IMAGE 400_499\460.Lbm,Emblem for STS-8, Challenger, August 1983: Gardner, Bluford, Thornton, Truly, Brandenstein.
IMAGE 900_999\969.Lbm,The crew of the STS-8 mission with Challenger. They are (from left): Daniel Brandenstein, Dale Gardner, Richard Truly, William Thornton and Guion Bluford.
IMAGE 1800_99\807.Lbm,The spectacular first night launch of the shuttle occurs on August 30, 1983, as Challenger takes to the skies. (STS-8)
IMAGE 500_599\547.Lbm,Guion Bluford gets in some jogging on Challenger's treadmill during the STS-8 mission.
IMAGE 600_699\699.Lbm,On STS-8 William Thornton wires himself up for space medicine experiments.
IMAGE 1800_99\811.Lbm,Daniel Brandenstein, STS-8 pilot, communicates with Mission Control.
IMAGE 1800_99\812.Lbm,Mission specialist Guion Bluford checks the controls of the continuous flow electrophoresis experiment on the mid-deck. (STS- 8)
IMAGE 1800_99\813.Lbm,Three of the STS-8 astronauts reveal their background and loyalties! From the left, they are Dale Gardner, Richard Truly and Daniel Brandenstein.
IMAGE 1800_99\809.Lbm,Challenger's robot arm lifts the payload flight test article (PFTA) out of the payload bay. (STS-8)
IMAGE 1800_99\810.Lbm,A close-up picture of the PFTA shows the grappling fixtures, which the end effector of the robot arm can grasp. (STS-8)