top/not on-top for
- | Dashboard for Windows.
- DAUB124.ZIP 221742 09-21-93 Vector-based drawing program uses
- | "brushstroke" approach (WIN).
- DDTRASH.ZIP 15120 08-28-93 Drag & Drop Trashcan: A file deletion
- | utility that attaches itself to the
- | WIN31 File Manager. Options include stay
- | on top, confirmation of delete, and
- | more.
- DECAY10.ZIP 9759 10-28-93 Windows screen saver: Your screen melts!
- DESIGN10.ZIP 434035 04-28-93 Design-A-Room v1.0 for Windows v3.1:
- | Draw a room, add furniture, fixtures,
- | then print it out. Add walls, etc. All
- | to exact dimensions. All mouse-driven.
- | Know what your room looks like BEFORE
- | you move heavy furniture! ver 1.0.
- DIGICLK.ZIP 79274 07-16-93 DIGICLK v1.1: Windows compatible
- | program that displays a small clock,
- | showing the system date and time, in the
- | lower right hand corner of the display.
- DIRTREE.ZIP 115325 08-10-93 DirTree v1.11. A Windows application
- | that displays and optionally prints the
- | entire directory structure of specified
- | drive.
- DISKICON.ZIP 13973 07-15-93 DiskIcon: An icon that indicates the
- | amount of free space left on disk so
- | that users don't accidentally run out of
- | space.
- DJPL20.ZIP 109438 10-17-93 Directory Jump Plus v2.0: WinWord Macro
- | Jump instantly between directories!
- | Assign your directories real descriptive
- | names up to 50 characters long. Just one
- | click will OPEN or SAVE documents
- | anywhere on your PC or LAN. Plus, CREATE
- | directories from right inside WinWord.
- DODOS10.ZIP 13276 10-08-93 DoDOS v1.0: MS-Windows program which
- | allows you to run DOS apps which won't
- | normally run from Windows; achieves this
- | by creating a temporary BAT file using
- | commands supplied on the DoDOS command
- | line, shutting down Windows, running the
- | BAT file, then restarting Windows.
- DRAGZP30.ZIP 215572 10-03-93 Drag and Zip v3.0: Zip shell for Win
- | 3.1 file manager or any file manager
- | that supports drag and drop. Drag and
- | zip makes any file manager that supports
- | drag and drop into a zip file manager.
- DXTIME.ZIP 12220 08-10-93 DX Time v1.0: A world time clock with a
- | nice 3-D look. It displays the current
- | date and time with daylight or evening
- | status for user-specified cities around
- | the globe. Requires VBRUN200.
- EHI10.ZIP 104810 08-30-93 Essential Home Inventory v1.0: Fast &
- | flexible program for the home and small
- | home office user that keeps track of all
- | of your belongings and can use 30K of
- | text notes & pictures as part of the
- | stored data; requires VBRUN200.DLL.
- EZPROJ.ZIP 205733 06-19-93 Easy project, helps organize businesses
- | and system updates. Automatic scheduling
- | for different task. Does gaint charts on
- | several printers. Shareware version of
- | Microsoft project for Windows clone.
- EZSETUP.ZIP 7595 08-20-93 EZ-Setup automatically searches your
- | floppy disks for standard SETUP or
- | INSTALL programs and starts the
- | installation. Requires VBRUN200.
- EZ_SWAP.ZIP 269820 07-18-93 PM utility to monitor Swap file size -
- | no CPU overhead! (RTL included).
- FAVFIX.ZIP 14887 04-27-93 Combine favorite places in WINCIM.
- FDIAL.ZIP 96723 09-06-93 FastDial v1.5 for Windows maintains a
- | list of names and telephone numbers, and
- | can dial numbers over a modem. Requires
- | VBRUN300.
- FDUMP102.ZIP 34486 10-12-93 FILEDUMP v1.02 - Produces visual,
- | hard-copy and/or archive access to the
- | Hex and Ascii representation of the
- | bytes in a specified file. Runs under
- | Windows 3.1 using VBRUN300.
- FILEUTL3.ZIP 6184 11-06-93 File Utility. Allows you to view
- | pictures, text files, play wave files,
- | delete files and more. Can drag items
- | from file manager. Windows Program.
- | Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
- FILE_LOG.ZIP 337011 11-14-93 Windows v3.1 program for the loggingand
- | recording of physical file folders.
- | Fully-functional. There is the ability
- | to update, delete, create, print etc.
- FILLNOT.ZIP 50525 11-03-93 FILE NOTES v1.0: File Notes allows you
- | to attach descriptive notes to files
- | from within File Manager. These notes
- | may include an author, subject and a
- | lengthy comment. File Notes adds a new
- | menu to File Manager's menu bar for
- | quickly adding and editing notes. Access
- | notes from common open and save as
- | dialogues. Powerful search function
- | included.
