Source Code 1992 March
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287 lines
/* mouse.c - Mouse interface routines for Turbo C */
#define LEFT 0
#define RIGHT 1
#include <dos.h>
unsigned m_reset(void); /* reset mouse driver and return status of mouse */
void m_showcur(void); /* Increment cursor flag and display cursor */
void m_hidecur(void); /* Decrement cursor flag and hide cursor */
unsigned m_readloc(void); /* get cursor position and button status */
void m_setloc(unsigned x, unsigned y); /* set mouse cursor location */
unsigned m_keyprs(unsigned button); /* get button press information */
unsigned m_keyrls(unsigned button); /* get button release information */
void m_setxlim(unsigned xmin,unsigned xmax); /* set horizontal minimum and maximum coordinates */
void m_setylim(unsigned ymin,unsigned ymax); /* set vertical minimum and maximum coordinates */
void m_defgcur(unsigned hot_x,unsigned hot_y,unsigned cur_shape); /* define graphics cursor attributes */
void m_deftcur(unsigned cur_type,unsigned scr_msk,unsigned cur_msk); /* define text cursor type and masks */
void m_mickeys(void); /* read mouse motion counters */
void m_inpmsk(unsigned call_msk, unsigned offset); /* set user defined subroutine and mask */
void m_penon(void); /* Turn light-pen emulation on */
void m_penoff(void); /* Turn light-pen emulation off */
void m_setasp(unsigned h_ratio,unsigned v_ratio); /* set cursor motion counter sensitivity */
unsigned mse_xin, mse_yin;
static unsigned prscnt[3]; /* array for count of button presses */
static unsigned x_lstprs[3]; /* array for x-coordinate at last press */
static unsigned y_lstprs[3]; /* array for y-coordinate at last press */
static unsigned rlscnt[3]; /* array for count of button releases */
static unsigned x_lstrls[3]; /* array for x-coordinate at last release */
static unsigned y_lstrls[3]; /* array for y-coordinate at last release */
unsigned h_micks, v_micks;
union REGS r;
void cmouses(unsigned *func, unsigned *arg2, unsigned *arg3, unsigned *arg4)
switch(*func) {
case 0:
*func = m_reset();
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
*arg2 = m_readloc();
*arg3 = mse_xin;
*arg4 = mse_yin;
case 4:
m_setloc(*arg3, *arg4);
case 5:
*func = m_keyprs(*arg2);
*arg3 = x_lstprs[*arg2];
*arg4 = y_lstprs[*arg2];
*arg2 = prscnt[*arg2];
case 6:
*func = m_keyrls(*arg2);
*arg3 = x_lstprs[*arg2];
*arg4 = y_lstprs[*arg2];
*arg2 = prscnt[*arg2];
case 7:
m_setxlim(*arg3, *arg4);
case 8:
m_setylim(*arg3, *arg4);
case 9:
m_defgcur(*arg3, *arg4, *arg2);
case 10:
m_deftcur(*arg2, *arg3, *arg4);
case 11:
*arg4 = h_micks;
*arg3 = v_micks;
case 12:
m_inpmsk(*arg3, *arg4);
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
m_setasp(*arg3, *arg4);
default: break;
unsigned m_reset(void) /* reset mouse driver and return status of mouse */
r.x.ax = 0; /* set mouse function call 0 */
int86(51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
return(r.x.bx); /* return status code */
void m_showcur(void) /* increment internal cursor flag and display cursor */
return; /* no function */
void m_hidecur(void) /* decrement internal cursor flag and hide cursor */
unsigned m_readloc(void) /* get cursor position and button status */
r.x.ax = 3; /* set mouse function call 3 */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
mse_xin = r.x.cx; /* store new x-coordinate */
mse_yin = r.x.dx; /* store new y-coordinate */
return(r.x.bx); /* return button status */
void m_setloc(unsigned x, unsigned y) /* set mouse cursor location */
r.x.ax = 4; /* set mouse function call 4 */
r.x.cx = x; /* assign new x-coordinate */
r.x.dx = y; /* assign new y-coordinate */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
unsigned m_keyprs(unsigned button) /* get button press information */
/* button is parameter for left or right button */
r.x.ax = 5; /* set mouse function call 5 */
r.x.bx = button; /* pass parameter for left or right button */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
