Source Code 1992 March
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Assembly Source File
326 lines
PAGE 60,132
; Program SHOW.ASM
; Purpose Text file displayer
; Input File name from command line or prompt
; Output Display file to screen
.MODEL small
INCLUDE dos.inc
INCLUDE bios.inc
.STACK 100h
; Status line
PUBLIC statline,linenum
statline DB " Line: "
statfile DB " File: "
stathelp DB " Quit: ESC Move: PGUP PGDN HOME END "
linenum DW 1
; Variables for screen handling
PUBLIC cell,rows,columns,vidadr,statatr,scrnatr,cga
cell LABEL WORD ; Cell (character and attribute)
char DB " " ; Initialize to space
attr DB ? ; Attribute
columns EQU 80 ; Number of columns
rows DW 24 ; Number of rows - status line takes one more
mode DB ? ; Initial mode
pag DB ? ; Initial display page
newvid DB 0 ; Video change flag
cga DB 1 ; CGA flag - default yes
vidadr DW 0B800h ; Video buffer address - default CGA
mono EQU 0B000h ; Monochrome address
statatr DB 030h ; Color default - black on cyan
bwstat EQU 070h ; B&W default - black on white
scrnatr DB 017h ; Color default - white on blue
bwscrn EQU 007h ; B&W default - white on black
; Variables for buffer and file handling
PUBLIC buffer,pbuffer,sbuffer,fsize,namebuf
pbuffer DW 0 ; Position in buffer (offset)
sbuffer DW ? ; Base of buffer (segment)
lbuffer DW ? ; Length of buffer
fhandle DW ? ; Holds file handle on open
fsize DW ? ; File size after dosopen
prompt DB 13,10,13,10,"Enter filename: $"
prompt2 DB 13,10,"File problem. Try again? $"
namebuf DB 66,?
filename DB 66 DUP (0) ; Buffer for file name
err1 DB 13,10,"Must have DOS 2.0 or higher",13,10,"$"
err2 DB 13,10,"File too big",13,10,"$"
; Call table
exkeys DB 71,72,73,79,80,81 ; Extended key codes
lexkeys EQU $-exkeys ; Table of keys
extable DW homek
DW upk
DW pgupk
DW endk
DW downk
DW pgdnk
DW nonek
EXTRN pager:PROC,isEGA:PROC ; Routines in other module
start: mov ax,@DATA ; Initialize data segment
mov ds,ax
cli ; Turn off interrupts
mov ss,ax ; Make SS and
mov sp,OFFSET STACK ; SP relative to DGROUP
; Adjust memory allocation
mov bx,sp ; Convert stack pointer to paragraphs
mov cl,4 ; to get stack size
shr bx,cl
add ax,bx ; Add SS to get end of program
mov bx,es ; Get start of program
sub ax,bx ; Subtract start from end
@ModBlok ax ; Release memory after program
; Allocate dynamic memory for file buffer
@GetBlok 0FFFh ; Try to allocate 64K
mov sbuffer,ax ; Save buffer segment
mov lbuffer,bx ; Save actual length allocated
; Check DOS
@GetVer ; Get DOS version
cmp al,2 ; Requires DOS 2.0
jge video
@DispStr err1 ; else error and quit
int 20h
; Adjust for current mode and and video adapter
video: call isEGA ; EGA (or VGA)?
or ax,ax ; If 0 must be CGA or MA
je modechk ; Leave default
mov rows,ax ; Load rows
dec cga ; Not CGA
modechk: @GetMode ; Get video mode
mov mode,al ; Save initial mode and page
mov pag,bh
mov dl,al ; Work on copy
cmp dl,7 ; Is it mono 7?
je loadmono ; Yes? Set mono
cmp dl,15 ; Is it mono 15?
jne graphchk ; No? Check graphics
loadmono: mov vidadr,mono ; Load mono address
mov statatr,bwstat ; Set B&W defaults for status line
mov scrnatr,bwscrn ; and screen background
dec cga ; Not CGA
cmp al,15 ; Is it mono 15?
jne cmdchk ; No? Done
mov dl,7 ; Yes? Set standard mono
jmp SHORT chmode
graphchk: cmp dl,7 ; 7 or higher?
jg color ; 8 to 14 are color (7 and 15 done)
cmp dl,4 ; 4 or higher?
jg bnw ; 5 and 6 are probably black and white
je color ; 4 is color
test dl,1 ; Even?
jz bnw ; 0 and 2 are black and white
color: ; 1 and 3 are color
cmp dl,3 ; 3?
je cmdchk ; Yes? Done
mov dl,3 ; Change mode to 3
jmp SHORT chmode
bnw: mov statatr,bwstat ; Set B&W defaults for status line
mov scrnatr,bwscrn ; and screen background
cmp dl,2 ; 2?
