Source Code 1992 March
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Assembly Source File
2,829 lines
;* *
;* HIMEM.ASM - Chip Anderson *
;* *
;* Extended Memory Specification Driver - *
;* Copyright 1988, Microsoft Corporation *
;* *
;* The HMA was originally envisioned by Ralph Lipe. *
;* Original XMS spec designed by Aaron Reynolds, Chip Anderson, and *
;* Tony Gosling. Additional spec suggestions by Phil Barrett and David *
;* Weise of Microsoft, Ed McNierney of Lotus and Bob Smith of Qualitas. *
;* *
;* MoveExtMemory function written by Tony Gosling. *
;* *
;* AT&T 6300 support added by Bill Hall, Olivetti ATC, Cupertino, CA *
;* HP Vectra support added by Ralph Peterson, Hewlett Packard Corp. *
;* *
XMSVersion equ 0200h
HimemVersion equ 0206h
; Version -
; 1.00 - Written 4/17/88
; 1.01 - Added Global/Temporary Enable of A20 4/18/88
; 1.02 - Don't use DOS to change interrupts 4/19/88
; - Return 1 for success in Disable cases 4/19/88
; - Prevent disables if A20 enabled at start 4/19/88
; - Added INT 2F handler check 4/19/88
; - Used smarter hooking routine 4/19/88
; 1.03 - Optimized some code 4/20/88
; - Temporarily Disable properly 4/20/88
; - Disable INT's while changing vars 4/20/88
; 1.04 - Check to see if A20 works during init 4/23/88
; - Fixed PS/2 support 4/23/88
; 1.05 - Added QueryExtMemory and AllocExtMemory 4/25/88
; 1.06 - Never remove the INT 15h hook once it is in 4/27/88
; - Changed ExtMemory calls to provide "full" MM 4/27/88
; - Force A20 line off on PS2's at init time 4/27/88
; 1.07 - Added Multiple A20 Handler support 5/01/88
; - Added popff macro 5/01/88
; - REP MOVSW words not bytes 5/04/88
; 1.08 - Made popff relocateable 5/04/88
; - Added support for the AT&T 6300 Plus 5/05/88
; - Added support for the HP Vectra 5/06/88
; 1.09 - Added CEMM recognition code 5/16/88
; - Don't automatically trash BX in HMMControl 5/17/88
; 1.10 - Change PS/2 ID routine to use Watchdog timer 6/02/88
; - Changed CEMM recognition string to just VDISK 6/07/88
; - Fixed 2 instance bug 6/14/88
; 1.11 - Changed INT 2F multiplex number to 43h 6/23/88
; - Fixed HP Vectra support for older Vectras 6/23/88
; - Fixed Block Move register trashing bug 6/25/88
; 2.00 - Updated to XMS v2.00 7/10/88
; - Reworked initialization code 7/12/88
; - Reworked reentrancy issues 7/13/88
; - Finialized A20 handling 7/14/88
; - Added parameter support 7/14/88
; 2.01 - Official version with Vecta and 6300 support 7/15/88
; 2.02 - Removed INT 1 from MoveExtMemory 7/19/88
; - Fixed minor problems in QueryExtMemory 7/19/88
; 2.03 - Added 386 Big Mode MoveBlock 8/04/88
; - Added Compaq "Built-In" Memory support 8/05/88
; - Fixed 64K-free Installation bug 8/05/88
; - Change PS/2 detection code yet again 8/08/88
; 2.04 - Fixed "A20 On" Message bug (ugh) 8/09/88
; - Fixed A20 Init testing code 8/09/88
; - Cleaned up for publication 8/09/88
; 2.05 - Bug Fix: Subtract 64K from first EMB for HMA 11/30/88
; - Bug Fix: Check for NUMHANDLES=0 case 12/14/88
; 2.06 - Source code update 2/07/89
; Bug Fix: Restore 286 initialization code 3/21/89
name Himem
title 'HIMEM.SYS - Microsoft XMS Device Driver'
DEFHANDLES equ 32 ; Default # of EMB handles
MAXHANDLES equ 128 ; Max # of EMB handles
cXMSFunctions equ 12h ; = # of last function+1!
FREEFLAG equ 00000001b ; EMB Flags
USEDFLAG equ 00000010b
UNUSEDFLAG equ 00000100b
; XMS Error Codes.
ERR_A20 equ 082h
; In order to address memory above 1 MB on the AT&T 6300 PLUS, it is
; necessary to use the special OS-MERGE hardware to activate lines
; A20 to A23. However, these lines can be disabled only by resetting
; the processor. The address to which to return after reset are placed
; at 40:A2, noted here as RealLoc1.
BiosSeg SEGMENT USE16 AT 40h ; Used to locate 6300 PLUS reset address
org 00A2h
RealLoc1 dd 0
BiosSeg ends
; Macro to avoid the 286 POPF bug. Performs a harmless IRET to simulate a
; popf. Some 286s allow interrupts to sneak in during a real popf.
popff macro
push cs
call pPPFIRet ; Defined as the offset of any IRET
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code
org 0
; The Driver Header definition.
Header dd -1 ; Link to next driver, -1 = end of list
dw 1010000000000000b
; Device attributes, Non-IBM bit set
dw Strategy ; "Stategy" entry point
dw Interrupt ; "Interrupt" entry point
db 'XMSXXXX0' ; Device name
;* *
;* Data Structures and Global Variables - *
;* *
; The driver Request Header structure definition.
ReqHdr struc
ReqLen db ?
Unit db ?
Command db ?
Status dw ?
Reserved db 8 dup (?)
Units db ?
Address dd ?
pCmdLine dd ?
ReqHdr ends
; An EMB Handle structure definition.
Handle struc ; Handle Table Entry
Flags db ? ; Unused/InUse/Free
cLock db ? ; Lock count
Base dw ? ; 32-bit base address in K
Len dw ? ; 32-bit length in K
Handle ends
; Extended Memory Move Block structure definition.
MoveExtendedStruc struc
bCount dd ? ; Length of block to move
SourceHandle dw ? ; Handle for souce
SourceOffset dd ? ; Offset into source
DestHandle dw ? ; Handle for destination
DestOffset dd ? ; Offset into destination
MoveExtendedStruc ends
; The Global variables.
pPPFIRet dw PPFIRet ; The offset of an IRET for the POPFF macro
pReqHdr dd ? ; Pointer to MSDOS Request Header structure
pInt15Vector dw 15h*4,0 ; Pointer to the INT 15 Vector
PrevInt15 dd 0 ; Original INT 15 Vector
PrevInt2F dd 0 ; Original INT 2F Vector
fHMAInUse db 0 ; High Memory Control Flag, != 0 -> In Use
fCanChangeA20 db 0 ; A20 Enabled at start?
fHMAMayExist db 0 ; True if the HMA could exist at init time
fHMAExists db 0 ; True if the HMA exists
fVDISK db 0 ; True if a VDISK device was found
EnableCount dw 0 ; A20 Enable/Disable counter
fGlobalEnable dw 0 ; Global A20 Enable/Disable flag
KiddValley dw 0 ; The address of the handle table
KiddValleyTop dw 0 ; Points to the end of the handle table
MinHMASize dw 0 ; /HMAMIN= parameter value
cHandles dw DEFHANDLES ; # of handles to allocate
cImplementedFuncs db cXMSFunctions-3 ; Omit the UMB functions
; and ReallocEMB
A20Handler dw 0 ; Offset of the A20 Handler
BIMBase dw 0 ; Base address and Lenght of remaining Compaq
BIMLength dw 0 ; Built-In Memory (set at Init time)
MemCorr dw 0 ; KB of memory at FA0000 on AT&T 6300 Plus.
; This is used to correct INT 15h,
; Function 88h return value.
OldStackSeg dw 0 ; Stack segment save area for 6300 Plus.
; Needed during processor reset.
