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File List  |  1994-08-19  |  16.6 KB  |  214 lines

  1.  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2.  │                        34 - Program Demonstrations                        │
  3.  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  5. 10000.ZIP      237351  07-06-94  3D dice game with real time animation        
  6.                                | for EGA 80386 or better.  Playable DEMO.     
  7. 11TH.ZIP      1112454  05-20-94  8 pictures from the 11th hour game.          
  8. 1MT_PIX.ZIP    275068  07-01-94  MYSTIC TOWERS SLIDE SHOW PREVIEW.  A         
  9.                                | slide show preview of the new Apogee hit     
  10.                                | game, Mystic Towers, featuring the           
  11.                                | lovable Baron Baldric!  256 color VGA        
  12.                                | graphics, digital sound and music awaits     
  13.                                | you in this isometric-3D adventure from      
  14.                                | Apogee Software!  286+ required.             
  15.                                | Supports mice, joystick, & the Gravis        
  16.                                | Gamepad.                                     
  17. 1OMFPREV.ZIP   227161  04-22-94  One Must Fall 2097 Preview!  Find Out        
  18.                                | About The Ultra-Hot Fight Game Coming        
  19.                                | June 15, 1993 From Epic Megagames.  Omf      
  20.                                | 2097 is A Quantum Leap Ahead of Street       
  21.                                | Fighter II And Mortal Kombat, With Super     
  22.                                | High-Tech Fight Action.  This File           
  23.                                | Contains A Slide Show And Vital Details      
  24.                                | About Omf 2097!                              
  25. 3DWDEMO.ZIP     52677  06-01-94  Demo of a 3D world engine in progress.       
  26. 4DBOX.ZIP      796647  03-16-94  4-D BOXING with Tru-Motion (tm) playable     
  27.                                | game demo from Electronic Arts.              
  28.                                | FREEWARE.  Go head-to-head in the boxing     
  29.                                | ring with a computer opponent!  For DOS.     
  30. 4DX.ZIP        251475  05-02-94  4DX.  A playable demo of a 3D engine         
  31.                                | game being released by the author.           
  32.                                | Strictly Freeware, and public for            
  33.                                | distribution.  Downloaded from               
  34.                                | Compuserve.                                  
  35. ARCH202.ZIP    278864  05-30-94  ASSET ARCHITECT (Demo) 2.02.01.  Enables     
  36.                                | you to use your computer for long-term       
  37.                                | financial planning.  Enter information       
  38.                                | about your assets and your plans, and        
  39.                                | Asset Architect will reveal your             
  40.                                | eventual net worth and estimated             
  41.                                | (retirement) income.                         
  42. ART_WEST.ZIP   612511  03-09-94  Demo of Everton's Ancestral Researchers      
  43.                                | Tools.                                       
  44. BDEM20.ZIP     314434  04-15-94  Builder 2.0 Demo Program 2.00.  <ASP>        
  45. C3DEMO.ZIP     368999  04-26-94  Latest Demo And Features of C3 Templates     
  46.                                | Version 1.13.                                
  47. CA13DEMO.ZIP   542405  05-10-94  Chess Assistant 1.32.  Chess game            
  48.                                | database for DOS.  Restricted demo of        
  49.                                | big-time chess DB program.                   
  50. COOLDEMO.ZIP    55269  03-01-94  Graphic Intro:  Cool Alpha!                  
  51. DADEMO.ZIP     139540  03-28-94  Digital Apathy Demo.  By Eternal.            
  52. DELU_SW.ZIP    233528  05-08-94  NEW ZEALAND PRESENTS '93 STARWARZ '94. A     
  53.                                | megacool VGA/SB(pro/16bit) intro with 6      
  54.                                | channel music mixing at 22khz on SB          
  55.                                | cards(in stereo on pro/16bit).  Features     
  56.                                | true shaded starwars type scroller           
  57.                                | amazingly TV quality rendered space-         
  58.                                | ship!  New Zealand Made.  REQUIRES: VGA      
  59.                                | and fast 386; SoundBlaster optional.         
  60. DEMOVT15.ZIP   228798  04-27-94  1.51 By VangeliSTeam/Iguana in 1993-94.      
  61.                                | Play MOD/S3Ms thru SB/GUS in your            
  62.                                | productions!  Supports ASM, C, TPAS, WC      
  63.                                | and Tran's PMode!  Free!                     
  64. DOOM2PCX.ZIP   441249  06-18-94  Screen shots from the upcoming DOOM 2        
  65.                                | from Id Software.  These are in PCX          
  66.                                | format.                                      
