IMAGE 300_399\369.Lbm,A model of Sputnik 2 at Baikonur Space Museum. This satellite was the first to carry a living creature, the dog Laika.
IMAGE 700_799\713.Lbm,Chimpanzee Ham being readied for his suborbital flight in a Mercury capsule in January 1961.
HOTWORD ASTRONAUT,exgoto\GT1049.scr,12
HOTWORD METEOR,exgoto\GT1287.scr,12
HOTWORD ORBIT,exgoto\GT1315.scr,12
HOTWORD ROCKET,exgoto\GT1387.scr,12
HOTWORD SATELLITE,exgoto\GT1396.scr,12
IMAGE 1600_99\663.Lbm,Chimpanzee Ham in training for his forthcoming space flight (January 1961). With other primates, he is trained at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico.
IMAGE 1600_99\664.Lbm,Ham, wearing a NASA hard hat, tries for size the couch in which he will journey briefly into space.
IMAGE 1600_99\665.Lbm,With biosensors attached to his body, Ham is being prepared for his flight in a Mercury capsule on January 31, 1961.
IMAGE 1600_99\666.Lbm,Four frames of a cine film shot while Ham was riding in the Mercury capsule in his suborbital flight on January 31, 1961.