xxIMAGE 100_199\123.Lbm,On the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972 Eugene Cernan is about to board the lunar roving vehicle, equipped with TV camera and an antenna to transmit pictures to Earth.
xxIMAGE 200_299\218.Lbm,Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene Cernan takes the lunar roving vehicle for a test drive before loading it with equipment before the first EVA on December 11, 1972.
xxIMAGE 200_299\289.Lbm,A full-size replica of the Apollo lunar roving vehicle at the Visitors Center at the Kennedy Space Center.
xxIMAGE 500_599\544.Lbm,On the Apollo 15 mission James Irwin salutes the Stars and Stripes. This mission uses the lunar rover (right) for the first time.
xxIMAGE 800_899\822.Lbm,Astronaut-geologist Harrison Schmitt pictured with the lunar rover at the Taurus-Littrow landing site on Apollo 17.