prscnt[button] = r.x.bx; /* store updated press count */
x_lstprs[button] = r.x.cx; /* x-coordinate at last press */
y_lstprs[button] = r.x.dx; /* y-coordinate at last press */
return(r.x.ax); /* return button status */
unsigned m_keyrls(unsigned button) /* get button release information */
r.x.ax = 6; /* set mouse function call 6 */
r.x.bx = button; /* pass parameter for left or right button */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
rlscnt[button] = r.x.bx; /* store updated release count */
x_lstrls[button] = r.x.cx; /* x-coordinate at last release */
y_lstrls[button] = r.x.dx; /* y-coordinate at last release */
return(r.x.ax); /* return button status */
void m_setxlim(unsigned xmin,unsigned xmax) /* set horizontal minimum and maximum coordinates */
/* xmin = minimum x-coordinate for mouse activity */
/* xmax = maximum x-coordinate for mouse activity */
r.x.ax = 7; /* set mouse function call 7 */
r.x.cx = xmin; /* load horizontal minimum parameter */
r.x.dx = xmax; /* load horizontal maximum parameter */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
void m_setylim(unsigned ymin,unsigned ymax) /* set vertical minimum and maximum coordinates */
/* ymin = minimum y-coordinate for mouse activity */
/* ymax = maximum y-coordinate for mouse activity */
r.x.ax = 8; /* set mouse function call 8 */
r.x.cx = ymin; /* load vertical minimum parameter */
r.x.dx = ymax; /* load vertical maximum parameter */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
void m_defgcur(unsigned hot_x,unsigned hot_y,unsigned cur_shape) /* define graphics cursor attributes */
/* hot_x = cursor field x-coordinate hot-spot */
/* hot_y = cursor field y-coordinate hot-spot */
/* cur_shape = pointer to array of cursor and screen masks */
r.x.ax = 9; /* set mouse function call 9 */
r.x.bx = hot_x; /* load horizontal hot-spot */
r.x.cx = hot_y; /* load vertical hot-spot */
r.x.dx = cur_shape; /* load cursor array pointer address */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
void m_deftcur(unsigned cur_type,unsigned scr_msk,unsigned cur_msk) /* define text cursor type and masks */
/* cur_type = parameter for software or hardware cursor */
/* scr_msk = screen mask value - scan line start */
/* cur_msk = cursor mask value - scan line stop */
r.x.ax = 10; /* set mouse function call 10 */
r.x.bx = cur_type; /* load cursor type parameter */
r.x.cx = scr_msk; /* load screen mask value */
r.x.dx = cur_msk; /* load cursor mask value */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
void m_mickeys(void) /* read mouse motion counters */
r.x.ax = 11; /* set mouse function call 11 */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
h_micks = r.x.cx; /* store horizontal motion units */
v_micks = r.x.dx; /* store vertical motion units */
void m_inpmsk(unsigned call_msk, unsigned offset) /* set user defined subroutine and mask */
/* call_msk = call mask - defines interrupt condition */
/* offset = address offset to user subroutine */
r.x.ax = 12; /* set mouse function call 12 */
r.x.cx = call_msk; /* load call mask value */
r.x.dx = offset; /* load user subroutine address */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
void m_penon(void) /* turn light-pen emulation on */
r.x.ax = 13; /* set mouse function call 13 */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
void m_penoff(void) /* turn light-pen emulation off */
r.x.ax = 14; /* set mouse function call 14 */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */
void m_setasp(unsigned h_ratio,unsigned v_ratio) /* set cursor motion counter sensitivity */
/* h_ratio = horizontal mickey:pixel ratio */
/* v_ratio = vertical mickey:pixel ratio */
r.x.ax = 15; /* set mouse function call 15 */
r.x.cx = h_ratio; /* load horizontal ratio value */
r.x.dx = v_ratio; /* load vertical ratio value */
int86( 51, &r, &r ); /* execute mouse interrupt */