Source Code 1994 March
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1,508 lines
Newsgroups: vmsnet.sources.games
Path: uunet!munnari.oz.au!bruce.cs.monash.edu.au!monu6!vcp1.vcp.monash.edu.au!pb
From: pb@vcp1.vcp.monash.edu.au (Peter Bury)
Subject: Minesweeper for VMS v1.01 part1/1
Message-ID: <1992Jun17.135711.1@vcp1.vcp.monash.edu.au>
Lines: 1497
Sender: news@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Usenet system)
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1992 03:57:11 GMT
This is a reverse-engineered version of the Minesweeper for Windows program.
It runs on VT100 compatible terminals under VMS.
Conversion for VAX BASIC by Peter Bury, April 1992
Reposted, as original never got beyond Monash Clayton campus
Usual disclaimers apply!
$! ------------------ CUT HERE -----------------------
$ v='f$verify(f$trnlnm("SHARE_VERIFY"))'
$! This archive created by VMS_SHARE Version 7.2-007 22-FEB-1990
$! On 15-JUN-1992 14:53:33.62 By user PB
$! This VMS_SHARE Written by:
$! Andy Harper, Kings College London UK
$! Acknowledgements to:
$! James Gray - Original VMS_SHARE
$! Michael Bednarek - Original Concept and implementation
$! 1. BUILD.COM;41
$! 2. GET_CHAR.BAS;9
$! 4. MENU.BAS;25
$set symbol/scope=(nolocal,noglobal)
$e="write sys$error ""%UNPACK"", "
$w="write sys$output ""%UNPACK"", "
$ if f$trnlnm("SHARE_LOG") then $ w = "!"
$ ve=f$getsyi("version")
$ if ve-f$extract(0,1,ve) .ges. "4.4" then $ goto START
$ e "-E-OLDVER, Must run at least VMS 4.4"
$ v=f$verify(v)
$ exit 44
$UNPACK: SUBROUTINE ! P1=filename, P2=checksum
$ if f$search(P1) .eqs. "" then $ goto file_absent
$ e "-W-EXISTS, File ''P1' exists. Skipped."
$ delete 'f'*
$ exit
$ if f$parse(P1) .nes. "" then $ goto dirok
$ dn=f$parse(P1,,,"DIRECTORY")
$ w "-I-CREDIR, Creating directory ''dn'."
$ create/dir 'dn'
$ if $status then $ goto dirok
$ e "-E-CREDIRFAIL, Unable to create ''dn'. File skipped."
$ delete 'f'*
$ exit
$ w "-I-PROCESS, Processing file ''P1'."
$ if .not. f$verify() then $ define/user sys$output nl:
$ delete/nolog 'f'*
$ e "-E-CHKSMFAIL, Checksum of ''P1' failed."
$ create 'f'
X$! procedure to compile minesweeper for private or public use
X$! procedure assumes you have set your default directory to where the files
V are.
X$! logical name pub will point to this, for compiling %includes
X$ msg = "write sys$output"
X$ where_is = f$environment("default")
X$ define pub 'where_is'
X$ savevf = 'f$verify(0)'
X$ inquire ans "Is this a local, private installation `5By`5D?"
X$ if ans .eqs. "N" then goto public
X$ open/write file scorebase.bas
X$ write file "scorebase$ = ""''where_is'"""
X$ close file
X$ set verify
X$ bas minesweeper
X$ bas help_mate
X$ lin minesweeper,help_mate
X$ bas msw_score_files
X$ lin msw_score_files
X$ run msw_score_files
X$ set noverify
X$ del scorebase.bas;*
X$ msg "Include the lines "
X$ msg "$ define mine_help ''where_is'`20
X$ msg "$ minesweeper :== run ''where_is'minesweeper"
X$ msg "in your login.com"
X$ msg ""
X$ inquire ans "Do you want others to be able to play?"
X$ if ans .nes. "Y" .and. ans .nes. "YES" then goto fini
X$ inquire ans "Group or World (G or W)"
X$ if ans .eqs. "G"
X$ then
X$ set prot=g:e pub:minesweeper.exe/log
X$ set prot=g:r pub:minesweeper.hlp/log
X$ set prot=g:rw pub:mine*score.da/log
X$ else
X$ if ans .eqs. "W"
X$ then
X$ set prot=w:e pub:minesweeper.exe/log
X$ set prot=w:r pub:minesweeper.hlp/log
X$ set prot=w:rw pub:mine*score.da/log
X$ else
X$ goto fini
X$ endif
X$ endif
X$ msg "They will also need the commands"
X$ msg "$ define mine_help ''where_is'"
X$ msg "$ minesweeper :== run ''where_is'minesweeper"
X$ msg ""
X$ msg "You must also set the protection of this directory and the chain lead
X$ msg "to it so that others have read access to the directory"
X$ msg ""
X$ if savevf then $ exit f$verify(1) + 1
X$ exit 1
X$! Notes for system managers
X$! The scoring section can be deleted completely, but adds much to
X$! the fun while involving little overhead. Approximately 45 scores are kept
X$! for each of the three levels. The username is kept as part of the score,
V so`20
X$! that each user gets his/her invividual scores highlighted, but the name i
X$! never displayed.
X$! The scoring system needs a directory that has world read access, but not
X$! world execute. It will create three files (one for each level) with
X$! world read and write access. (NB. It is left to the system manager to set
X$! the protection of the directory itself to w:r to prevent wildcard`20
X$! searching). The protection is only 'security through obscurity.' In `20
X$! principle, users could write their own routines for updating these files,
X$! so the file names and directories must not be known. Note that the only
X$! reference to the directory is deleted later in this procedure.`20
X$! The scoring files are VAX indexed files, indexed by score. As entries are
X$! created and deleted, they may benefit from a convert/rebuild occasionally
X$! Finally, if you don't want to add yet another logical name to the system,
X$! then edit the word "mine_help" on line 91 in minesweeper.bas to
X$! wherever you keep public games and their help files.