  67. DOOMPIC1.ZIP   215385  04-04-94  Assorted Screen Shots from id's DOOM!        
  68. DOSDEMO.ZIP     41347  05-24-94  Demo of PC Install 2.07 for DOS.  The        
  69.                                | program creates a professional installa-     
  70.                                | tion routine for the distribution of         
  71.                                | software.  It modifies system files,         
  72.                                | checks drive space, checks CPU type,         
  73.                                | creates directories, deals with              
  74.                                | compression and multiple disks and can       
  75.                                | do partial installs based on end-user        
  76.                                | input.                                       
  77. DRAGONT3.ZIP   256215  03-10-94  Several screen shots of the new game         
  78.                                | "DRAGON TALES".                              
  79. FASTDEMO.ZIP   246664  06-17-94  Fast Library 3.15 Demo.  Shows the           
  80.                                | capabilities of Fast Library 3.15.           
  81. FASTTERM.ZIP     5246  06-17-94  Fast Library 3.15 COM Demo.  A Little        
  82.                                | Terminal Emulation Program Made With COM     
  83.                                | Support of Fast Library.                     
  84. FLEXDEMO.ZIP   646237  04-11-94  FlexFile II - demonstration package          
  85.                                | included.                                    
  86. FNXDEM.ZIP     123573  05-03-94  FormsNexus Demo Disk by RCCO Research.       
  87.                                | Screen Shots of FormsNexus, Laser-Ready      
  88.                                | Office Forms Suite For Windows 3.1.          
  89.                                | Ready-To-Use Collection of Professional-     
  90.                                | ly designed Standard Office Forms            
  91.                                | Offering The Highest Possible Quality        
  92.                                | Printed Output For Laser or Inkjet/          
  93.                                | Bubblejet Printers.  Also, Explains How      
  94.                                | to Obtain A Fully-Functional Evaluation      
  95.                                | Copy of FormsNexus.                          
  96. FPSBALL.ZIP   1427436  03-07-94  Front Page Sports BASEBALL playable demo     
  97.                                | from Dynamix.  Straight from Sierra.         
  98.                                | All soundblaster compatible boards           
  99.                                | accepted.                                    
  100. FRBLDEMO.ZIP   414565  03-07-94  Franchise Rotisserie Baseball League         
  101.                                | Demo.  Demo version of a program which       
  102.                                | allows you to manage a Franchise Fantasy     
  103.                                | Baseball League from Fantasy Sports          
  104.                                | Properties.                                  
  105. GUSDEMO.ZIP    171459  06-24-94  OLE demo of Gravis Ultrasound card.          
  106. HEDRA2.ZIP     144818  05-01-94  IPAS routine for 3D Studio that is a         
  107.                                | DEMO version only.  It allows you to         
  108.                                | create many different kinds of 3D            
  109.                                | polygons that can be rendered in 3D          
  110.                                | studio.                                      
  111. HOBODEMO.ZIP   581210  04-01-94  Demo of Heros of Hoboken, a new graphic      
  112.                                | adventure from Legend.                       
  113. JAGDOOM.ZIP    484040  03-18-94  Four Screen Shots (256 color GIF) of the     
  114.                                | Atari Jaguar version of DOOM.                
  115. MOONDEMO.ZIP  1246287  05-31-94  Excellent playable demo for Putt Putt        
  116.                                | Goes To The Moon children's game.            
  117.                                | Beautiful graphics, VGA and Sound            
  118.                                | Blaster supported.  All children will        
  119.                                | love this game!  Well worth the download     
  120.                                | time!                                        
  121. MYSTWALK.ZIP    17659  05-02-94  WALK-THRU for Broderbund's MYST!             
  122. OUTVBX.ZIP      43735  04-17-94  MS C sample demos using MSOUTLIN VBX.        
  123. PEDDOC.ZIP       8609  04-12-94  Pedigree Pursuit Demo.                       
  124. POW1_1.ZIP    1122682  03-16-94  Programmer's Oberon Workbench.  An           
  125.                                | Oberon-2 development environment for         
  126.                                | Windows.  DEMO version has slightly          
  127.                                | limited functions.                           
  128. PRDGJDMO.ZIP   453462  06-18-94  DEMO of Prodigy Journalist from the          
  129.                                | Prodigy.                                     
  130. PRHPDEMO.ZIP  1219938  06-16-94  HP and WP Presentations demo.                
  131. ROTODEMO.ZIP    11771  06-12-94  Demo of RotoAd by Quests.  Author:  R.       
  132.                                | Dias.                                        
  133. RZR_RED.ZIP    187173  04-02-94  1911:  "RED" is an EyeBlasting MCGA          
  134.                                | graphics Demo!  Featuring artists like:      
  135.                                | Performer, Zebig, Mat and Tdk Supports       
  136.                                | GUS, SB & SB Pro!                            
  137. SERIOUS.ZIP    149184  06-11-94  SERIOUS.  Astonishing dentro by Jeskola!     
  138.                                | Productions.  This dentro features a lot     
  139.                                | of new, original and amazing effects.  A     
  140.                                | must for every demo collector.  A VGA        
  141.                                | compatible display and a 386 or better       
  142.                                | are required to see this dentro.  Gravis     
  143.                                | ultrasound is required for music.  This      
  144.                                | dentro was released on the Abduction         
  145.                                | Party held on 11th-12th of June'94 in        
  146.                                | Rovaniemi.                                   
