Source Code 1992 March
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From: eric@snark.thyrsus.com (Eric S. Raymond)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers,alt.sources,misc.misc
Subject: The Jargon File v, part 11 of 17
Message-ID: <1ZdV0C#3xKLjB0TCgJx9MTZ9x1Dtz7b=eric@snark.thyrsus.com>
Date: 2 Mar 91 18:20:44 GMT
Submitted-by: jargon@thyrsus.com
Archive-name: jargon/part11
---- Cut Here and feed the following to sh ----
# this is jargon.11 (part 11 of jargon)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file jargon.ascii continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
exit 1
(read Scheck
if test "$Scheck" != 11; then
echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
exit 1
exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'jargon.ascii' &&
X describe double ones is sarcastic). Standard emphatic forms:
X `Moby foo', `moby win', `moby loss'. `Foby moo': a
X spoonerism due to Greenblatt.
X This term entered hackerdom with the Fabritek 256K memory of the
X MIT-AI machine. Thus, a moby is classically, 256K 36-bit words,
X the size of a PDP-10 moby (it had two). Back when address
X registers were narrow, the term was more generally useful; because
X when a computer had virtual memory mapping, it might actually have
X more physical memory attached to it than any one program could
X access directly. One could then say "This computer has six
X mobies" to mean that the ratio of physical memory to address space
X is six, without having to say specifically how much memory there
X actually is. That in turn implied that the computer could
X timeshare six `full-sized' programs without having to swap programs
X between memory and disk.
X Nowadays the low cost of processor logic means that address spaces
X are usually larger than the most physical memory you can cram onto
X a machine, so most systems have much *less* than 1 theoretical
X `native' moby of core. Also, more modern memory-management
X techniques (esp. paging) make the `moby count' less significant.
X However, there is one series of popular chips for which the term
X could stand to be revived --- the Intel 8088 and 80286 with their
X incredibly {brain-damaged} segmented-memory designs. On these, a
X `moby' would be the 1-megabyte address span of a
X paragraph-plus-offset pair (by coincidence, a PDP-10 moby was
X exactly 1 megabyte of 9-bit bytes).
Xmod: vt.,n. 1. Short for `modify' or `modification'. Very
X commonly used --- in fact these latter terms are considered markers
X that one is being formal. The plural `mods' is used esp. with
X reference to bug fixes or minor design changes in hardware or
X software, most esp. with respect to {patch} sets or a {diff}.
X 2. Short for {modulo} but *only* used for its techspeak sense.
Xmode: n. A general state, usually used with an adjective describing
X the state. Use of the word `mode' rather than `state' implies that
X the state is extended over time, and probably also that some
X activity characteristic of that state is being carried out. "No
X time to hack; I'm in thesis mode." Usage: in its jargon sense,
X `mode' is most often said of people, though it is sometimes applied
X to programs and inanimate objects. "The E editor normally uses a
X display terminal, but if you're on a TTY it will switch to
X non-display mode." This term is normally techspeak when used to
X describe the state of a program, but the extended usage --- for
X example, to describe people --- is definitely jargon. In
X particular, see {hack mode}, {day mode}, {night mode},
X {demo mode}, {fireworks mode}, and {yoyo mode}; also {talk
X mode}.
X One also often hears the verbs `enable' and `disable' used in
X connection with jargon modes. Thus, for example, a sillier way of
X saying "I'm going to crash." is "I'm going to enable crash mode
X now." One might also hear a request to "disable flame mode,
X please".
Xmode bit: n. A {flag}, usually in hardware, that selects between
X two (usually quite different) modes of operation. The connotations
X are different from {flag} bit in that mode bits are mainly
X written during a boot or set-up phase, are seldom read, and seldom
X change over the lifetime of an ordinary program. The classic
X example was the EBCDIC-vs.-ASCII bit (#12) of the Program Status
X Word of the IBM 360. Another was the bit on a PDP-12 that
X controlled whether it ran the PDP-8 or LINC instruction set.
Xmodulo: /mod'y@-low/ prep. Except for. From mathematical
X terminology: one can consider saying that `4 = 22' except for
X the 9s `(4 = 22 mod 9)'. "Well, LISP seems to work okay now,
X modulo that {GC} bug." "I feel fine today modulo a slight
X headache."
Xmolly-guard: [University of Illinois] n. A shield to prevent
X tripping of some {Big Red Switch} by clumsy or ignorant hands.
X Originally used of some plexiglass covers improvised for the BRS on
X an IBM 4341 after a programmer's toddler daughter (named Molly)
X frobbed it twice in one day. Later generalized to covers over
X stop/reset switches on disk drives and networking equipment.
XMongolian Hordes technique: n. Development by {gang bang}
X (compare the Sixties counterculture expression `Mongolian
X clusterfuck' for a public orgy). Implies that large numbers of
X inexperienced programmers are being put on a job better performed
X by a few skilled ones. Also called `Chinese Army technique';
X see also {Brooks's Law}.
Xmonkey up: vt. To hack together hardware for a particular task,
X especially a one-shot job. Connotes an extremely {crufty} and
X consciously temporary solution. Compare {hack up}, {kluge up},
X {cruft together}, {cruft together}.
Xmonstrosity: 1. n. A ridiculously {elephantine} program or system,
X esp. one which is buggy or only marginally functional. 2. The
X quality of being monstrous (see `Peculiar nouns' in the discussion
X of jargonification). See also {baroque}.
XMoof: /moof/ [MAC users] n. The Moof or `dogcow' is a
X semi-legendary creature that lurks in the depths of the Macintosh
X Technical Notes hypercard stack V3.1; specifically, the full story
X of the dogcow is told in technical note #31 (the particular Moof
X illustrated is properly named `Clarus'). Option-shift-click will
X cause it to emit a characteristic `Moof!' or `!fooM' sound.