X$ msg ""
X$ msg "The scoring system needs a directory that has world read access,"
X$ msg "but not world execute. "
X$ msg "Please input the location where the scoring files will be kept"
X$ inquire sys$score
X$ msg "The following line will abort the procedure if directory does not exi
X$ dir 'sys$score'*.da
X$ open/write file scorebase.bas
X$ write file "scorebase$ = ""''sys$score'"""
X$ close file
X$ set ver
X$ bas minesweeper
X$ bas msw_score_files
X$ del scorebase.bas;*
X$! all reference to the wherabouts of the scoring files has now disappeared.
X$ bas help_mate
X$ lin minesweeper,help_mate
X$ set nover
X$ msg "The executable and help will now be copied to a publically readable a
X$ inquire destn "Please input the public area for minesweeper.exe"
X$ define where_to 'destn'`20
X$ copy minesweeper.exe where_to/log
X$ copy minesweeper.hlp where_to/log
X$ msg "Their protection will now be set to w:e and w:r respectively"
X$ set prot=w:e where_to:minesweeper.exe/log
X$ set prot=w:r where_to:minesweeper.hlp/log
X$ set ver
X$ lin msw_score_files
X$ run msw_score_files
X$ set nover
X$ msg "Their protection will now be set to w:rw"
X$ set prot=w:rw 'sys$score'mine*score.da/log
X$! let's try to get the message ok for logical names w/o colons
X$ last_char = f$extract(f$length(destn)-1,1,destn)
X$ if last_char .eqs. ":" .or. last_char .eqs. "`5D" then goto ok
X$ destn = "''destn':"
X$ msg "Include the lines "
X$ msg "$ define mine_help ''destn'"
X$ msg "$ minesweeper :== run ''destn'minesweeper"
X$ msg "in the sylogin.com for those who should be allowed to play"
X$ msg ""
X$ if savevf then $ exit f$verify(1) + 1
X$ exit 1
$ create 'f'
X ! ====================================================================
X ! GET_CHAR Character input routines - no timeout, no echo
X ! gosub DO_GET return a character in INBUF
X ! from GET.BAS MV circa sept 1986
X ! Mods PB Oct 1987
X ! io$m_nofilter and virgin_got_flag added.
X ! no initial call to setup_get required`20
X ! control chars passed, except cC cO cQ cS cT cY. CX changes to cU
X !=====================================================================
X goto END_GET
X setup_get:
X external integer function`09sys$assign,`09&
X external integer constant`09io$_readvblk,`09&
X common string inbuf = 1 \ ! needs to be near start of program
X map (eqnam) string rsn_buf = 80
X map (iosb) word io_sb(3)
X map (mask) long tmask(1)
X tmask(0) = 0 \ tmask(1) = 0
X declare long sys_status, word chan, rsn_len, string dev_nam
X translate_routine:
X sys_status = sys$trnlog("sys$output", rsn_len, rsn_buf,,,,)
X select sys_status
X`09 case ss$_normal
X`09 case ss$_notran
X`09 case else
X`09`09print "error from"
X`09`09print "sys$trnlog, error is";sys_status
X end select
X dev_nam = seg$(rsn_buf,1,rsn_len)
X assign_routine:
X sys_status = sys$assign(dev_nam, chan,,,)
X if (sys_status and 1%) <> 1
X then
X `09 print "error from sys$assign"
X`09 print "error number is ";sys_status
X end if
X virgin_got_flag = 1
X return
X ! =========================================================
X ! Execute get command
X ! =========================================================
X do_get:
X if virgin_got_flag <> 1 then gosub setup_get end if
X sys_status = sys$qiow(, chan by value,`09`09&
X`09`09`09 io$_readvblk+io$m_nofiltr+io$m_noecho by value, &
X`09`09`09 io_sb() by ref,,,`09`09&
X`09`09`09 inbuf by ref,`09`09&
X`09`09`09 1% by value,, &
X`09`09`09 tmask() by ref,,)
X if (sys_status and 1%) = 0%
X then
X`09 print "error from sys$qiow"
X`09 print "error number is ";sys_status
X end if
X return
$ create 'f'
X100 sub helpmate (helpfile$,defselect)
X ! This was developed from help in multcomp, PB july 87
X ! General externally linkable subroutine to provide help screens for
X ! any program.
X ! Help text is in serial file whose name is passed to the routine.
X ! File is divided up into screens line length max 75,`20
X ! of up to 16 lines (+title)each - lines 7 to 22 used for text,`20
X ! 4,5,6 for title , lines 3 and 23 for boxing and line 24 for prompt
X ! Page number is printed on line 2 from char position 65
X ! single hash (#) on line denotes end of screen
X ! double hash (##) denotes end of file
X ! First line of each screen is used as topic title (max length 66),
X ! but if first line after # is blank, screen is regarded as continua
X ! of previous. Extra blank line automatically inserted after title.
X ! For defselect = 0 (the `60normal' mode) the standard menu program pr
X ! selection via menu.
X ! For defselect > 1 or if only one topic, get immediate display of the
X ! topic pointed to by defselect
X ! For defselect < 1 default topic in menu is pointed to by -defselect
X ! Index of topic/screen provides entry to right place and screens/topi
X ! NB all variables are local and unsaved
X ! cater for 50 screens, 18 lines(16+title+#), 15 topics(16th is exit)
X dim h$(50,18), item$(16), length(50), topic (16)
X %include "pub:get_char"
X %include "pub:vid_attrib.bas"
X %include "pub:menu"
X `20
X`09! Read the help screens from file !