;* *
;* Strategy - *
;* *
;* Called by MS-DOS when ever the driver is accessed. *
;* *
;* ARGS: ES:BX = Address of Request Header *
;* RETS: Nothing *
;* REGS: Preserved *
;* *
Strategy proc far
; Save the address of the request header.
mov word ptr cs:[pReqHdr],bx
mov word ptr cs:[pReqHdr][2],es
Strategy endp
;* *
;* Interrupt - *
;* *
;* Called by MS-DOS immediately after Strategy routine *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: Return code in Request Header's Status field *
;* REGS: Preserved *
;* *
Interrupt proc far
; Save the registers including flags.
push ax ; We cannot use pusha\popa because
push bx ; we could be on an 8086 at this point
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push di
push si
push bp
; Set DS=CS for access to global variables.
push cs
pop ds
les di,[pReqHdr] ; ES:DI = Request Header
mov bl,es:[di.Command] ; Get Function code in BL
or bl,bl ; Only Function 00h (Init) is legal
jz short IInit
cmp bl,16 ; Test for "legal" DOS functions
jle short IOtherFunc
IBogusFunc: mov ax,8003h ; Return "Unknown Command"
jmp short IExit
IOtherFunc: xor ax,ax ; Return zero for unsupported functions
jmp short IExit
; Initialize the driver.
IInit: call InitDriver
les di,[pReqHdr] ; Restore ES:DI = Request Header
IExit: or ax,0100h ; Turn on the "Done" bit
mov es:[di.Status],ax ; Store return code
; Restore the registers.
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
Interrupt endp
;* *
;* Int2FHandler - *
;* *
;* Hooks Function 43h, Subfunction 10h to return the *
;* address of the High Memory Manager Control function. *
;* Also returns 80h if Function 43h, Subfunction 0h is requested. *
;* *
;* ARGS: AH = Function, AL = Subfunction *
;* RETS: ES:BX = Address of XMMControl function (if AX=4310h) *
;* AL = 80h (if AX=4300) *
;* REGS: Preserved except for ES:BX (if AX=4310h) *
;* Preserved except for AL (if AX=4300h) *
;* *
Int2FHandler proc far
sti ; Flush any queued interrupts
cmp ah,43h ; Function 43h?
jne short I2FNextInt
or al,al ; Subfunction 0?
jne short I2FNextSub ; No, continue
; Indicate that an XMS driver is installed.
mov al,80h ; Return 80h in AL
PPFIRet: iret ; Label sets up the POPFF macro
I2FNextSub: cmp al,10h ; Subfunction 10?
jne short I2FNextInt ; No, goto next handler
; Return the address of the XMS Control function in ES:BX.
push cs
pop es
mov bx,offset XMMControl
; Continue down the Int 2F chain.
I2FNextInt: cli ; Disable interrupts again
jmp cs:[PrevInt2F]
Int2FHandler endp
;* *
;* ControlJumpTable - *
;* *
;* Contains the address for each of the XMS Functions. *
;* *
ControlJumpTable label word
dw Version ; Function 00h
dw RequestHMA ; Function 01h
dw ReleaseHMA ; Function 02h
dw GlobalEnableA20 ; Function 03h
dw GlobalDisableA20 ; Function 04h
dw LocalEnableA20 ; Function 05h
dw LocalDisableA20 ; Function 06h
dw IsA20On ; Function 07h
dw QueryExtMemory ; Function 08h
dw AllocExtMemory ; Function 09h
dw FreeExtMemory ; Function 0Ah
dw MoveBlock ; Function 0Bh
dw LockExtMemory ; Function 0Ch
dw UnlockExtMemory ; Function 0Dh
dw GetExtMemoryInfo ; Function 0Eh
; We don't implement Realloc in this version.
; dw ReallocExtMemory ; Function 0Fh
; We don't implement the UMB functions.
; dw RequestUMB ; Function 14
; dw ReleaseUMB ; Function 15
;* *
;* XMMControl - *
;* *
;* Main Entry point for the Extended Memory Manager *
;* *
;* ARGS: AH = Function, AL = Optional parm *
;* RETS: AX = Function Success Code, BL = Optional Error Code *
;* REGS: AX, BX, DX and ES may not be preserved depending on function *
;* *
;* *
XMMControl proc far
jmp short XCControlEntry ; For "hookability"
nop ; NOTE: The jump must be a
nop ; short jump to indicate
nop ; the end of any hook chain.
; The nop's allow a far jump
; to be patched in.
; Preserve the following registers.
push cx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
; Save DS in ES.
push ds
pop es ; NOTE: ES cannot be used for parms!
; Set DS equal to CS.
push cs
pop ds
; Preserve the current function number.
push ax
; Is this a call to "Get XMS Version"?
or ah,ah
jz short XCCallFunc ; Yes, don't hook INT 15h yet
; Is this a valid function number?
cmp ah,[cImplementedFuncs]
jb short XCCheckHook
pop ax ; No, Un-preserve AX and return an error
xor ax,ax
jmp short XCExit
; Is INT 15h already hooked?
cli ; This is a critical section
cmp word ptr [PrevInt15][2],0 ; Is the segment non-zero?
jne short XCCheckVD
; Try to claim all remaining extended memory.
call HookInt15
; Was a VDISK device found?
XCCheckVD: popff ; End of critical section
cmp [fVDISK],0
je short XCCallFunc
pop ax ; Yes, Un-preserve AX and return an error
xor ax,ax
xor dx,dx
jmp short XCExit
; Call the appropriate API function.
XCCallFunc: pop ax ; Restore AX
mov al,ah
xor ah,ah
shl ax,1
mov di,ax ; NOTE: DI cannot be used for parms!
call word ptr [ControlJumpTable+di]
; Restore the preserved registers.
XCExit: popff ; NOTE: Flags must be restored immediately
pop es ; after the call to the API functions.
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop cx
XMMControl endp
;* *
;* Get XMS Version Number - FUNCTION 00h *
;* *
;* Returns the XMS version number *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = XMS Version Number *
;* BX = Internal Driver Version Number *
;* DX = 1 if HMA exists, 0 if it doesn't *
;* REGS: AX, BX and DX are clobbered *
;* *
;* *
Version proc near
mov ax,XMSVersion
mov bx,HimemVersion
xor dh,dh
; Is Int 15h hooked?
cmp word ptr [PrevInt15][2],0 ; Is the segment non-zero?
jne short VHooked
mov dl,[fHMAMayExist] ; No, return the status at
ret ; init time.
VHooked: mov dl,[fHMAExists] ; Yes, return the real status
Version endp
;* *
;* HookInt15 - *
;* *
;* Insert the INT 15 hook *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: None *
;* REGS: AX, BX, CS, DI, SI, and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
;* Interrupts must be disabled before calling this function. *
;* *
HookInt15 proc near
push es
; Has a VDISK device been installed?
call IsVDISKIn
cmp [fVDISK],0
je short HINoVD ; No, continue
pop es ; Yes, return without hooking
HINoVD: mov ah,88h ; Is 64K of Extended memory around?
int 15h
sub ax,[MemCorr] ; 6300 Plus may have memory at FA0000h
cmp ax,64
jb short HIInitMemory ; Less than 64K free? Then no HMA.
mov [fHMAExists],1
; Init the first handle to be one huge free block.
mov bx,[KiddValley]
mov [bx.Flags],FREEFLAG
mov [bx.Len],ax
mov [bx.Base],1024
; Reserve room for the HMA if it exists. 11-30-88 ChipA
cmp [fHMAExists],0
je short HICont
add [bx.Base],64
sub [bx.Len],64
; See if any Compaq "Built In Memory" exists.
