Source Code 1994 March
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Path: uunet!mcsun!news.funet.fi!hydra!klaava!hurtta
From: Kari.Hurtta@Helsinki.FI (Kari E. Hurtta)
Newsgroups: vmsnet.sources.games
Subject: Monster Helsinki V 1.04 - part 28/32
Keywords: Monster, a multiplayer adventure game
Message-ID: <1992Jun14.094907.13854@klaava.Helsinki.FI>
Date: 14 Jun 92 09:49:07 GMT
Sender: hurtta@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Kari Hurtta)
Followup-To: vmsnet.sources.d
Organization: University of Helsinki
Lines: 941
Archieve-name: monster_helsinki_104/part28
Author: Kari.Hurtta@Helsinki.FI
Product: Monster Helsinki V 1.04
Environment: VMS, Pascal
Part: 28/32
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ START OF PART 28 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
X o Specify how game objects function
X o Provide text descriptions for events that may happen
X For example, a player in Monster could create a room named "Great`032
X Hall", provide a textual description for it (which other players`032
X would see upon entering the rooms), and describe special features`032
X of the room (for instance, a brass plaque on the wall).
X Here's what another player who walked into the room described above`032
X would see (lines beginning with > are the player's input):
X > look
X You're in Great Hall
X You're in the middle of a vast hall stretching out of sight to the
X east and west. Strange shadows play across the high vaulted ceiling.
X The floor is set with smooth rectangular stones. The walls feel slightly
X cold to the touch, and damp with condensation. A copper plaque, slightly
X green with age, is set into one wall.
X > look plaque
X The plaque looks very old and corroded. However, you can still make out
X the writing:
X " Monster, created by Rich Skrenta, 1988. Play at your own risk. "
X Now the creator of the rooms could add a secret passage, perhaps`032
X hidden underneath some stones in the floor. To do this, first the`032
X player would describe what the stones looked like, then make a hidden`032
X exit to another location with a special command which would activate`032
X it. Here's what the player would see after making these changes:
X > show details
X Details here that you may inspect:
X stones
X plaque
X > look stones
X The stones are rough and black, and cold to the touch. Although the
X mortar work appears to have been expertly done, it has decayed with time.
X Many stones are cracked, and narrow spaces fracture the carefully laid
X pattern. Some of the stones are quite loose. You might be able to lift
X one of them with some effort.
X > lift
X With great effort, you manage to lift the stone enough to fit inside.
X Once below the stone, it falls back into place, sealing out the light
X from above. You squirm down the narrow tunnel . . .
X This example only hints at the details that actually go into the`032
X creation of a realistic game puzzle. To set up a rich game location,`032
X a player would have to
X specify:
X o A textual description of the room, as well as separate description
X for various rooms details (in the example above, the plaque and
X the stones are room details)
X o A description of each of the possible exits from the rooms (there
X might be no description if the exit is hidden)
X o What happens when an object is dropped at the location (for exampl
X if a player is swimming and he drops something, the object should
X sink) as well as a message describing what happened to the object
X o For each exit, a set of messages and parameters including:
X - the name of the exit
X - whether the exit requires a special object to pass (for
X example, a door key or some magic object)
X - a message displayed to the player if he can't successfully
X leave through the exit (if he doesn't have the key, for
X instance)
X - an optional message that the player sees when he goes
X through an exit (in the example above, the text "Once belo
X the stone, it falls back into place...." is such a message
X - a message that players inside the room see when someone
X leaves through the exit
X - a message that players inside the room see when another
X player enters the room through the exit
X`009`009- special features specific to this exit
X - miscellaneous other parameters
X3 Technical_Aspects
X Each player who plays the Monster game runs a separate copy of the`032
X game. Each individual Monster process shares a database containing`032
X all of the information about the simulated world, including:
X o Records describing all of the rooms, interconnections between`032
X rooms, objects, and descriptions for the above
X o The locations of every player and object
X o A special shared file used for interprocess communication
X Each of the Monster database files are organized as a linear collection
X of fixed-length records. Monster uses the following files:
X roomfile: file of records containing data on Monster locations
X namfile: file containing names for objects, rooms and people
X descfile: file of text description blocks (10 lines maximum)
X linefile: file of short (one line) descriptions
X intfile: file of various integer parameters
X objfile: file of records containing data on Monster objects
X indexfile: file of bitmaps for the other files; used to mark
X free/inuse records for dynamic allocation
X eventfile: file of records used for interprocess communication
X`009spellfile: contains player's spell information
X4 Record_Locking
X When Monster tries to access a record in one of the shared data`032
X files, it first makes a read attempt on the record. If the record`032
X is available (no other Monster process is reading or writing it) VMS`032
X will lock and read the record and return successfully. If another`032
X process has locked the record, VMS will return an error condition. `032
X In this case the Monster process will wait a small random amount of`032
X time and attempt to read the record again. Then if the Monster program`03
X cannot successfully read and lock the record after a certain number of
X retries, it prints an error message and aborts.