X !
X when error in
X open helpfile$ for input as #1, access read
X scrn = 0
X ntopics = 0
X lin = 1
X while 1 <> 2
X linput #1,a$
X a$ = trm$(a$)
X if a$ = "##" then ! this is eof marker to exit loop
X h$(scrn,lin) = "#"
X length (scrn) = lin-1
X items = ntopics + 1
X item$(items) = "Exit help"
X topic(items) = scrn + 1
X goto finish1
X end if
X if a$ = "#" then
X length (scrn) = lin-1
X scrn = scrn + 1 \ lin = 1
X else
X if lin = 1 then`20
X if a$ <> "" then
X ntopics = ntopics + 1
X item$(ntopics) = a$`20
X topic(ntopics) = scrn
X lin = 2
X else
X !continuation screen
X lin = 2
X end if
X else
X h$(scrn,lin) = a$
X ! print ntopics;scrn;lin;h$(scrn,lin)`20
X lin = lin + 1
X end if
X end if
X next `20
X use
X print "Error in reading in help file"
X print "Topic no. ";ntopics
X print "Screen no. ";scrn;
X print "Line no.";lin `20
X print a$
X if scrn > 50 then print "Too many screens" end if
X if lin > 17 then print "Too many lines on this screen" end if
X exit handler
X end when
X finish1:
X close #1
X`09! Program Help
X if virgin_flag = 0 then`20
X gosub setup_get
X virgin_flag = 1
X end if
X top = 6
X if defselect < 0 then selected = -defselect else selected = 1 end if
X if defselect > 0 then`20
X selected = defselect`20
X scrn = topic(selected)
X goto menushow
X else`20
X if items = 2 then !1 item plus exit
X goto menushow
X end if
X end if
X menuask:
X print rev;bold; posnt(68,2);"Help Menu ";normal
X print posnt(1,4);cleos; !should include in menu ?
X gosub menu
X if selected = items then goto finish end if
X scrn = topic(selected)
X menushow:
X ! Adjust header box
X print rev;bold; posnt(73,2);"Page ";
X print using "##";scrn+1;
X ! Print title line
X print posnt(1,5);cleos;normal;" ";item$(selected);
X if scrn > topic(selected) then print " (contd)" end if
X ! Print the screen
X for lyne = 2 to length(scrn)
X`09print posnt(4,lyne+5); h$(scrn,lyne);
X next lyne
X ! Pretty enclosure
X print rev;box(1,1,80,23);normal
X print posnt(25,24); "press `5Breturn`5D to continue";
X gosub do_get
X scrn = scrn + 1
X if scrn < topic(selected+1) then`20
X go to menushow`20
X else`20
X if defselect > 0 then
X goto finish
X else
X selected = selected + 1
X goto menuask`20
X end if
X end if `20
X`09`09print posnt(1,4);cleos;
X finish:
X end sub
$ create 'f'
X ! MENU selection routine PB & MV Aug 19
X ! MODS Oct 1987 1. TO ALLOW scrolling if wont fit on one screen
X ! 2. Label and goto included`20
X !
X ! Assumes get_char is included in the main program (before menu)
X ! also uses pub:vid_attrib`20
X ! Data required:
X ! ITEM$ array of text up to 66 characters from which selection is ma
X ! items the number of items in the array
X ! top the line on the screen on which the first item will appear
X ! minimum 3 if title and box required
X ! Value returned:
X ! selected points to the item that has been selected
X !
X ! Options
X ! if SELECTED <> 0, this will be the default position for selection
X ! if TITLE$ is non-null string, it will be printed above the selections`2
X ! (double width)
X ! menu_no_box non zero will suppress box draw
X ! menu_no_instr non zero will suppress instruction line
X ! menu_no_centre non zero will suppress centering on screen
X !`20
X ! Practical limit - more than 99 items cant be selected directly by 2 digit
X !