HICont: mov ax,[BIMBase]
or ax,ax
jz short HIHookEmHorns
mov cx,[BIMLength]
; Fill out the next handle entry.
add bx,size Handle
mov [bx.Flags],FREEFLAG
mov [bx.Len],cx
mov [bx.Base],ax
; Save the current INT 15 vector.
les si,dword ptr pInt15Vector
; Exchange the old vector with the new one.
mov ax,offset Int15Handler
xchg ax,es:[si][0]
mov word ptr [PrevInt15][0],ax
mov ax,cs
xchg ax,es:[si][2]
mov word ptr [PrevInt15][2],ax
pop es
HookInt15 endp
;* *
;* IsVDISKIn - *
;* *
;* Looks for drivers which use the IBM VDISK method of allocating *
;* Extended Memory. XMS is incompatible with the VDISK method. *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: None. Sets "fVDISK" accordingly *
;* REGS: AX, CX, SI, DI and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
;* *
pVDISK label dword
dw 00013h
dw 0FFFFh
IsVDISKIn proc near
; Look for "VDISK" starting at the 4th byte of extended memory.
call LocalEnableA20 ; Turn on A20
push ds
push es
; Set up the comparison.
lds si,cs:pVDISK
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset szVDISK
mov cx,5
rep cmpsb ; Do the comparison
pop es ; Restore ES and DS
pop ds
jz short IVIFoundIt
mov [fVDISK],0 ; No VDISK device found
jmp short IVIExit
; "VDISK" was found.
IVIFoundIt: mov [fVDISK],1
IVIExit: call LocalDisableA20
ret ; Turn off A20
IsVDISKIn endp
;* *
;* Int15Handler - *
;* *
;* Hooks Function 88h to return zero as the amount of extended *
;* memory available in the system. *
;* *
;* Hooks Function 87h and preserves the state of A20 across the *
;* block move. *
;* *
;* ARGS: AH = Function, AL = Subfunction *
;* RETS: AX = 0 (if AH == 88h) *
;* REGS: AX is clobbered *
;* *
I15RegSave dw ?
Int15Handler proc far
; Is this a request for the amount of free extended memory?
cmp ah,88h
jne short I15HCont ; No, continue
xor ax,ax ; Yes, return zero
; Is it a Block Move?
I15HCont: cmp ah,87h
jne short I15HNext ; No, continue
; Int 15h Block Move:
cli ; Make sure interrupts are off
; Store the A20 line's state.
pusha ; Preserve the registers
call IsA20On
mov cs:[I15RegSave],ax
popa ; Restore the registers
; Call the previous Int 15h handler.
pushf ; Simualate an interrupt
call cs:[PrevInt15]
pusha ; Preserve previous handler's return
; Was A20 on before?
cmp cs:[I15RegSave],0
je short I15HExit ; No, continue
mov ax,1
call cs:[A20Handler] ; Yes, turn A20 back on
I15HExit: popa ; Restore the previous handler's return
; Continue down the Int 15h chain.
I15HNext: jmp cs:[PrevInt15]
Int15Handler endp
;* *
;* RequestHMA - FUNCTION 01h *
;* *
;* Give caller control of the High Memory Area if it is available. *
;* *
;* ARGS: DX = HMA space requested in bytes *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if the HMA was reserved, 0 otherwise. BL = Error Code *
;* REGS: AX, BX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
RequestHMA proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function.
; Flags are restored after the return.
cmp [fHMAInUse],1 ; Is the HMA already allocated?
je short RHRetErr
cmp [fHMAExists],0 ; Is the HMA available?
je short RHRetErr
cmp dx,[MinHMASize] ; Is this guy allowed in?
jb short RHRetErr
mov ax,1
mov [fHMAInUse],al ; Reserve the High Memory Area
xor bl,bl ; Clear the error code
RHRetErr: xor ax,ax ; Return failure with error code in BL
RequestHMA endp
;* *
;* ReleaseHMA - FUNCTION 02h *
;* *
;* Caller is releasing control of the High Memory area *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if control is released, 0 otherwise. BL = Error Code *
;* REGS: AX, BX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
ReleaseHMA proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
; Is the HMA currently in use?
mov al,[fHMAInUse]
or al,al
jz short RLHRetErr ; No, return error
; Release the HMA and return success.
mov [fHMAInUse],0
mov ax,1
xor bl,bl
RLHRetErr: xor ax,ax
ReleaseHMA endp
;* *
;* GlobalEnableA20 - FUNCTION 03h *
;* *
;* Globally enable the A20 line *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if the A20 line is enabled, 0 otherwise. BL = Error *
;* REGS: AX, BX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
GlobalEnableA20 proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
; Is A20 already globally enabled?
cmp [fGlobalEnable],1
je short GEARet
; Attempt to enable the A20 line.
call LocalEnableA20
or ax,ax
jz short GEAA20Err
; Mark A20 as globally enabled.
mov [fGlobalEnable],1
; Return success.
GEARet: mov ax,1
xor bl,bl
; Some A20 error occured.
GEAA20Err: mov bl,ERR_A20
xor ax,ax
GlobalEnableA20 endp
;* *
;* GlobalDisableA20 - FUNCTION 04h *
;* *
;* Globally disable the A20 line *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if the A20 line is disabled, 0 otherwise. BL = Error *
;* REGS: AX, BX and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
;* *
GlobalDisableA20 proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
; Is A20 already globally disabled?
cmp [fGlobalEnable],0
je short GDARet
; Attempt to disable the A20 line.
call LocalDisableA20
or ax,ax
jz short GDAA20Err
; Mark A20 as globally disabled.
mov [fGlobalEnable],0
; Return success.
GDARet: mov ax,1
xor bl,bl
; Some A20 error occured.
GDAA20Err: mov bl,ERR_A20
xor ax,ax
GlobalDisableA20 endp
;* *
;* LocalEnableA20 - FUNCTION 05h *
;* *
;* Locally enable the A20 line *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if the A20 line is enabled, 0 otherwise. BL = Error *
;* REGS: AX, BX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
LocalEnableA20 proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
cmp [fCanChangeA20],1 ; Can we change A20?
jne short LEARet ; No, don't touch A20
; Only actually enable A20 if the count is zero.
cmp [EnableCount],0
jne short LEAIncIt
; Attempt to enable the A20 line.
mov ax,1
call [A20Handler] ; Call machine-specific A20 handler
or ax,ax
jz short LEAA20Err
LEAIncIt: inc [EnableCount]
; Return success.
LEARet: mov ax,1
xor bl,bl
; Some A20 error occurred.
LEAA20Err: mov bl,ERR_A20
xor ax,ax
LocalEnableA20 endp
;* *
;* LocalDisableA20 - FUNCTION 06h *
;* *
;* Locally disable the A20 line *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if the A20 line is disabled, 0 otherwise. BL = Error *
;* REGS: AX, BX and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
;* *
LocalDisableA20 proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
cmp [fCanChangeA20],0 ; Can we change A20?
je short LDARet ; No, don't touch A20
; Make sure the count's not zero.
cmp [EnableCount],0
je short LDAA20Err
; Only actually disable if the count is one.
cmp [EnableCount],1
jne short LDADecIt
xor ax,ax
call [A20Handler] ; Call machine-specific A20 handler
or ax,ax
jz short LDAA20Err
LDADecIt: dec [EnableCount]
; Return success.
LDARet: mov ax,1
xor bl,bl
; Some A20 error occurred.
LDAA20Err: mov bl,ERR_A20
xor ax,ax
LocalDisableA20 endp
;* *
;* IsA20On - FUNCTION 07h *
;* *
;* Returns the state of the A20 line *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if the A20 line is enabled, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX, CX, DI, SI and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
LowMemory label dword ; Set equal to 0000:0080
dw 00080h
dw 00000h
HighMemory label dword
dw 00090h ; Set equal to FFFF:0090
dw 0FFFFh
IsA20On proc near
push ds
push es
lds si,cs:LowMemory ; Compare the four words at 0000:0080
les di,cs:HighMemory ; with the four at FFFF:0090
mov cx,4
repe cmpsw
pop es
pop ds
xor ax,ax
jcxz short IAONoWrap ; Are the two areas the same?
inc ax ; No, return A20 Enabled
IAONoWrap: xor bl,bl
ret ; Yes, return A20 Disabled
IsA20On endp
;* *
;* QueryExtMemory - FUNCTION 08h *
;* *
;* Returns the size of the largest free extended memory block in K *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = Size of largest free block in K. BL = Error code *
;* DX = Total amount of free extended memory in K *
;* REGS: AX, BX, DX, DI, SI and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
QueryExtMemory proc near
; Init the error code in DL.
