Source Code 1992 March
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From: kirkaas@oahu.cs.ucla.edu (paul kirkaas)
Newsgroups: alt.sources
Subject: [tex] DVI driver with compaction for HP Desk Jet +
Message-ID: <1990May23.082106.6953@math.lsa.umich.edu>
Date: 23 May 90 08:21:06 GMT
Archive-name: dvidjp/22-May-90
Original-posting-by: kirkaas@oahu.cs.ucla.edu (paul kirkaas)
Original-subject: DVI driver with compaction for HP Desk Jet +
Reposted-by: emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti)
[Reposted from comp.text.tex.
Comments on this service to emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti).]
I just got myself a brand new HP Desk Jet Plus printer to use with TeX.
I and a number of other people asked the net for sources to one of the many
DeskJet drivers which must be out there, but there was no response. I
searched all the archives I could find, with similarly unsuccessful
So I took the dvijet driver from the Beebe release and modified it for
the desk jet plus. It might be called (as by some) a "vanilla" driver
because it doesn't use downloadable fonts, but downloadable fonts
requires an extra memory cartridge -- for that I would have just
as soon bought the IIp. I did include some memory compaction, though,
which reduces file size and transfer time by 50 - 70 % So it's not
quite vanilla. The various compaction schemes can be switched off
at compile time if the old Desk Jet doesn't support them (I have no
idea) or if any of them prove buggy (possible).
I include the modified source below, as I am guessing there are
others out there on the net who would find it useful. Perhaps some
kind soul will even archive it. It requires the rest of the
Beebe driver code, which is commonly available -- eg,
at ymir.claremont.edu & utah ... whatever.
Hope this is helpful. Sorry if this isn't the place I'm supposed to post
source, but it's the best way I know to reach people who might find
this useful.
Paul Kirkaas
/* -*-C-*- dvidjp.c */
/******************************* dvidjp *******************************/
/* Driver for HP DeskJet Plus printer -- modified from
* Beebe Laser Jet driver
* by Paul Kirkaas (kirkaas@cs.ucla.edu) 22 May 1990
* Employs 3 types of data compaction for greater efficiency --
* up to 60 - 70% reduction in output file size. Each compaction
* scheme can be switched on or off independently by defining any
* or all of:
* XOFF -- X offset -- instead of a string of leading zeros, offset
* by appropriate amount. Minimal savings when used with
* COMPACTION mode set.
* YOFF -- Y offset -- compress multiple blank lines into a single
* y skip command.
* COMPACTION -- Uses mode 2 compaction on Desk Jet Plus -- this is
* the trickiest but most effective compression modification.
* This is the likliest part to have a bug.
* Lots of cleaning up can be done here.
* If you have an old Desk Jet (not a Plus) it may not have
* all these abilities -- try undfining some of these switches.
* It should run straight with the Beebe driver set; you might
* have to make some adjustments.
* Please let me know if you make any improvements or repairs.
* Thanks
* Good Luck.