X *Getting* to tech note #31 is the hard part; to discover how
X to do that, one must needs examine the stack script with a hackerly
X eye. Clue: {rot13} is involved. A dogcow also appears if you
X choose `Page Setup...' with a LaserWriter selected and click on
X the `Options' button.
XMoore's Law: /morz law/ prov. The observation that the logic
X density of silicon integrated circuits has closely followed the
X curve (bits per square inch) = 2 ^ (n - 1962); that is, the amount
X of information storable in one square inch of silicon has roughly
X doubled yearly every year since the technology was invented. See
X also {Parkinson's Law of Data}.
Xmoria: /mor'ee-@/ n. Like {nethack} and {rogue}, one of the
X large PD Dungeons-and-Dragons-like simulation games, available for
X a wide range of machines and operating systems. Extremely
X addictive and a major consumer of time better used for hacking.
XMOTAS: /moh-tahs/ [USENET, Member Of The Appropriate Sex] n. A
X potential or (less often) actual sex partner. See {MOTOS},
X {MOTSS}, {SO}.
XMOTOS: /moh-tohs/ [from the 1970 U.S. census forms via USENET,
X Member Of The Opposite Sex] n. A potential or (less often) actual
X sex partner. See {MOTAS}, {MOTSS}, {SO}. Less common than
X MOTSS or {MOTAS}, which has largely displaced it.
XMOTSS: /motss/ or /em-oh-tee-ess-ess/ [from the 1970 U.S. census
X forms via USENET, Member Of The Same Sex] n. Esp. one considered as
X a possible sexual partner, e.g. by a gay male or lesbian. The
X gay-issues newsgroup on USENET is called `soc.motss'. See
X {MOTOS} and {MOTAS}, which derive from it. Also see {SO}.
Xmouse ahead: vi. Point-and-click analog of `type ahead'. To
X manipulate a computer's pointing device (almost always a mouse in
X this usage, but not necessarily) and its selection or command
X buttons before a computer program is ready to accept such input, in
X anticipation of the program accepting the input. Handling this
X properly is rare, but it can help make a {WIMP environment} much
X more usable, assuming they are familiar with the behavior of the
X user interface.
Xmouse around: vi. To explore public portions of a large system, esp.
X a network such as Internet via {FTP} or {TELNET}, looking for
X interesting stuff to {snarf}.
Xmouse belt: n. See {rat belt}.
Xmouse droppings: [MSDOS] n. Pixels (usually single) which are not
X properly restored when the mouse pointer moves away from a
X particular location on the screen, producing the appearance that
X the mouse pointer has left behind droppings. The major causes for
X this problem are programs which write to the screen memory
X corresponding to the mouse pointer's current location without
X hiding the mouse pointer first and mouse drivers which do not quite
X support the graphics mode in use.
Xmouse elbow: n. A tennis-elbow-like fatigue syndrome resulting from
X excessive use of a {WIMP environment}. Similarly, `mouse
X shoulder'; GLS reports that he used to get this a lot before he
X taught himself to be ambimoustrous.
Xmouso: /mow'soh/ n. [by analogy with `typo'] An error in mouse usage
X resulting in an inappropriate selection or graphic garbage on the
X screen. Compare {thinko}, {braino}.
XMS-DOS: /em-es-dos/ [MicroSoft Disk Operating System] n. A
X {clone} of {CP/M} for the 8088 crufted together in six weeks by
X hacker Tim Paterson, who is said to have regretted it ever since.
X Numerous features including vaguely UNIX-like but rather broken
X support for subdirectories, I/O redirection, and pipelines were
X hacked into 2.0 and subsequent versions; as a result, there are two
X incompatible versions of many system calls, and MS-DOS programmers
X can never agree on basic things like what character to use as an
X option switch or whether to be case-sensitive. The resulting mess
X is now the highest-unit-volume OS in history. Often known simply
X as DOS, which annoys people familiar with other similarly
X abbreviated operating systems (the name goes back to the mid-1960s,
X when it was attached to IBM's first disk operating system for the
X 360). Some people like to pronounce DOS like "dose", as in "I
X don't work on dose, man!", or to compare it with a dose of
X brain-damaging drugs. See {mess-dos}, {ill-behaved}.
XMUD: [abbr: Multi User Dungeon] 1. n. A class of {virtual reality}
X experiments accessible via the Internet. These are real-time chat
X forums with structure; they have multiple `locations' like an
X adventure game and may include combat, traps, puzzles, magic, a
X simple economic system, and the capability for characters to build
X more structure onto the database that represents the existing
X world. 2. vi. To play a MUD (see {hack-and-slay}). The acronym MUD
X is often lower-cased and/or verbed; thus, one may speak of `going
X mudding', etc.
X Historically, MUDs (and their more recent progeny with names of MU-
X form) derive from an AI experiment by Richard Bartle and Roy
X Trubshaw on the University of Essex's DEC-10 in the early 1980s,
X and descendants of that game still exist today (see {BartleMUD}).
X The title `MUD' is still copyright to the commercial MUD run by
X Bartle on British Telecom (their motto: "You haven't *lived*
X 'til you've *died* on MUD!"); however, this did not stop
X students on the European academic networks from copying/improving
X on the MUD concept, from which sprung several new MUDs (VAXMUD,
X AberMUD, LPMUD). Many of these had associated bulletin-board
X systems for social interaction. Because USENET feeds have been
X spotty and difficult to get in Great Britain and the British JANET
X network doesn't support {FTP} or remote login via telnet, the
X MUDs became major foci of hackish social interaction there.
X LPMUD and other variants crossed the Atlantic around 1988 and
X quickly gained popularity in the US; they became nuclei for large
X hacker communities with only loose ties to traditional hackerdom
X (some observers see parallels with the growth of USENET in the
X early 1980s).