  147. SHAPE_.ZIP      92035  06-22-94  SHAPE! presents a dentro called TEXTMODE     
  148.                                | STRIKES .BAK.                                
  149. SID_AL.ZIP    1346491  04-15-94  Playable demo of Sid and Al's Incredible     
  150.                                | Toons by Sierra Online.                      
  151. SIRDS15.ZIP    992321  06-22-94  Demo of Stereolusions 1.5.  This Windows     
  152.                                | application lets you create the familiar     
  153.                                | 3D images found in malls, posters and        
  154.                                | books.  It accepts .BMP and Windows Meta     
  155.                                | Files (.WMF).  User has control over         
  156.                                | size, color, patterns and many other         
  157.                                | features.                                    
  158. SOSDEM.ZIP     626444  06-13-94  Interactive Demo of Sink or Swim by          
  159.                                | Merit Mind bending, arcade-style             
  160.                                | graphics.  For puzzle game fans.             
  161. SOWDEMO.ZIP    162084  06-19-94  Playable demo of JTM Productions' new        
  162.                                | RPG "The Scent of War I - Damn those         
  163.                                | Demons."  D&D-style adventure, 10 races      
  164.                                | and 10 classes to choose from.  Make         
  165.                                | parties of up to 6 adventurers.  Fight       
  166.                                | Zombies, Goblins, Wizards, etc. Requires     
  167.                                | 386, 1 MB RAM.                               
  168. WBMAN2.ZIP      62996  03-21-94  Wave Blaster Manipulator 2.0 (demo).         
  169. WOG.ZIP        202606  06-07-94  Great GIF's of Origin upcoming Wings of      
  170.                                | Glory.                                       
  171. XCOMDEM1.ZIP   454913  05-06-94  X-COM:  Terran Defense Force game demo.      
  172.                                | This is a playable demo of the U.S.          
  173.                                | Version of Microprose's "UFO:  Enemy         
  174.                                | Unknown" game.  (1 of 3)                     
  175. XCOMDEM2.ZIP   335333  05-06-94  X-COM: Terran Defense Force game demo.       
  176.                                | This is a playable demo of the U.S.          
  177.                                | Version of Microprose's "UFO: Enemy          
  178.                                | Unknown" game.  (2 of 3)                     
  179. XCOMDEM3.ZIP   385496  05-06-94  X-COM: Terran Defense Force game demo.       
  180.                                | This is a playable demo of the U.S.          
  181.                                | Version of Microprose's "UFO: Enemy          
  182.                                | Unknown" game.  (3 of 3)                     
  183. XSHOW.ZIP       63489  06-23-94  XSHOW is a VGA graphics screen demo that     
  184.                                | will scroll your custom text message         
  185.                                | across the bottom of the screen.  This       
  186.                                | is great for advertising at computer         
  187.                                | shows/stores while entertaining the eye      
  188.                                | with VGA patterns.  By Brand-X FreeWare!     
  189. _1HP_PIX.ZIP   187293  05-16-94  HOCUS POCUS SLIDE SHOW PREVIEW of the        
  190.                                | new Apogee platform game, Hocus Pocus.       
  191.                                | 256 color VGA, multi-level parallaxing       
  192.                                | magical game play awaits you in this fun     
  193.                                | Apogee hit!  Support for GUS and other       
  194.                                | major sound cards.  Fans of Mario style      
  195.                                | games will be spellbound by Hocus Pocus.     
  196.                                | 386SX required, Joystick optional.           
  197. _1ROTPIX.ZIP   487438  07-15-94  RISE OF THE TRIAD FROM APOGEE.  A Slide      
  198.                                | show preview of Apogee's new game "Rise      
  199.                                | of the Triad".  3-D game featuring           
  200.                                | looking up/dn, modem play, a dozen           
  201.                                | weapons and more.  Eight channel sound       
  202.                                | effects and music support for:  GUS, PAS     
  203.                                | 16, SB, AdLib, Roland, and most other        
  204.                                | cards.  Requires a 386.  Supports:           
  205.                                | Mouse/Joystick/GamePad.                      
  206. __TDDEMO.ZIP   281185  03-07-94  Traffic Department 2192 PREVIEW - You        
  207.                                | don't want to miss this exciting preview     
  208.                                | of Safari Software's upcoming game, and      
  209.                                | cutting-edge concept!  Contains: Killer      
  210.                                | Graphics, Heart Pounding Music, and          
  211.                                | Shattering Sound Effects for SB, SBPro,      
  212.                                | and 100% compatible sound cards.             
  213.                                | Requires:  256 Color VGA graphics, 286.      