X goto menu_end
X menu:
X menu_longest = 0
X for menu_j = 1 to items
X if len(item$(menu_j)) > menu_longest then
X menu_longest = len(item$(menu_j))
X end if
X next menu_j
X ! calculate positions for box
X menu_longest = menu_longest + 9
X if menu_no_centre <> 0 then`20
X menu_lft = 3`20
X menu_rgt = menu_lft + menu_longest
X menu_title_posn = 1
X else
X menu_lft = int((80-menu_longest)/2)
X if menu_lft < 3 then menu_lft = 3 end if
X menu_rgt = 80 - menu_lft
X menu_title_posn = int(21-len(title$)/2)
X end if
X if title$ <> "" then`20
X print posnt(1,top-2);cleos;posnt(menu_title_posn,top-2); dbw;title$`
X end if
X if selected <= 0 then selected = 1 end if
X if selected >= items then selected = items end if
X menu_no_of_lines = (23-top)
X if items > menu_no_of_lines then
X menu_bottom = 22
X multi_screen = 1
X else
X menu_bottom = top + items - 1
X multi_screen = 0
X menu_no_of_lines = items
X end if
X menu_restart:
X gosub menu_screen_draw
X menu_2_digit_flag = 0
X menu_recurse:
X gosub DO_GET
X select inbuf
X case "0" to "9"`20
X if menu_2_digit_flag = 0 then
X menu_2_digit_flag = 1
X numsofar = val(inbuf)
X else`20
X menu_2_digit_flag = 0
X numsofar = numsofar*10 + val(inbuf)
X end if
X if numsofar >= menu_first and numsofar <= menu_last then
X print posnt(menu_lft,screen_line);" ";
X selected = numsofar`20
X screen_line = top+selected-menu_first
X if multi_screen > 1 then screen_line = screen_line + 1 end if
X print posnt(menu_lft,screen_line);rev;"-->";normal;
X else
X if menu_2_digit_flag = 0 then
X if numsofar >= 1 then
X if numsofar > items then
X print bel;
X numsofar = items
X end if
X selected = numsofar`20
X gosub menu_screen_draw
X else
X menu_2_digit_flag = 0
X print bel;
X end if
X end if
X end if
X case ESC`20
X menu_2_digit_flag = 0
X gosub DO_GET
X gosub DO_GET
X if inbuf = "A" then ! up
X if screen_line > top then
X print posnt(menu_lft,screen_line);" ";
X screen_line = screen_line - 1
X selected = selected - 1
X print posnt(menu_lft,screen_line );rev;"-->";normal;
X if screen_line = top and multi_screen > 1 then`20
X gosub menu_screen_draw
X end if
X else
X print chr$(7);
X end if
X else
X if inbuf = "B" then !down
X if screen_line < menu_bottom then
X print posnt(menu_lft,screen_line);" ";
X selected = selected + 1
X screen_line = screen_line + 1
X print posnt(menu_lft,screen_line );rev;"-->";normal;
X if screen_line = menu_bottom and &
X (multi_screen = 2 or multi_screen = 1) then`20
X gosub menu_screen_draw
X end if
X else
X print chr$(7);
X end if
X end if
X end if
X case cr
X if menu_2_digit_flag = 1 and selected <> numsofar then
X print bel;
X selected = numsofar`20
X goto menu_restart
X else
X print posnt(1,menu_bottom+2);cleos;
X return
X end if
X case else
X print chr$(7);
X menu_2_digit_flag = 0
X end select
X goto menu_recurse
X menu_screen_draw:
X if menu_no_box = 0 then
X print posnt(1,top-1);cleos;box(menu_lft-2,top-1,menu_rgt+2,menu_bottom+
X else
X print posnt(1,top);cleos;
X end if
X if multi_screen = 0 then
X menu_first = 1
X menu_last = items
X for menu_j = menu_first to menu_last
X print posnt(menu_lft+4,top+menu_j-1);
X print using "##",menu_j;
X print ". ";item$(menu_j);
X next menu_j
X else
X select selected
X case < menu_no_of_lines`20
X multi_screen = 1
X menu_first = 1
X menu_last = menu_no_of_lines - 1
X for menu_j = menu_first to menu_last
X print posnt(menu_lft+4,top+menu_j-1);
X print using "##",menu_j;
X print ". ";item$(menu_j);
X next menu_j
X print posnt(menu_lft+4,menu_bottom);
X print " More...";
X case > items - menu_no_of_lines + 1
X multi_screen = 3
X menu_first = items - menu_no_of_lines + 2
X menu_last = items
X print posnt(menu_lft+4,top);
X print " Back...";
X for menu_j = menu_first to menu_last
X print posnt(menu_lft+4,top+menu_j+1-menu_first);
X print using "##",menu_j;
X print ". ";item$(menu_j);
X next menu_j
X case else
X multi_screen = 2
X menu_first = 2
X while (selected - menu_first) >= menu_no_of_lines -2
X menu_first = menu_first + menu_no_of_lines - 2
X next
X menu_last = menu_no_of_lines + menu_first - 3
X print posnt(menu_lft+4,top);
X print " Back...";
X for menu_j = menu_first to menu_last
X print posnt(menu_lft+4,top+menu_j+1-menu_first);
X print using "##",menu_j;
X print ". ";item$(menu_j);
X next menu_j
X print posnt(menu_lft+4,menu_bottom);
X print " More...";
X end select !
X end if
X if menu_no_instr = 0 then
X print posnt(1,24);" Use arrow keys or type number to make selectio
X print " then press return";
X end if
X !
X screen_line = top+selected-menu_first
X if multi_screen > 1 then screen_line = screen_line + 1 end if
X print posnt(menu_lft,screen_line );rev;"-->";normal;
X return
X menu_end:
$ CALL UNPACK MENU.BAS;25 68299084
$ create 'f'
X! Minesweeper for vt100 Peter Bury, April 1992
X! Victorian College of Pharmacy (Monash University), Melbourne, Australia
X! Instructions in Minesweeper.hlp
X! link the program with pub:helpmate for the help file to be available.
X! NB The logical pub: points to a public area on our VAX where these files
X! normally reside. The BUILD.COM procedure will take care of this.
X%include "pub:vid_attrib"
X%include "pub:get_char"
X%include "scorebase"
Xmap (user_id) string user_name = 12
Xmap (score) integer scorehigh, string nm=35, who=12, dated = 9
Xdim nm$(21), hscore(21), user_name$(21), when$(21)
Xexternal integer function lib$getjpi
Xexternal integer constant jpi$_username
Xexternal integer function lib$get_symbol
Xyes = 1
Xno = 0
Xmaxscores = 45 ! random erasing when reaches this
X! Find out who this is for scoring system
Xcall lib$getjpi(jpi$_username,,,,user_name,)
Xflag$ = " " + bold + "X" + normal
Xunknown$ = " ."