X More recent MUDs (such as TinyMud), esp. in the US, have tended to
X emphasize social interaction, puzzles, and cooperative
X world-building as opposed to combat and competition. Whether this
X represents a genuine long-term trend is hard to say; the state of
X the art in MUD design is still moving very rapidly, with new
X simulation designs appearing (seemingly) every month. There is now
X (early 1991) a move afoot to deprecate the term {MUD} itself, as
X newer designs exhibit an exploding variety of names corresponding
X to the different simulation styles being explored. See also
X {BartleMUD}, {berserking}, {bonk/oif}, {brand brand brand},
X {FOD}, {hack-and-slay}, {mudhead}, {posing}, {talk mode},
X {tinycrud}.
Xmudhead: n. Commonly used to refer to a {MUD} player who sleeps,
X breathes, and eats MUD. Mudheads have frequently been known to
X fail their degrees, drop out, etc., with the consolation, however,
X that they made wizard level. When encountered in person, all a
X mudhead will talk about is two topics: the tactic, character, or
X wizard that in his/her view is always unfairly stopping him/her
X from becoming a wizard or beating a favorite MUD, and the MUD he/she is
X writing/going to write because all existing MUDs are so dreadful!
X See also {wannabee}.
Xmultician: /muhl-ti'shn/ [coined at Honeywell, c.1970] n.
X Competent user of {Multics}. Perhaps oddly, no one has ever
X promoted the analogous `Unician'.
XMultics: /muhl'tiks/ n. [from "MULTiplexed Information and
X Computing Service"] An early (late 1960s) timesharing operating
X system co-designed by a consortium including MIT, GE, and Bell
X Laboratories. Very innovative for its time --- among other things, it
X introduced the idea of treating all devices uniformly as special
X files. All the members but GE eventually pulled out after
X determining that {second-system effect} had bloated Multics to
X the point of practical unusability (the `lean' predecessor in
X question was {CTSS}). Honeywell commercialized Multics after
X buying out GE's computer group, but it was never very successful
X (among other things, on some versions one was commonly required to
X enter a password to log out). One of the developers left in the
X lurch by the project's breakup was Ken Thompson, a circumstance
X which led directly to the birth of {UNIX}. For this and other
X reasons, aspects of the Multics design remain a topic of occasional
X debate among hackers. See also {brain-damaged}.
Xmultitask: n. Often used of humans in the same meaning it has for
X computers, to describe a person doing several things at once (but
X see {thrash}). The term `multiplex' from communications
X technology (meaning to handle more than one channel at the same
X time) is used similarly.
Xmumblage: /muhm'bl@j/ n. The topic of one's mumbling (see {mumble}).
X "All that mumblage" is used like "all that stuff" when it is
X not quite clear what it is or how it works, or like "all that
X crap" when "mumble" is being used as an implicit replacement for
X obscenities.
Xmumble: interj. 1. Said when the correct response is either too
X complicated to enunciate or the speaker has not thought it out.
X Often prefaces a longer answer, or indicates a general reluctance
X to get into a big long discussion. "Don't you think that we could
X improve LISP performance by using a hybrid reference-count
X transaction garbage collector, if the cache is big enough and there
X are some extra cache bits for the microcode to use?" "Well,
X mumble... I'll have to think about it." 2. Sometimes used
X as an expression of disagreement. "I think we should buy a
X {VAX}." "Mumble!" Common variant: `mumble frotz' (see
X {frotz}; interestingly, one does not say `mumble frobnitz' even
X though `frotz' is short for `frobnitz'). 3. Yet another
X metasyntactic variable, like {foo}.
Xmunch: [often confused with `mung', q.v.] vt. To transform
X information in a serial fashion, often requiring large amounts of
X computation. To trace down a data structure. Related to {crunch}
X and nearly synonymous with {grovel}, but connotes less pain.
Xmunching squares: n. A {display hack} dating back to the PDP-1
X (c.1962, reportedly discovered by Jackson Wright), which employs a
X trivial computation (repeatedly plotting the graph Y = X XOR T for
X successive values of T --- see {HAKMEM} items 146-148) to produce
X an impressive display of moving and growing squares that devour the
X screen. The initial value of T is treated as a parameter, which,
X when well-chosen, can produce amazing effects. Some of these,
X later (re)discovered on the LISP machine, have been christened
X `munching triangles' (try AND for XOR and toggling points
X instead of plotting them), `munching w's', and `munching
X mazes'. More generally, suppose a graphics program produces an
X impressive and ever-changing display of some basic form, foo, on a
X display terminal, and does it using a relatively simple program;
X then the program (or the resulting display) is likely to be
X referred to as "munching foos" (This is a good example of the use
X of the word {foo} as a metasyntactic variable.)
Xmunchkin: /muhnch'kin/ [from the squeaky-voiced little people in L.
X Frank Baum's `The Wizard of Oz'] n. A teenage-or-younger micro
X enthusiast bashing BASIC or something else equally constricted. A
X term of mild derision --- munchkins are annoying but some grow up
X to be hackers after passing through a {larval stage}. The term
X {urchin} is also used. See also {wannabee}, {bitty box}.
Xmundane: [from SF fandom] n. 1. A person who is not in science
X fiction fandom. 2. A person who is not in the computer industry.
X In this sense, most often an adjectival modifier as in "in my
X mundane life...."
Xmung: /muhng/ alt. `munge' /muhnj/ [in 1960 at MIT, `Mash Until No
X Good"; sometime after that the derivation from the {{recursive
X acronyms}} `Mung Until No Good' became standard] vt. 1. To make
X changes to a file, often large-scale, usually irrevocable.