X In initial versions of Monster a count was kept of how many times`032
X two processes would "collide" when both wanted to read one record. `032
X The random wait dramatically reduced this hit count.
X Monster's response time using this scheme is acceptable when the`032
X load on the VAX is not too high. However, it does have some`032
X drawbacks. The first is that a data record being read by a Monster`032
X process is locked for a short time, even if the process has no`032
X intention of writing to it. Also, the collide-and-wait approach is`032
X somewhat crude considering VMS has extensive record locking facilities`032
X which are capable not only of allowing multiple-read access to a`032
X record but also of queueing processes desiring to write-lock a record.
X Unfortunately, the use of these facilities requires special VMS`032
X priviliges not available to ordinary users. During testing on a`032
X VAX 8800 running VMS 5.1 with over 50 interactive users and 14`032
X players response time was fast enough for most picky users.
X4 Interprocess_Communication
X Monster processes communicate through a shared file. A communication`032
X from one process to another is referred to as an event; the shared`032
X file for communication is called the event file. Two player processes`032
X will only need to communicate if both players are in the same location,`03
X since actions in one room won't affect gamers elsewhere. However,`032
X when two or more players are in the same location, quite a lot of events`0
X may happen:
X o Notification of entry and exit -- players in the room must see whe
X other players come and go
X o Notification of various actions -- such as picking up and dropping
X objects, taking inventory and closely examining things
X o Messages when players talk to each other in the game
X o Primary, target and third-party events for fighting -- the player
X throwing the punch sees one thing, the person being hit another,
X and somone else watching sees a third message.
X Because only player processes in the same Monster game location`032
X need to communicate, each room has an associated event file record. `032
X Each event file record contains a circular list of events with a`032
X pointer to the most recent event. When a player enters a new room,`032
X either by moving or joining the game, the Monster process reads the`032
X event file record for the room and makes a local copy of the current`032
X event pointer. At periodic intervals, the Monster process will reread`032
X the event file record and compare its local pointer to the one in the`032
X event file. If they are different, other player processes have logged
X events to the event record, and the Monster process will pull them`032
X off the list, handle them, and update its own local pointer. When`032
X a process needs to log an event, it write-locks the event file record,`032
X writes a new event, and updates the event file pointer.
X There are over sixty different events that a Monster process can`032
X initiate or handle; each event can be interpreted differently`032
X according to circumstances. For example, player A may whisper`032
X something to player B. Suppose player C is also in the room. `032
X Player A's process logs an event containing the message, the event`032
X type ("whisper") and the target of the whisper (player B) to the
X event file record associated with their current location.
X > whisper b
X >> Hey b, this is something I whispered to you.
X Player B's process will receive and handle the event:
X A whispers, "Hey b, this is something I whispered to you."
X Player C's process will also receive and handle the event. `032
X Usually C will only see A and B whispering together:
X A is whispering to B.
X However, there is a small chance that C will overhear the message:
X You overhear A whispering to B:
X "Hey b, this is something I whispered to you."
X This method of interprocess communication requires that all`032
X Monster processes frequently read the event file to see if any`032
X events have occured. This might seem less efficient than another`032
X scheme possibly using VMS mailboxes or shared memory. Lack of`032
X sufficient VMS privileges prevented me from using shared memory. `032
X Mailboxes might be more efficient, especially if used with the Vax's
X interrupt system. However, several problems would be present:
X o In order to allow any process to communicate with any other,
X full interconnection would be necessary. In addition, since VMS
X mailboxes only transmit data in one direction, n Monster processes
X would require 2n mailboxes. A scheme using mailboxes would quickl
X exhaust process quota limits.
X o It is somewhat awkward to set up mailboxes and even more difficult
X to inform other processes of their presence. Once again, I believ
X that special VMS privileges might be necessary to do this.
X The event file scheme of communication has proven flexible and is`032
X fast enough when the VAX load is not high.
X4 Maintaining_a_Player's_Existence_in_the_Database
X When a user runs Monster, it first checks a playerlog to see if`032
X he has ever played before. If so, the player is restored to the`032
X state he was in when he last played, just before issuing the QUIT`032
X command. In the user is not found in the playerlog, he is started`032
X out at an initial location, somewhat in the center of the world.