; Scan for the largest block marked FREE.
xor di,di ; DI = Max. size found so far
xor si,si ; SI = Total amount of free memory
mov bx,KiddValley
mov cx,[cHandles] ; Loop through the handle table
QEMLoop: cmp [bx.Flags],FREEFLAG
jne short QEMBottom
; Add this free block to the total.
add si,[bx.Len] ; CHANGED 7/19/88
; Is this block larger?
mov ax,[bx.Len]
cmp di,ax
jae short QEMBottom ; CHANGED 7/19/88
; Yes, save it away.
mov di,ax
xor dl,dl ; We ain't Out o' Memory
QEMBottom: add bx,SIZE Handle
loop QEMLoop
; Setup the return.
mov ax,di
mov bl,dl ; Retrieve the error code
mov dx,si ; CHANGED 7/19/88
QueryExtMemory endp
;* *
;* AllocExtMemory - FUNCTION 09h *
;* *
;* Reserve a block of extended memory *
;* *
;* ARGS: DX = Amount of K being requested *
;* RETS: AX = 1 of successful, 0 otherwise. BL = Error Code *
;* DX = 16-bit handle to the allocated block *
;* REGS: AX, BX, DX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
; Algorithm -
; Scan the Handle Table looking for BOTH an unused handle and
; a free block which is large enough:
; 1. If both are found -
; Mark the free block as used and adjust its size.
; Make the unused handle a free block containing the remaining
; unallocated portion of the original free block.
; 2. If only an unused handle is found -
; We're out of memory.
; 3. If only a properly sized free block is found -
; We only have one handle left.
; Mark the free block as used. The requester gets all of the
; block's memory.
; 4. If neither are found -
; We're out of memory.
hFreeBlock dw ?
hUnusedBlock dw ?
AllocExtMemory proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
; Scan the handle table looking for BOTH an unused handle and
; a free block which is large enough.
xor ax,ax
mov [hFreeBlock],ax
mov [hUnusedBlock],ax
mov bx,KiddValley
mov cx,[cHandles] ; Loop through the handle table
; Have we already found a free block which is large enough?
AEMhLoop: cmp [hFreeBlock],0
jne short AEMUnused ; Yes, see if this one is unused
; Is this block free?
cmp [bx.Flags],FREEFLAG
jne short AEMUnused ; No, see if it is unused
; Is it large enough?
cmp dx,[bx.Len]
ja short AEMNexth ; No, get the next handle
; Save this guy away.
mov [hFreeBlock],bx
jmp short AEMBottom
AEMUnused: ; Have we already found an unused handle?
cmp [hUnusedBlock],0
jne short AEMNexth ; Yes, get the next handle
; Is this block unused?
cmp [bx.Flags],UNUSEDFLAG
jne short AEMNexth ; No, get the next handle
; Save this guy away.
mov [hUnusedBlock],bx
; Have we found what we are looking for?
cmp [hFreeBlock],0
je short AEMNexth
AEMBottom: cmp [hUnusedBlock],0
jne short AEMGotBoth ; Yes, continue
AEMNexth: ; Get the next handle
add bx,SIZE Handle
loop AEMhLoop
; We are at the end of the handle table and we didn't find both
; things we were looking for. Did we find a free block?
mov si,[hFreeBlock]
or si,si
jnz short AEMRetSuc ; Yes, Case 3 - Alloc the entire block
; Did we find an unused handle?
cmp [hUnusedBlock],0
je short AEMOOHandles ; No, Case 4 - We're out of handles
; Case 2 - Is this a request for a zero-length handle?
or dx,dx
jnz short AEMOOMemory ; No, we're out of memory
; Reserve the zero-length handle.
mov si,[hUnusedBlock]
mov [hFreeBlock],si
jmp short AEMRetSuc
AEMGotBoth: ; We're at Case 1 above.
; Mark the free block as used (done below) and adjust its size.
; Make the unused handle a free block containing the remaining
; unallocated portion of the original free block.
mov si,[hFreeBlock]
mov di,[hUnusedBlock]
; Unused.Base = Old.Base + request
mov ax,[si].Base
add ax,dx
mov [di].Base,ax
; New.Len = request
mov ax,dx
xchg [si].Len,ax
; Unused.Len = Old.Len - request
sub ax,dx
mov [di].Len,ax
mov [di].Flags,FREEFLAG ; Unused.Flags = FREE
AEMRetSuc: ; Complete the allocation.
mov [si].Flags,USEDFLAG ; New.Flags = USED
mov dx,[hFreeBlock]
mov ax,1
xor bl,bl
jmp short AEMErrRet
AEMErrRet: xor ax,ax ; Return failure
mov dx,ax
AllocExtMemory endp
;* *
;* ValidateHandle - *
;* *
;* Validates an extended memory block handle *
;* *
;* ARGS: DX = 16-bit handle to the extended memory block *
;* RETS: Carry is set if the handle is valid *
;* REGS: Preserved except the carry flag *
;* *
ValidateHandle proc near
pusha ; Save everything
mov bx,dx ; Move the handle into BX
; The handle must be equal to or above "KiddValley".
cmp bx,[KiddValley]
jb short VHOne
; The handle must not be above "KiddValleyTop".
cmp bx,[KiddValleyTop]
ja short VHOne
; (The handle-"KiddValley") must be a multiple of a handle's size.
sub dx,[KiddValley]
mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
mov cx,SIZE Handle
div cx
or dx,dx ; Any remainder?
jnz short VHOne ; Yup, it's bad
; Does the handle point to a currently USED block?
cmp [bx.Flags],USEDFLAG
jne short VHOne ; This handle is not being used.
; The handle looks good to me...
popa ; Restore everything
stc ; Return success
VHOne: ; It's really bad.
popa ; Restore everything
clc ; Return failure
ValidateHandle endp
;* *
;* FreeExtMemory - FUNCTION 0Ah *
;* *
;* Frees a block of extended memory which was allocated via AllocExt *
;* *
;* ARGS: DX = 16-bit handle to the extended memory block *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. BL = Error code *
;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
FreeExtMemory proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
; Make sure that the handle is valid.
call ValidateHandle
jnc short FEMBadh
mov si,dx ; Move the handle into SI
; Make sure that the handle points to a FREE block.
cmp [si].cLock,0
jne short FEMLockedh
; Mark the block as FREE and cancel any locks.
mov [si].Flags,FREEFLAG
mov [si].cLock,0
; Is an adjacent block also free?
FEMScanIt: mov bx,[si].Base ; BX = Bottom of block
mov ax,bx
add ax,[si].Len ; AX = Top of block
; Search for an adjacent FREE block.
mov di,[KiddValley] ; DI = Handle being scanned
mov cx,cHandles ; Loop through the handle table
FEMLoopTop: cmp [di].Flags,FREEFLAG ; Is this block free?
jne short FEMNexth ; No, continue
; Is this block just above the one we are freeing?
mov dx,[di].Base
cmp dx,ax
je short FEMBlockAbove ; Yes, coaless upwards
; Is it just below?
add dx,[di].Len
cmp dx,bx
je short FEMBlockBelow ; Yes, coaless downwards
FEMNexth: add di,SIZE Handle
loop FEMLoopTop
; No adjacent blocks to coaless.
mov ax,1 ; Return success
xor bl,bl
; Exchange the pointer to the "upper" and "lower" blocks.
xchg si,di
; Move the free block above into the current handle.
mov dx,[si].Len
add dx,[di].Len ; Combine the lengths
mov [si].Len,dx
mov [di].Flags,UNUSEDFLAG ; Mark old block's handle as UNUSED
jmp short FEMScanIt ; Rescan the list
jmp short FEMErrExit
FEMLockedh: mov bl,ERR_EMBLOCKED
FEMErrExit: xor ax,ax ; Return failure
FreeExtMemory endp
;* *
;* LockExtMemory - FUNCTION 0Ch *
;* *
;* Locks a block of extended memory *
;* *
;* ARGS: DX = 16-bit handle to the extended memory block *
;* RETS: AX = 1 of successful, 0 otherwise. BL = Error code *
;* DX:BX = 32-bit linear address of the base of the memory block *
;* REGS: AX, BX, DX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
LockExtMemory proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
; Is the handle valid?
