IMAGE 400_499\451.Lbm,Emblem for the space shuttle transportation system (STS).
IMAGE 400_499\452.Lbm,Emblem for the shuttle approach and landing tests, 1977: Haise, Fullerton, Engle, Truly.
IMAGE 0_99\81.Lbm,Fixing tiles to a shuttle orbiter. Each one is individually contoured and has its own computer coding.
IMAGE 100_199\176.Lbm,The silica fibre material used to make the shuttle tiles have remarkable heat insulation properties as this photograph testifies.
IMAGE 1900_99\914.Lbm,Fixing the thicker heat-shield tiles to the underside of the orbiter with adhesive.
IMAGE 600_699\655.Lbm,This colour coded picture shows the areas on the shuttle orbiter that have different forms of thermal protection, or heat-shield material.
IMAGE 0_99\88.Lbm,Two minutes after the shuttle lifts off, the SRBs are cut loose from the external tank, leaving the orbiter's main engines to power it into space.
IMAGE 100_199\175.Lbm,The space shuttle in the configuration in which it leaves the launch pad, with the orbiter atop the external fuel tank, to which the SRBs are attached.
IMAGE 300_399\357.Lbm,Computer simulation of surface air-flow patterns over the space shuttle orbiter during design tests.
IMAGE 600_699\681.Lbm,The HL-10, one of the lifting-body craft NASA developed in their research into space planes in the 1960s. Data from lifting-body flights proved useful in the design of the shuttle.
IMAGE 700_799\755.Lbm,The prototype shuttle orbiter Enterprise takes shape at the Downey, California, facility of Rockwell International.
IMAGE 700_799\789.Lbm,Bound for the Kennedy Space Center, a shuttle carrier aircraft lifts off from Edwards Air Force Base, carrying an orbiter.
IMAGE 800_899\834.Lbm,Testing a new shuttle escape system to allow escape from the orbiter in an emergency situation in the atmosphere.
IMAGE 800_899\842.Lbm,Conducting high-speed wind-tunnel tests on a scale model of the shuttle orbiter.
IMAGE 800_899\846.Lbm,Three kinds of lifting-body aircraft NASA tested at the Edwards Air Force Base, California, to investigate alternative methods of returning from space. The data obtained proved useful for the shuttle programme.
IMAGE 800_899\895.Lbm,A shuttle orbiter, with chase plane in attendance, glides through an orange Californian sky towards the Edwards landing site.
IMAGE 900_999\902.Lbm,One corner of the massive crawler transporter used to carry the shuttle stack out to the launch pad. There are twin crawler tracks at each corner.
IMAGE 1900_99\930.Lbm,Test-firing the shuttle main engines in April 1980 at the National Scientific Technology Laboratory, Bay St Louis, Mississippi.
*IMAGE 1900_99\987.Lbm,A view of the tile-covered belly of the orbiter as it is lifted high into the VAB to be mated with the external tank and SRBs.
*IMAGE 1900_99\987.Lbm,A view of the tile-covered belly of the orbiter as it is lifted high into the VAB to be mated with the external tank and SRBs.
*IMAGE 1900_99\987.Lbm,A view of the tile-covered belly of the orbiter as it is lifted high into the VAB to be mated with the external tank and SRBs.
*IMAGE 1900_99\987.Lbm,A view of the tile-covered belly of the orbiter as it is lifted high into the VAB to be mated with the external tank and SRBs.
*IMAGE 1900_99\993.Lbm,The giant eight-track crawler begins its slow journey back to the VAB after depositing on the launch pad the shuttle stack of orbiter, external tank and SRBs, and mobile launch platform.
*IMAGE 1900_99\993.Lbm,The giant eight-track crawler begins its slow journey back to the VAB after depositing on the launch pad the shuttle stack of orbiter, external tank and SRBs, and mobile launch platform.
*IMAGE 1900_99\993.Lbm,The giant eight-track crawler begins its slow journey back to the VAB after depositing on the launch pad the shuttle stack of orbiter, external tank and SRBs, and mobile launch platform.
*IMAGE 1900_99\993.Lbm,The giant eight-track crawler begins its slow journey back to the VAB after depositing on the launch pad the shuttle stack of orbiter, external tank and SRBs, and mobile launch platform.
*IMAGE 1900_99\994.Lbm,The three VDUs on the orbiter's flight deck. Commander and pilot use computer keyboards (partly visible at the bottom of the picture) to call up onto the screens flight and systems data.
*IMAGE 1900_99\994.Lbm,The three VDUs on the orbiter's flight deck. Commander and pilot use computer keyboards (partly visible at the bottom of the picture) to call up onto the screens flight and systems data.
*IMAGE 1900_99\994.Lbm,The three VDUs on the orbiter's flight deck. Commander and pilot use computer keyboards (partly visible at the bottom of the picture) to call up onto the screens flight and systems data.
*IMAGE 1900_99\994.Lbm,The three VDUs on the orbiter's flight deck. Commander and pilot use computer keyboards (partly visible at the bottom of the picture) to call up onto the screens flight and systems data.