X To place a player into a location, Monster scans the room record`032
X for a free "person" slot to put the player's index into. Once the`032
X player is part of the room record, he will be visible to other`032
X players who are also in that room (providing he hasn't hidden`032
X himself), and they will be able to interact with him.
X A dangerous situation occurs when a player process dies or becomes`032
X disconnected for some reason. In this case, the room record shows`032
X that a certain player is in a location, but in fact there is no`032
X controlling Monster process for that player. There will be no`032
X process to handle events directed at that player. This is a bad`032
X situation because they player is not obviously "dead" to the
X other Monster programs, as interprocess communication only involves`032
X sending an event, and does not provide for receipt acknowledgement.
X These "zombie" players were a serious nuisance in an early version`032
X of Monster. The Monster world appeared to be full of players, when`032
X in fact they were just ghosts left from players typing the VAX`032
X interrupt character or becoming disconnected from modems (Monster`032
X now inhibits the interrupt character to help prevent the casual`032
X creation of zombies).
X There are two cases where a zombie game character may be detected: `032
X when another player suspects that a game character is not being`032
X controlled by a real user (either from a lack of response from the`032
X game character or by checking the VAX user list); or when the player`032
X who created the zombie character attempts to play Monster again (only`032
X one player per account is allow to play Monster at a time, so if a`032
X player tries to enter Monster and also appears to be currently playing`032
X the game, either 1) two players on one account are trying
X to play Monster at the same time, or 2) the player character that`032
X appears to be currently playing Monster is really a zombie).
X To handle the first case, when one player suspects another of being`032
X a zombie, the player can issue the PING command. PING sends repeated`032
X events directed at the suspected zombie, with short pauses between the`032
X sends. If PING does not receive a response within a certain amount of`032
X time (currently about three seconds) it attempts to smoothly return the`03
X zombie character to the "inactive" (not playing) state. This involves`032
X taking every object the player character was holding and dropping them`032
X on the ground, updating the "time of last play" record and modifying`032
X the playerlog to show that the player is not currently playing.
X In the second case, when no other player has PINGed away the zombie`032
X and the original player (the one responsible for the zombie character)`032
X attempts to reenter Monster, Monster will inform him:
X There may have been some trouble the last time you played.
X Trying to fix it . . .
X At this point, Monster itself attempts to PING the player's character. `03
X If two people on the same account are trying to play Monster at the`032
X same time the PING will be answered and Monster will not let the`032
X second player into the game. Otherwise, the player will enter Monster`032
X normally after a short pause:
X All should be fixed now.
X Welcome back, Faust. Your last play was on 13-MAY-1988 at 8:31pm.
X Even with this solution, there are still situations where trouble can`032
X arise with zombie characters. For example, suppose a player is on a`032
X modem playing Monster and becomes disconnected. Another player PINGs`032
X away the zombie character. The dialup player calls up the VAX again,`032
X and reconnects to his disconnected process. Now his Monster process`032
X still thinks the player character is alive in the room (it has no`032
X knowledge of the disconnect) but the database shows that the player`032
X is inactive.
X If only a few events have been logged in the associated event file`032
X record, the reconnnected Monster process will notice the fatal PING`032
X to itself (lingering in the event file record) and will abort. `032
X However, if many events have occured while the process was disconnected,`0
X it will not be aware of the change to the database. This will leave the`03
X database in an inconsistent state until the player QUITs the game. `032
X Fortunately, when the player quits the database will be fixed.
X Since this problem will eventually correct itself (when the player`032
X quits) and because checking for this very rare situation would slow`032
X response time considerably (Monster would have to verify its existence`032
X in the database continuously) I decided to ignore this exception.
X I had originally hoped for a smoother solution to the "disconnected`032
X player" problem. In a system where a central process drives all of`032
X the player terminals, this is possible. However, because control in`032
X Monster is shared between many identical processes, the problem is`032
X much harder.
X4 Reflections_on_the_Project
X How the "Installed Base" Stagnated New Development:
X `032
X During the development of Monster I would periodically change the
X records that held the Monster database. Once changed in the program,`032
X this would render the existing database unusable, as the new program`032
X could no longer open the old files. Thus, I would have to destroy`032
X the existing world if I wanted to add any fields to the records that`032
X comprised the shared files.
X In order to provide a stable environment for players who did not want`032
X to see their hard work making Monster rooms destroyed every time I made`03
X a change to the structure of the database, I installed a version with`032
X a separate set of data files than the copy I worked on for development. `0
X Players created rooms and tested the installed version, while I continued`
X to develop my own copy. Eventually, the world in the first release of`032
X Monster had about 60 rooms.
