IMAGE 0_99\93.Lbm,Apollo 1 astronauts (from the left) Edward White, Roger Chaffee and Virgil Grissom train inside the Apollo mission simulator. They are doomed to die by fire in January 1967.
IMAGE 100_199\104.Lbm,Edward White tumbles head over heels on his spacewalk on June 3, 1965. He is holding a hand-manoeuvring jet gun.
IMAGE 500_599\558.Lbm,This classic space picture shows Edward White performing the first American EVA, from Gemini 4 on June 3, 1965.
IMAGE 500_599\559.Lbm,Edward White tumbles head over heels on his historic EVA from Gemini 4.
IMAGE 500_599\564.Lbm,Edward White relishing the sensation of spacewalking on the Gemini 4 mission. Note the reflections in his gold-tinted vizor.
IMAGE 700_799\716.Lbm,Edward White floats in space during the first ever US EVA from Gemini 4 in June 1965. He is secured by an umbilical/tether.