X Occasionally accidental. See {BLT}. 2. To destroy, usually
X accidentally, occasionally maliciously. The system only mungs
X things maliciously; this is a consequence of {Murphy's Law}. See
X {scribble}, {mangle}, {trash}, {nuke}. Reports from
X {USENET} suggest that the pronunciation /muhnj/ is now usual in
X speech, but the spelling `mung' is still common in program comments
X (compare the widespread confusion over the proper spelling of
X {kluge}). 3. The kind of beans of which the sprouts are used
X in Chinese food. (That's their real name! Mung beans! Really!)
XMurphy's Law: prov. The correct, *original* Murphy's Law reads:
X "If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those
X ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it." This
X is a principle of defensive design, cited here because it's usually
X given in mutant forms which are less descriptive of the challenges of
X design for lusers. For example, you don't make a two-pin plug
X symmetrical and then label it `THIS WAY UP'; if it matters which way
X it's plugged in, then you make the design asymmetrical.
X Edward A. Murphy, Jr. was one of the engineers on the rocket-sled
X experiments that were done by the U.S. Air Force in 1949 to test
X human acceleration tolerances. One experiment involved a set of 16
X accelerometers mounted to different parts of the subject's body.
X There were two ways each sensor could be glued to its mount, and
X somebody methodically installed all 16 the wrong way around.
X Murphy then made the original form of his pronouncement, which the
X test subject (Major John Paul Stapp) quoted at a news conference a
X few days later.
X Within months `Murphy's Law' had spread to various technical
X cultures connected to aerospace engineering. Before too many years
X had gone by variants had passed into the popular imagination,
X mutating as they went. Obviously, pop-culture versions in the vein
X of "Anything that can go wrong, will." demonstrate Murphy's Law
X acting on itself!
XMusic:: n. A common extracurricular interest of hackers (compare
X {{Science-Fiction Fandom}}, {{Oriental Food}}; see also
X {filk}). It is widely believed among hackers that there is a
X substantial correlation between whatever mysterious traits underlie
X hacking ability (on the one hand) and musical talent and
X sensitivity (on the other). It is certainly the case that hackers,
X as a rule, like music and often develop musical appreciation in
X unusual and interesting directions. Folk music is very big in
X hacker circles; so is electronic music, and the sort of elaborate
X instrumental jazz/rock that used to be called `progressive' and
X isn't recorded much any more. The hacker's musical range tends to
X be wide; many can listen with equal appreciation to (say) Talking
X Heads, Yes, Gentle Giant, Spirogyra, Scott Joplin, Tangerine Dream,
X King Sunny Ade, The Pretenders, or Bach's Brandenburg Concerti. It
X is also apparently true that hackerdom includes a much higher
X concentration of talented amateur musicians than one would expect
X from a similar-sized control group of {mundane} types.
Xmutter: vt. To quietly enter a command not meant for the ears, eyes,
X or fingers of ordinary mortals. Frequently in `mutter an
X {incantation}'. See also {wizard}.
X= N =
XN: /en/ quant. 1. A large and indeterminate number of objects;
X "There were N bugs in that crock!"; also used in its original
X sense of a variable name. "This crock has N bugs, as N goes to
X infinity." 2. A variable whose value is inherited from the
X current context. For example, when ordering a meal at a
X restaurant, N may be understood to mean however many people there
X are at the table. From the remark "We'd like to order N wonton
X soups and a family dinner for N - 1.", you can deduce that
X one person at the table wants to eat only soup, even though you
X don't know how many people there are (see {great-wall}). 3.
X `Nth': adj. The ordinal counterpart of N, senses #1 and #2.
X "Now for the Nth and last time..." In the specific context
X "Nth-year grad student", N is generally assumed to be at least 4,
X and is usually 5 or more (see {tenured graduate student}). See
X also {{random numbers}}, {two-to-the-n}.
Xnailed to the wall: [like a trophy] adj. Said of a bug finally
X eliminated after protracted, and even heroic, effort.
Xnailing jelly: vi. See {like nailing jelly to a tree}.
Xnaive: adj. Untutored in the perversities of some particular
X program or system; one who still tries to do things in an intuitive
X way, rather than the right way (in really good designs these
X coincide, but most designs aren't `really good' in the appropriate
X sense). This is completely unrelated to general maturity or
X competence or even competence at any other program. It is a sad
X commentary on the primitive state of computing that the natural
X opposite of this term is often claimed to be `experienced user' but
X is really more like `cynical user'.
Xnaive user: 1. n. A {luser}. Tends to imply someone who is
X ignorant mainly due to inexperience; when applied to someone who
X *has* experience, there is a definite implication of stupidity.
XNAK: [from the ASCII mnemonic for #b0010101] interj. 1. On-line joke
X answer to {ACK}? --- "I'm not here". 2. On-line answer to a
X request for chat --- "I'm not available". 3. Used to politely
X interrupt someone to tell them you don't understand their point or
X that they have suddenly stopped making sense. See {ACK}, sense
X #3. "And then, after we recode the project in COBOL...."
X "Nak, Nak, Nak! I thought I heard you say COBOL!"
Xnano-: [in measurement, the next quantifier below {micro-};
X meaning * 10 ^ -9] pref. Smaller than {micro-}, and used in the
X same rather loose and connotative way. Thus, one has
X {{nanotechnology}} (coined by hacker K. Eric Drexler) by analogy
X with `microtechnology'; and a few machine architectures have a
X `nanocode' level below `microcode'. Tom Duff at Bell Labs
X has also pointed out that "Pi seconds is a nanocentury". See
X also {pico-}, {nanoacre}, {nanobot}, {nanocomputer},
X {nanofortnight}.
Xnanoacre: /nan'o-ay`kr/ n. An areal unit (about 2 mm square) of
X real estate on a VLSI chip. The term gets its giggle value from
X the fact that VLSI nanoacres have costs in the same range as real
X acres once one figures in design and fabrication-setup costs.
