IMAGE 0_99\22.Lbm,US astronaut Vance Brand (left) and Soviet cosmonaut Valery Kubasov train inside a Soyuz mock-up for the ASTP mission.
IMAGE 0_99\71.Lbm,The US and Soviet crews chosen for the ASTP mission in July 1975. They are (from the left): Donald Slayton, one of the Original Seven astronauts, Thomas Stafford and Vance Brand for the USA; Alexei Leonov and Valery Kubasov for the USSR.
IMAGE 0_99\77.Lbm,The docking module being lowered to mate with the Apollo command module for the July 1975 ASTP US/USSR mission.
IMAGE 100_199\132.Lbm,On July 17, 1975, Soyuz 19 is launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome. It is the Soviet half of the ASTP mission.
IMAGE 100_199\156.Lbm,This diagram outlines the manoeuvres involved in the ASTP mission of July 1975, in which US and Soviet spacecraft rendezvous in orbit.
IMAGE 100_199\158.Lbm,In the topsy-turvy weightless world in space, astronaut Donald Slayton gets together with cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.
IMAGE 400_499\411.Lbm,A TV camera captures the Soyuz 16 descent module touching down at the end of the ASTP mission.
IMAGE 400_499\413.Lbm,Soyuz 16 lifts off the launch pad at Baikonur at the beginning of the Soviet part of the ASTP mission.
IMAGE 400_499\416.Lbm,Artist's impression of the historic link-up between Apollo and Soyuz during the ASTP mission.
IMAGE 400_499\417.Lbm,The famous handshake during the ASTP mission, when US Apollo and Soviet Soyuz astronauts and cosmonauts first came together.
IMAGE 400_499\419.Lbm,The ASTP Apollo spacecraft closes in to rendezvous with Soyuz.
IMAGE 400_499\420.Lbm,Apollo and Soyuz are ready to dock. The Soyuz docking hatch has been modified for the link-up.
IMAGE 400_499\421.Lbm,Soyuz pictured against a cloudy backdrop during the ASTP mission in July 1975.
IMAGE 400_499\424.Lbm,ASTP astronauts Thomas Stafford and Donald Slayton sample Soviet hospitality as they eat from toothpaste-type tubes.
IMAGE 400_499\425.Lbm,Valery Kubasov, half of the Soviet crew on the ASTP mission.
IMAGE 400_499\427.Lbm,Emblem for the Apollo Soyuz Test Project, July 1975, featuring astronauts Stafford, Brand and Slayton; and cosmonauts Leonov and Kubasov.
IMAGE 400_499\428.Lbm,Emblem for the ASTP project, July 1975.
IMAGE 600_699\674.Lbm,An exhibit at the National Aerospace Museum, Washington, DC, showing the hardware used in the ASTP mission. Apollo is on the left, Soyuz is on the right, with the docking module in between.