call ValidateHandle
jnc short LEMBadh
mov bx,dx ; Move the handle into BX
; Are we at some preposterously large limit?
cmp [bx.cLock],0FFh
je short LEMOverflow
; Lock the block.
inc [bx.cLock]
; Return the 32-bit address of its base.
mov dx,[bx.Base]
mov bx,dx
shr dx,6
shl bx,10
; Return success.
mov ax,1
jmp short LEMErrExit
LEMErrExit: xor ax,ax ; Return failure
mov dx,ax
LockExtMemory endp
;* *
;* UnlockExtMemory - FUNCTION 0Dh *
;* *
;* Unlocks a block of extended memory *
;* *
;* ARGS: DX = 16-bit handle to the extended memory block *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. BL = Error code *
;* REGS: AX, BX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
UnlockExtMemory proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
; Is the handle valid?
call ValidateHandle
jnc short UEMBadh
mov bx,dx ; Move the handle into BX
; Does the handle point to a locked block?
cmp [bx.cLock],0
je short UEMUnlocked ; No, return error
; Unlock the block.
dec [bx.cLock]
mov ax,1 ; Return success
xor bl,bl
jmp short UEMErrExit
UEMErrExit: xor ax,ax
UnlockExtMemory endp
;* *
;* GetExtMemoryInfo - FUNCTION 0Eh *
;* *
;* Gets other information about an extended memory block *
;* *
;* ARGS: DX = 16-bit handle to the extended memory block *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. BL = Error code *
;* BH = EMB's lock count *
;* BL = Total number of unused handles in the system *
;* DX = EMB's length *
;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, DX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* *
GetExtMemoryInfo proc near
cli ; This is a non-reentrant function
; Is the handle valid?
call ValidateHandle
jnc short GEMBadh
mov si,dx ; Move the handle into SI
; Count the number of handles which are not currently being used.
xor al,al
mov bx,[KiddValley]
mov cx,[cHandles] ; Loop through the handle table
GEMLoop: cmp [bx.Flags],USEDFLAG ; Is this handle in use?
je short GEMNexth ; Yes, continue
inc al ; No, increment the count
GEMNexth: add bx,SIZE Handle
loop GEMLoop
; Setup the return.
mov dx,[si.Len] ; Length in DX
mov bh,[si.cLock] ; Lock count in BH
mov bl,al
mov ax,1
xor ax,ax
GetExtMemoryInfo endp
;* *
;* ReallocExtMemory - FUNCTION 0Fh *
;* *
;* Reallocates a block of extended memory *
;* *
;* ARGS: DX = 16-bit handle to the extended memory block *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. BL = Error code *
;* REGS: *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* NOTE: RequestUMB and ReleaseUMB will not be implemented by HIMEM. *
;* *
;* *
;* MoveExtMemory - FUNCTION 0Bh *
;* *
;* Copys a block of memory from anywhere to anywhere *
;* *
;* ARGS: ES:SI = Pointer to an Extended Memory Block Move Structure *
;* (NOTE: Originally passed in as DS:SI) *
;* RETS: AX = 1 of successful, 0 otherwise. BL = Error code. *
;* REGS: Everybody clobbered *
;* *
;* INTERNALLY REENTRANT (believe it or not) *
;* *
EVEN ; Must be word aligned.
MEM3_Data label byte ; Start of MoveBlock data
include xm286.asm
include xm386.asm
;* *
;* A20 Handler Section: *
;* *
;* The Init code copies the proper A20 Handler in place just below the *
;* proper MoveBlock routine. *
;* *
;* method is to call thru a variable such as ControlJumpTable[n]. *
;* *
;* *
;* AT_A20Handler - HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Enable/Disable the A20 line on non-PS/2 machines *
;* *
;* ARGS: AX = 0 for Disable, 1 for Enable *
;* RETS: AX = 1 for success, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX, CX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
AT_A20Handler proc near
or ax,ax
jz short AAHDisable
AAHEnable: call Sync8042 ; Make sure the Keyboard Controller is Ready
jnz short AAHErr
mov al,0D1h ; Send D1h
out 64h,al
call Sync8042
jnz short AAHErr
mov al,0DFh ; Send DFh
out 60h,al
call Sync8042
jnz short AAHErr
; Wait for the A20 line to settle down (up to 20usecs)
mov al,0FFh ; Send FFh (Pulse Output Port NULL)
out 64h,al
call Sync8042
jnz short AAHErr
jmp short AAHExit
AAHDisable: call Sync8042 ; Make sure the Keyboard Controller is Ready
jnz short AAHErr
mov al,0D1h ; Send D1h
out 64h,al
call Sync8042
jnz short AAHErr
mov al,0DDh ; Send DDh
out 60h,al
call Sync8042
jnz short AAHErr
; Wait for the A20 line to settle down (up to 20usecs)
mov al,0FFh ; Send FFh (Pulse Output Port NULL)
out 64h,al
call Sync8042
AAHExit: mov ax,1
AAHErr: xor ax,ax
AT_A20Handler endp
Sync8042 proc near
xor cx,cx
S8InSync: in al,64h
and al,2
loopnz S8InSync
Sync8042 endp
;* *
;* PS2_A20Handler - HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Enable/Disable the A20 line on PS/2 machines *
;* *
;* ARGS: AX = 0 for Disable, 1 for Enable *
;* RETS: AX = 1 for success, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX, CX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
PS2_PORTA equ 0092h
PS2_A20BIT equ 00000010b
PS2_A20Handler proc near
or ax,ax
jz short PAHDisable
PAHEnable: in al,PS2_PORTA ; Get the current A20 state
test al,PS2_A20BIT ; Is A20 already on?
jnz short PAHErr
or al,PS2_A20BIT ; Turn on the A20 line
out PS2_PORTA,al
xor cx,cx ; Make sure we loop for awhile
PAHIsItOn: in al,PS2_PORTA ; Loop until the A20 line comes on
test al,PS2_A20BIT
loopz PAHIsItOn
jz short PAHErr ; Unable to turn on the A20 line
jmp short PAHExit
PAHDisable: in al,PS2_PORTA ; Get the current A20 state
and al,NOT PS2_A20BIT ; Turn off the A20 line
out PS2_PORTA,al
xor cx,cx ; Make sure we loop for awhile
PAHIsItOff: in al,PS2_PORTA ; Loop until the A20 line goes off
test al,PS2_A20BIT
loopnz PAHIsItOff
jnz short PAHErr ; Unable to turn off the A20 line
PAHExit: mov ax,1
PAHErr: xor ax,ax
PS2_A20Handler endp
;* *
;* $6300Plus_A20Handler - HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Enable/Disable address lines A20-A23 on AT&T 6300 Plus *
;* *
;* ARGS: AX = 0 for Disable, 1 for Enable *
;* RETS: AX = 1 for success, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX, BX, and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* Note: Don't want to do two back to back disables on PLUS, *
;* so we call IsA20On to see if it is necessary. *
;* Warning: The calcuation of the ReturnBack label depends on the *
;* expectation that this routine is being moved at init time. *
;* *
PLUS_PORT equ 03F20h
PLUS_SET equ 10000000b ; Turn on A20-A23
PLUS_RESET equ 00010000b ; Turn off A20-A23 and point to our routine
$6300PLUS_A20Handler proc near
mov bx,ax
push dx
in al,dx
pop dx
and ax,1
cmp ax,bx
jne short $6AHEnable
mov ax,1
ret ; No, just return
mov al,PLUS_SET
or bx,bx ; Zero if disable
jnz short $6AHNext
$6AHNext: push dx ; Set/reset the port
mov dx,PLUS_PORT
out dx,al
pop dx
or bx,bx
jnz short $6AHNext1
call $6300Reset ; Reset the processor
mov ax,1
$6300Plus_A20Handler endp
;* *
;* $6300Reset - HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Reset the 80286 in order to turn off the address lines on the 6300 PLUS. *
;* This is the only way to do this on the current hardware. *
;* The processor itself is reset by reading or writing port 03F00h. *
;* *
;* Uses flags. *
;* *
$6300Reset proc near
pusha ; Save world
push ds ; Save segments
push es
mov ax,BiosSeg ; Point to the BIOS segment
mov ds,ax ; ds -> 40h
; Setup the reset return address.
assume ds:nothing
push word ptr ds:[RealLoc1] ; Save what might have been here
push word ptr ds:[RealLoc1+2]
; Load our return address, remembering that we will be relocated
; at init time.
mov word ptr ds:[RealLoc1+2],cs
mov ax,cs:[A20Handler]
add ax,offset ReturnBack-offset $6300Plus_A20Handler
mov word ptr ds:[RealLoc1],ax
mov cs:[OldStackSeg],ss ; Save the stack segment, too
; Reset the processor - turning off A20 in the process.
mov dx,03F00h
in ax,dx
; We shouldn't get here. Halt the machine if we do.