- FINDT361.ZIP 99530 10-21-93 Find-It v3.61: MS-Windows disk file
- | search utility; given one or more file
- | specs, date/ size options, & wildcard
- | characters, the tool will search ALL of
- | the specified disks for files matching
- | the specification; will open/ scan
- | ARC/ZIP/ARJ/LZH archives in search of
- | its files.
- FNTPOWER.ZIP 614423 07-12-93 FontPower v1.0a: A font management
- | system designed to help you make better
- | use of your type library. FontPower
- | handles both ATM and TrueType fonts.
- FONTBO20.ZIP 92120 07-02-93 Fontbook v2.0: MS-Windows utility that
- | allows you to print out font specimen
- | sheets to a variety of different designs
- | and to view the typeface on screen, in
- | large clear type.
- FONTOFF.ZIP 69325 08-29-93 Font Off v1.7: Helps you manage large
- | amounts of TrueType fonts.
- FSP510.ZIP 212444 10-27-93 L FontSpec v5.1 for Windows: TrueType
- | viewer & type specimen printer. Can also
- | organize TT fonts into groups.
- FUNDMN41.ZIP 124113 07-16-93 Monitor Your Investments, Mutual Funds,
- | Stocks, Bonds. Windows Program. Many
- | Options.
- FUPDATR.ZIP 11876 08-20-93 File Updater v1.5: Compares files in
- | two selected subdirectories. Requires
- | VBRUN300.
- GMW200.ZIP 487109 11-01-93 Grocery Manager For Windows v2.00 ASP
- | GMW helps you do your meal planning &
- | grocery shopping. It simplifies & speeds
- | up the process of making a menu &
- | shopping list. v2.00 adds many new
- | features! Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
- GRASP20A.ZIP 69958 11-12-93 GRAphical SPace Viewer v2.0A: MS-Windows
- | utility shows which directory is using
- | the space on a disk. It presents the
- | usage by total disk space available or
- | disk space used by way of a bar graph.
- GRFPPR12.ZIP 114785 09-12-93 Print Your Own Graph Paper - All Types,
- | Requires Win 3.x And A LaserJet Printer.
- GROWMONY.ZIP 96454 07-29-93 Money is the seed of Money, Invest for
- | growth, watch it grow and grow.
- | (WIN3.1).
- GVIAW10.ZIP 101792 10-28-93 ViaPrint! v1.0 For Windows: An all-
- | purpose printing program. Uses preset
- | print custom Labels, Flyers, Business
- | Cards and more! Import and resize .BMPs.
- | Drag and Drop design. WYSIWYG format.
- | Color capable with freestyle boxes. Best
- | label maker yet! VBRUN200.DLL required.
- HELLLP.ZIP 74061 11-21-93 HELLLP! Is WinWord Help authoring tool
- | that takes care of all the drudgery and
- | makes authoring Windows Help files an
- | enjoyable and rewarding experience;
- | allows you to use color to make sure
- | that text you wish to emphasize gets
- | read by the users; different sizes and
- | fonts may be used to give additional
- | visual interest.
- HELPCOL.ZIP 22814 08-12-93 HelpColr lets you change the colors
- | used by the Windows Help engine.
- | Requires VBRUN300.
- HITLN101.ZIP 69627 10-09-93 Hitline v1.01: MS-Windows
- | CD-player/database pgm; stores artist,
- | title, tracks, length, etc. In a
- | high-speed Btree-database.
- HOUSE400.ZIP 201350 11-11-93 House-Advanced Desktop for Windows.
- | Unlimited Text Based Program & File
- | Manager. 200 Item Do-Again, 50 Dir
- | Go-Back. Shell. Start & Work groups.
- | Very efficient! U/L by Author. Requires
- | VBRUN200.DLL. A neat little Desktop!
- HPLJ4WIN.ZIP 383637 10-26-93 v1.26 of the LaserJet 4 printer driver
- | for Windows.
- HSD114B7.ZIP 53852 09-24-93 Windows DLP HS/Link Protocol Beta. This
- | is a special version of HS/Link designed
- | for use with ProComm Plus for Windows in
- | the Windows environment.
- ICONPEEK.ZIP 51650 06-08-93 View all icons on 1 screen & compile
- | into BMP.
- INFSPY.ZIP 52405 08-30-93 InfSpy v1.0: Shows Heap, Windows, Tasks
- | and Modules in a window and relates them
- | to each other. Other feature include
- | Heap Memory Dump, printing and saving
- | options, a Task Terminator, Module
- | Unload, and more.
