IMAGE 400_499\485.Lbm,Emblem of STS-61B, Atlantis, November 1985: Shaw, O'Connor, Cleave, Ross, Spring, Walker, Neri Vela.
IMAGE 1900_99\983.Lbm,Four payloads are installed in the payload canister, which is ready to be dropped into Atlantis's payload bay for the STS-61A flight. At top is the equipment package for the EASE and ACCESS experiments.
IMAGE 1800_99\894.Lbm,Jerry Ross working on the beam assembly during one of the spectacular STS-61B EVAs. The view is through a window looking into the payload bay.
IMAGE 0_99\55.Lbm,Sherwood Spring connecting pieces of the EASE system together to make a beam structure on the STS-61B mission in November 1985.
IMAGE 500_599\595.Lbm,In Atlantis's payload bay on STS-61B Jerry Ross and Sherwood Spring assemble EASE components, practising techniques that will be used in the construction of space station Freedom.
IMAGE 1800_99\895.Lbm,The completed beam assembly, with a dramatic landscape beneath. (STS-61B)