ReturnBack: mov ss,cs:[OldStackSeg] ; Start the recovery
pop word ptr ds:[RealLoc1+2] ; ROM code has set ds->40h
pop word ptr ds:[RealLoc1]
pop es
pop ds
assume ds:code
xor al,al
mov dx,PLUS_PORT
out dx,al
$6300Reset endp
;* *
;* HP_A20Handler - HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Enable/Disable the A20 line on HP Vectra machines *
;* *
;* ARGS: AX = 0 for Disable, 1 for Enable *
;* RETS: AX = 1 for success, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX, CX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
HP_A20Handler proc near
or ax,ax
jz short HAHDisable
HAHEnable: call HPSync8042 ; Make sure the Keyboard Controller is ready
jnz short HAHErr
mov al,0DFh ; Send DFh
out 64h,al
call HPSync8042
jnz short HAHErr
mov al,0DFh ; Send second DFh
out 64h,al
call HPSync8042
jnz short HAHErr
jmp short HAHExit
HAHDisable: call HPSync8042 ; Make sure the Keyboard Controller is Ready
jnz short HAHErr
mov al,0DDh ; Send DDh
out 64h,al
call HPSync8042
jnz short HAHErr
mov al,0DDh ; Send second DDh
out 64h,al
call HPSync8042
jnz short HAHErr
HAHExit: mov ax,1
HAHErr: xor ax,ax
HP_A20Handler endp
HPSync8042 proc near
xor cx,cx
H8InSync: in al,64h
and al,2
loopnz H8InSync
HPSync8042 endp
;* *
;* Extended Memory Handle Table - *
;* *
; Actually, the handle table will be located just after the end of whichever
; A20 Handler is installed and will overwrite the others. In large cases
; however, it could extend beyond all of these guys and crunch the Init code.
; Hence this buffer. If the driver ever gets over 64K (heaven forbid) this
; scheme should be reworked.
; Guarantee space for all handles. Kinda overkill but any extra will be
; discarded with the Init code.
HandleFiller dw MAXHANDLES * SIZE Handle DUP(?)
;* *
;* NOTE: Code below here will be discarded after driver initialization. *
;* *
;* *
;* InitDriver - *
;* *
;* Called when driver is Initialized. *
;* *
;* ARGS: ES:DI = Address of the Request Header *
;* RETS: AX = 0, pHdr.Address = Bottom of resident driver code *
;* REGS: AX, CX and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
InitLine dw MoveBlock ; The line which defines what will be dis-
; carded after the driver is initialized
InitDriver proc near
; Display the sign on message.
mov ah,9h
mov dx,offset SignOnMsg
int 21h
; Is this DOS 3.00 or higher?
mov ah,30h
int 21h ; Get DOS versions number
cmp al,3
jae short IDCheckXMS
mov dx,offset BadDOSMsg
jmp short IDFlushMe2
; Is another XMS driver already installed?
IDCheckXMS: mov ax,4300h
int 2Fh
cmp al,80h ; Is INT 2F hooked?
jne short IDNotInYet
mov dx,offset NowInMsg
jmp short IDFlushMe2
; What kind of processor are we on?
IDNotInYet: call MachineCheck
cmp ax,1 ; Is it an 8086/8088?
jne short IDProcOK
mov dx,offset On8086Msg
jmp short IDFlushMe
; Is there any Compaq BIM?
call GetBIMMemory
or ax,ax
jz short IDNoBIM
; How much extended memory is installed?
call GetInt15Memory
cmp ax,64 ; Is there >= 64K of extended?
jb short IDNoHMA ; Nope - No HMA
jmp short IDHMAOK ; Yup - continue
; How much extended memory is installed?
IDNoBIM: call GetInt15Memory
cmp ax,64 ; Is there >= 64K of extended?
jae short IDHMAOK ; Yup - continue
or ax,ax ; Is there any extended?
jnz short IDNoHMA ; Yup - No HMA
; We can't find any memory to manage.
mov dx,offset NoExtMemMsg
IDFlushMe2: jmp short IDFlushMe
; There isn't enough for the HMA, but there is some extended
; memory which we can manage.
IDNoHMA: mov dx,offset NoHMAMsg
mov ah,9h
int 21h
jmp short IDFinalInit
IDHMAOK: mov [fHMAMayExist],1
; Install the proper MoveBlock function.
IDFinalInit:call InstallMoveBlock
; Install the proper A20 handler.
call InstallA20
; Was A20 on already?
call IsA20On
xor ax,1
mov [fCanChangeA20],al ; Yes, don't ever disable it
cmp al,0
jne short IDDiddler
; Display the "A20 Already On" message.
mov dx,offset A20OnMsg
mov ah,9h ; CHANGED - 8/9/88
int 21h
; Can we successfully diddle A20? CHANGED - 8/9/88
IDDiddler: call LocalEnableA20 ; Try to enable A20
or ax,ax ; Did we do it?
jz short IDBadA20 ; Nope - phoosh ourselves
call IsA20On ; Is A20 on?
or ax,ax
jz short IDBadA20 ; Nope - phoosh ourselves
call LocalDisableA20 ; Try to disable A20
or ax,ax ; Did we do it?
jnz short IDA20Cont ; Yup - continue
cmp [fCanChangeA20],1 ; Has A20 been permenantly enabled?
je short IDGetParms ; Yup - continue
jmp short IDBadA20 ; Nope - phoosh ourselves
IDA20Cont: call IsA20On ; Is A20 off?
or ax,ax
jz short IDGetParms ; Yup - continue
; A20 ain't doing it.
IDBadA20: mov dx,offset BadA20Msg
; Display the message in DX followed by the "Flush" message.
IDFlushMe: mov ah,9h
int 21h
mov dx,offset FlushMsg
mov ah,9h
int 21h
; Discard the entire driver.
xor ax,ax
mov [InitLine],ax
les di,[pReqHdr]
mov es:[di.Units],al
jmp short IDReturn
; Process the command line parameters.
IDGetParms: call GetParms
; Initialize the Handle Table.
call InitHandles
; Display the success messages.
cmp [fHMAMayExist],0
je short IDIgnition
mov dx,offset HMAOKMsg
mov ah,9h
int 21h
; "Turn On" the driver.
IDIgnition: call HookInt2F
; Discard the initialization code.
IDReturn: les di,[pReqHdr]
mov ax,[InitLine]
mov word ptr es:[di.Address][0],ax
mov word ptr es:[di.Address][2],cs
; Return success.
xor ax,ax
InitDriver endp
;* *
;* HookInt2F - *
;* *
;* Insert the INT 2F hook *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: None *
;* REGS: AX, SI, ES and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
;* Interrupts must be disabled before calling this function. *
;* *
HookInt2F proc near
; Save the current INT 2F vector
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov si,2Fh * 4 ; ES:SI = Address of 2F vector
; Exchange the old vector with the new one
mov ax,offset Int2FHandler
xchg ax,es:[si][0]
mov word ptr [PrevInt2F][0],ax
mov ax,cs
xchg ax,es:[si][2]
mov word ptr [PrevInt2F][2],ax
HookInt2F endp
;* *
;* MachineCheck - *
;* *
;* Determines the CPU type. *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if we're on an 8086/8088 or an 80186, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
; NOTE: This is the "official" Intel method for determining CPU type.
