IMAGE 1100_99\127.Lbm,The 15-tonne Compton gamma-ray observatory (GRO) pictured after being taken out of Atlantis's payload bay by the RMS arm.
IMAGE 1100_99\128.Lbm,Jerry Ross in Atlantis's payload bay during his spacewalk with Jerome Apt to extend the high-gain antenna on the GRO, which had become jammed.
IMAGE 1100_99\129.Lbm,The first-ever gamma-ray burst captured on film, from data returned from the GRO on May 3, 1991.
IMAGE 1100_99\130.Lbm,The GRO captured this gamma-ray image of the quasar 3C 279 in the constellation Virgo (the Virgin).
IMAGE 1100_99\131.Lbm,Gamma-ray sources in the Gemini/Taurus region of the heavens, spied by the GRO. The source at lower right is the powerful pulsar in the Crab nebula. The other is a mysterious source called Geminga.