IMAGE 0_99\45.Lbm,Sally Ride trains for her first flight (STS-7) on the remote manipulator system simulator at the Johnson Space Center, Houston. Looking on is Frederick Hauck.
IMAGE 1900_99\915.Lbm,The shuttle's remote manipulator system (RMS), or robot arm, also called the Canadarm. Canadian-built, it is shown here under test at Spar Aerospace in Ontario.
IMAGE 1900_99\916.Lbm,The simulator on which astronauts practise deploying and retrieving satellites with the RMS arm. Here the payload is the Hubble space telescope.
IMAGE 1900_99\941.Lbm,Close-up of part of the MELEO experiment panel on the robot arm, exposing a variety of materials to space. (STS-52)
IMAGE 0_99\34.Lbm,The shuttle's "crane", the Canadian-built remote manipulating system, is put through its paces on the second shuttle mission (STS-2) on November 13, 1981.
IMAGE 200_299\210.Lbm,Riding on Atlantis's RMS arm, Sherwood Spring fixes a section of the growing ACCESS structure during STS-51B in November 1985.