Xnanobot: /nan'oh-bot/ n. A robot of microscopic proportions,
X presumably built by means of {{nanotechnology}}. As yet, only used
X informally (and speculatively!). Also sometimes called a
X `nanoagent'.
Xnanocomputer: /nan'oh-k@m-pyoo'tr/ n. A computer whose switching
X elements are molecular in size. Designs for mechanical
X nanocomputers which use single-molecule sliding rods for their
X logic have been proposed. The controller for a {nanobot} would be
X a nanocomputer.
Xnanofortnight: [Adelaide University] n. 1 fortnight times 10 ^ -9,
X or about 1.2 ms. This unit was used largely by students doing
X undergraduate practicals. See {microfortnight}, {attoparsec}
X and {micro-}.
Xnanotechnology:: /nan'-oh-tek-no`l@-ji/ n. A hypothetical
X fabrication technology in which objects are designed and built with
X the individual specification and placement of each separate atom.
X The first unequivocal nanofabrication experiments are taking place
X now (1990), for example with the deposition of individual xenon
X atoms on a nickel substrate to spell the logo of a certain very
X large computer company by two of its physicists. Nanotechnology
X has been a hot topic in the hacker subculture ever since the term
X was coined by K. Eric Drexler in his book `Engines of Creation',
X where he predicted that nanotechnology could give rise to
X replicating assemblers, permitting an exponential growth of
X productivity and personal wealth. See also {blue goo}, {gray goo},
X {nanobot}.
Xnastygram: n. 1. A protocol packet or item of email (the latter is
X also called a `letterbomb') that takes advantage of misfeatures
X or security holes on the target system to do untoward things. 2.
X Disapproving mail, esp. from a {net.god}, pursuant to a violation of
X {netiquette}. Compare {shitogram}. 3. A status report from an
X unhappy, and probably picky, customer. "What'd the Germans say in
X today's nastygram?" 4. [deprecated] An error reply by mail from a
X {daemon}; in particular, a {bounce message}.
XNathan Hale: n. An asterisk (See also {splat}, {{ASCII}}). Oh,
X you want an etymology? Notionally, from "I regret that I have only
X one asterisk for my country!", a misquote of the famous remark
X uttered by Nathan Hale just before he was hanged. Hale was a
X (failed) spy for the rebels in the American War of Independence.
Xnature: n. See {has the X nature}.
Xneat hack: n. A clever technique. Also, a brilliant practical
X joke, where neatness is correlated with cleverness, harmlessness,
X and surprise value. Example: the Caltech Rose Bowl card display
X switch (see Appendix A). See {hack}.
Xneep-neep: /neep neep/ [onomatopoeic, from New York SF fandom] n.
X One who is fascinated by computers. More general than {hacker},
X as it need not imply more skill than is required to boot games on a
X PC. The derived noun `neep-neeping' applies specifically to
X the long conversations about computers that tend to develop in the
X corners at most SF-convention parties. Fandom has a related
X proverb to the effect that "Hacking is a conversational black
X hole!".
Xneophilia: /nee`oh-fil'-ee-uh/ n. The trait of being excited and
X pleased by novelty. Common trait of most hackers, SF fans, and
X members of several other connected leading-edge subcultures,
X including the pro-technology `Whole-Earth' wing of the ecology
X movement, space activists, many members of MENSA, and the
X Discordian/neo-pagan underground. All these groups overlap heavily
X and (where evidence is available) seem to share characteristic
X hacker tropisms for science fiction, {{Music}}, and {{Oriental
X Food}}.
Xnet.-: /net dot/ pref. [USENET] Prefix used to describe people and
X events related to USENET. From the time before the {Great
X Renaming}, when all non-local newsgroups had names beginning
X `net.'. Includes {net.god}s, `net.goddesses' (various
X charismatic net.women with circles of on-line admirers),
X `net.lurkers', (see {lurker}), `net.person',
X `net.parties' (a synonym for {boink} sense #2 (q.v.)) and
X many similar constructs. See also {net.police}.
Xnet.god: /net god/ n. Used to refer to anyone who satisfies some
X combination of the following conditions: has been visible on USENET
X for more than five years, ran one of the original backbone sites,
X moderated an important newsgroup, wrote news software, or knows
X Gene, Mark, Rick, Mel, Henry, Chuq, and Greg personally. See
X {demigod}.
Xnet.police: n. (var. `net.cops') Those USENET readers who feel it is
X their responsibility to pounce on and {flame} any posting which
X they regard as offensive, or in violation of their understanding of
X {netiquette}. Generally used sarcastically or pejoratively.
X Also spelled `net police'. See also {net.-}, {code police}.
Xnethack: /net'hak/ n. See {hack}, sense #8.
Xnetiquette: /net'ee-ket, net'i-ket/ [portmanteau from "network
X etiquette"] n. Conventions of politeness recognized on {USENET},
X such as: avoidance of cross-posting to inappropriate groups, or
X refraining from commercial pluggery on the net.
Xnetnews: n. 1. The software that makes {USENET} run. 2. The
X content of USENET. "I read netnews right after my mail most
X mornings".
Xnetrock: [IBM] n. A {flame}; used esp. on VNET, IBM's internal
X corporate network.
Xnetwork address: n. (also `net address') As used by hackers,
X means an address on `the' network (see {network, the}; this is
X almost always a {bang path} or {{Internet address}}). Such an
X address is essential if one wants to be to be taken seriously by
X hackers; in particular, persons or organizations that claim to
X understand, work with, sell to, or recruit from among hackers but
X *don't* display net addresses are quietly presumed to be
X clueless poseurs and mentally flushed (see {flush}, sense #4).
