Source Code 1992 March
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Newsgroups: alt.sources
Path: wupost!sdd.hp.com!decwrl!ampex!gregory
From: gregory@ampex.com (Gregory Bloom)
Subject: openlook sun4/60 cgthree color background animator (01/01)
Message-ID: <1991Aug26.231153.7315@ampex.com>
Summary: provides color animation for backgrounds loaded with xloadimage
Keywords: fun, hypnotic, psychedelic, productivity enhancement
Organization: Ampex Corporation, Golden, CO
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1991 23:11:53 GMT
Following are two programs that provide a nice color animated background
for users of openlook on color sun4s. I have only tested this on my
sun 4/60 with cgthree0. It has a little problem with old sunview applications
(it animates them, too).
The first program, bloom.c, creates a color gradient rasterfile which
you can load onto your background using xsetbg (xloadimage). If you
don't yet have xloadimage, ask your local net guru where you can
get it.
The second program, phaze.c, opens your frame buffer, examines your
colormap for gradient colors, then animates those colors it finds.
You can easily hack bloom.c to provide a wide variety of interesting
color animated backgrounds.
I don't have shar, so y'all are going to have to search for the --cut here--
Have fun.
--------------------------------cut here------------------------------------
/* bloom.c create bloom.gr8 |
/* |
/* usage: |
/* cc -o bloom bloom.c -lm |
/* bloom |
/* xsetbg bloom.gr8 |
/* phaze & |
/* |
/* bloom creates a 1152 x 900 grey-|
/* gradient image which has colors |
/* r = color number, g = r + 1, |
/* b = r + 2 for its colormap |
/* which you may use xloadimage |
/* to set as your background |
/* and then animate using phaze |
/* |
/* Gregory Bloom 1991 |
/* |
/* gregory@ampex.com |
#include <rasterfile.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define COLORINCREMENT (.01)
#define ITERATIONS 30
#define COLORCOUNT 128
#define RAS_MAGIC 0x59a66a95
#define TWO_PI (6.283185307)
/* ordered dither table */
int dit[8][8] = {
0, 32, 8, 40, 2, 34, 10, 42,
48, 16, 56, 24, 50, 18, 58, 26,
12, 44, 4, 36, 14, 46, 6, 38,
60, 28, 52, 20, 62, 30, 54, 22,
3, 35, 11, 43, 1, 33, 9, 41,
51, 19, 59, 27, 49, 17, 57, 25,
15, 47, 7, 39, 13, 45, 5, 37,
63, 31, 55, 23, 61, 29, 53, 21
struct rasterfile ras;
unsigned shift_reg;
unsigned char screen[900][1152];
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
FILE *fo;
double x, y, dx, dy;
int count, pass;
int color, ran;
unsigned char map[256], remap[256];
double color_float;
double floor (), frand ();
double sin (), cos ();
double fabs ();
color_float = 0.0;
x = 0;
y = 0;
color = 0;
srandom (time (0));
/* choose random initial velocity */
for (dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0; dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0;)
dx = (frand () / 5.0 + .1) - (frand () / 5.0 + .1);
dy = (frand () / 5.0 + .1) - (frand () / 5.0 + .1);
printf ("countdown:\n");
for (pass = 0; pass < ITERATIONS; pass++)
printf ("%d\n", ITERATIONS - pass);
/* each pass is 1152 * 900 pixels */
for (count = 0; count < 1036800; count++)
ran = random ();
/* random walk + velocity */
x += (double)((ran & 1) - ((ran & 2) == 0)) + dx;
y += (double)(((ran & 4) == 0) - ((ran & 8) == 0)) + dy;
/* if offscreen, start again in center with new velocity */
if (x < 0.0 || x >= 1152.0 || y < 0.0 || y >= 900.0)
for (dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0;
fabs (dx) <= 0.02 && fabs (dy) <= 0.02;)
dx = (frand () / 5.0 + .1) - (frand () / 5.0 + .1);
dy = (frand () / 5.0 + .1) - (frand () / 5.0 + .1);
/* reset to center */
x = 1152.0 / 2.0;
y = 900.0 / 2.0;
/* same starting color */
color_float = 0.0;
color_float += COLORINCREMENT;
/* dither color fraction */
color = (int)color_float +
((int)(64.0 * (color_float - floor (color_float))) >
dit[(int)y & 7][(int)x & 7]);
color %= COLORCOUNT;
screen[(int)y][(int)x] = color;
/* see rasterfile man page to figure this out */
ras.ras_magic = RAS_MAGIC;
ras.ras_width = 0x480;
ras.ras_height = 0x384;
ras.ras_depth = 0x08;
ras.ras_length = 0xfd200;
ras.ras_type = RT_STANDARD;
ras.ras_maptype = RMT_EQUAL_RGB;
ras.ras_maplength = 3 * COLORCOUNT;
fo = fopen("bloom.gr8", "w");
putw (ras.ras_magic, fo);
putw (ras.ras_width, fo);
putw (ras.ras_height, fo);
putw (ras.ras_depth, fo);
putw (ras.ras_length, fo);
putw (ras.ras_type, fo);
putw (ras.ras_maptype, fo);
putw (ras.ras_maplength, fo);
/* create easily recognizable grey colormap */
for (color = 0; color < COLORCOUNT; color++)
putc (color, fo);
for (color = 0; color < COLORCOUNT; color++)
putc (color + 1, fo);
for (color = 0; color < COLORCOUNT; color++)
