Source Code 1992 March
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Assembly Source File
101 lines
Comment *
│title : jzredscr │
│Purpose : read directly from the screen buffer without snow │
│Notes : Yes, even reading from the screen causes snow !!! │
│(C) JazSoft Software by Jack A. Zucker (301) 794-5950 │
title print directly to screen buffer
name jzredscr
assume cs:_text
_text segment public byte 'code'
public _jzredscr
_jzredscr proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov al,[bp+6] ; get row
mov bx,50h ; 50 columns (hex)
mul bl ; row offset = # columns * row
mov bx,ax ; put value back in bx
add bx,[bp+8] ; add column
shl bx,1 ; multiply by 2
mov si,bx ; screen seg:di = offset for writing
mov cx,[bp+0Ah] ; get length in cx
push ds ; save ds for mode check
mov ax,40h ; low memory information segment
mov ds,ax
mov di,49h ; screen mode
cmp byte ptr [di],7 ; 7 = mono mode
mov di,[bp+4] ; get offset of first character
pop es ; restore our data into dest segment
jz mono ; [si] = 7 means mono mode
mov ax,0b800h ; color screen segment
mov ds,ax
mov dx,3dah ; address of 6845 Status register
Comment *
│ This next section which only gets executed in color mode checks the status │
│ register of the 6845 crt controller chip. When bit 0 is set to 1 we can │
│ update the screen without snow. The process is to check to see if it's set │
│ to one and loop until it's not. Then loop until it's High and fall out of │
│ the loop and write the character. The reason it's done this way is in case │
│ you initially check the status and it's at the very end of a retrace. In │
│ that case, you would think that it is safe to write to the screen buffer │
│ but my way takes care of a partially complete retrace on the first try. │
│ Examine the code on pertaining to bios int 9 in the Ibm technical reference│
│ manual. Note that this code is unnecessary for many compatibles as they do │
│ not have the same bug in their displays as the Ibm pc does. │
in al,dx ; get vertical retrace status
ror al,1 ; faster than test
jc status_low ; wait for partially done retrace
cli ; don't allow any more interrupts
in al,dx ; wait for beginning of new retrace
ror al,1
jnc status_high ; retrace not started
sti ; interrupt allowed now
movsb ; screen to string
inc si ; point to next position (attribute)
loop next
jmp endofdsp
mov ax,0b000h ; Mono screen segment
mov ds,ax
inc si ; point to next char position
loop next2
mov bh,0
mov es:[di],bh ; c needs a zero terminating byte
mov cx,[bp+0Ah] ; get length
sub di,cx ;
mov ax,di ; return pointer to destination string
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_jzredscr endp
_text ends