X About a month after installing the original Monster I replaced it`032
X with the new, greatly enhanced version I had been working on (the`032
X executable was about 4 times the size of the original) and started`032
X over with an empty world. I had provided expansion fields in the`032
X data records for the new release of Monster so I could continue to`032
X develop the game without having to work on my own private copy.
X The second release of Monster was very popular. I continued to add`032
X features to the program, and made use of the expansion fields when`032
X possible. However, I felt more and more constrained by the limits of`032
X my database. I needed to change more about the data records than the`032
X expansion fields would allow. I wanted to erase the world a second time;`0
X however, players had put much work into creating over 100 rooms, and`032
X became quite angry when I suggested that I might throw away the current`03
X world to make a new one.
X Some suggested that I write a program which would convert the existing`032
X database to a new format. However, I felt that the work to do this`032
X would be much greater than the work I was planning to spend to make`032
X enhancements to the game. Also, the style of my changes during development
X called for small frequent changes. I abandoned the idea of trying to`032
X write a translation program, and instead attempted to work around the`032
X limitations of the database structure. Eventually, however, my work`032
X stagnated, and new development on Monster ceased.
X I never anticipated the work of my playtesters holding back further`032
X development. If I were to rewrite Monster, I would use a more flexible`032
X storage approach, one probably involving a form of dynamic typing which`03
X would let me add new parameters to the database without actually`032
X changing the record structure or size.
X3 Appendixs `032
X4 A
XAppendix A: Specifyable Parameters for Monster Locations and Objects
X Rooms:
X ------
X `032
X nicename: the name of the room
X nameprint: formatting control for the nicename
X primary,
X secondary: textual descriptions of the room
X which: control for which room description prints:
X 0 - only print primary room description
X 1 - only print secondary room description
X 2 - print both primary and secondary room descript
X 3 - print primary description; then print secondar
X description if the player is holding the speci
X magic object for the room
X magicobj: the magic object for the room
X trapto,
X trapchance: allows a player to semi-randomly be thrust through an exit
X rndmsg: eerie message that randomly prints
X details: details that may be looked at in the room
X `032
X `032
X Exits:
X ------
X `032
X toloc: where the exit goes
X kind: type of the exit:
X 0 - no exit; always fails
X 1 - open exit; always succeeds
X 2 - exits succeeds if player has key object
X 3 - exit fails if player has key object
X 4 - exit randomly fails
X 5 - potential exit; doesn't exist yet
X 7 - exit cycles between being open and closed
X exitdesc: short textual descrption of the exit
X fail: description if player fails to go through exit
X success: description if player succeeds to go through exit
X goin: what other players see when someone goes into the exit
X comeout: what others see when a player comes out of the exit
X hidden: what the player sees when he finds the exit (if it's hidde
X objreq: key object for exit
X alias: name of the exit
X reqverb: requires the player to use the alias only (without "go") t
X use the exit
X reqalias: requires the player to know the exit alias; can't use the
X compass point
X autolook: surpresses the automatic "look" done upon entering the
X new room
X `032
X Objects:
X --------
X `032
X oname: the name of the object
X kind: type parameter for the object
X linedesc: short description of the object (the "on the floor" descri
X examine: close inspection description for the object
X numexist: how many copies of the object exist
X sticky: inhibits players from being able to pick up the object
X getobjreq: requires the player to be holding another object before
X he can pick up this one
X getfail: message printed if a player fails to get an object
X getsuccess: message printed when an object is successfully picked up
X useobjreq: object player must be holding to use this object
X uselocreq: place player must be in to use this object
X usefail: message printed if player fails in use of the object
X usesuccess: message printed if object is successfully used
X usealias: alias word to "use"
X reqalias: require player to know the alias to use the object
X article: whether "a", "an", "some", "the" should precede the object
V name
X `032
X4 B
XAppendix B: Monster Command List
X Accept/Refuse # Allow others to Link an exit here at direction # `124 Und
Vo Accept
X Brief Toggle printing of room descriptions
X Customize `091#`093 Customize this room `124 Customize exit # `124 Cust
Vomize object #
X Describe `091#`093 Describe this room `124 Describe a feature (#) in d
X Destroy # Destroy an instance of object # (you must be holding it)
X Duplicate # Make a duplicate of an already-created object.