MachineCheck proc near
xor ax,ax ; Move 0 into the Flags register
push ax
pushf ; Try and get it back out
pop ax
and ax,0F000h ; If the top four bits are set...
cmp ax,0F000h
je short MC_8086 ; ...it's an 8086 machine
mov ax,0F000h ; Move F000h into the Flags register
push ax
pushf ; Try and get it back out
pop ax
and ax,0F000h ; If the top four bits aren't set...
jz short MC_80286 ; ...it's an 80286 machine
; We're on an 80386 machine
mov ax,3
MC_80286: ; We're on an 80286 machine
mov ax,2
MC_8086: ; We're on an 8086 machine
mov ax,1
MachineCheck endp
;* *
;* GetBIMMemory - *
;* *
;* Look for Compaq 'Built In Memory' and add it to the pool of *
;* available memory *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = Amount of BIM memory found *
;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
; "Built In Memory" (BIM) starts at FE00:0000h and grows downward. It is
; controlled by a data structure at F000:FFE0h. Changing the data structure
; involves un-write-protecting the ROMs (!) by flipping bit 1 of 80C00000.
AVAILABLE equ 0 ; Set to -1 if BIM isn't around
TOTALBIM equ 2 ; Total amount of BIM in the system
AVAILBIM equ 4 ; Amount of BIM available in paragraphs
LASTUSED equ 6 ; Paragraph address of last (lowest) used
; paragraph of BIM
pCOMPAQ label dword
dw 0FFE8h
dw 0F000h
pRAMRELOC label dword
dw 00000h
dw 080C0h
GDT_TYPE struc
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0
S_LIMIT dw 1
S_BASE_HI db 0
S_RIGHTS db 93h
D_LIMIT dw 1
D_BASE_LOW dw 0000h
D_BASE_HI db 0C0h
D_RIGHTS db 93h
D_RES386 db 0
D_BASE_XHI db 080h
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0
BIMBuffer dw ?
GetBIMMemory proc near
xor ax,ax
; Are we on a Compaq 386 machine?
push es
; Set up the comparison.
les di,cs:pCOMPAQ
mov si,offset szCOMPAQ
mov cx,8
rep cmpsb ; Do the comparison
jne short FCMNoMem2 ; Nope, return
; Is there a 32-bit memory board installed?
mov bx,es:[bx] ; De-reference the pointer
mov dx,es:[bx+AVAILABLE] ; -1 means no board is installed
inc dx
jz short FCMNoMem2 ; Nope, return
; How much memory is available and where does it start?
mov dx,es:[bx+AVAILBIM] ; Size in paragraphs
or dx,dx ; Any left?
jz short FCMNoMem
mov cx,dx ; CX = Size in paragraphs
mov ax,es:[bx+LASTUSED]
sub ax,cx ; AX = Starting location - F0000h
; in paragraphs
push es ; Save for a rainy day...
push bx
push ax
; Change AX to the starting location in K.
shr ax,4
add ax,0F000h
shr ax,2
; Change CX to the size in K.
shr cx,6
; Store away for use by HookInt15().
mov [BIMBase],ax
mov [BIMLength],cx
; Un-WriteProtect the ROMs.
mov si,offset BIMGDT ; Set up the BlockMove GDT
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax
mov cx,16
mul cx
add ax,offset BIMBuffer
adc dl,0
mov [si.S_BASE_LOW],ax
mov [si.S_BASE_HI],dl
mov cx,1
mov word ptr [BIMBuffer],0FEFEh ; FEh unlocks the ROMs
mov ah,87h ; Do the BlockMove
int 15h
or ah,ah ; Was there an error?
jz short FCMReserve ; Nope - continue
; Return error.
pop ax ; Clean up
pop bx
pop es
xor ax,ax
mov [BIMBase],ax
mov [BIMLength],ax
FCMNoMem2: jmp short FCMNoMem
; Change the ROM values to reserve the BIM stuff.
FCMReserve: pop ax
pop bx
pop es
mov word ptr es:[bx+AVAILBIM],0 ; Reserve all remaining BIM
mov word ptr es:[bx+LASTUSED],ax
; Re-WriteProtect the ROMs.
push cs
pop es
mov si,offset BIMGDT ; Set up the BlockMove GDT
mov word ptr [BIMBuffer],0FCFCh ; FCh unlocks the ROMs
mov ah,87h ; Do the BlockMove
int 15h
mov ax,1 ; Return success
FCMNoMem: pop es
GetBIMMemory endp
;* *
;* GetInt15Memory - *
;* *
;* Returns the amount of memory INT 15h, Function 88h says is free *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = Amount of free extended memory in K-bytes *
;* REGS: AX and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
GetInt15Memory proc near
; Check for 6300 Plus (to set "MemCorr").
call Is6300Plus
; Get the amount of extended memory Int 15h says is around.
mov ah,88h
int 15h ; Is Function 88h around?
jnc short GIM100
xor ax,ax ; No, return 0
GIM100: sub ax,[MemCorr] ; Compensate for 6300 Plus machines
GetInt15Memory endp
;* *
;* InstallMoveBlock - HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Attempt to install the proper MoveBlock function. *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: None *
;* REGS: AX, CX, DI, SI, ES and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
InstallMoveBlock proc near
; Are we on a 386 machine?
call MachineCheck
cmp ax,3
je short IMBOn386 ; Yes, install the 386 routine
; Install the 286 MoveBlock routine.
mov [InitLine],offset EndMoveBlock286
call InitMoveExtended286
; Install the 386 MoveBlock routine.
IMBOn386: mov si,offset MoveBlock386
mov cx,(offset EndMoveBlock386 - offset MoveBlock386)
; REP MOV the routine into position.
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset MoveBlock
add [InitLine],cx
rep movsb
call InitMoveBlock386
InstallMoveBlock endp
;* *
;* InitMoveBlock386 - HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Initializes the 386 MoveBlock routine *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: None *
;* REGS: AX, CX, DX and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
InitMoveBlock386 proc near
mov ax,cs ; dx has CS of codeg
mov [patch3],ax ; Patch code
mov cx,16
mul cx
mov [descCS].LO_apDesc386,ax ; Set up selector for our CS
mov [descCS].MID_apDesc386,dl
add ax,offset code:OurGDT ; Calculate Base of GDT
adc dx,0
mov [GDTPtr.LO_apBaseGdt],ax
mov [GDTPtr.HI_apBaseGdt],dx
mov ax,offset code:MoveExtended386+MEM3_Offset
mov ControlJumpTable[0Bh*2],ax
InitMoveBlock386 endp
;* *
;* InstallA20 - HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Attempt to install the proper A20 Handler *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: None *
;* REGS: AX, CX, DI, SI, ES and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
InstallA20 proc near
; Are we on a 6300 Plus?
call Is6300Plus
or ax,ax
jz short IAChkPS2
; Yes, relocate 6300 Plus A20 handler.
mov si,offset $6300PLUS_A20Handler
mov cx,(offset End6300PLUS_Handler - offset $6300PLUS_A20Handler)
jmp short IAMoveIt
; Are we on a PS/2?
IAChkPS2: call IsPS2Machine
cmp ax,1
jne short IACheckHP
; Yes, relocate the PS/2 A20 handler.
mov si,offset PS2_A20Handler
mov cx,(offset EndPS2_A20Handler - offset PS2_A20Handler)
jmp short IAMoveIt
; Are we on a HP Vectra?