X Hackers often put their net addresses on their business cards and
X wear them prominently in contexts where they expect to meet other
X hackers face-to-face (see also {{Science-Fiction Fandom}}). This
X is mostly functional, but is also a connotative signal that one
X identifies with hackerdom (like lodge pins among Masons or tie-dyed
X T-shirts among Grateful Dead fans). Net addresses are often used
X in email text as a more concise substitute for personal names;
X indeed, hackers may come to know each other quite well by network
X names without ever learning each others' `legal' monikers. See
X also {sitename}, {domainist}.
Xnetwork meltdown: n. A state of complete network overload; the
X network equivalent of {thrash}ing. This may be induced by a
X {Chernobyl packet}, See also {broadcast storm}, {kamikaze
X packet}.
Xnetwork, the: n. 1. The union of all the major noncommercial,
X academic, and hacker-oriented networks such as Internet, the old
X ARPANET, NSFnet, BITNET, and the virtual UUCP and {USENET}
X `networks', plus the corporate in-house networks and commercial
X time-sharing services (such as CompuServe) that gateway to them. A
X site is generally considered `on the network' if it can be reached
X through some combination of Internet-style (@-sign) and UUCP
X (bang-path) addresses. See {bang path}, {{Internet address}},
X {network address}. 2. A fictional conspiracy of libertarian
X hacker-subversives and anti-authoritarian monkeywrenchers described
X in Robert Anton Wilson's novel `Schrodinger's Cat', to which
X many hackers have subsequently decided they belong (this is an
X example of {ha ha only serious}).
X In sense #1, `network' is frequently abbreviated to `net'. "Are
X you on the net?" is a frequent question when hackers first meet
X face to face, and "See you on the net!" is a frequent goodbye.
XNew Jersey: [primarily Stanford/Silicon Valley] adj. Generically,
X brain-damaged or of poor design. This refers to the allegedly
X wretched quality of such software as C, C++, and UNIX (which
X originated at Bell Labs in New Jersey). "This compiler bites the
X bag, but what can you expect from a compiler designed in New
X Jersey?" See also {UNIX conspiracy}.
XNew Testament: n. [C programmers] The second edition of K&R's `The C
X Programming Language' (Prentice-Hall 1988, ISBN 0-13-110362-8),
X describing ANSI Standard C. See {K&R}.
Xnewbie: /n[y]oo'bee/ n. [orig. from British public-school &
X military slang contraction of `new boy'] A USENET neophyte.
X This term originated in the {newsgroup} `talk.bizarre' but is
X now in wide use. Criteria for being considered a newbie vary
X wildly; a person can be called a newbie in one newsgroup while
X remaining a respected regular in another. The label `newbie'
X is sometimes applied as a serious insult, to a person who has been
X around USENET for a long time but who carefully hides all evidence
X of having a clue. See {BIFF}.
Xnewgrp wars: /n[y]oo'grp wohrz/ [USENET] n. Salvos of dueling
X `newgrp' and `rmgroup' messages sometimes exchanged by persons on
X opposite sides of a dispute over whether a {newsgroup} should be
X created net-wide. These usually settle out within a week or two as
X it becomes clear whether the group has a natural constituency
X (usually, it doesn't). At times, especially in the completely
X anarchic `alt' hierarchy, the names of newsgroups themselves become
X a form of comment or humor; e.g. the spinoff of
X `alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork' from `alt.tv.muppets' in early 1990,
X or any number of specialized abuse groups named after particularly
X notorious {flamer}s, eg. `alt.weemba'.
Xnewline: /n[y]oo'lien/ n. 1. [techspeak, primarily UNIX] The
X ASCII LF character (#b0001010), used under {UNIX} as a text line
X terminator. A Bell-Labs-ism rather than a Berkeleyism;
X interestingly (and unusually for UNIX jargon) it is said originally
X to have been an IBM usage (though the term `newline' appears in
X ASCII standards, it never caught on in the general computing world
X before UNIX). 2. More generally, any magic character, character
X sequence, or operation (like Pascal's writeln procedure) required
X to terminate a text record or separate lines. See {crlf},
X {terpri}.
XNeWS: /nee'wis/, /n[y]oo'is/ or /n[y]ooz/ [acronym; the Network
X Window System] n. The road not taken in window systems, an elegant
X Postscript-based environment that would almost certainly have won
X the standards war with {X} if it hadn't been {proprietary} to
X Sun Microsystems. There is a lesson here that many software
X vendors haven't yet heeded. Many hackers insist on the
X two-syllable pronunciations above as a way of distinguishing NeWS
X from `news' (the {netnews} software).
Xnewsfroup: /n[y]oos'froop/ [USENET] n. Silly written-only synonym for
X {newsgroup}, originated as a typo but now in regular use on
X USENET's talk.bizarre and other lunatic-fringe groups.
Xnewsgroup: [USENET] n. One of {USENET}'s huge collection of topic
X groups. Among the best-known are `comp.lang.c' (the C-language
X forum), `comp.unix.wizards', `rec.arts.sf-lovers' (for
X science-fiction fans), and `talk.politics.misc' (miscellaneous
X political discussions and {flamage}).
Xnickle: [From `nickel', common name for the US 5-cent coin] n. A
X {nybble} + 1; 5 bits. Reported among developers for Mattel's GI
X 1600 (the Intellivision games processor), a chip with 16-bit-wide
X RAM but 10-bit-wide ROM. See also {deckle}.
Xnight mode: n. See {phase} (of people).
XNightmare File System: n. Pejorative hackerism for Sun's Network
X File System (NFS). In any nontrivial network of Suns where there
X is a lot of NFS cross-mounting, when one Sun goes down, the others
X often freeze up. Some machine tries to access the down one, and
X (getting no response) repeats indefinitely. This causes it to
X appear dead to some messages. Then another machine tries to reach
X either the down machine or the pseudo-down machine, and itself
X becomes pseudo-down. The first machine to discover the down one is
X now trying both to access the down one and respond to the
X pseudo-down one, so it is even harder to reach. This snowballs
X very fast and soon the entire network of machines is frozen --- the
X user can't even abort the file access that started the problem!
