IMAGE 1100_99\149.Lbm,Crew patch for the STS-40 Spacelab Life Sciences mission, devoted mainly to medical and biological studies. In the design the orbiter's flight path represents the double helix of the key life molecule, DNA.
IMAGE 1100_99\150.Lbm,The STS-40 crew, which includes a record three women. They are, from the left: Drew Gaffney, Bryan O'Connor, Millie Hughes- Fulford, Tamara Jernigan, Rhea Seddon, Sidney Gutierrez and James Bagian.
IMAGE 1100_99\151.Lbm,In training for the STS-40 life sciences mission, Millie Hughes- Fulford sits in a special rocking chair, which is designed to measure mass in orbit.
IMAGE 1100_99\152.Lbm,Training for the STS-40 Spacelab life-sciences mission inside a full-scale Spacelab. At left is Millie Hughes-Fulford and at rear Drew Gaffney, both STS-40 mission specialists. In the 'rocking chair' in the foreground is back-up crew member Robert Phillips.
IMAGE 1100_99\153.Lbm,Columbia soars into the Florida sky in the early morning of June 5, 1991, on the first Spacelab life-sciences mission. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\154.Lbm,View into Columbia's payload bay, showing the Spacelab long module and in the foreground part of the tunnel connecting the laboratory with Columbia's mid-deck. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\155.Lbm,Millie Hughes-Fulford checks the research animal holding facility, an enclosure holding rats and mice, during the STS-40 mission.
IMAGE 1100_99\156.Lbm,James Bagian takes part in a vestibular, or body balance experiment on Columbia's mid-deck. He sits in a rotating chair, and is fitted with instruments to record acceleration and eye movements. Millie Hughes-Fulford assists. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\157.Lbm,James Bagian and Tamara Jernigan catalogue urine samples on the STS-40 life-sciences mission. Note Tamara's weightless tresses.
IMAGE 1100_99\158.Lbm,Drew Gaffney grins and bears it as James Bagian draws a blood sample from his arm. Millie Hughes-Fulford is in attendance. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\159.Lbm,Tamara Jernigan at work in the glove box, or general purpose work station in Spacelab. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\160.Lbm,Rhea Seddon and Bryan O'Connor share a 5-metre length of teleprinter message from ground controllers. Note their foot restraints. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\161.Lbm,The STS-40 crew pose on Columbia's mid-deck. They are, from the left: Drew Gaffney, Bryan O'Connor, Tamara Jernigan, Sidney Gutierrez, Rhea Seddon, Millie Hughes-Fulford and James Bagian.
IMAGE 1100_99\162.Lbm,Millie Hughes-Fulford uses a mirror on Columbia's mid-deck to insert a contact lens. The lens is needed for the vestibular, or body-balance experiments. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\163.Lbm,Napping between experiments, Rhea Seddon sleeps on a bunk rigged up in the Spacelab module. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\164.Lbm,Columbia passes over the USA. The view is looking north-north- east over the Great Lakes region. In the centre is Lake Michigan, with Chicago at its southern edge. (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\165.Lbm,This fascinating Earth view shows the Canary Islands and part of the African coast (bottom right). (STS-40)
IMAGE 1100_99\167.Lbm,Columbia glides in to land at the Edwards Air Force Base in California on June 14, 1991, after a highly successful 9-day Spacelab mission. (STS-40)