IACheckHP: call IsHPMachine
cmp ax,1
jne short IAOnAT
; Yes, relocate the HP A20 handler.
mov si,offset HP_A20Handler
mov cx,(offset EndHP_A20Handler - offset HP_A20Handler)
jmp short IAMoveIt
IAOnAT: mov si,offset AT_A20Handler
mov cx,(offset EndAT_A20Handler - offset AT_A20Handler)
; REP MOV the proper handler into position.
IAMoveIt: cld
push cs
pop es
mov di,[InitLine]
mov [A20Handler],di
add [InitLine],cx
rep movsb
InstallA20 endp
;* *
;* GetParms - *
;* *
;* Get any parameters off of the HIMEM command line *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: None *
;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, ES and Flags clobbered *
;* *
;* Side Effects: cHandles and MinHMASize may be changed *
;* *
GPRegSave dw ?
GetParms proc near
push ds
les di,[pReqHdr]
lds si,es:[di.pCmdLine] ; DS:SI points to first char
; after "DEVICE="
; Scan until we see a frontslash or the end of line.
GPNextChar: lodsb
cmp al,'/'
je short GPGotOne
cmp al,13
jne short GPNextChar
GPDatsAll: pop ds
; Save what we found and get the number after it.
GPGotOne: lodsb
mov cs:[GPRegSave],ax
; Scan past the rest of the parm for a number, EOL, or a space.
GPNeedNum: lodsb
cmp al,' '
je short GPBadParm
cmp al,13
je short GPBadParm
cmp al,'0'
jb short GPNeedNum
cmp al,'9'
ja short GPNeedNum
; Read the number at DS:SI into DX.
xor dx,dx
GPNumLoop: sub al,'0'
add dx,ax
cmp al,' '
je short GPNumDone
cmp al,13
je short GPNumDone
cmp al,'0'
jb short GPBadParm
cmp al,'9'
ja short GPBadParm
shl dx,1 ; Stupid multiply DX by 10
mov bx,dx
shl dx,1
shl dx,1
add dx,bx
jmp short GPNumLoop
; Which parameter are we dealing with here?
GPNumDone: xchg ax,cs:[GPRegSave]
cmp al,'H' ; HMAMIN= parameter?
je short GPGotMin
cmp al,'N' ; NUMHANDLES= parameter?
jne short GPBadParm
; Process /NUMHANDLES= parameter.
GPGotHands: cmp dx,MAXHANDLES
ja short GPBadParm
or dx,dx ; Zero?
jz short GPBadParm
mov cs:[cHandles],dx ; Store it
; Print descriptive message.
mov dx,offset StartMsg
call GPPrintIt
mov ax,cs:[cHandles]
call GPPrintAX
mov dx,offset HandlesMsg
call GPPrintIt
jmp short GPNextParm
; Process /HMAMIN= parameter.
GPGotMin: cmp dx,64
ja short GPBadParm
push dx
mov cs:[MinHMASize],dx
; Print a descriptive message.
mov dx,offset HMAMINMsg
call GPPrintIt
mov ax,cs:[MinHMASize]
call GPPrintAX
mov dx,offset KMsg
call GPPrintIt
pop dx
mov cl,10 ; Convert from K to bytes
shl dx,cl
mov cs:[MinHMASize],dx
; Were we at the end of the line?
GPNextParm: mov ax,cs:[GPRegSave]
cmp al,13
je short GPExit
jmp GPNextChar
GPExit: pop ds
GetParms endp
GPPrintIt proc near
push ds ; Save current DS
push cs ; Set DS=CS
pop ds
mov ah,9h
int 21h
pop ds ; Restore DS
GPPrintIt endp
GPPrintAX proc near
mov cx,10
xor dx,dx
div cx
or ax,ax
jz short GPAPrint
push dx
call GPPrintAX
pop dx
GPAPrint: add dl,'0'
mov ah,2h
int 21h
GPPrintAX endp
;* *
;* InitHandles - *
;* *
;* Initialize the Extended Memory Handle Table *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: None *
;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, and Flags are clobbered *
;* *
InitHandles proc near
; Allocate room for the Handle table at the end.
mov ax,[InitLine]
mov [KiddValley],ax
mov ax,SIZE Handle
mov cx,[cHandles]
mul cx
add [InitLine],ax
; Init the Handle table.
mov bx,KiddValley
xor ax,ax
mov cx,[cHandles]
IHTabLoop: mov [bx.Flags],UNUSEDFLAG
mov [bx.cLock],al
mov [bx.Base],ax
mov [bx.Len],ax
add bx,SIZE Handle
loop IHTabLoop
; Store away the top of the table for handle validation.
mov [KiddValleyTop],bx
InitHandles endp
;* *
;* Is6300Plus HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Check for AT&T 6300 Plus *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if we're on an AT&T 6300 Plus, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX, flags used. *
;* *
;* Side Effects: MemCorr value updated to 384 if necessary. *
;* *
Is6300Plus proc near
xor ax,ax
push bx
mov bx,0FC00h ; Look for 'OL' at FC00:50
mov es,bx
cmp es:[0050h],'LO'
jne short I6PNotPlus ; Not found
mov bx,0F000h
mov es,bx
cmp word ptr es:[0FFFDh],0FC00h ; Look for 6300 PLUS
jne short I6PNotPlus
in al,66h ; Look for upper extended memory
and al,00001111b
cmp al,00001011b
jne short I6PNoMem
mov [MemCorr],384 ; Save value
I6PNoMem: mov ax,1 ; We found a PLUS
I6PNotPlus: pop bx
Is6300Plus endp
;* *
;* IsPS2Machine HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Check for PS/2 machine *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if we're on a valid PS/2 machine, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX and Flags clobbered *
;* *
IsPS2Machine proc near
mov ah,0C0h ; Get System Description Vector
int 15h
jc short IPMNoPS2 ; Error? Not a PS/2.
; Do we have a "Micro Channel" computer?
mov al,byte ptr es:[bx+5] ; Get "Feature Information Byte 1"
test al,00000010b ; Test the "Micro Channel Implemented" bit
jz short IPMNoPS2
IPMFoundIt: xor ax,ax ; Disable A20. Fixes PS2 Ctl-Alt-Del bug
call PS2_A20Handler
mov ax,1
IPMNoPS2: xor ax,ax
IsPS2Machine endp
;* *
;* IsHPMachine HARDWARE DEP. *
;* *
;* Check for HP Vectra Machine *
;* *
;* ARGS: None *
;* RETS: AX = 1 if we're on a HP Vectra machine, 0 otherwise *
;* REGS: AX, ES and Flags clobbered *
;* *
IsHPMachine proc near
mov ax,0F000h
mov es,ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[0F8h]
cmp ax,'PH'
je short IHMFoundIt
xor ax,ax
IHMFoundIt: mov ax,1
IsHPMachine endp
SignOnMsg db 13,10,'HIMEM: DOS XMS Driver, Version 2.06 - 3/21/89'
db 13,10,'Copyright 1988,1989 Microsoft Corp.'
db 13,10,'$'
BadDOSMsg db 13,10,'ERROR: HIMEM.SYS requires DOS 3.00 or higher.$'
NowInMsg db 13,10,'ERROR: An Extended Memory Manager is already installed.$'
On8086Msg db 13,10,'ERROR: HIMEM.SYS requires an 80x86-based machine.$'
NoExtMemMsg db 13,10,'ERROR: No available extended memory was found.$'
BadA20Msg db 13,10,'ERROR: Unrecognized A20 hardware.$'
FlushMsg db 13,10,' XMS Driver not installed.',13,10,13,10,'$'
StartMsg db 13,10,'$'
HandlesMsg db ' extended memory handles available.$'
HMAMINMsg db 13,10,'Minimum HMA size set to $'
KMsg db 'K.$'
NoHMAMsg db 13,10,'WARNING: The High Memory Area is unavailable.',13,10,'$'
A20OnMsg db 13,10,'WARNING: The A20 Line was already enabled.',13,10,'$'
HMAOKMsg db 13,10,'64K High Memory Area is available.',13,10,13,10,'$'
db 'This program is the property of Microsoft Corporation.'
db 64 dup(0) ; For internationalization
code ends