IMAGE 400_499\469.Lbm,Emblem for STS-36, Atlantis, February 1990: Creighton, Casper, Mullane, Hilmers, Thuot.
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IMAGE 1000_99\36.Lbm,The STS-36 crew take part in a simulation on the flight deck of the crew compartment trainer at the Johnson Space Center. From the left, they are John Casper, Pierre Thuot, David Hilmers, Richard Mullane and John Creighton.
IMAGE 1000_99\37.Lbm,Atlantis punches its way into the heavens in the early morning of February 28, 1990, on a Department of Defence mission. (STS-36)
IMAGE 1000_99\38.Lbm,John Creighton dons improvised ski gear and pronounces himself the world's fastest skier (travelling at orbital velocity, 28,000 km/h). (STS-36)
IMAGE 1000_99\39.Lbm,David Hilmers uses a large-format camera to photograph the Earth from the aft flight deck of Atlantis. (STS-36)
IMAGE 1000_99\40.Lbm,On-board portrait of the STS-36 crew on Atlantis (from the left): John Creighton, David Hilmers, Richard Mullane, Pierre Thuot and John Casper.
IMAGE 1000_99\41.Lbm,The city of Chicago and Lake Michigan, photographed on STS-36.
IMAGE 1000_99\42.Lbm,A splendid sea and cloudscape photographed from Atlantis on STS- 36, with the orange Sun-glow reflected from the sea through the clouds.
IMAGE 1000_99\43.Lbm,Atlantis touches down at Edwards Air Force Base in California after more than four days in space. (STS-36)