X (ITS partisans are apt to cite this as proof of UNIX's alleged
X bogosity; ITS had a working NFS-like shared file system with none
X of these problems in the early 1970s. Of course, ITS only had
X 6-character filenames and no subdirectories, so it was solving a
X simpler problem.) See also {broadcast storm}.
XNIL: [from LISP terminology for `false'] No. Usage: used in reply
X to a question, particularly one asked using the `-P' convention.
X See {T}.
XNMI: n. Non-Maskable Interrupt. See {priority interrupt}.
Xno-op: /noh-op/ alt. NOP (nop) [no operation] n. 1. (also v.) A
X machine instruction that does nothing (sometimes used in
X assembler-level programming as filler for data or patch areas, or
X to overwrite code to be removed in binaries). See also {JFCL}.
X 2. A person who contributes nothing to a project, or has nothing
X going on upstairs, or both. As in "He's a no-op." 3. Any
X operation or sequence of operations with no effect, such as
X circling the block without finding a parking space, or putting
X money into a vending machine and having it fall immediately into
X the coin-return box, or asking someone for help and being told to
X go away. "Oh well, that was a no-op."
Xnoddy: [Great Britain; from the children's books] adj. 1. Small
X and unuseful, but demonstrating a point. Noddy programs are often
X written when learning a new language or system. The archetypal
X noddy program is {hello, world}. Noddy code may be used to
X demonstrate a feature or bug of a compiler. May be used of real
X hardware or software to imply that it isn't worth using. "This
X editor's a bit noddy." 2. A program that is more or less
X instant to produce. In this use, the term does not necessarily
X connote uselessness, but describes a {hack} sufficiently trivial
X that it can be written and debugged while carrying on (and during
X the space of) a normal conversation. "I'll just throw
X together a noddy {awk} script to convert {crlf}s into
X {newline}s." See {toy program}.
XNOMEX underwear: [USENET] n. Syn. {asbestos longjohns}, used
X mostly in auto-related mailing lists and newsgroups. NOMEX
X underwear is an actual product available on the racing equipment
X market, used as a fire resistance measure and required in some
X racing series.
Xnon-optimal solution: n. (also `sub-optimal solution') An
X astoundingly stupid way to do something. This term is generally
X used in deadpan sarcasm, as its impact is greatest when the person
X speaking looks completely serious. Compare {stunning}. See also
X {Bad Thing}.
Xnonlinear: adj. [scientific computation] 1. Behaving in an erratic and
X unpredictable fashion. When used to describe the behavior of a
X machine or program, it suggests that said machine or program is
X being forced to run far outside of design specifications. This
X behavior may be induced by unreasonable inputs, or may be triggered
X when a more mundane bug sends the computation far off from its
X expected course. 2. When describing the behavior of a person,
X suggests a tantrum or a {flame}. "When you talk to Bob, don't
X mention the drug problem or he'll go nonlinear for hours." In
X this context, `go nonlinear' connotes `blow up out of proportion'
X (proportion connotes linearity).
Xnontrivial: adj. Requiring real thought or significant computing
X power. Often used as an understated way of saying that a problem
X is quite difficult or impractical. The preferred emphatic form is
X `decidedly nontrivial'. See {trivial}, {uninteresting},
X {interesting}.
Xnotwork: n. A network, when it's acting {flaky} or is {down}.
X Compare {nyetwork}. Orig. referred to a particular period of
X flakiness on IBM's VNET corporate network, c.1988.
XNP-: /en pee/ pref. Extremely. Used to modify adjectives
X describing a level or quality of difficulty; the connotation is
X often `more so than it should be' (NP-complete problems all seem to
X be very hard, but so far no one has found a good a-priori reason
X that they should be.) "Getting this algorithm to perform
X correctly in every case is NP-annoying." This is generalized from
X the computer science terms `NP-hard' and `NP-complete'. NP
X is the set of Nondeterministic-Polynomial algorithms, those that
X can be completed by a nondeterministic finite state machine in an
X amount of time that is a polynomial function of the size of the
X input.
XNSA line eater: n. The NSA (National Security Agency) trawling
X program sometimes assumed to be reading {USENET} for the U.S.
X Government's spooks. Most hackers describe it as a mythical beast,
X but some believe it actually exists, more aren't sure, and many
X believe in acting as though it exists just in case. Some netters
X put loaded phrases like `Uzi', `nuclear materials', `Palestine',
X `cocaine', and `assassination' in their {sig block}s in an
X attempt to confuse and overload the creature. The {GNU} version
X of {EMACS} actually has a command that randomly inserts a bunch
X of insidious anarcho-verbiage into your edited text.
X There's a mainstream variant of this myth involving a `Trunk Line
X Monitor', which supposedly used speech recognition to extract words
X from telephone trunks. This one was making the rounds in the late
X 1970s, spread by people who had no idea of then-current technology
X or the storage, signal-processing or speech recognition needs of
X such a project. On the basis of mass-storage costs alone it would
X have been cheaper to hire 50 high-school students and just let them
X listen in. Speech recognition technology can't do this job even
X now (1991), and amomost certainly won't in this millenium, either.
X The peak of silliness came with a letter to an alternative paper in
X New Haven, laying out the factoids of this Big Brotherly affair.
X The letter writer then revealed his actual agenda by offering ---
X at an amazing low price, just this once, we take VISA and
X MasterCard --- a scrambler, guaranteed to daunt the Trunk Trawler,
X and presumably allowing the would-be Baader-Meinhof gangs of the
X world to get on with their business.