X Form/Zap # Form a new room with name # `124 Destroy room named #
X Get/Drop # Get/Drop an object
X #,Go # Go towards # (Some: N/North S/South E/East W/West U/Up D/
X Health Show how healthy you are
X Hide/Reveal `091#`093 Hide/Reveal yoursef `124 Hide object (#)
X I,Inventory See what you or someone else is carrying
X Link/Unlink # Link/Unlink this room to/from another via exit at directi
Von #
X Look,L `091#`093 Look here `124 Look at something or someone (#) clo
X Make # Make a new object named #
X Name # Set your game name to #
X Players List people who have played Monster
X Punch # Punch person #
X Quit Leave the game
X Relink Move an exit
X Rooms Show information about rooms you have made
X Say, ' (quote) Say line of text following command to others in the room
X Search Look around the room for anything hidden
X Self # Edit a description of yourself `124 View #'s self-descrip
X Show # Show option # (type SHOW ? for a list)
X Unmake # Remove the form definition of object #
X Use # Use object #
X Wear # Wear the object #
X Wield # Wield the weapon #; you must be holding it first
X Whisper # Whisper something (prompted for) to person #
X Who List of people playing Monster now
X Whois # What is a player's username
X ?,Help This list
X . (period) Repeat last command
X4 C`032
XAppendix C: Customization Subsystem Menus
X Room Customization:
X -------------------
X `032
X Custom> ?
X `032
X D Alter the way the room description prints
X N Change how the room Name prints
X P Edit the Primary room description `091the default one`093 (same as
V desc)
X S Edit the Secondary room description
X X Define a mystery message
X `032
X G Set the location that a dropped object really Goes to
X O Edit the object drop description (for drop effects)
X B Edit the target room (G) "bounced in" description
X `032
X T Set the direction that the Trapdoor goes to
X C Set the Chance of the trapdoor functioning
X `032
X M Define the magic object for this room
X R Rename the room
X `032
X V View settings on this room
X E Exit (same as quit)
X Q Quit (same as exit)
X ? This list
X `032
X `032
X Exit customization:
X -------------------
X `032
X Custom `091direction`093> ?
X `032
X A Set an Alias for the exit
X C Conceal an exit
X D Edit the exit's main Description
X E EXIT custom (saves changes)
X F Edit the exit's failure line
X I Edit the line that others see when a player goes Into an exit
X K Set the object that is the Key to this exit
X L Automatically look `091default`093 / don't look on exit
X O Edit the line that people see when a player comes Out of an exit
X Q QUIT Custom (saves changes)
X R Require/don't require alias for exit; ignore direction
X S Edit the success line
X T Alter Type of exit (passage, door, etc)
X V View exit information
X X Require/don't require exit name to be a verb
X ? This list
X `032
X `032
X Object Customization:
X ---------------------
X `032
X Custom object> ?
X `032
X A "a", "an", "some", etc.
X D Edit a Description of the object
X F Edit the GET failure message
X G Set the object required to pick up this object
X 1 Set the get success message
X K Set the Kind of object this is
X L Edit the label description ("There is a ... here.")
X P Program the object based on the kind it is
X R Rename the object
X S Toggle the sticky bit
X `032
X U Set the object required for use
X 2 Set the place required for use
X 3 Edit the use failure description
X 4 Edit the use success description
X V View attributes of this object
X `032
X X Edit the extra description
X 5 Edit extra desc #2
X E Exit (same as Quit)
X Q Quit (same as Exit)
X ? This list
X `032
X4 D`032
XAppendix D: Monster Playerlist as of June 5, 1988
X dolpher ! Monster Manager 5-JUN-1988 1:48pm * great baths
X dasun_c ! Iceman 4-JUN-1988 10:30pm * the transporte
Vr room
X kirsten ! Kirsten 4-JUN-1988 11:20pm * ffoirefirma
