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Volume 1, Number 2 January 10, 1987
| |
| The Official Newsletter CCCC |
| CC CC |
| of the CC |
| CC S P O T R U N |
| C Spot Run CC |
| CC CC |
| C Add-On Library CCCC |
| |
Editor: Bob Pritchett
Publisher: Fido 107/414
This newsletter is published irregularly when enough information
warrants it. The latest newsletter is always available at The
Pinelands BBS, (609) 354-9259, FidoNet (107/414), and registered
users of the C Spot Run Library will recieve new issues by modem
or US Mail.
This newsletter is protected by United States Copyright law. It
may be reproduced and freely distributed provided no fee is
charged and the newsletter is not modified in any manner.
- Table of Contents -
1. Introduction....................................2
2. New release.....................................3
3. Support for more compilers......................4
4. Sample programs.................................5
5. Graphics........................................6
6. Books...........................................7
7. Looking at the future...........................8
8. Sample program sources..........................10
C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
== Introduction ==
Bob Pritchett
Hello again. This is the second newsletter, and if you
don't yet have the first, I recommend you get and read it, it
might prove interesting.
Finally, thanks to Microsoft's technical support, the
problem I was having with the windows has been removed, allowing
development to continue, the end result being this newsletter and
the accompanying version of the library. (For the curious:
Although I did the needed moves of BP at the start and finish of
a small ASM routine, I neglected to include the PUSH BP and and
POP BP statements, resulting in a software hangup.)
I've gotten quite a few calls to the BBS, and a few voice
phone calls, and I'd like to thank those of you who've responded
for your comments and suggestions. However, even if only to
satisfy my curiosity, I'd really like to see at least a copy of
the user response form (at the end of the manual) from as many
people as possible. (I haven't received even one.) Comments and
suggestions are valuable to me, as I am running out of
creativity. Also, although I can't guarantee it, the chances of
you receiving an update notification or something are 100% better
if I have your name and address.
The library is currently released only to CompuServe, GEnie,
and a couple of BBS's local to me. I'd love to see it
distributed as far and wide as possible, but outside of my small
calling range, I don't know any good BBSes. If you have, or know
of, a BBS that would like to be a distribution point for the
library, please contact me. (The only request I have is that if
I list you as a distribution point, meaning I'll make sure you
always have the latest version, you keep it up on the system.)
The Pinelands BBS, as those of you who've connected know,
has experienced a disk crash and a pile of other assorted
problems. It went down for almost a month, and my apologies to
those of you who tried unsuccessfully to call. From now on it
will either be up, or the call will be call-forwarded to another
BBS whose SYSOP was kind enough to have us. Apologies for the
inconvenience, it is now ready to go.
Once again I extend an invitation (or rather I plead) for
you to contribute routines, programs, utilities, or articles for
the newsletter.
There is no Bug Notices section in this newsletter, as the
release of the newsletter coincides with that of the new library
Enjoy the library, share it with your friends, and let me
know if you have questions or comments. Thanks!
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
== New Release ==
The new release of the library, version 2.0, has several
advantages. Bugs have been fixed, and new routines cover things
such as field and normal input and sound.
There is a temptation for me to continue adding routines
until I have 'the perfect' library. The only problem with that
is that I will never release it, because I always have something
else I want added. So if what you are looking for isn't here,
tell me what it is, and you should find it in the next version of
the library. (Also note that some types of routines involve so
many variables that I can never have exactly the routine you
want. (The input routines for example.) That is why the source
code is available....)
Future versions are dependant mainly on the contributions of
users by means of source and ideas, keep them coming!
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
== Support for More Compilers ==
The library, powerful as it is, is currently limited to
Microsoft C 3/4.0. To make it more globally useful, it should be
able to work with all major compilers, and I hope this support
can come about in the very near future. Of course this requires
a few things, such as someone with a knowledge of the compiler
and its library, and, of course, a copy of the compiler.
The hardest part of the conversion will be the 'grunt' work.
I went ahead and used Microsoft's REGS union for interrupt calls,
making use of the ability to access the ?h and ?l registers, in
addition to the ?x registers supported by the interrupt calling
functions of many compilers. This will obviously be a tedious
conversion task for those who can not directly access the
individual registers. (?h and ?l.)
Additionaly there is the job of converting the assembly
headers in the .ASM files.
This is just about all there is to it. (Sounds easy,
right?) However, I do not have the time or manuals to do this
conversion job. If anyone out there would like to take on the
job of converting the source to work with another compiler,
testing it, etc. they may do so, and will get the source for
free, in addition to a possible percentage of revenue generated
by that version. I don't claim that it is an easy job (well,
maybe easy, but surely tedious), so please only volunteer if you
have the time and desire to do it. If you do, please contact me
so we can discuss it.
Note: So far the support plan includes support for the
Microsoft, Lattice, Eco-C88, and Computer Innovations C
compilers. If you wish to work on another brand, that's great,
we need all the support we can get.