Xstar$ = " *"
Xlevel = 1
Xprint cls
Xprint cls;rev;box(1,1,80,3); bold;posnt(2,2);`20
Xprint "VCP VAX ** Minesweeper ** ";
Xprint " Mar 92 "; normal;lf
Xprint "1. Beginner"
Xprint "2. Intermediate"
Xprint "3. Expert"
Xprint "4. Custom"
Xprint "5. Instructions"
Xprint "6. High Scores"
Xprint "7. Quit"
Xprint "Please select option or desired level `5B"; str$(level);"`5D";
Xinput a$
Xwhen error in
X newlevel = val(a$)
X if ERR = 50 then continue fmterr else exit handler end if
Xend when
Xgoto setupp
Xprint bel
Xgoto again
Xif newlevel > 0 then level = newlevel end if
Xselect level
X case 1
X nny = 10
X nnx = 10
X nmine = 10
X scorefile$ = scorebase$ + "mine1score.da"
X case 2
X nny = 16
X nnx = 16
X nmine = 40
X scorefile$ = scorebase$ + "mine2score.da"
X case 3
X nny = 16
X nnx = 30
X nmine = 99
X scorefile$ = scorebase$ + "mine3score.da"
X case 4
X input "Height (3 - 18)";nny`20
X if nny < 3 or nny > 18 then
X print bel; "Out of range, try again"
X goto imposs
X end if
X input "Width (3 - 36)";nnx
X if nnx < 3 or nnx > 36 then
X print bel; "Out of range, try again"
X goto imposs
X end if
X input "Number of mines"; nmine`20
X if nmine < 0 or nmine > nnx*nny-1 then
X print bel; "Out of range, try again"
X goto imposs
X end if
X scorefile$ = ""
X case 5
X call helpmate("mine_help:minesweeper.hlp",0)
X level = 1
X goto again
X case 6
X print " Select Level for score display";lf
X print "1. Beginner"
X print "2. Intermediate"
X print "3. Expert"
X print`20
X input newlevel
X newlevel = int(newlevel)
X if newlevel >=1 and newlevel <= 3 then
X level = newlevel`20
X scorefile$ = scorebase$ + "mine" + str$(level) + "score.da"
X gosub score_read
X end if
X goto again
X case 7
X goto fini
X case else
X goto again
Xend select
Xnn1 = nnx*nny
Xdim arr$ (nnx,nny), mine(nnx,nny), cleared(nnx,nny)
Xdim x1(nn1),y1(nn1)
X! Positions x & y from bottom left
X! Array mine(x,y) set to -1 for mine or the digit representing no.`20
X! neighbours
X! Array arr$(x,y) 2 characters wide is what shows on the screen
X! Array cleared(x,y) keeps a record of what has been cleared to date.
Xntofind = nn1-nmine
Xupset = 2 ! distance above bottom of screen
X! Lay the minefield
Xarr$(x,y) = unknown$ for x = 1 to nnx for y = 1 to nny
Xunfound = 0
Xuntil unfound = nmine
X y = int(nny*rnd + 1)
X x = int(nnx*rnd + 1)
X if y = int((nny+1)/2) and x = int((nnx+1)/2) then
X ! keep centre square free to start
X else
X if mine(x,y) = 0 then
X mine(x,y) = -1
X unfound = unfound + 1
X end if
X end if
X! Count how many are adjacent to each square and store in array mine(x,y)
Xfor y = 1 to nny
X for x = 1 to nnx
X if mine(x,y) >= 0 then
X n = 0
X for j = x-1 to x+1
X for k = y-1 to y+1
X if j >=1 and j <= nnx and k >=1 and k <= nny then
X if mine(j,k) < 0 then
X n = n + 1
X end if
X end if
X next k
X next j
X mine(x,y) = n
X end if
X next x
Xnext y`20
Xy = int((nny+1)/2)
Xx = int((nnx+1)/2)
Xgosub redraw
Xstarted = no
X! Returns here after each keystroke is processed
Xwhile ntofind > 0`20
Xprint posnb(2*x,y +upset);arr$(x,y);cb;
Xgosub DO_GET
Xif started = no then
X started = yes
X start_time = time(0)
Xend if
Xprint posnt(1,2); "Time taken: ";time(0) - start_time; " ";
Xselect inbuf
X case "Q","q"
X print bel;posnt (1,1);cleol;bold;
X input "Are you sure you want to quit `5BN`5D";an$
X print normal;
X if edit$(left$(an$,1),32) = "Y" then
X level = 7
X goto again
X else
X gosub redraw
X end if
X case " "
X x1 = x
X y1 = y
X gosub clear_it
X case chr$(23),chr$(18)
X gosub redraw
X case "p", "P"
X pstart = time(0)
X print cls
X print posnb(1,2); "Press P to resume";
X inbuf = ""
X until inbuf = "P" or inbuf = "p"
X gosub do_get
X next
X start_time = start_time + time(0) - pstart
X gosub redraw
X case "F","f","M","m","X","x"
X if arr$(x,y) = flag$ then
X arr$(x,y) = unknown$
X cleared(x,y) = no
X unfound = unfound + 1
X else
X if arr$(x,y) = unknown$ then
X arr$(x,y) = flag$`20
X cleared(x,y) = yes
X unfound = unfound - 1
X end if
X end if
X print posnt(1,1); "Mines to find:";unfound;" "
X print posnb (2*x,y+upset); rev; arr$(x,y);normal;
X case "C","c"
X if arr$(x,y) <> flag$ and arr$(x,y) <> unknown$ then
X known = 0 ! must be a number
X for x1 = x-1 to x+1
X for y1 = y-1 to y+1
X if x1 >=1 and x1 <= nnx and y1 >=1 and y1 <= nny then
X if arr$(x1,y1) = flag$ then
X known = known + 1
X end if
X end if
X next y1
X next x1
X if known = mine(x,y) then`20
X gosub safe_round
X else
X gosub warn_round
X print bel;
X else
X ! not a suitable spot
X end if
X case ESC`20
X gosub DO_GET
X gosub DO_GET
X a$ = inbuf
X! if arr$(x,y) = unknown$ then
X! print posnb (2*x,y+upset);rev;arr$(x,y);normal