- INFVU130.ZIP 100357 10-25-93 InfView v1.30: Windows ASCII/HEX File
- | Viewer. Now with built-in GREP, FILEFIND
- | and DEBUG capabilities. Features include
- | formatted printing, file identification
- | and file execution. Font selection and
- | clipboard functions too. Great for
- | developers and users, powerful and easy
- | to use.
- INOUT1.ZIP 69352 08-23-93 Enhancements to Windows 3.1 event
- | boxes.
- LATHE152.ZIP 100330 03-28-93 Windows 3.X. Lathe 1.52. 3D modelling.
- LBLWIZ20.ZIP 177838 10-20-93 Label Wizard v2.0: An all-purpose label
- | utility program for Windows v3.1.
- | Includes templates for several audio
- | cassette (J-Card) labels, and a sample
- | mailing and floppy disk label. A very
- | versatile program that is only limited
- | by your imagination.
- LECTBX20.ZIP 152227 10-26-93 Lectric Toolbox v2.0: MS-Windows program
- | launcher; can configure toolboxes for
- | file maintenance; supports drag & drop;
- | size of toolboxes are configurable; can
- | have multiple toolboxes.
- LOCK22.ZIP 55561 10-26-93 File Locker v2.2. File encryption
- | program for Windows. File Locker has the
- | ability to encrypt/decrypt multiple
- | files at a time. Can also run in the
- | "background". There is no danger of
- | decrypting a file with the wrong
- | password. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
- LOCKSET3.ZIP 13218 10-01-93 Windows security system, password
- | protection.
- LOGIGR.ZIP 9331 06-08-93 Logigram - an unusual puzzle in which
- | you must must deduce which computer a
- | group of people have bought over a
- | period of 3 years. Requires
- | VBRUN200.DLL.
- LOGO11.ZIP 48874 11-20-93 LOGO v1.1: Changes Windows boot screen
- | you can inset cool graphics for Windows
- | Logo. Requires Windows 3.1.
- LRS16.ZIP 639652 06-02-93 This is a Bible Program for Windows
- | it's GREAT! Try it you will like it.
- LVIEW251.ZIP 203231 08-28-93 Lview v2.51: Image Viewer For Windows.
- L_LANIML.ZIP 371299 03-25-93 Look and Listen Animals for Children:
- | Makes learning a computer an adventure
- | for your child. Easy to use, Windows
- | compatible, educational program that
- | talks through the PC internal speaker or
- | installed sound card. Teach that young
- | mind from A to Z with Look and Listen
- | A,B,C. Ages 2-6. Sound Off and Loop
- | options are great for testing. Requires:
- | Windows 3.0 or 3.1.
- MACSHA20.ZIP 129368 10-10-93 MacShare v2.0 for Windows: Macro manager
- | intended to replace Win's Macro Recorder
- | with a two-key macro entry system; NOT
- | affected by macros built into other
- | apps, so you can playback a macro
- | manager keystroke in the middle of a
- | WordPerfect macro, for example;
- | VBRUN300.DLL
- MCROWORD.ZIP 12046 06-13-93 Sample Macros for WordBasic for MS-Word
- | for Windows. Great samples.
- MEMO_RY.ZIP 31858 06-08-93 This is a Windows 3.1 program that will
- | enable you to take quick short notes and
- | retreive then at a later time.
- MMOU15.ZIP 25111 10-17-93 Mouse utility v1.5 for Windows v3.1.
- MOMATH1.ZIP 90484 09-23-93 Money Math for Windows 3.1, v1.1 ASP
- | financial analysis tools for annuities,
- | bank discount, bonds, cd's, compound
- | interest, discounted cash flow, loan
- | amortization, and simple interest using
- | 10 different calculation dialog boxes.
- | Calculates more than 45 different
- | unknown variables. Has extensive Windows
- | help with 12 detailed examples.
- MONTOR.ZIP 52999 11-03-93 Disk, resource, memory monitor from PC
- | Magazine (WIN).
- MULTILBL.ZIP 146912 06-03-93 MultiLabel 3.0 is a WYSIWYG label
- | designing program. It supports standard
- | Avery Laser Labels and custom label
- | layouts. You can use any font available
- | in Windows, import clip art, and
- | preview clip art before loading onto the
- | label.
- MYM2QKN.ZIP 37027 09-15-93 MYM2QKN v2.01 converts data from
- | Managing Your Money (v7.1 or higher) to
- | Quicken for Windows.
- M_ODOM.ZIP 102595 08-26-93 Mouse Odometer 1.1 by TOGGLE BOOLEANS.
