IMAGE 100_199\115.Lbm,An artist's impression of the Hubble space telescope in orbit, aperture door open and solar panels directed towards the Sun.
IMAGE 200_299\213.Lbm,The image top right, sent back by the Hubble Space Telescope, shows the most remote planet, Pluto, and its moon Charon. It is the clearest picture yet of the system.
IMAGE 200_299\227.Lbm,The Hubble Space Telescope sent back this picture of Mars, showing in dark blue the region known as Syrtis Major.
IMAGE 200_299\263.Lbm,This Hubble Space Telescope picture of Saturn shows more detail of the atmosphere and rings than Earth-based photos.
IMAGE 200_299\264.Lbm,Violent storms are raging in Saturn's atmosphere in this picture taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990.
IMAGE 200_299\265.Lbm,The communications link between the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Earth. The HST sends picture signals to one of the TDRS satellites, which relays them to the HST ground station at White Sands, New Mexico.
IMAGE 200_299\284.Lbm,A cutaway diagram of the Hubble Space Telescope, a reflecting telescope with a main mirror 2.4 metres in diameter.
IMAGE 300_399\342.Lbm,Technicians inspect the coating of the 2.4-metre diameter primary mirror of the Hubble Space Telescope.
IMAGE 300_399\343.Lbm,The complete Hubble Space Telescope being moved into a vacuum chamber for environmental testing in 1988.
IMAGE 500_599\541.Lbm,The Hubble space telescope spots an expanding ring of gas around the star that exploded as a supernova (SN1987A) in 1987.
IMAGE 700_799\714.Lbm,This Hubble space telescope picture shows the multiple image of a star created by a gravitational lens effect.
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xxIMAGE 1000_99\58a.Lbm,The massive Hubble space telescope (HST) undergoing final preparation at Kennedy Space Center prior to being installed in Discovery's payload bay for the STS-31 shuttle mission.
xxIMAGE 1000_99\58b.Lbm,A model of the HST and the crew that will deploy it on STS-31, who are, from the left: Steven Hawley, Kathryn Sullivan, Bruce McCandless, Charles Bolden and Loren Shriver.
xxIMAGE 1000_99\58d.Lbm,Artist's impression of the deployment of the HST from the space shuttle's payload bay on the STS-31 mission.
xxIMAGE 1000_99\58e.Lbm,Discovery's RMS arm lifts the 11-tonne HST from the payload bay on April 25, 1990, with the Earth some 600 km below.
xxIMAGE 1000_99\58f.Lbm,On command from Discovery, the HST's solar panels begin to unfurl. Note also the deployed antenna.
IMAGE 1000_99\60.Lbm,Hubble space telescope picture of the central region of the active galaxy M87 and its jet of plasma, thought to be emitted by a super hot disc around a black hole.
IMAGE 1000_99\61.Lbm,Hubble space telescope picture of a mysterious elliptical disc of matter around the remnants of the famous 1987A supernova.
IMAGE 1000_99\62.Lbm,Series of colour Hubble space telescope pictures showing the quasar 120+101. Astronomers think this is a double image of the same body, split by the 'gravitational lens' effect of an intervening massive galaxy.
IMAGE 1000_99\63.Lbm,Hubble space telescope picture of the centre of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1275, reveals up to 50 massive and compact globular clusters (blue dots).