X isakson ! Satan 3-JUN-1988 10:13am * satan's privat
Ve hell
X tlb05405 ! Tlb05405 3-JUN-1988 11:59am * east hall
X nate ! Smaug 3-JUN-1988 7:41pm * platform 1
X skrenta ! Faust 3-JUN-1988 8:37pm * tower room
X gary ! Monster Vice Manager 2-JUN-1988 9:50pm * inner office
X laura ! Laura 2-JUN-1988 10:36pm * turbolift cham
X james ! James 1-JUN-1988 7:54pm * chuk's elevato
X chuk ! SoulStorm 1-JUN-1988 9:57pm * east hall
X peter_t ! Peter_t 31-MAY-1988 8:33pm * pine forest
X cary ! Cary 31-MAY-1988 11:20pm * maelstrom
X francisco ! Prof. Anthrax 30-MAY-1988 3:54pm * waterbed
X sundeep ! Sundeep 29-MAY-1988 2:21pm * mta office
X bkc04916 ! Cheekster 28-MAY-1988 10:51am * the 'ell stop
X ktl04905 ! Corwin 28-MAY-1988 11:44am * west hall
X perry ! Bufu Master!!! 28-MAY-1988 8:40pm * pinkie's place
X maryahn ! pinkie 27-MAY-1988 12:39pm * the sewer tunn
X immell ! hurricane eye 26-MAY-1988 2:25am * post office 3
X robert ! Hungry Wolf 26-MAY-1988 2:26am * roll6
X linda ! linlop 26-MAY-1988 10:47am * terminal room
X jeff ! Pringle 25-MAY-1988 7:12pm * ic
X mic00229 ! Mic00229 22-MAY-1988 8:33pm * great hall
X jeffoire ! Ffoire Zen Salad 20-MAY-1988 1:41pm * bar
X schroder ! Schroder 19-MAY-1988 10:09am * burrow
X lunde ! Purple Peril 18-MAY-1988 12:55pm * cloud 9.5
X pib ! Great Pib 17-MAY-1988 11:51pm * great pib's la
X ahrens ! it 15-MAY-1988 4:56pm * landing
X mborsetti ! Mborsetti 12-MAY-1988 10:20pm * sewer crossroa
X brian ! Mr. Raven 11-MAY-1988 11:24am * a damp and dar
Vk hole
X wen05563 ! Gary 11-MAY-1988 9:00pm * great hall
X jimbo ! Jimbo 8-MAY-1988 10:02pm * great hall
X lentz ! Lentz 7-MAY-1988 8:24am * front of isp n
X miller ! Mungus 5-MAY-1988 1:14pm * starbase
X otto ! Otto 4-MAY-1988 8:45pm * heidi's nightm
X chris ! House Manager 3-MAY-1988 3:54am * home base
X liao ! Liao 30-APR-1988 1:21pm * white house
X chaz ! Chaz 29-APR-1988 4:05pm * post office 2
X jmc ! Run JMC 29-APR-1988 4:37pm * isp heaven
X rod ! Rod 29-APR-1988 9:00pm * great hall
X choi ! Choi 28-APR-1988 8:25pm * east hall
X bo ! God 26-APR-1988 1:58pm * great hall
X jonathan ! Jonathan 26-APR-1988 5:26pm * eye of the hur
X swift ! Swift 26-APR-1988 8:53pm * post office ha
X ric05787 ! Deadhead 26-APR-1988 10:57pm * nightmarish ro
X mccoy ! The Scribe 26-APR-1988 11:41pm * scribe home
X g_wenslow ! Gary II 24-APR-1988 11:58pm * east hall
X kri04333 ! Kri04333 18-APR-1988 12:11am * great hall
X dissett ! Kronos 18-APR-1988 10:13pm * kronos' room
X wantz ! Wantz 17-APR-1988 2:51pm * great hall
X cheezer ! Cheezer 16-APR-1988 7:55pm * the pine fores
X ahr04465 ! Ivo 16-APR-1988 7:56pm * sewer transpor
X joey ! geek 15-APR-1988 8:03pm * forest crossro
X wargaski ! Wargaski 14-APR-1988 4:01pm * toxicated
X eric ! Eric 13-APR-1988 3:51pm * the hall of ch
X rwc00220 ! Rwc00220 12-APR-1988 1:32pm * great hall
X kstull ! Kstull 12-APR-1988 5:01pm * post office 3
X tim ! Tim 11-APR-1988 8:26pm * great hall
X sean ! Sean 10-APR-1988 4:27pm * great hall
X sam ! Sam 10-APR-1988 12:54pm * great hall
X dean ! Artagel 9-APR-1988 8:21am * turbolift cham
X supercom ! Cursor 8-APR-1988 12:00am * forest paths
X anne ! Anne 7-APR-1988 6:55pm * great hall
X lisa ! Lisa 7-APR-1988 6:56pm * great hall
X mouse ! Mouse 3-APR-1988 11:26pm * west hall
X mca04477 ! Mca04477 2-APR-1988 8:56pm * burrow
X sajiv ! Sajiv 30-MAR-1988 6:06pm * great hall
X chad ! Chad 30-MAR-1988 6:37pm * chuk's elevato
X jennifer ! Jennifer 30-MAR-1988 7:22pm * east hall
X lasonia ! Lasonia 29-MAR-1988 11:22am * west hall
X brian_t ! Brian_t 29-MAR-1988 11:59am * maelstrom
X mikk ! Random 29-MAR-1988 11:19pm * ledge
X topher ! Topher 28-MAR-1988 1:19pm * great hall
X spectre ! Ghost in the machine 28-MAR-1988 11:43pm * ghost's mailro
X dave ! Dave 18-MAR-1988 10:14am * post office ha
X penguins ! Penguins Amok 18-MAR-1988 11:52pm * chuk's elevato