- | Keeps track of how much mileage you put
- | on your mouse. Requires Windows.
- NICERED.ZIP 221796 08-24-93 Cool morph made using WinMorph 1.2, it
- | morphs a nice looking red car into a
- | GREAT looking woman in a red bodysuit!
- | Check it out!
- ODOMTR20.ZIP 27769 10-27-93 Mouse Odometer v2.0: MS-Windows utility
- | that keeps track of how far the mouse
- | cursor moves and allows you to relate
- | that to how far you actually move the
- | mouse on your desk.
- OF40CRTL.ZIP 59871 07-22-93 Office modified .DLL File That Fixes
- | Memory Problems In Office For Windows.
- PAGANW10.ZIP 157850 10-24-93 The Pagan Daybook is a small Windows
- | calendar which will display the current
- | pagan festivals, the time and tides and
- | other arcane lore. It's colourful,
- | configurable and much more fun than a
- | conventional calendar. Never miss
- | another solstice again. Or perhaps more
- | important, another Saturnalia.
- PGPWIN11.ZIP 14304 09-03-93 Windows front end for Pretty Good
- | Privacy.
- PIC_SND.ZIP 291501 03-25-93 A slide show program that speaks with
- | your own voice! Simply substitute your
- | picture and sound files for the Softline
- | files. 1 to 100 picture and sound files.
- | Features picture Auto-Stretch/Shrink.
- | Requires: Windows 3.1, Sound board, and
- | microphone to record. Graphics software
- | to create pictures (Paint). Sound card
- | not required to hear play back.
- PIXFIX.ZIP 107392 11-14-93 Fix damaged headers in graphics files
- | (WIN).
- PLANT130.ZIP 14294 10-24-93 PLANT v1.30: DOS application to swap
- | Windows wallpaper, screen saver, and all
- | system sounds. Selects new files from
- | compressed (zip) archives. Easy to
- | setup.
- | Windows root directory. Then from the
- | Control Panel Desktop, select
- | Polygeometrics as your default Windows
- | screen saver.
- PMICO102.ZIP 27492 10-23-93 Assign different icons to each MS-Win
- | 3.1 Program Manager group v1.02, a
- | capability strangely lacking in Windows.
- | Works quite seamlessly. Also, adds a
- | reboot or restart exit option to Win.
- | Nice little program.
- PMIN.ZIP 35307 08-24-93 Program Manager Minimizer v1.1 allows
- | you to selectively minimize ProgMan when
- | running an application. Requires
- | VBRUN300.DLL.
- POSTER11.ZIP 37833 10-30-93 Posters! A quick and easy stickup notes
- | program for Windows. It is designed to
- | be simple to use as possible-much
- | quicker and easier to use than other
- | stick-up notes programs! Notes last
- | from one Windows session (Written in VB
- | 3.0. Requires VBRUN300.DLL, all other
- | runtime libraries and files included in
- | .ZIP file).
- PPICK1.ZIP 165967 06-15-93 Pro Pick for Windows. Tracks pro
- | football game results and schedules and
- | predicts winners for upcoming games.
- PRGGRP15.ZIP 8054 09-20-93 Progman-Groups v1.5: Gives you the
- | possibility to have groups in groups in
- | the program manager of Windows. Because
- | PRGGRP uses normal progman groups, you
- | don't have any limitations.
- PRICRYP.ZIP 179613 09-02-93 Private Cryptographer v1.13: Easily
- | safeguard sensitive files. NEW: WAV
- | sound file support. Requires VBRUN300.
- PRJCTR.ZIP 91785 09-05-93 Projector for Windows. A WIN31 screen
- | saver that plays MOVIES (AVI files or
- | BMP/WAV combos).
- PTS42.ZIP 89427 10-12-93 Personality Type HELP file for Windows.
- | Revision 4.2. The MS Windows 3.1 Help
- | file, PTS42.HLP, will help you to
- | understand the diversity and dynamics of
- | normal human personality. By studying
- | this document, you will truly learn more
- | about yourself and the people who are a
- | part of your life.
- QDEX106B.ZIP 21093 05-31-93 QUICKDEX 1.06b: Excellent replacement
- | for Windows Cardfile. Allows you to
- | search forward and backward, allows a
- | regular expression search, and allows
- | unlimited file and card sizes.
- QPRO210.ZIP 30842 07-20-93 Replacement DLL for Cresents Custom
- | Controls.
- RBOXES.ZIP 41223 10-27-93 Random Boxes: Windows 3.1 Screen Saver.