putc (color + 2, fo);
/* output */
for (y = 0; y < 900; y++)
for (x = 0; x < 1152; x++)
putc (screen[(int)y][(int)x], fo);
printf ("bloom.gr8 created\n");
frand ()
return ((double) (random ()) / 2147483647.0);
--------------------------------cut here------------------------------------
/* phaze.c animate desktop colors |
/* |
/* usage on sun 4/60 with cgthree0:|
/* cc -o phaze phaze.c -lpixrect |
/* xsetbg <file.gr8> (ie bloom.gr8)|
/* phaze & |
/* |
/* you need to have loaded a grey- |
/* gradient image which has colors |
/* r = color number, g = r + 1, |
/* b = r + 2 for its colormap |
/* |
/* Gregory Bloom 1991 |
/* |
/* phaze is tuneware: (p-haze?) |
/* I don't care what you do with it|
/* but if you have a CD of obscure |
/* tunes you think I should have, |
/* lemme know about it. Or, if the|
/* disk is just cluttering up your |
/* shelf, feel free to send it! |
/* |
/* gregory@ampex.com |
/* |
/* Gregory Bloom |
/* 11540 West 100th Place |
/* Broomfield, CO 80021 |
/* |
#include <pixrect/pixrect_hs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_FREQUENCY 32
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
Pixrect *screen;
int rb, gb, bb;
int rs, gs, bs;
int rt, gt, bt;
int pause;
int index, back_index, count, maplen;
int step, sweep, value;
int r_index, g_index, b_index;
int r_flip, g_flip, b_flip;
unsigned char ranbyte;
unsigned char sr[257], sg[257], sb[257];
int remap[256];
unsigned char rcolor[2 * 256 * MAX_FREQUENCY + 256];
unsigned char gcolor[2 * 256 * MAX_FREQUENCY + 256];
unsigned char bcolor[2 * 256 * MAX_FREQUENCY + 256];
int r_offset, g_offset, b_offset;
int mapCount;
/* init random */
srandom (time (0));
/* access screen */
screen = pr_open("/dev/fb");
index = 0;
value = 0;
/* set up random colormap with each r, g, and b ramp frequency */
for (step = 1; step <= MAX_FREQUENCY; step++)
for (sweep = 0; sweep < (MAX_FREQUENCY - step); sweep++)
value += step;
rcolor[index] = value;
gcolor[index] = value;
bcolor[index] = value;
/* append backwards colormap */
for (count = index - 1; count >= 0; count--)
rcolor[index] = rcolor[count];
gcolor[index] = gcolor[count];
bcolor[index] = bcolor[count];
/* append start of forward colormap for clean wrap */
for (count = 0; count < 256; count++)
rcolor[index] = rcolor[count];
gcolor[index] = gcolor[count];
bcolor[index] = bcolor[count];
maplen = index;
/* start each color phaze at a random offset into map sequence */
r_offset = random () % maplen;
g_offset = random () % maplen;
b_offset = random () % maplen;
/* each phaze starts running forward through colormap sequence */
r_flip = 0;
g_flip = 0;
b_flip = 0;
/* get current colormap */
pr_getcolormap (screen, 0, 256, sr, sg, sb);
/* default colors that are not ours off colormap */
for (count = 0; count < 256; count++)
remap[count] = 256;
/* xloadimage sprays colors all through the colormap, so we need
/* to find each slot that our colors have been assigned.
/* for this reason, our colors are easily recognizable as:
/* r = color number, g = r + 1, b = r + 2
mapCount = 0;
for (count = 0; count < 256; count++)
/* is this one of our colors? */
if (sr[count] == sg[count] - 1 &&
sr[count] == sb[count] - 2 &&
sr[count] < sg[count] &&
sg[count] < sb[count])
/* keep track of where this color was in the current colormap
/* (r = color number)
remap[sr[count]] = count;
/* step through colormap sequence */
for (index = 0; index < maplen - MAX_FREQUENCY; index++)
/* back_index is for color phazes moving back thru sequence */
back_index = maplen - MAX_FREQUENCY - index;
r_index = ((r_flip ? back_index : index) + r_offset) % maplen;
g_index = ((g_flip ? back_index : index) + g_offset) % maplen;
b_index = ((b_flip ? back_index : index) + b_offset) % maplen;
for (count = 0; count < 256; count++)
sr[remap[count]] = rcolor[r_index + count];
sg[remap[count]] = gcolor[g_index + count];
sb[remap[count]] = bcolor[b_index + count];
pr_putcolormap (screen, 0, 256, sr, sg, sb);
/* go do something useful for a while */
usleep (63000);
ranbyte = random () % 3;;
/* after each pass, shift a color wrt the others, maybe reversing */
switch (ranbyte)
case 0:
r_offset = (r_offset + ((random () % 3) - 1) + maplen) % maplen;
if (r_flip != r_offset & 0x01)
r_offset = (maplen - MAX_FREQUENCY) - r_offset;
r_flip = (r_flip == 0);
case 1:
g_offset = (g_offset + ((random () % 3) - 1) + maplen) % maplen;
if (g_flip != g_offset & 0x01)
g_offset = (maplen - MAX_FREQUENCY) - g_offset;
g_flip = (g_flip == 0);
case 2:
b_offset = (b_offset + ((random () % 3) - 1) + maplen) % maplen;
if (b_flip != b_offset & 0x01)
b_offset = (maplen - MAX_FREQUENCY) - b_offset;
b_flip = (b_flip == 0);