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Path: wupost!uunet!mcsun!unido!estevax!norisc!iain
From: iain@norisc.UUCP (Iain Lea)
Newsgroups: alt.sources
Subject: tin v1.0 Patchlevel 1 Newsreader
Message-ID: <598@norisc.UUCP>
Date: 3 Sep 91 10:54:45 GMT
Sender: iain@norisc.UUCP (Iain Lea)
Organization: What organization?
Lines: 116
Submitted-by: iain@estevax.uucp
Archive-name: tin1.01/part00
This is an updated repost of the tin visual threaded NNTP newsreader v1.00.
The new version is v1.0 PL1 (pathlevel 1). I am reposting instead of posting
a patch file because the size difference was so small and I have recieved mail
that a few sites did not get all the original parts.
In the orignal posting I said it was a late beta release which shows how
little I knew about how good the net is at finding bugs and giving suggestions.
I hope this version is a late beta release (Optimistic ?).
I am still looking for people to test this and send me ideas/comments & bugs so
that I can correct any and then send it off to comp.sources.misc at the end of
Sep/Oct 91.
From this release onwards I will issue patches for use by the patch program.
For bugs, fixes, changes & additions read the CHANGES & TODO files.
And now for a bit of blurb from the original version...
Tin is a full screen threaded newsreader that uses the tass newsreader as
its base. Tass was developed by Rich Skrenta (skrenta@blekko.commodore.com).
Tin can read news locally and also via an NNTP server (-r option). Tin
contains more features than tass but they are still accessable to the
beginner and expert alike. I tried to follow the tass UI conventions as
much as possible.
This is the only newsreader that I know of that threads on the Archive-name:
field as used in comp.sources.* groups as well as on the more normal Subject:
field. Before anyone comments on Subject: threading not being right and I
should look at trn, I have and its threads are neat but I get more done with
tin than trn. It is especially good at saving and processing saved articles
& threads.
o Organizes articles by threads. Displays a really nice article selection
o Group selection page makes it easy to scan newsgroups, subscribe,
unsubscribe, reorder your .newsrc.
o If you've ever used tass/notes, this is the program for you.
Tin looks a lot like tass, but has many improvements.
Newsreading style under tin tends to be different than with rn. Instead of
plowing through each group reading everything unread, you may find yourself
reading fewer articles in more groups. It's easier to skip about and only
read interesting threads with tin.
Tin keeps an index file for each group. The first time you enter a group,
it will be a bit slow creating this file. After that it will incrementally
update the index file and there should be little delay.
You can run tin in "update mode" out of cron to update the indexes.
I may be off the net for a couple of months at the end of September, but
will be contactable at the following address:
Iain J. Lea
BrueckenStr. 12
8500 Nuernberg 90
Phone. +49-911-331963 (home)
Phone. +49-911-895-3853 (work until Sep 30)
Phone. +49-911-3089-407 (work from Oct 1)
Email. iain@estevax.uucp
Built & used on the following machines
1) Vax 8850 & Ultrix 4.1 (Developed & most tested platform)
2) Vax 11/785 & BSD 4.3
3) 386 PC & Xenix 386
4) 386 PC & ATT SysVR4.0 (strange behaviour with inverse video)
5) 386 PC & SCO SysVR3.2 (strange behaviour with inverse video)
6) 386 PC & ISC SysVR3.2 with WINTCP (shakey ??)
7) ICL DRS6000 (sparc) & SysVR4.0
7) Sparcstation & SunOS 4.1
Building Tin
1) type make and a few system types will be displayed
2) edit Makefile if you want to add/change -D DEFINES
3) type 'make <system type>' for your system
4) NOTE. the mmakefile needs rewriting (Any takers?)
Note: the supplied Makefile will not run directly on BSD. It
requires a little work (Any takers to write a good Makefile?)
Installing Tin
1) make install
I wish to give credit to the following people for the routines
that they have written and I have used in tin:
Rich Skrenta - tass v3.2 that tin is based upon.
Syd Weinstein - curses.c is taken from the elm mailreader
Rich Salz - wildmat regex pattern matching routine
Chris Smith - multi-part uudecode routine
I wish to thank the following people for comments & bug reports:
Klaus Arzig, Reiner Balling, Volker Beyer, Roger Binns, Georg Biehler,
Andreas Brosig, Peter Dressler, Gerhard Ermer, Joachim Feld,
Bernhard Gmelch, Viet Hoang, Joe Johnson, Cyrill Jung,
Karl-Koenig Koenigsson, Bob Lukas, Clifford Luke, Toni Metz,
Klaus Neuberger, Otto Niesser, Wolf Paul, Rich Salz, Fredy Schwatz,
Bernd Schwerin, Karl-Olav Serrander, Chris Smith, Adri Verhoef
NAME Iain Lea
EMAIL norisc!iain@estevax.UUCP ...!unido!estevax!norisc!iain
SNAIL Siemens AG, AUT 922C, Postfach 4848, Nuernberg, Germany
PHONE +49-911-895-3853, +49-911-895-3877, +49-911-331963