#include "dvihead.h"
/************************ Device Definitions ************************/
/* All output-device-specific definitions go here. This section must
be changed when modifying a dvi driver for use on a new device */
#define HPLASERJET 1 /* conditional compilation flag */
#define HPDESKJET 1 /* conditional compilation flag */
/* Include the following line for Y offsets*/
#define YOFF 1
/* Include the following line for using temporary X offsets*/
#define XOFF 1
/* Include the following line for Mode 2 Compaction */
#define COMPACTION 1
#define VERSION_NO "2.10" /* DVI driver version number */
#define DEVICE_ID "Hewlett-Packard Desk Jet plus (from LaserJet)\n\
WITH Data Compaction for faster I/O"
#define DEVICE_ID "Hewlett-Packard Desk Jet plus (from LaserJet)\n\
with-OUT Data Compaction I/O"
/* this string is printed at runtime */
#define OUTFILE_EXT "djp"
#define OUTFILE_EXT "dj"
#define DEFAULT_RESOLUTION 300 /* default dots/inch on HP Desk Jet */
#define BYTE_SIZE 8 /* output file byte size */
#undef STDRES
#define STDRES 1 /* 0 for low-resolution devices */
#define XDPI 300 /* HP Laser Jet horizontal dots/inch */
#define XPSIZE 8 /* horizontal paper size in inches */
/* number of horizontal dots; */
/* MUST BE multiple of */
/* number of words in rows */
/* of bitmap array */
#define YDPI 300 /* HP Laser Jet vertical dots/inch */
#define YPSIZE 11 /* vertical paper size in inches */
#define YSIZE (YDPI*YPSIZE) /* number of vertical dots */
/* The printer bit map (must have an even number of columns). */
#define XBIT ((1+2*XWORDS)/2)
#define YBIT YSIZE
#undef SEGMEM
#define SEGMEM 1 /* ( ((long)XBIT * (long)YBIT) > 65536L ) */
#include "bitmap.h"
#include "main.h"
#undef STDMAG
#define STDMAG 1500
#define RESOLUTION (((float)STDMAG)/5.0) /* dots per inch */
#include "abortrun.h"
#include "actfact.h"
#include "alldone.h"
#include "chargf.h"
#include "charpk.h"
#include "charpxl.h"
#include "clrbmap.h"
#include "clrrow.h"
#include "dbgopen.h"
/****************************** devinit *******************************/
devinit(argc,argv) /* initialize device */
int argc;
char *argv[];
OUTS("\033E"); /* printer reset */
OUTS("\033&l0L"); /* Disable perforation skip */
OUTS("\033*rB"); /* End graphics */
OUTS("\033*t300R"); /* printer resolution */
OUTS("\033*b2M"); /* Select Compacted Graphics Mode Two */
OUTS("\033*b0M"); /* Select Full Graphics Mode */
OUTS("\033*r0A"); /* Start graphics, at leftmost position */
/****************************** devterm *******************************/
devterm() /* terminate device */
OUTS("\033E"); /* printer reset*/
#include "dvifile.h"
#include "dviinit.h"
#include "dviterm.h"
#include "dispchar.h"
#include "f20open.h"
#include "fatal.h"
#include "fillrect.h"
#include "findpost.h"
#include "fixpos.h"
#include "fontfile.h"
#include "fontsub.h"
#include "getbmap.h"
#include "getbytes.h"
#include "getfntdf.h"
#include "getpgtab.h"
#include "initglob.h"
#include "inch.h"
#include "loadchar.h"
#include "movedown.h"
#include "moveover.h"
#include "moveto.h"
#include "nosignex.h"
#include "openfont.h"
#include "option.h"
/****************************** outline *******************************/
UNSIGN32 *pbit; /* pointer to raster line */
Use machine-specific coding here for efficiency. For TOPS-20, we encode
9 bytes from every pair of 36-bit words.
For each raster line on the paper, the Laser Jet expects a binary 8-bit
byte stream of the form
<ESC>*bnnnWxxxxxxx ... xxxxxxx
<--- nnn bytes --->
where each byte contains, in order from high to low bit, a left-to-right
bit pattern. No end-of-line marker is required; the escape sequence
automatically causes a new raster line to be started.