je cmdchk ; Yes? Done
mov dl,2 ; Make it 2
chmode: @SetMode dl ; Set video mode
@SetPage 0 ; Set video page
mov newvid,1 ; Set flag
; Try to open command line file
cmdchk: mov bl,es:[80h] ; Get length
sub bh,bh
mov WORD PTR es:[bx+81h],0; Convert to ASCIIZ
push ds
@OpenFil 82h,0,es ; Open argument
pop ds
jc getname ; If error, get from prompt
mov fhandle,ax ; else save handle
push ds
@GetFirst 82h,,es ; Let DOS convert to file name
pop ds
jnc opened ; If OK file is open
; Prompt for file
getname: @DispStr prompt ; Prompt for file
@GetStr namebuf,0 ; Get response as ASCIIZ
@OpenFil filename,0 ; Try to open response
jc badfile ; If successful, continue
mov fhandle,ax ; Save handle
@GetFirst filename ; Let DOS convert to file name
jnc opened ; If OK, file is opened
badfile: @DispStr prompt2 ; else prompt to try again
@GetKey 0,1,0
and al,11011111b ; Convert key to uppercase
cmp al,"Y" ; If yes,
je getname ; try again
jmp quit ; else quit
; Copy file name to status line
opened: mov si,9Eh ; Load FCB as as source
mov di,OFFSET statfile[7] ; Load status line as destination
mov al,es:[si] ; Load first byte
inc si
copy: mov [di],al ; Save and load bytes until 0
inc di
mov al,es:[si]
inc si
or al,al ; Check for 0
loopne copy
; Check file size
@GetFilSz fhandle ; Get file size
or dx,dx ; Larger than 64K?
jne big ; Yes? Too big
mov fsize,ax ; Save file size
mov cx,4 ; Convert to paragraphs
shr ax,cl
cmp ax,lbuffer ; Is it larger than buffer
jle fileread ; No? Continue
big: @DispStr err2 ; else error
@Exit 2
fileread: push ds
@Read buffer,fsize,fhandle ; Read file
pop ds
jnc readok ; If no read error continue
jmp getname ; else try again
; Search back for EOF marker and adjust if necessary
readok: mov di,ax ; Load file length
push es ; Save ES and load buffer segment
mov es,sbuffer
std ; Look backward for 255 characters
mov cx,0FFh
mov al,1Ah ; Search for EOF marker
repne scasb
jcxz noeof ; If none, we're OK
inc di ; else adjust and save file size
mov fsize,di
noeof: pop es
@SetCurPos 0,43 ; Turn off cursor by moving off screen
; Display first page
xor ax,ax ; Start at 0
push ax
firstpg: call pager
; Handle keys
nextkey: @GetKey 0,0,0 ; Get a key
nextkey2: cmp al,0 ; Is it a null?
je extended ; Yes? Must be extended code
cmp al,27 ; Is it ESCAPE?
jne nextkey ; No? Ignore unknown command
quit: @ClosFil fhandle ; Yes? Close file
@FreeBlok sbuffer ; Release buffer
cmp newvid,1 ; Restore video?
jne thatsall ; No?
@SetMode mode ; Restore video mode, page, and cursor
@SetPage pag
thatsall: mov dx,rows ; Load last row and first column
xchg dl,dh
mov cx,dx ; Make row the same
mov dl,79
@Scroll 0 ; Clear last line
sub dl,dl
@SetCurPos ; Set cursor
@Exit 0 ; Quit
extended: @GetKey 0,0,0 ; Get extended code
push es
push ds ; Load DS into ES
pop es
mov di,OFFSET exkeys ; Load address and length of key list
mov cx,lexkeys+1
repne scasb ; Find position
pop es
sub di,(OFFSET exkeys)+1 ; Point to key
shl di,1 ; Adjust pointer for word addresses
call extable[di] ; Call procedure
jmp nextkey
homek: mov pbuffer,0 ; HOME - set position to 0
push pbuffer
mov linenum,1
call pager
upk: mov ax,-1 ; UP - scroll back 1 line
push ax
call pager
pgupk: mov ax,rows ; PGUP - Page back
neg ax
push ax
call pager
endk: mov ax,fsize ; END - Get last byte of file
mov pbuffer,ax ; Make it the file position
mov linenum,-1 ; Set illegal line number as flag
mov ax,rows ; Page back
neg ax
push ax
call pager
downk: mov ax,1 ; DOWN - scroll forward 1 line
push ax
call pager
pgdnk: push rows ; PGDN - page forward
call pager
nonek: retn ; Ignore unknown key
END start