IMAGE 0_99\1.Lbm,The Apollo 11 crew (from left to right): Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and "Buzz" Aldrin.
IMAGE 100_199\172.Lbm,After a flight in 1960, X-15 pilot Neil Armstrong poses next to the famed rocket plane in which some pilots gained astronauts' wings because they flew so high.
IMAGE 100_199\165.Lbm,A TV camera captures the moment on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong steps down from the Apollo 11 LM on to the Moon.
IMAGE 300_399\321.Lbm,A rare picture that shows both Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin on the Moon together breaking out the US flag.
IMAGE 0_99\18.Lbm,Tired but elated, Neil Armstrong is pictured inside the Apollo 11 lunar module after walking on the Moon on July 20, 1969.
IMAGE 0_99\72.Lbm,Still in the Gemini 8 capsule after splashdown on March 18, 1966, are David Scott (left) and Neil Armstrong.
IMAGE 300_399\323.Lbm,After they returned to Earth, the Apollo 11 astronauts were kept in isolation to prevent the transmission of any Moon germs. Here they are being congratulated by President Richard Nixon. From the left they are Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin.
IMAGE 100_199\160.Lbm,The Apollo 11 astronauts are feted with a ticker-tape parade as they visit New York after their historic mission.