- RE20B.ZIP 117207 06-19-93 RE v2.0B: MS-Windows utility VB3Prof
- | with 4 virtual screens, with RETaskList
- | that allows you to move, kill. Switch VS
- | with buttons or on min. Icon; run
- | applications (with browse, history);
- | ReStart/Boot; 4 QuickLaunch buttons;
- | resources as text or an ONTOP %-bar;
- | save layouts as a snapshot of the
- | current app and their VIRTSCR.POS:
- | reload, change, del, etc.
- RENTT200.ZIP 29043 08-12-93 RENAMETT v2.00: DOS program to change
- | the name Windows 3.1 uses to refer to a
- | TrueType font; interactive or automatic
- | mode.
- RESDUET2.ZIP 139036 11-19-93 Windows Resource Utility v2.0.
- RG1C.ZIP 100936 10-08-93 Recipe Gourmet - is a simple, easy to
- | use program for keeping recipes. Also
- | contains reference information and can
- | be used for mixed drinks. From Alston
- | Software Labs. Requires Windows 3.x and
- | VBRUN300.DLL.
- RINGMS.ZIP 9257 08-24-93 Ringmaster v1.0 is a program launching
- | system that can handle up to 255
- | different programs in up to 15
- | categories. Requires VBRUN200.
- RIPBAR41.ZIP 190296 10-10-93 RipBAR v4.1: MS-Windows utility that is
- | an application/drag n drop launcher,
- | memory and resource tracker and clock.
- SANSKRIT.ZIP 67975 10-25-93 Romanized Sanskrit/Pali True Type font
- | for PC Windows 3.x.
- SAVRMAN.ZIP 74710 09-09-93 ScreenSaver-Manager v1.2 let you quickly
- | test, configure, delete, or make current
- | any screen saver modules. You can also
- | build your own screensaver directory and
- | put the modules in this directory.
- | Requires VBRUN300.
- SCAP13.ZIP 11113 05-03-93 Screen capture program for Windows.
- SCRSTRT.ZIP 14219 06-23-93 ScrStart v1.2: Allows you to quickly
- | start a WIN31 screen saver by click on
- | its icon or move cursor to screen
- | corner.
- SETTIM04.ZIP 63424 11-11-93 Windows program to set system time from
- | NIST.
- SIGNMK.ZIP 99314 07-16-93 The Sign Maker. Create High Quality
- | Displays For Your Retail Store. Works
- | With Any Printer Installed Under
- | Windows. Total Wysiwyg Environment.
- | Import Bitmap Images Into Your Sign!
- | Supports Multi-Font, Multi-point Signs.
- | Industry Standard Sized Supported.
- | Extensive On-Line Help, Tutorial And
- | Context Sensitive Help.
- SLAUNCH.ZIP 150700 09-02-93 Steve's Launcher attaches to the WIN31
- | File Manager and adds a menu to start up
- | to eight of your favorite applications.
- | Requires VBRUN300.
- SMESME12.ZIP 279148 08-23-93 Same Same v1.2: Windows v3.1 program
- | that makes it EASY to transfer files
- | from one computer to another via floppy
- | disks. Lots of new time saving
- | features! Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
- SMISHL13.ZIP 81664 10-05-93 SmilerShell v1.3: Clever MS-Win 3.1
- | command line util, unlike RUN, it
- | handles both DOS & Win apps, has
- | built-in cmd line editor, aliases,
- | history, more.
- SMTPPR10.ZIP 43918 09-27-93 Wallpaper INSIDE ProgManager, File
- | Manager! Allows different bitmap
- | backgrounds inside any Windows MDI
- | application, including the File Manager,
- | Program Manager and many others from
- | other vendors. Supports 256 colors, and
- | random selection at start or on a time
- | basis. Choose a different graphic for
- | each program, each run, or tile one of
- | the standard Windows backgrounds.
- STAPP.ZIP 24255 08-26-93 Startapp allows you to set up an icon
- | for which you can select the working
- | directory you want to use at an
- | application runtime. Handy front-end for
- | WinWord, Ami-Pro.
- STICKIES.ZIP 279491 07-26-93 Stickies v2.1 for Windows: A powerful
- | note manager. It allows you to easily
- | create and print up to 45 on-screen
- | notes and store up to 1,000 notes in a
- | "file cabinet."
- STOP31.ZIP 6107 08-14-93 Stop v3.1 is a quick-exit utility for
- | Windows. It will request any running
- | programs to shut down and exit Windows
- | by single or double clicking on its
- | stopsign-shaped icon.
- STOPTH14.ZIP 51763 11-05-93 STOP THAT v1.4: MS-Windows keyboard
- | utility to allow the PC Caps Lock to
- | behave in the same way as a typewriter;
- | also allows you to control how the Num
- | Lock and Scroll Lock keys behave.