register UNSIGN32 w_even,w_odd;
register UNSIGN32 *p;
register BYTE *pbuf;
BYTE buf[1+(XSIZE+7)/8]; /* space for EOS + n 8-bit bytes */
register INT16 i,last_word;
int ic,jc; /* just counters */
unsigned char * endb; /* pointer to end of buf */
unsigned char greystr[129]; /* Max length of 127 in compacted mode 2 */
unsigned char * greyp; /* Pointer to greystr[] */
unsigned char outstr[999]; /* Compacted mode 2 output string */
unsigned char * outp; /* Pointer to outstr[] */
unsigned char * endob; /* pointer to end of outstr */
unsigned char cmp; /* Comparison variable */
int outsz; /* Size of outstr -- since includes NULLs */
int count;
int gcnt; /* Length of grey runs */
for (last_word = XBIT - 1;
(last_word >= 1) && (*(UNSIGN32*)normaddr(pbit,last_word) == 0);
; /* trim white space a word at a time */
p = pbit + XBIT - 1; /* point to last word on line */
for (last_word = XBIT - 1; (last_word >= 1) && (*p == 0); --last_word)
--p; /* trim white space a word at a time */
p = pbit;
pbuf = &buf[0];
for (i = 0; i <= last_word; i += 2) /* loop over trimmed raster */
w_even = (*p++);
w_odd = (*p++);
#if (HOST_WORD_SIZE == 36)
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 28) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 20) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 12) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 4) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( ((w_even << 4) | (w_odd >> 32)) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 24) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 16) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 8) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd ) & 0xff);
#else /* HOST_WORD_SIZE == 32 */
/* encode 8 bytes at a time on 32-bit machines */
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 24) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 16) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even >> 8) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_even ) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 24) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 16) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd >> 8) & 0xff);
*pbuf++ = (BYTE)( (w_odd ) & 0xff);
*pbuf = '\0'; /* trailing EOS marker */
last_word |= 1; /* make last_word ODD */
for (i = ((last_word+1)*HOST_WORD_SIZE)/8;
(*(--pbuf) == '\0') && (i > 1); --i)
; /* trim trailing zero bytes, leaving at least one */
last_word = i;
#ifdef XOFF
/* Trim leading zero bytes & do appropriate Temporary X offset */
OUTS("\033*b"); /* Set up for raster transfer */
for (ic=0; !buf[ic] && ic<last_word ; ic++, pbuf++)
if (ic>10) /* Do an X-shift */
OUTF("%dx",8*ic); /* Shift by 8*ic # of blank pixels */
else /* don't bother */
{ pbuf = buf; ic = 0; }
endb = &buf[last_word];
greyp = greystr;
outp = outstr;
outsz = gcnt = 0;
endb = &buf[last_word];
while (pbuf <= endb)
cmp = *pbuf;
for (count = 0; count<127 && pbuf<=endb && cmp==*pbuf; count ++, pbuf++)
if (count==0){printf("DANGER DANGER ***COUNT IS ZERO***!!!\n");exit(0);}
if (count <= 3) /* No run yet -- just put them in greystr */
gcnt += count;
for (jc = 0; jc < count ; jc ++)
*greyp = cmp;
if (gcnt >= 124) /* Can't have more than 127, so ... */
outstr[outsz] = gcnt-1;
for (jc = 0; jc < gcnt; jc ++)
outstr[outsz + jc] = greystr[jc];
outsz += gcnt;
gcnt = 0;
greyp = greystr;
else /* We have a run of 4 or more */
if (gcnt) /* Flush our accumilated grey */