X! else
X print posnb (2*x,y+upset);arr$(x,y);
X! end if
X select a$
X case "A" ! up
X if y < nny then
X y = y + 1
X else
X print chr$(7);
X end if
X case "B" !down
X if y > 1 then
X y = y - 1
X else
X print chr$(7);
X end if
X case "C" ! right
X if x < nnx then
X x = x + 1
X else
X print chr$(7);
X end if
X case "D" !left
X if x > 1 then
X x = x - 1
X else
X print chr$(7);
X end if
X! print posnb(2*x,y +upset);arr$(x,y);cb;
X end select
X case else
X! print posnb (1,22);" -- ";inbuf," ";
Xend select
Xprint posnb(1,2)
XPrint bold;blink;"Congratulations";normal;" -- all mines cleared in";
Xtaken = time(0) - start_time
Xprint bold;blink; taken; normal;"seconds"
Xif scorefile$ <> "" then
X gosub scoring
X goto again
X input "Play again `5By`5D";a$
X a$ = edit$(left$(a$,1),32)`20
X if a$ = "N" then
X goto fini
X else
X goto again
X end if
Xend if
X! from temple - march 92 PB
X! map (score) integer scorehigh, string nm=35, who=12, dated = 9
X print " ";
X print "...................................";cu;cr;
X input "Please type in your Minesweeping identity"; nm
X scorehigh = taken
X who = edit$(user_name,4)
X! if who = "PB" then scorehigh = 0.8 * taken end if for cheating/testing
X dated = date$(0)
X when error in
X open scorefile$ for input as file #1 &
X`09,organization indexed fixed`09`09&
X`09,access modify `09`09`09&
X`09,primary key scorehigh duplicates`09&
X`09,map score
X use
X if err = 138 then
X print "High-scores file in use, please wait..."
X sleep 3
X continue lock_loop1
X else
X PrinT "Unable to open scoring file, please see system manager"
X sleep 3
X exit handler
X end if
X end when
X when error in
X put #1
X use
X PrinT "Error";err;"in scoring system, please see system manager"
X sleep 3
X end when
X close #1
X input "Do you want to see how this ranks in the high scores ";an$
X if EDIT$(LEFT$(an$,1),32) <> "N" then`20
X gosub score_read
X end if
X return
X!high scores print
X cycle = 0
X scoremark% = 0
X when error in
X open scorefile$ for input as file #1 &
X ,organization indexed fixed`09`09&
X ,access read `09`09`09&
X ,primary key scorehigh duplicates`09&
X ,map score
X use
X if err = 138 then
X print "High-scores file in use, please wait..."
X sleep 2
X continue score_loop
X else
X Print "Unable to open scoring file, please see system manager"
X sleep 3
X exit handler
X end if
X end when
X for j = 1 to 16
X when error in
X if j = 1 then
X get #1, key #0% ge scoremark%
X else
X get #1
X end if
X use
X if err = 11 or err = 155 then
X hscore(j) = 0
X j = 17
X close #1
X continue printit
X else
X Print "Error ";ert$(err);" in scoring system, please see system mana
X sleep 3
X end if
X end when
X nm$(j) = trm$(nm)
X hscore(j) = scorehigh`20
X user_name$(j) = trm$(who)
X when$(j) = dated`20
X next j
X close #1
X! Read fast, then get out while we print it and he looks at it
X scoremark% = scorehigh
X! map (score) integer scorehigh, string nm=35, who=12, dated = 9
X print cls;
X print " VAX high scores: ";
X if level = 1 then print " Beginner level" end if
X if level = 2 then print " Intermediate level" end if
X if level = 3 then print " Expert level" end if
X print "Ranking";tab(14);"Name", tab(50);"Score";tab(65);"Date"
X print "-------";tab(14);"----", tab(50);"-----";tab(65);"----"
X print
X for j = 1 to 16
X if hscore(j) = 0 then`20
X goto eolist
X else
X if user_name$(j) = user_name then`20
X ! if user name matches then lets make it glow
X print bold; else print normal;`20
X end if
X print j+15*cycle; tab(14);nm$(j); tab(50);
X print using "#####"; hscore(j);
X print tab(65);when$(j);normal
X end if
X next j `20
X print posnt (1,25);cleol;
X input "Press return to continue listing scores, or F to finish";an$
X if EDIT$(LEFT$(an$,1),32) = "F" then return end if
X cycle = cycle+1
X goto score_loop
X print posnt (1,25);cleol;
X if j+15*cycle > maxscores then
X! delete a few quietly (the top score should stay)
X ndel = j+15*cycle - maxscores
X del_int = maxscores/ndel
X when error in
X open scorefile$ for input as file #1 &
X`09,organization indexed fixed`09`09&
X`09,access modify `09`09`09&
X`09,primary key scorehigh duplicates`09&
X`09,map score
X use
X ! forget it for now
X continue lock_loop2
X end when
X when error in
X get #1 ! the top one
Xtill_err: `20
X for j = 1 to del_int * rnd * 2 ! ( NB only approx the right number
X get #1
X next j ! avoid any done in current month
X if mid$(dated,4,6) <> mid$(date$(0),4,6) then`20
X delete #1
X end if
X goto till_err
X use
X continue lock_loop2
X end when
X close #1
X end if
X input "Press return to continue"; an$
X print cls
