IMAGE 0_99\45.Lbm,Sally Ride trains for her first flight (STS-7) on the remote manipulator system simulator at the Johnson Space Center, Houston. Looking on is Frederick Hauck.
IMAGE 0_99\57.Lbm,Kathryn Sullivan (left) and Sally Ride synchronize watches before entering Challenger to begin Kathy's first and Sally's second mission (STS-41G) on October 5, 1984.
IMAGE 700_799\794.Lbm,Sally Ride inside the shuttle mission simulator at the Johnson Space Center after completing a training session for her first space flight (STS-7).
IMAGE 0_99\40.Lbm,Challenger's crew for the STS-41G flight leave for the launch pad on October 5, 1984. They are (from the front and from the left): Kathryn Sullivan, Robert Crippen, Sally Ride, Paul Scully-Power, David Leestma, Jon McBride and Marc Garneau.
IMAGE 0_99\5.Lbm,Sally Ride zipped up in her sleeping bag during her first flight into orbit on Challenger on the STS-7 mission in June 1983.
IMAGE 600_699\677.Lbm,Off duty on STS-41G, astronauts Kathryn Sullivan (left) and Sally Ride show off the indescribable contraption they have made!
IMAGE 700_799\784.Lbm,The flight crew for STS-41G, the first to include two women. The astronauts are (from the left): Jon McBride, Paul Scully-Power, Sally Ride, Robert Crippen, Kathryn Sullivan, Marc Garneau and David Leestma.