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
== Sample Programs ==
At the end of the newsletter are a few sample program
sources, (.EXE is in the archive). These are just small programs
that demonstrate the use of library functions in a somewhat
practical manner.
In addition to the sources included here I have a couple of
non graphic animated games. (ASCII characters are used instead
of graphic lines and figures.) For the most part they use just a
few library functions (windowing, screen manipulation, and a few
other odd routines) but they do show some techniques for psuedo
artificial intelligence in moving the computer's players etc.
(Besides, I think some of them will keep you playing for a
while.) If you'd like a copy of the sources and EXE, you may
find them around on BBSes, or write/call me and I'll send them to
Once again, I invite contribution of any programs you may
have written using the library. Even if you don't have source to
publicly distribute, I'm curious to see what people have done
with the functions available. Thanks....
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
== Graphics ==
Graphics are an exciting and useful part of an application,
and thus an important part of any function library. However I am
far from an expert at PC graphics, and I don't have the time or
desire to become one. I've seen dozens of graphics routines in
all languages. The problem is that I can't get what are probably
the fastest routines (the assembly ones) to work properly
I've even been sent a set of graphics routines in C, but
they are for high resolution mode only, and I don't want to
modify them to work in all modes and handle palletes etc.
The problem: I don't want to do ANY debugging of graphics
routines, and I don't have any good, fast, and universal ones
already done.
My solution: Whoever will send me a complete set of
graphics routines, similar (or easily modifiable to) the
following format will get registration status and library source.
(The $50 option on the order form.) As many routines as you can
put together would be nice, and as long as the code is semi
readable I'll even write the documentation.
What I'd like to see:
Graphic dot plotting routine. No checks on parameters,
and useable in all graphics modes.
Graphic line. My limited knowledge of line plotting
routines suggests speed would be improved with the addition of
two routines, gvline() and ghline(), to plot vertical and
horizontal lines and save time by not checking for diagonals on
all lines.
gbox(x,y,x2,y2,color); gfbox(x,y,x2,y2,color);
A simple open box drawing routine, and a filled box.
I don't know how to do it, you might.
gcircle(x,y,radius,color); gfcircle(x,y,radius,color);
Circle routine, and filled circle routine.
I believe I have some sample routines that would help with
the circle and oval routines, contact me.
If I can get these primitives I'll even look into graphic
windows, as has been requested.
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
== Books ==
Seeing as I have nothing better to write about, I'd like to
take this space to talk about a few C/PC books.
The Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC.
(Bellevue: Microsoft Press. 1985). $19.95
This book is billed as "The ultimate regerence guide to the
entire family of IBM personal computers." In my opinion, it
fully lives up to this statement. Without this book, I would
never have written C Spot Run. Although it leaves a few subjects
with only minimal explanation, it covers just about everything
you would ever want to know about your PC. Examples are provided
in a variety of languages, and the entire book is cross
referenced. An absolute must for anyone developing applications
which make low level use of the IBM PC's bios or MS-DOS's
Data Handling Utilities in C. Robert A. Radcliffe and
Thomas J. Raab. (Berkley: Sybex. 1986). $19.95
This book contains hundreds of well documented routines to
perform data entry, manipulation, and output. The source is all
Lattice, but it is easily ported to any other compiler. If you
are writing a data based application that is intensive in data
manipulation, this book is a great tool. The variety of
specialized routines goes far beyond the scope of C Spot Run's
limited set of data tools. A nice set of apendices are included,
with things such as a list of vendors of C products, a modified
_main() function, and a chart of the powers of two. Overall it
is a very complete set of tools for applications development.
Advanced C: Techniques & Applications. Gerald E. Sobelman
and David E. Krekelberg. (Indianapolis: Que Corporation. 1985).
This book is for those with a basic knowledge of C. The
subjects covered range from device independant graphics to
btrees, linked lists, and coding style. After several chapters
on different areas of programming, the book jumps into the
development of a large graphics system with a powerful user
interface. (Something like implementing a Macintosh environment
on a PC. However it is put together in a way to make it rather
independant of your machine. Developing device independant code
is one of the issues the book stresses.) If you need to write a
graphic (/icon) oriented system that is user friendly, this book
is for you. It also serves to teach good techniques in general
applications development, and stresses many other issues
applicable to non graphic systems.
I hope you find some of the above useful, and I hope it
stimulates some of you to contribute some book reviews, whether
it's just a paragraph or a complete analysis.
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
== Looking at the Future ==
Wow, another newsletter done. (Yes, I know this is only the
second one, but you didn't write both of them, not to mention the
I'd like to discuss some issues related to the library and
support of it. First of all, my goals for the library:
o To provide a user-supported library of routines and tools
for C programmers.
o To make sure the library is of use to programmers in many
areas, and to keep it up to date and well supported.
o To make enough money to justify the long hours and
financial outlay needed to develop and support the library.