outstr[outsz] = gcnt-1;
for (jc = 0; jc < gcnt; jc ++)
outstr[outsz + jc] = greystr[jc];
outsz += gcnt;
gcnt = 0;
greyp = greystr;
outstr[outsz] = (unsigned char) (1-count); /* Is this cast right? */
outsz ++;
outstr[outsz] = cmp;
if (gcnt) /* Flush our accumilated grey */
outstr[outsz] = gcnt-1;
for (jc = 0; jc < gcnt; jc ++)
outstr[outsz + jc] = greystr[jc];
outsz += gcnt;
gcnt = 0;
greyp = greystr;
OUTF("%dW",outsz); /* How much is coming ... */
endob = outstr + outsz -1; /* End of the outstr */
for (outp = outstr; outp <= endob; outp++ )
OUTF("%dW",(int)last_word-ic); /* How much is coming ... */
/* cannot use fprintf with %s format because of
NUL's in string, and it is slow anyway */
for (i = ic; i < last_word; ++pbuf,++i)
pbuf = &buf[0]; /* cannot use fprintf with %s format because of
NUL's in string, and it is slow anyway */
for (i = 0; i < last_word; ++pbuf,++i)
#endif XOFF
/****************************** prtbmap *******************************/
register UNSIGN32 *p;
register INT16 j,k,ybottom,ytop;
#ifdef YOFF
int ycnt = 0;
#endif YOFF
INT16 k1,k2,k3;
for (k3 = 0; k3 < XBIT; (k3 += 7, ++p))
{ /* print bitmap 7 words at a pass */
k1 = k3;
k2 = MIN(XBIT,k1+7);
(void)printf("prtbmap()...bitmap words %d..%d",k1,k2-1);
(void)printf(" ");
for (k = k1; k < k2; ++k)
for (j = YBIT-1; j >= 0; --j)
p = BITMAP(j,0);
for (k = 0; k < XBIT; (++k,++p))
if (*p) /* print non-blank raster line */
p = BITMAP(j,k1);
for (k = k1; k < k2; (++k,++p))
(void)printf(" %09lx",*p);
break; /* exit loop over k */
k = -1; /* find top non-zero raster */
for (j = YBIT-1; (j > 0) && (k < 0); --j) /* loop over raster lines */
p = BITMAP(j,XBIT-1);
for (k = XBIT - 1; ((k >= 0) && (*p == 0)); --k)
--p; /* trim white space */
ytop = j;
ytop = YBIT-1;
k = -1; /* find bottom non-zero raster */
for (j = 0; (j < ytop) && (k < 0); ++j) /* loop over raster lines */
for (k = XBIT - 1;((k >= 0) && (*BITMAP(j,k) == 0));--k)
; /* trim white space */
p = BITMAP(j,XBIT-1);
for (k = XBIT - 1; ((k >= 0) && (*p == 0)); --k)
--p; /* trim white space */
ybottom = MAX(0,j-1);
for (j = ytop; (j >= ybottom); --j)
for (k = 0; k < XBIT; ++k)
OUTF(" %9x",*BITMAP(j,k));
#ifdef YOFF
ycnt = 0;
for (j = ytop; (j >= ybottom) ; --j) /* loop over raster lines */
if (isNul (BITMAP(j,0)))
ycnt ++;
if (ycnt) OUTF("\033*p+%dY",ycnt);
ycnt = 0;
for (j = ytop; (j >= ybottom) ; --j) /* loop over raster lines */
#endif YOFF
OUTS("\033*rB\f"); /* end raster graphics, eject page */
if (DISKFULL(plotfp))
(void)fatal("Output error -- disk storage probably full");
#ifdef YOFF
isNul (pbit) UNSIGN32 *pbit;
UNSIGN32 * p;
int last_word;
for (last_word = XBIT - 1;
(last_word >= 1) && (*(UNSIGN32*)normaddr(pbit,last_word) == 0);
; /* trim white space a word at a time */
if (last_word <=1) return 1;
return 0;
p = pbit + XBIT - 1; /* point to last word on line */
while ( !*p && p>pbit ) p--;
if (p==pbit) return 1;
return 0;
#endif YOFF
#include "outrow.h"
#include "prtpage.h"
#include "readfont.h"
#include "readgf.h"
#include "readpk.h"
#include "readpost.h"
#include "readpxl.h"
#include "reldfont.h"
#include "rulepxl.h"
#include "setchar.h"
#include "setfntnm.h"
#include "setrule.h"
#include "signex.h"
#include "skgfspec.h"
#include "skipfont.h"
#include "skpkspec.h"
#include "special.h"
#include "strchr.h"
#include "strcm2.h"
#include "strid2.h"
#include "strrchr.h"
#include "tctos.h"
#include "usage.h"
#include "warning.h"
Paul Kirkaas