X print posnt(30,1);"Spacebar to clear"
X print posnt(30,2);"F or M to flag"
X print posnt(30,3);"Arrows to move"
X print posnt(30,4);"Q to quit"
X print posnt(60,1);"C clear round"
X print posnt(60,2);"ctrl/W to refresh"
X print posnt(60,3);"P to pause"
X for y1 = nny to 1 step -1
X l$ = ""
X for x1 = 1 to nnx
X l$ = l$ + arr$(x1,y1)
X next x1
X print posnb(2,y1+upset);l$
X next y1
X print normal; box(1,25-(nny+upset+1),2*nnx+2,25-upset)
X print posnt(1,1); "Mines to find:";unfound;" "
X print posnt(1,2); "Time taken: ";
X if started = yes then
X print time(0) - start_time;" "
X end if
X print posnt(1,3); "Spaces to clear";ntofind; " "
X! no mines adjacent to square, so all can be cleared
X! additional clear locations found are saved on stack
X for j = x1(bstack)-1 to x1(bstack)+1
X for k = y1(bstack)-1 to y1(bstack)+1
X if j >=1 and j <= nnx and k >=1 and k <= nny then
X if arr$(j,k) = unknown$ then
X cleared(j,k) = yes
X ntofind = ntofind - 1
X if mine(j,k) = 0 then
X arr$(j,k) = " "
X print posnb(2*j,k +upset);arr$(j,k);
X tstack = tstack + 1
X x1(tstack) = j
X y1(tstack) = k
X else
X arr$(j,k) = format$(mine(j,k),"##")
X print posnb(2*j,k +upset);arr$(j,k);
X end if
X end if
X end if
X next k
X next j
X! called by spacebar press or "C" of adjacent square
X if cleared(x1,y1) = no then
X if mine(x1,y1) < 0 then
X! Disaster
X for k = nny to 1 step -1
X for j = 1 to nnx
X if mine(j,k) < 0 then
X if arr$(j,k) <> flag$ then
X print posnb(2*j,k+upset);" M";
X end if
X else
X if arr$(j,k) = flag$ and mine(j,k) >=0 then
X print posnb(2*j,k+upset);blink;" F";normal;
X end if
X end if
X next j
X next k
X print posnb(2*x1,y1 +upset);blink;" M";normal;
X print bel;posnb(80,3)
X print "Sorry, you blew it ";
X input "Try again `5By`5D";a$
X a$ = edit$(left$(a$,1),32)`20
X if a$ = "N" then
X goto fini
X else
X goto again
X end if
X else
X! Safe
X if mine(x1,y1) = 0 then
X tstack = 1
X bstack = 1
X x1(1) = x1
X y1(1) = y1
X while bstack <= tstack
X gosub clear_round
X bstack = bstack + 1
X next
X print posnt(1,3); "Spaces to clear";ntofind;" "
X else
X if arr$(x1,y1) = unknown$ then
X ntofind = ntofind - 1
X cleared(x1,y1) = yes
X print posnt(1,3); "Spaces to clear";ntofind;" "
X arr$(x1,y1) = format$(mine(x1,y1),"##")
X print posnb(2*x1,y1+upset);arr$(x1,y1);
X else
X print chr$(7);
X end if
X end if
X end if
X end if
X for x1 = x-1 to x+1
X for y1 = y-1 to y+1
X if x1 >=1 and x1 <= nnx and y1 >=1 and y1 <= nny then
X gosub clear_it
X end if
X next y1
X next x1
X for x1 = x-1 to x+1
X for y1 = y-1 to y+1
X if x1 >=1 and x1 <= nnx and y1 >=1 and y1 <= nny then
X if arr$(x1,y1) = unknown$ then
X arr$(x1,y1) = star$
X print posnb(2*x1,y1+upset);arr$(x1,y1) ;
X end if
X end if
X next y1
X next x1
X sleep (1)
X for x1 = x-1 to x+1
X for y1 = y-1 to y+1
X if x1 >=1 and x1 <= nnx and y1 >=1 and y1 <= nny then
X if arr$(x1,y1) = star$ then
X arr$(x1,y1) = unknown$
X print posnb(2*x1,y1+upset);arr$(x1,y1) ;
X end if
X end if
X next y1
X next x1
X print posnb(1,1)
$ create 'f'
XThis is a reverse-engineered version of the Minesweeper for Windows program.
XIt runs on VT100 compatible terminals under VMS.
XYou are given a grid with a random array of mines.
XThe aim is to identify the location of the mines and to clear all other`20
Xcells. When a cell is cleared, you are told the number of adjacent squares`2
Xthat contain mines. Adjacency is vertical, horizontal and diagonal.
XIf you attempt to clear a cell that is occupied by a mine then it will`20
Xexplode and the game ends. The exploded mine and any falsely flagged mines`2
Xare shown flashing.
XConversion for VAX BASIC by Peter Bury, April 1992
XYour current position is indicated by the cursor.
XUse the group of four Arrow keys to move`20
XF or f or M or m or X or x to flag the presence of a mine. Will also`20
Xunflag the mine if you change your mind.
X (equiv to right mouse button in original)
XSpacebar to clear a square
X (equiv to left mouse button in original)
XC or c to clear around a number that is fully accounted for. Will`20
Xbriefly show neighbours if not fully accounted for.
X (equiv to both mouse buttons in original)
XNB all cells adjacent to a score of zero are automatically cleared
XThe board
XUnknown locations are shown as dots.
XCleared locations are numbers representing the number of adjacent squares`20
Xthat contain mines. Adjacency is vertical, horizontal and diagonal.`20
XSquares not adjacent to any mines are shown clear rather than as zeroes.
XFlagged squares contain `1B`5B1mX`1B`5B0m in bold
XYou have to guess a couple to try to get a start.
XThen think!