- STOPTHAT.ZIP 51063 10-27-93 Stop That for Windows: Caps Status
- | Controller, making Shift work like on a
- | typewriter. Also has programmer's
- | setting, and other configurable options.
- SUPRG102.ZIP 113945 06-01-93 SUPERG.EXE v1.02: Display your PM
- | groups as Super Groups anywhere on your
- | desktop. Create toolbars, vertical
- | lists, icon lists, etc. Supports up to 5
- | different views. This utility is so
- | flexible, you can create Super Groups
- | within PM groups by selecting an option
- | from the main menu. Also supports a
- | Status Bar and sort options. Settings
- | are saved for each Super Group created.
- SWIFT15.ZIP 53172 07-16-93 Swift Access: icon-bar launcher.
- SYSFONT.ZIP 19576 10-26-93 Create a Windows system font from any
- | existing Windows screen font.
- TASKLR12.ZIP 125172 10-21-93 Task Killer v1.2: MS-Windows pgm
- | designed to display all of the modules
- | (DLL's and EXE's) currently loaded in
- | the system, can terminate any module,
- | decrement the usage count of DLLscreate
- | multiple module lists showing thestate
- | of the system at different times,
- | compare module lists in side-by-side
- | windows, save module lists to files and
- | print module lists.
- TBAR5S.ZIP 68440 05-22-93 Custom toolbars for Microsoft Access.
- TBAR5V.ZIP 60248 05-24-93 Custom toolbars for MS Access for SVGA
- | mode.
- TBARLIB.ZIP 28239 09-03-93 Toolbar Library Manager lets you easily
- | create and save an unlimited number of
- | toolbars for Word for Windows. Toolbar
- | configurations can be used across .DOT
- | files, and toolbars can be swapped with
- | only two mouse clicks.
- TCP162.ZIP 139856 07-27-93 Mail notification utility for Windows
- | (works with PMail, uupc, MHS, and more).
- TFAX11.ZIP 52722 10-15-93 TSS Fax v1.1: WinWord Fax Macro. The
- | easiest way to have your fax-modem send
- | faxes from Word for Windows! Automate
- | the tedious task of faxing inside
- | WinWord: now one click can do it all.
- | Simple to set up and simple to use,
- | regardless of your fax-modem, fax
- | software, or printer.
- TLBAR211.ZIP 209915 10-18-93 Toolbar v2.11 for Windows v3.1: Program
- | Manager replacement shell or add on.
- | Drag-n-Drop. This version includes new
- | utilities and you can design your own!
- TOOLQB11.ZIP 73250 07-07-93 Adds floating buttons to most any app.
- | Pressing button with customizable icon
- | will send keystrokes to app. Req:
- | VBRUN300.DLL.
- TT_NITEM.ZIP 18824 01-01-10 Burton's Nightmare: A font based on the
- | style of the new Tim Burton
- | Halloween/Christmas film: "Nightmare
- | Before Christmas".
- TXP.ZIP 16915 11-07-93 Idiot-proof treatment plan for Windows.
- TYPODOT2.ZIP 5953 11-27-93 Winword 6.0 template to add 300 typos
- | to the new Winword 6.0 AutoCorrect
- | feature. An updated template that
- | includes the Typos in lowercase so
- | Winword 6.0 sees the typos in a normal
- | business letter.
- UC_CIS.ZIP 3323 07-15-93 WINFILE.SCR is a Unicom 3x script for
- | searching multiple CIS forum libraries
- | by date and (optional) keyword, with
- | options for how you want to store the
- | log file.
- USWTHRWN.ZIP 127402 10-15-93 U.S. Weather map: shows average temps,
- | rain, sun, etc. Req: Windows.
- UZPFRNT.ZIP 14055 09-12-93 UnZip Front End v1.0 for Windows: A
- | shell for PKUNZIP. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
- VCRPW.ZIP 70690 06-06-93 Encode/Decode VCR codes. Req: Win 3.1.
- VDDRVR40.ZIP 54011 11-08-93 Video Driver Switcher for Windows.
- VLFM10.ZIP 73487 10-25-93 VlFm v01.00.00: Volume library file
- | manager for MS-Windows.
- VLFM99.ZIP 62854 09-29-93 Visual File Manager v0.99 for Windows:
- | Creates icons for applications and
- | associated files.
- VSW12.ZIP 61855 10-16-93 VidSwitch v1.2: Change video resolution
- | (which means changing drivers) under
- | MS-Win 3.1. More convenient than Windows
- | setup. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
- VSW14.ZIP 68878 10-29-93 VidSwitch v1.4: Change your video
- | resolution you need VidSwitch! VidSwitch
- | learns the settings for your various
- | drivers and allows a quick change from
- | one resolution to another. Much simpler
- | and quicker than using Windows setup!
- | Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
- VXRUN.ZIP 273608 06-19-93 Runtime DLL For Vxrexx Programs.
- | Includes Nice Calculator Application.
- VZIP16.ZIP 21941 10-09-93 Windows shell for PKZIP v2.0x.
- WAVMSG.ZIP 40635 08-16-93 Wave Messages is a reminder system that
- | uses your own recorded voice. It lets
- | you record messages to yourself and have
- | them play back automatically when you
- | start Windows. Req: Soundcard
- | w/Playback/Recording Support &
- | VBRUN300.DLL.
- WBARCL40.ZIP 63655 12-02-93 Win Bar Clock v4.0: Displays information
- | such as the time, date, free resources,
- | free memory, or any text message in the
- | title bar of the active window.
- WBD32.ZIP 117628 10-18-93 WINBOND v3.2: A Windows application to
- | track and valuate Series EE bonds.
- | Provides import capabilities to convert
- | from other files, multiple bond files
- | capabilities, owner info, up-to-date
- | bond redemption tables issued by the
- | Department of the Treasury, and
- | reporting, including a 20 year
- | projection of bond values. Sold bond
- | history can also be maintained.
- WCIM105.ZIP 371322 05-19-93 Upgrade to Compuserve Information
- | Manager for Windows, v1.0.5.
- WCOMP.ZIP 17681 08-23-93 Win File Compare v1.0: allows you to
- | easily and quickly compare two different
- | text files.
- WFGUT1S.ZIP 30057 08-10-93 Text file manager for Windows that
- | strips control codes from WP files of
- | other word processors.
- WFUND33.ZIP 224816 11-01-93 FundExpert for Windows v3.3: portfolio
- | manager program for investors in mutual
- | funds, stocks and bonds. Has many unique
- | features.
- WINBACK2.ZIP 196686 04-28-93 WINBACK v3.1c: Powerful backup program
- | for Windows. Easy to use mouse-driven
- | interface. Restore disk will restore
- | your programs to any formatted hard
- | drive. Req: DOS 3.0.
- WINCAT32.ZIP 309187 06-08-93 WinCat/PRO v3.2: Disk & CD Catalog/
- | FileManager. Catalogs floppydisks, CD's,
- | harddisks. etc., also contents of ARJ,
- | ZIP, LZH, PAK, ARC, ZOO. Interfaceswith
- | all DOS/Windows programs (e.g.WinZip)
- | using user-defined associations.
- | Extensive search/sort capabilities.
- | Features: reads 4DOS description, import
- | from text-file, export to DBF file,
- | various reports.
- WINCMD34.ZIP 90508 11-24-93 Windows v3.1 DOS Command line v3.4.
- WINDRU13.ZIP 49297 10-10-93 WIN31: Displays disk usage on a pie
- | chart.
- WINFSTP.ZIP 22071 09-06-93 WinFast Plus v1.0: Quick and easy
- | utility for launching applications.
- WINKIT13.ZIP 48606 11-04-93 The Windows Installation Kit v1.3:
- | DOS-based set of programs that analyze
- | the Windows directory when an
- | application is installed to determine
- | what files are necessary to install or
- | un-install the application on other
- | workstations.
- WINMAGNF.ZIP 8383 06-01-93 Magnifying glass shows part of screen
- | 6X size in Windows. Great for looking at
- | .ICO and BMP files without opening them.
- WINOCR20.ZIP 226822 09-06-93 Winocr v2.0a: An Optical Character
- | Recognition Program. It Works With
- | Bitmaps Produced Using Low Cost
- | Hand-Held Scanners And Is Intended To
- | Provide An Effective Method Of Data
- | Entry For Programmers And Others Who
- | Require OCR. It Requires Windows And A
- | Computer With 2mb RAM.
- WINOCR21.ZIP 237353 10-29-93 WINOCR v2.1: Optical character
- | recognition for MS-Win 3.1, reads Win
- | .BMPs (mono) and tries to recognize the
- | text.
- WINPRT12.ZIP 25244 07-23-93 WinPRT v1.2: Windows package that
- | prints the current screen/clipboard
- | contents, executes PRTSC for "hotkey"
- | screen prints & executes PRTCLIP for
- | "hotkey" clipboard prints; req
- | VBRUN300.DLL.
- WINRUN31.ZIP 41141 08-21-93 4 Windows utilities: Group runner, Win
- | Runner, Task Runner and Right Click.
- WINSCHE.ZIP 4557 07-19-93 Windows Scheduler v3.0. Runs programs
- | at a specified time. Requires
- | VBRUN300.DLL.