Xnuke: vt. 1. To intentionally delete the entire contents of a
X given directory or storage volume. "On UNIX, `rm -r /usr'
X will nuke everything in the usr filesystem." Never used for
X accidental deletion. Oppose {blow away}. 2. Syn. for
X {dike}, applied to smaller things such as files, features, or
X code sections. Often used to express a final verdict. "What do
X you want me to do with that 80-meg {wallpaper} file?" "Nuke
X it." 3. Used of processes as well as files; nuke is a frequent
X verbal alias for `kill -9' on UNIX. 4. On IBM PCs, a bug
X that results in {fandango on core} can trash the operating
X system, including the FAT (the in-core copy of the disk block
X chaining information). This can utterly scramble attached disks,
X which are then said to have been `nuked'. This term is also
X used of analogous lossages on Macintoshes and other micros without
X memory protection.
Xnull device: n. A {logical} input/output device connected to the
X {bit bucket}; when you write to it nothing happens, when you read
X from it you see an end-of-file condition. Useful for discarding
X unwanted output or using interactive programs in a {batch mode}.
X See {/dev/null}.
Xnumber-crunching: n. Computations of a numerical nature, esp.
X those that make extensive use of floating-point numbers. The only
X thing {Fortrash} is good for. This term is in widespread
X informal use outside hackerom and even in mainstream slang, but is
X cited here to record some additional hackish connotations: namely,
X that the computations are mindless and involve massive use of
X {brute force}. See also {crunch}.
Xnumbers: [scientific computation] n. Output of a computation that
X may not be significant results, but at least indicate that the
X program is running. May be used to placate management, grant
X sponsors, etc. `Making numbers' means running a program
X because output --- any output, not necessarily meaningful output
X --- is needed as a demonstration of progress. See {pretty
X pictures}, {math-out}, {social science number}.
XNUXI problem: /nuk'see pro'blm/ n. This refers to the problem of
X transferring data between machines with differing byte-order. The
X string `UNIX' might look like `NUXI' on a machine with a
X different `byte sex' (e.g. when transferring data from a
X {little-endian} to a {big-endian}, or vice-versa). See also
X {middle-endian}, {swab}, and {bytesexual}.
Xnybble: /nib'l/ (alt. `nibble') [from v. `nibble' by
X analogy with `bite' => `byte'] n. Four bits; one
X hexadecimal digit; a half-byte. Though `byte' is now accepted
X technical jargon found in dictionaries, this useful relative is
X still jargon. Compare {{byte}}, {crumb}, {tayste},
X {dynner}, see also {bit}, {nickle}, {deckle}. Apparently
X this spelling is uncommon in Commonwealth Hackish, as British
X orthography suggests the pronunciation /nie'bl/.
Xnyetwork: [from Russian `nyet' = no] n. A network, when it's
X acting {flaky} or is {down}. Compare {notwork}.
X= O =
XOb-: /ob/ pref. Obligatory. A piece of {netiquette} that
X acknowledges the author has been straying from the newsgroup's
X charter topic. For example, if a posting in alt.sex has nothing
X particularly to do with sex, the author may append `ObSex' (or
X `Obsex') and toss off a question or vignette about some unusual
X erotic act. It is a sign of great winnitude when your Obs are more
X interesting than most other peoples' whole postings.
XObfuscated C Contest: n. Annual contest run since 1984 over USENET
X by Landon Curt Noll and friends. The overall winner is whoever
X produces the most unreadable, creative, and bizarre (but working) C
X program; various other prizes are awarded at the judges' whim.
X Given C's terse syntax and macro-preprocessor facilities, this
X gives contestants a lot of maneuvering room. The winning programs
X often manage to be simultaneously (a) funny, (b) breathtaking works
X of art, and (c) horrible examples of how *not* to code in C.
X This relatively short and sweet entry might help convey the flavor
X of obfuscated C:
X /*
X * HELLO WORLD program
X * by Jack Applin and Robert Heckendorn, 1985
X */
X main(v,c)char**c;{for(v[c++]="Hello, world!\n)";
X (!!c)[*c]&&(v--||--c&&execlp(*c,*c,c[!!c]+!!c,!c));
X **c=!c)write(!!*c,*c,!!**c);}
X Here's another good one:
X /*
X * Program to compute an approximation of pi
X * by Brian Westley, 1988
X */
X #define _ -F<00||--F-OO--;
X int F=00,OO=00;
X main(){F_OO();printf("%1.3f\n",4.*-F/OO/OO);}F_OO()
X {
X _-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
X _-_-_-_
X }
X See also {hello, world}.
Xobscure: adj. Used in an exaggeration of its normal meaning, to
X imply total incomprehensibility. "The reason for that last crash
X is obscure." "The `find(1)' command's syntax is obscure!"
X The phrase `moderately obscure' implies that it could be
X figured out but probably isn't worth the trouble. The construction
X `obscure in the extreme' is the preferred emphatic form.
Xoctal forty: /ok'tl for'tee/ n. Hackish way of saying "I'm drawing
X a blank." Octal 40 is the {{ASCII}} space character, #b0100000; by
X an odd coincidence, {hex} 40 (#b01000000) is the {{EBCDIC}} space
X character. See {wall}.
Xoff the trolley: adj. Describes the behavior of a program that
X malfunctions and goes catatonic, but doesn't actually {crash} or
X abort. See {glitch}, {bug}, {deep space}.
Xoff-by-one error: n. Exceedingly common error induced in many ways,
X such as by starting at 0 when you should have started at 1 or vice
X versa, or by writing < N instead of <= N or vice-versa. Also
X applied to giving something to the person next to the one who
X should have gotten it. Often confounded with {fencepost error},
X which is properly a particular subtype of it.
Xoffline: adv. Not now or not here. Example: "Let's take this
true || echo 'restore of jargon.ascii failed'
echo 'End of part 11, continue with part 12'
echo 12 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0