XYou will get to recognise some patterns eg in straight-line edges
X`7C 1 1 x x x x 1 2 1 x x x x 2 1 x x x`20
X`7C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
X ? ? `5E `5E * `5E * `5E * ? ? `5E
Xwhere `7C is a wall and x is don't care, the places above the stars must be`
Xmines, the hats must be clear. The question marks are undetermined.
$ create 'f'
X! Create score files for Minesweeper`20
X! 3 files - one for each level
Xmap (score) integer scorehigh, string nm=35, who=12, dated = 9
X %include "scorebase.bas"
X print "Score files in directory "; scorebase$`20
X if mid$(scorebase$,len(scorebase$),1) <> "`5D" and &
X mid$(scorebase$,len(scorebase$),1) <> ":" then`20
X print bel; "Warning - check form of directory name"
X end if
X for j = 1 to 3
X scorefile$ = scorebase$ + "mine" + str$(j) + "score.da"
X when error in
X open scorefile$ for output as file #1 &
X ,organization indexed fixed &
X ,primary key scorehigh duplicates &
X ,map score
X print scorefile$; " created "`20
X close #1
X use
X print bel; "Can't create "; scorefile$
X print "Error ";err, ert$(err)
X end when
X next j `20
$ create 'f'
X ! BASIC calls to set vt100 video attributes
X ! Mod sept 24 1986 dbl1 & dbl2 AFTER line are top & bottom of 2x heigh
X Declare string function box(real,real,real,real) !x1,y1,x2,y2
X Declare string function posnt(real,real) !position from top
X Declare string function cleos !clear to eos
X Declare string function cleol !clear to eol
X Declare string function posnb(real,real) !position from bottom
X Declare string function cls
X Declare string function bold
X Declare string function uline
X Declare string function blink
X Declare string function rev
X Declare string function normal
X Declare string function nobold
X Declare string function norev
X Declare string function noblink
X Declare string function nouline
X Declare string function cu !Cursor up or reverse index
X Declare string function cd ! down
X Declare string function cb ! back
X Declare string function cf ! forward
X Declare string function col80
X Declare string function col132
X Declare string function ginit !init ascii to g0 & dec to g1
X Declare string function gon
X Declare string function goff
X Declare string function dbw !double width
X Declare string function dbl1
X Declare string function dbl2
X !
X def box(va_x1,va_y1,va_x2,va_y2)
X bx$ = posnt(va_x1,va_y1) + ginit + gon + "l"`20
X bx$ = bx$ + "q" for vid_attrib_v1 = va_x1+1 to va_x2-1`20
X bx$ = bx$ + "k"
X bx$ = bx$ + posnt(va_x1,vid_attrib_v1) + "x" + posnt(va_x2,vid_attrib
V_v1) &
X + "x" for vid_attrib_v1 = va_y1+1 to va_y2-1
X bx$ = bx$ + posnt(va_x1,va_y2) + gon + "m"
X bx$ = bx$ + "q" for vid_attrib_v1 = va_x1+1 to va_x2-1`20
X box = bx$ + "j" + goff
X end def
X !
X def dbl1
X dbl1 = esc + "#3"
X end def
X !
X def dbl2
X dbl2 = esc + "#4"
X end def
X !
X def dbw
X dbw = esc + "#6"
X end def
X !
X def bold
X bold = esc + "`5B1m"
X end def
X !
X def uline
X uline = esc + "`5B4m"
X end def
X !
X def blink
X blink = esc + "`5B5m"
X end def
X !
X def rev
X rev = esc + "`5B7m"
X end def
X !
X def normal
X normal = esc + "`5B0m"
X end def
X !
X def nobold
X nobold = esc + "`5B22m"
X end def
X !
X def nouline
X nouline = esc + "`5B24m"
X end def
X !
X def noblink
X noblink = esc + "`5B25m"
X end def
X !
X def norev
X norev = esc + "`5B27m"
X end def
X !
X def cu
X cu = esc + "M"
X end def
X !
X def cd
X cd = esc + "D"
X end def
X !
X def cf
X cf = esc + "`5B1C"
X end def
X !
X def cb
X cb = esc + "`5B1D"
X end def
X !
X def col80
X col80 = esc + "`5B?3l"
X end def
X !
X def col132
X col132 = esc + "`5B?3h"
X end def
X !
X def gon
X gon = chr$(14)
X end def
X !
X def goff
X goff = chr$(15)
X end def
X !
X ! 'ginit' loads normal ASCII char set to G0, DEC special graphics to G1
X ! This is normal terminal setup, and 'gon' may be used to select graphic
X ! mode, and 'goff' to turn it off again
X !
X def ginit `20
X ginit = esc + ")0" + esc + "(B"
X end def
X !
X def cls ! clear screen and home
X vid_attrib_h1=0 \ vid_attrib_v1=0`20
X cls=posnt(vid_attrib_h1,vid_attrib_v1) + cleos
X end def
X !
X def cleos
X cleos = esc + "`5B0J" ! clear to EOS
X end def
X !
X def cleol
X cleol = esc + "`5B0K" ! clear to EOL
X end def
X !
X ! Position cursor from top left (x,y)
X def posnt(vid_attrib_h1,vid_attrib_v1)
X posnt = chr$(27)+"`5B"+str$(vid_attrib_v1)+";"+str$(vid_attrib_h1)+"H"
X end def `20
X !
X ! Position cursor from bottom left (x,y)
X def posnb(vid_attrib_h1,vid_attrib_v1)
X posnb = chr$(27)+"`5B"+str$(25-vid_attrib_v1)+";"+str$(vid_attrib_h1)+
X end def
X !
X print ginit;goff;
$ v=f$verify(v)