I enjoy working on the library, however there is a large
investment of time and expense on my part. For that reason,
while I will do my best to help everyone, registered users will
get first priority in support, and their requests will be
fufilled first.
The library is user-supported for several reasons. First of
all, public domain C source was invaluable to me while (and
after) I learned the language. I am also an extensive user of
public domain programs, and I owe all those gracious people a
large debt. I don't have the money to compete with commercial
packages, and I don't want to have extensive legal obligations to
Now, while the library is user-supported, I still plan to
offer full support, the result of which is this newsletter and
the Pinelands BBS. The bottom line of this entire lengthy
discussion is that while I plan to offer all the support I can, I
am just as lazy (or more so) than the next guy, and thus
seemingly simple routines may be absent. (A bad habit of mine,
if it isn't something I know how to do, and it isn't that
important to me, I won't go to the trouble of looking it up.)
However, if you need something done, and can't write it yourself,
let me know and I'll give it a shot, or find someone who can
handle it. (If you can write it, how about sending me a copy?)
A nice addition to the library, and something that would
complement the input routines, would be some sort of data base
engine, btree or something. Anyone who will send a nice complete
set of data management routines of this type will get a free copy
of the library source. (I don't have time to learn all that.
Note: What I need is contribution by the author(s) of the
routines, there are a few sets in the PD, but I have been unable
to contact the authors for permission to use them, which is
something I need.)
I understand that there are a lot of poor design choices in
the library, especially the windows. However, as I can't very
well design a set-up that will fit everyone's needs, I have
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
chosen to do it as you see it implemented, and I haven't thrown a
lot of time into insignificant, yet useful, additions, other then
what is already there. Hopefully (for me) this will encourage
you to purchase the source code, which you can then modify to
your heart's content. In any case, there are two other
solutions. I can set up a totally independant second set of
windowing routines that are more efficient and flexible then the
ones currently implemented. Things such as multiple page
support, borderless windows, windows with virtual sizes, not
physical, etc. Or you can contact me about a custom job for a
specific application. Let me know your opinions.
Finally, if I can help in any way, I'll be glad to give it a
shot. Don't be afraid to contact me with anything from a
criticism to a suggestion or question. I'd love to hear from you
(it's inspiring) and I'm running out of new ideas. (Or rather,
out of new ideas I'll implement without prodding from users.)
(Remember, routines and utilities are appreciated, and a
good (or even poor) article for the newsletter would put me in
shock. (Joyous shock....))
Bob Pritchett
New Dimension Software
23 Pawtucket Dr.
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Voice: (609) 424-2595
Data: (609) 354-9259 300-2400B 24hrs.
FidoNet: (107/414)
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
== Sample Program Sources ==
DateDiff is a small program invoked with one or two
arguments, both dates. It returns, for two arguments, the number
of days between the two dates. For one argument, the number of
days between the given date and the current date.
** D A T E D I F F . C
** Calculates the difference of two dates, specified on command
** line. Uses the C Spot Run C Add-On Library.
** Copyright 1986 Bob Pritchett
** Created: 08/17/86 Last Updated: 08/20/86
int argc;
char *argv[];
int x;
int m;
int d;
int y;
int mn;
int dy;
int yr;
printf("\n -- DateDiff Version 1.0 --\n\n");
if ( argc < 2 || argc > 3 )
printf(" DateDiff will return the difference between two dates\n");
printf("in days. If only one date is specified the current date\n");
printf("will be used for the second.\n\n");
printf(" DATEDIFF <xx>/<xx>/<xxxx> [<xx>/<xx>/<xxxx>]\n\n");
if ( argc == 2 )
if ( y < 100 )
y += 1900;
if ( yr < 100 )
yr += 1900;
x = dt_diff(m,d,y,mn,dy,yr);
printf(" The difference is %d days.\n",x);
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
SoundEff is a small program to demonstrate the use of the
sound() function to produce sound effects. It does just three
simple sounds, but the structure is applicable to other sounds.
The data for these sounds was obtained from a file called
SOUNDEFF.BAS. Note: The sounds were tested on an AT. Depending
on your processor speed and the type of speaker you have you may
find the sound very slow, very fast, or off tune. Simple
modifications to the numberic constants should be all it takes to
fix them for your setup, but trial and error is the only sure
fire method.
** S O U N D E F F . C
** Soundeffects in C. Some data from SOUNDEFF.BAS.
** Copyright 1986 Bob Pritchett
** History:
** 08/27/86 RDP Work on improving sounds.
** 08/25/86 RDP Coding begun, some effects added.
int x;
while ( ! kbhit() )
for ( x = 200; x < 901; ++x )
for ( x = 900; x > 199; --x )
while ( ! kbhit() )
for ( x = 800; x < 901; ++x )
while ( ! kbhit() )
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C Spot Run Newsletter - January 10, 1986
for ( x = 0; x < 25; ++x )
for ( x = 0; x < 25000; ++x )
printf("Testing sounds....\n");
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