X lawson ! Space Cowboy 18-MAR-1988 12:23pm * great hall
X heidi ! Heidi 17-MAR-1988 1:11am * digital purgat
X bueno ! Bueno 17-MAR-1988 7:49pm * post office ha
X dan ! Grando 16-MAR-1988 8:18am * eye of the hur
X eric_yue ! Samsok 16-MAR-1988 9:29pm * the yueguy's j
X cra01453 ! Cra01453 15-MAR-1988 3:01am * great hall
X adam ! Adam 14-MAR-1988 6:45pm * round room
X was04906 ! Milt 14-MAR-1988 9:48pm * great hall
X watson ! Watson 14-MAR-1988 10:22pm * chuk's elevato
X brianw ! Brianw 12-MAR-1988 * ffoirefirma
X mike ! Mike 12-MAR-1988 * toxicated
X predator ! Predator 12-MAR-1988 * east hall
X daniel ! Daniel 11-MAR-1988 * west hall
X dav08345 ! Dav08345 11-MAR-1988 * great hall
X vlahos ! otis 11-MAR-1988 * post office
X ginter ! Ginter 10-MAR-1988 * living room
X rob09549 ! Rob09549 9-MAR-1988 * great hall
X dora ! Dora 8-MAR-1988 * toxicated
X kim ! kim 8-MAR-1988 * post office 2
X michael ! Prabdib 7-MAR-1988 * tunnel of love
X bradley ! Bradley 29-FEB-1988 * eye of the hur
X john ! Raunchmeister 29-FEB-1988 * underhall
X melvin ! Killer Melvin 27-FEB-1988 * chuk's elevato
X cliff ! Cliff 26-FEB-1988 * east hall
X `032
X4 E`032
XAppendix E: An Actual Monster Game Log
X $ monster
X Welcome to Monster! Hit return to start:
X `032
X Welcome back, Faust. Your last play was on 1-JUN-1988 at 10:47pm.
X `032
X You're in Great Hall
X You're in the middle of a vast hall stretching out of sight to the
X east and west. Strange shadows play across the high vaulted ceiling.
X The floor is set with smooth rectangular stones. The walls feel slightly
X cold to the touch, and damp with condensation. A copper plaque, slightly
X green with age, is set into one wall.
X `032
X Monster Manager is here.
X >
X Monster Manager vanishes in a brilliant burst of multicolored light.
X > l
X You're in Great Hall
X You're in the middle of a vast hall stretching out of sight to the
X east and west. Strange shadows play across the high vaulted ceiling.
X The floor is set with smooth rectangular stones. The walls feel slightly
X cold to the touch, and damp with condensation. A copper plaque, slightly
X green with age, is set into one wall.
X `032
X >
X Monster Manager appears in a brilliant burst of multicolored light.
X > who
X Monster Status
X 1-JUN-1988 10:48pm
X `032
X Username Game Name Where
X dolpher Monster Manager great hall
X skrenta Faust great hall
X > look plaque
X `032
X The plaque looks very old and corroded. However, you can still make out
X the writing:
X `032
X " Monster, created by Rich Skrenta, 1988. Play at your own risk. "
X `032
X > show details
X Details here that you may inspect:
X stones
X plaque
X > look stones
X The stones are rough and black, and cold to the touch. Although the
X mortar work appears to have been expertly done, it has decayed with time.
X Many stones are cracked, and narrow spaces fracture the carefully laid
X pattern. Some of the stones are quite loose. You might be able to lift
X one of them with some effort.
X >
X Monster Manager is looking at the stones.
X >
X Monster Manager is looking at the plaque.
X >
X Monster Manager says, "Hey Faust, let's go down to the Underhall."
X >
X Monster Manager manages to lift a stone in the floor and descends.
X > lift
X With great effort, you manage to lift the stone enought to fit inside.
X `032
X Once below the stone, it falls back into place, sealing out the light
X from above. You squirm down the narrow tunnel . . .
X `032
X You're in UnderHall
X This is a cramped, humid room beneath the Great Hall. The walls are
X dripping with water condensed from mist rising from the baths. Some
X of the mist follows the ceiling and dissappears up the narrow tunnel.
X `032
X Stairs lead north down to the Great Baths.
X A neon sign flashes "Great PIB's Lair" over a door to the South.
X You could manage a crawl through a narrow tunnel leading upwards.
