Source Code 1992 March
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Assembly Source File
365 lines
; ASK program to enable you to ask questions and let users type in a
; one-character response. This allows you to build simple menu-driven
; batch file or yes/no type questions.
; See the external docuementation for more details.
; Written by Peter Wu; April, 1986
; UUCP: {seismo|ihnp4|harvard|ucbvax|allegra|topaz}!uwvax!uwmacc!pwu
; ARPA: pwu@unix.macc.uwisc.edu
argl equ 80h ; start of command line
special equ '^' ; the special escape character
switch equ '/' ; switch character preceeding options
cmdlen equ 150 ; max length of converted cmd line
maxargc equ 4 ; max # of arguements
squote equ 39 ; ASCII of '
all segment 'code'
assume cs:all,ds:all
org 100h
entry: jmp start
;********************** data area ***********************
line db cmdlen dup(?) ; store the converted command line
argc db ?
argv dw maxargc * 2 dup(?) ; *argv[]
option db 1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
; a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
; 0 = option off, 1=invalid option, 2 = option on
cry db 'unknown option ',squote
unkopt db ? ; fill in the unknown option here
db squote,' ignored',13,10,'$'
;*********************** code area **********************
; getc returns a converted character. bx should point to command line
; cl should contain the length of the command line
; ah=0 if normal character; ah='\' if special character.
three db ? ; for counting down from 3
ten db 10 ; for multiplying
getc proc near
xor ax,ax ; clear character
sub cl,1 ; len = len - 1
jc eoln ; reached end of command line
mov al,[bx] ; get a character
inc bx ; point to next one
cmp al,special ; is it the special char '\' ?
jnz normal ; nop; just a normal character
sub cl,1 ; len = len - 1
jc eoln ; last character is '\'; ignore it
mov ah,al ; flag special char
mov al,[bx] ; get the next char
inc bx ; point to next char
; translate \nnn characters into ascii
cmp al,'0' ; see if first n is a digit
jb notdig ; not a digit
cmp al,'9'
ja notdig ; not a digit
; first n is a digit
xor ch,ch ; init accumulator
mov three,3 ; convert 3 digits at most
sub al,'0' ; convert to binary
; now multiply cl by ten and add al to it
xchg al,ch ; do this so we can use al to multiply
mul ten ; assume result is still 8 bits
add ch,al ; one digit is done.
; more digits?
dec three
jz gotit ; converted all three digits
mov al,[bx] ; examine next char
cmp al,'0' ; is it a digit
jb gotit ; not a digit; end translation
cmp al,'9'
ja gotit ; not a digit; end translation
inc bx ; point to next char
jmp digit ; process digit
mov ah,special ; flag special char even for \nnn
mov al,ch ; return char in al
notdig: ; not \nnn (e.g. \a \b \c \d ...)
cmp al,special ; \\ => \
je skip
cmp al,'"' ; \" => "
je skip
and al,31 ; \a => ctrl-a; \b => ctrl-b; ...
xor ax,ax ; return end-of-line char
getc endp
;*********************** prts **********************
count dw ?
p dw ?
prts proc near ; print string to stdout; si points to string
mov ax,[si+2] ; pointer to string
mov p,ax ; save pointer
mov ax,[si] ; get length of string
mov count,ax
ploop: sub count,1
jc d1 ; end of string
mov bx,p
mov dl,[bx] ; current character to be printed
inc p ; point to next character
mov ah,2 ; function number for print character
int 21h ; print character
jmp ploop ; repeat
d1: ret
prts endp
;********************* main *********************
mc db ? ; loop index
char db ? ; key pressed by user
crlf db 13,10,'$' ; crlf string
helpms db 'Usage:',13,10
db ' ask [',switch,'c',switch,'q] '
db '"prompt message" "expected response"',13,10,10
db ' ',switch
db 'c makes the response case sensitive',13,10
db ' ',switch,'q will accept non-expected response (returns'
db ' 0)',13,10
db ' "prompt message" and "expected response" are quoted'
db ' strings',13,10
db ' To embed special characters use ',special
db 'nnn where nnn is a 3-digit ASCII',13,10
db ' or ',special,'a for ctrl-a, ',special,'b for'
db ' ctrl-b, ... (except ',special,special,' for ',special
db ' itself',13,10,' and ^" for the quote character)',13,10
db ' Response can be tested with if errorlevel',13,10
db ' Errorlevel is set to index("expected response",key '
db 'pressed)',13,10,10
db 'See the external document for more information',13,10
db '$'
nom db '*BEEP* Unexpected response',13,10,10,'$'
start proc near
mov bx,argl ; start of parameters
mov cl,[bx] ; length of parameter
inc bx ; now point to first char
mov di,offset line ; point to convert line buffer
mov si,offset argv - 4 ; point to *argv[0] - 4
mov argc,0 ; normally start at 1; but for ask.com 0 is ok
; now split command line into arguements in argv[]
cmp argc,maxargc ; can we handle more arguements?