- WINUHS.ZIP 29004 06-03-93 Universal Hint System file reader for
- | Windows.
- WINUNARJ.ZIP 52887 06-01-93 Windows decompression utility.
- WINVEL43.ZIP 184056 10-30-93 WINVELOPE v4.3: Envelope printing
- | utility for Windows. Includes support
- | for copy/paste, Windows installed fonts,
- | multiple return address selection,
- | graphic logos, auto-print orientation
- | control, POSTNET bar codes, and an
- | attractive user-friendly interface.
- | "This is a most excellent envelope
- | printing program." Windows v3.1
- | Hyperguide. VBRUN300.DLL required.
- WIZART10.ZIP 139199 07-04-93 WIZART v1.0: Create Your Own Windows
- | Screen Savers. Design Contests By
- | Author. Req: VBRUN200.DLL (ACAD).
- WLPRSP30.ZIP 110574 09-24-93 Windows print spooler.
- WLYRA100.ZIP 143148 10-18-93 Lyra for Windows: music composition
- | program.
- WNDRY16A.ZIP 116642 10-31-93 WinDiary v1.6A: MS-Windows Calendar
- | replacement & doubles as a daily diary;
- | allows up to 758 chars per daily entry
- | for an entire year & allows instant
- | viewing of data in any month w/a mouse
- | click; days are color-coded & has pop-up
- | alert messages; export to Windows Write,
- | W4W, NotePad & clipboard; requires
- | VBRUN200.DLL.
- WNMATH11.ZIP 43936 06-12-93 WinMath v1.1: MS-Windows educational
- | program for children to practice their
- | basic math skills; Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
- WNNDLR40.ZIP 60229 08-10-93 WinDialer v4.0: Windows name & address.
- WNPLT.ZIP 155845 08-29-93 Winplot 0.8 is a data graphing and
- | analysis program. Features include,
- | zoom, and pan along with point by point
- | analysis It supports Cartesian, Polar
- | and LOG scales with spectral analysis
- | capabilities. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
- WNSCRL.ZIP 51760 08-25-93 Windows v3.1 HEX/ACSII browser v6.4.
- WORDCB14.ZIP 48369 10-18-93 WordCab v1.4: file cabinet for WinWord
- | 2.x that allows you to manage WinWord
- | file by title instead of by filename.
- WPLAY25.ZIP 10248 09-21-93 Wave Player v2.5: A utility that plays
- | sound files, changes wallpaper, shells
- | to DOS and gives system info.
- WRIPDM05.ZIP 207571 07-11-93 WinRIP "Sneak Preview" Demonstration
- | v0.5 for Public.
- WTM21E.ZIP 83430 11-20-93 WorldTime v2.1e for Windows 3.1.
- WWCALN20.ZIP 9879 10-12-93 Calendar.Dot v2.0: WinWord macro that
- | computes and sets up monthly calendars.
- WWPA121.ZIP 136522 07-23-93 WigWam Prune Assistant v1.21: allowsthe
- | configuration of all aspects ofpruning
- | via a Windows interfacesupporting
- | double clicking drag & drop,etc,
- | callable from inside WigWamntegrating
- | itsself onto the toolbox/bar. Req:
- | VBRUN200.DLL/PASPRT.ZIP. Disk 1 of 2.
- XBOARD.ZIP 58660 10-30-93 Clipboard companion for Windows 3.1 & NT
- XBS110.ZIP 152566 05-20-93 XBS110.DLL v1.00: 0002: MS-Access XBase
- | IISAM driver (bug fix).
- XTW150C.ZIP 58954 06-06-93 Update to Xtree for Windows 1.50 to vC.
- X_MAS.ZIP 30310 09-14-93 Christmas Win 3.1 screen saver.
- YC104S.ZIP 300619 06-20-93 Yakkity Clock v1.04: Talking Windows
- | clock. Literally "tells" you the time at
- | the press of a button or at easily
- | configured intervals from once every
- | hour to once every minute.
- YEAH15.ZIP 90246 10-16-93 Yeah! v1.5: Replacement for
- | Winfile/ProgMan: built-in DOS functions.
- ZSHR04.ZIP 120492 10-21-93 ZiffNet Monthly Shareware Review: 11/93.
- | This issue comes with Windows screen
- | saver, entitled "Ghost." ZShare also
- | reviews "Halloween Harry" from Apogee
- | and an exciting new Windows application
- | called "Top Draw." ZShare is a
- | hypertext newsletter about shareware,
- | distributed in Windows 3.1 Help format.
- ZZZCLOCK.ZIP 4600 11-06-93 Interesting Windows v3.1 clock for
- | everyone!