X `032
X Monster Manager is here.
X > look Monster Manager
X Monster Manager is the stereotype of a computer hacker. He is wearing
X a flannel shirt with several snickers bars in the breast pocket. On
X his belt is an ASCII-HEX conversion chart. On his feet are a scuffed
X pair of hiking boots so he can tackle those dangerous mountains that
X crop up in operations. Also dangling from his belt is a battered box
X with many buttons on the front and wires with sockets on the ends protrudi
X from the back. The switches seem to have been placed haphazardly, but
X the object is unmistakably one of great power nonetheless.
X `032
X Monster Manager is in perfect health.
X Monster Manager is empty handed.
X >
X Monster Manager is looking at you.
X >
X Monster Manager swings at you but misses.
X >
X You duck in time to avoid Monster Manager's punch.
X >
X You see stars as Monster Manager bashes you in the face.
X >
X You parry Monster Manager's attack.
X > punch Monster Manager
X You can't punch the Monster Manager.
X > l
X You're in UnderHall
X This is a cramped, humid room beneath the Great Hall. The walls are
X dripping with water condensed from mist rising from the baths. Some
X of the mist follows the ceiling and dissappears up the narrow tunnel.
X `032
X Stairs lead north down to the Great Baths.
X A neon sign flashes "Great PIB's Lair" over a door to the South.
X You could manage a crawl through a narrow tunnel leading upwards.
X `032
X Monster Manager is here.
X > n
X You're in Great Baths
X These are the luxurious Great Baths where tired adventurers may come
X to relax and try to regain their health and youth from the mineral waters.
X From where you stand at the entrance, you can see below you the bubbling
X soapy pools of water churning violently in tile-lined pits. The pools
X are fed by hot springs from deep in the rock beneath you. Steam and
X huge soapy bubbles rise out of the hot pools of water. The bubbles
X dance through the air, climbing higher and higher, until they either
X burst on the sharp walls of the cave or are lost in the mist above you.
X `032
X Shallow tiled steps, wet and slick from the hot soapy waters of the
X springs, lead down to the pools.
X `032
X Rough stone stairs lead up to the south.
X `032
X >
X In an explosion of orange smoke Monster Vice Manager poofs into the room.
X >
X Monster Manager has come down the stairs from the Underhall.
X >
X Monster Vice Manager produces a "who" list and reads it.
X > system
X System> v
X `032
X used free total
X Block file 1008 92 1100
X Line file 1501 109 1610
X Room file 283 27 310
X Object file 139 41 180
X Integer file 6 0 6
X `032
X System>
X Monster Vice Manager is in system maintenance mode.
X System> exit
X >
X Monster Vice Manager is no longer in system maintenance mode.
X > 'Hey Gary
X >
X Monster Vice Manager says, "Hi, Faust."
X > look Monster Vice Manager
X The Monster Vice Manager is dressed in a conservative three piece
X suit. The stern expression on his face is just a facade, he really
X is a warm and sensitive guy underneath. He is willing to answer
X any questions and help out with any problems. He can best be
X described by the phrase:
X `032
X "Do what thou wilt, so mete it be."
X `032
X He returns your gaze with a hint of understanding and amusement.
X `032
X Monster Vice Manager is in perfect health.
X Monster Vice Manager is empty handed.
X >
X Monster Vice Manager is looking at you.
X > punch Monster Vice Manager
X You swing wild and miss.
X > .
X Monster Vice Manager ducks and avoids your punch.
X > .
X A quick punch, but it only grazes Monster Vice Manager.
X >
X You only feel the breeze as Monster Vice Manager swings wildly.
X > .
X You swing wild and miss.
X >
X You see stars as Monster Vice Manager bashes you in the face.
X >
X You only feel the breeze as Monster Vice Manager swings wildly.
X > .
X You deliver a quick jab to Monster Vice Manager's jaw.
X >
X Monster Vice Manager's swing misses you by a yard.
X > .
X Your roundhouse blow sends Monster Vice Manager reeling.
X >
X You double over after Monster Vice Manager lands a mean jab to your stomac
X Monster Vice Manager looks a little dazed.
X >
X Monster Vice Manager vanishes from the room in a cloud of orange smoke.
X > who
X Monster Status
X 1-JUN-1988 10:56pm
X `032
X Username Game Name Where
X dolpher Monster Manager great baths
X skrenta Faust great baths
X gary Monster Vice Manager inner office
X > poof inner office
X `032
X This rooms is a conservatively decorated office. A large
X desk dominates the room. Several pictures hang on the walls
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- END OF PART 28 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-