jae done ; if not; get out
call getc ; convert one character
or ax,ax ; check for done
jz done ; end of command line
cmp al,' ' ; a blank space?
jz loop ; skip it
; now we must be seeing the beginning of an arguement
inc argc ; count it
add si,4 ; point to next *argv[]
mov [si+2],di ; where string start
mov word ptr [si],0 ; set length to 0
mov dx,' ' ; assume this is the separator
cmp ax,'"' ; start of quoted string?
jne noquote ;
mov dx,'"' ; make this the separator
jmp next ; don't store the first "
mov [di],al ; store the character
inc di
inc word ptr [si] ; increment argv's length
call getc
or ax,ax
jz done ; end of arguement
cmp ax,dx ; is this the separator?
jz loop ; find next arguement
jmp noquote ; keep storing
; now done with splitting argv[]'s
; now let's check for options
mov ah,argc
mov mc,ah ; for mc = argc downto 1 do
mov si,offset argv - 4
or ah,ah ; do we any argv at all?
jz endopt
add si,4 ; point to *argv[0,1,2,...]
mov bx,[si+2] ; address of string
cmp byte ptr [bx],switch ; is this string an option?
jnz endopt ; no more options
; process this option (option can be /abc or /a /b /c or /a/b/c)
mov cx,[si] ; length of option string
inc bx ; point to char after the switch
dec cx ; decrement length of option string
jz nextop ; done with this option string. Next.
; now scrutinize the option letter
mov al,[bx] ; the option letter
cmp al,switch ; is the switch embedded in here?
je mopts ; ignore it
cmp al,'A' ; check for legal option letters
jb badopt
cmp al,'Z'
jbe goodopt ; a valid uppercase option letter
cmp al,'a'
jb badopt
cmp al,'z'
ja badopt
mov dl,al ; save option letter in case of error
and al,31 ; convert to 1-26
dec al ; convert to 0-25
xor ah,ah
mov di,ax ; use as an index
mov al,dl ; in case we need this to print error
cmp option[di],1 ; check if this is a known option
je badopt ; if not, yell at user
mov option[di],2 ; set the option
jmp mopts ; go look at next option char.
badopt: ; yell at user for bad option character
mov unkopt,al
mov dx,offset cry
mov ah,9 ; print the error message
int 21h
jmp mopts ; look at next option char.
dec mc ; count down argc
jnz more
; now process the parameters
cmp mc,0 ; see if there's any arguements at all
ja nohelp
mov dx,offset helpms ; if not, print a summary
mov ah,9 ; print string
int 21h
xor al,al ; return code 0
jmp die
nohelp: ; si is pointing to a parameter *argv[]
mov di,si
add di,4 ; if mc = 2 then di is pointing to the
; expected response string's argv[]
; now see if we should convert the "expected response" to upper case
cmp mc,2 ; is there an "expected response" at all?
jb ask ; if not, then forget about converting
cmp option + 'c' - 'a',2 ; should we be case sensitive?
je ask ; if so, then forget about converting
; convert "expected response" to upper case
mov cx,[di] ; length of "expected response"
mov bx,[di+2] ; point to the actual string
mov al,[bx] ; get a character from "expected response"
cmp al,'a' ; see if it's a lower case letter
jb notlow
cmp al,'z'
ja notlow
; alright, we have a lower case letter here, make it upper and store it back
sub al,32
mov [bx],al
inc bx ; point to next char
dec cx ; decrement length
jnz convert ; until all characters are converted
call prts ; print first parameter (the prompt)
mov ah,1 ; keyboard input function code
int 21h ; get a char
mov char,al ; save it
mov dx,offset crlf ; print a carriage return
mov ah,9
int 21h
; now see if the /c option is on or off
mov al,char ; get it back
cmp byte ptr [option+'c'-'a'],2
je nocase ; no case translation if on
; translate to upper case
cmp al,'a'
jb nocase
cmp al,'z'
ja nocase
sub al,32 ; convert lower case to upper case
cmp mc,2 ; test if expected response is present
jb die ; if not present, just return the ASCII
; now we should try to search the key pressed with expected response
mov cx,[di] ; length of string
mov bx,[di+2] ; start of string
mov ah,al ; mov char into ah
xor al,al ; use this to keep track of the index
inc al ; adjust index
cmp [bx],ah ; match ?
je die ; if so, exit with index as errorlevel
inc bx ; point to next char
dec cx ; more to check?
jnz search
; ok, no match, what should we do?
xor al,al ; return this if quiet option is set
cmp option + 'q' - 'a',2 ; quiet option set?
je die ; return with errorlevel = 0
mov dx,offset nom ; quiet option not set, so yell at user!
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp ask ; prompt user again until he gets it right
mov ah,4ch ; terminate; errorlevel in al
int 21h
start endp
all ends
end entry