IMAGE 0_99\41.Lbm,The EROS Data Center at Sioux Falls, North Dakota, which is the centre for processing Landsat and other Earth-resources data.
IMAGE 500_599\542.Lbm,A colourful mosaic created by processing Landsat data. It shows a coastal region near Newquay in south-west England.
IMAGE 600_699\690.Lbm,Earth-resources imaging: Landsat mosaic of Hawaii in simulated natural colour. Note the extensive lava flows from the central massive volcano, Mauna Loa.
IMAGE 700_799\741.Lbm,Earth-resources imaging: Death Valley, from Landsat 4's thematic mapper.
IMAGE 800_899\810.Lbm,Earth-resources imaging: the twin cities of Minneapolis/St Pauls (blue-grey) are seen near the top of this image, from Landsat 5.
IMAGE 1600_99\680.Lbm,Landsat 4 image showing the Missouri River. The town in the centre is St Joseph.
IMAGE 1600_99\681.Lbm,Landsat 4 image showing part of southern Colorado. At bottom right are circles showing where pivot irrigation is used.
IMAGE 1600_99\682.Lbm,Landsat 4 image showing the city of Sacramento, California, alongside the Sacramento River.
IMAGE 1600_99\683.Lbm,Landsat 4 image showing mountainous terrain in California and Nevada, including Death Valley.
IMAGE 1600_99\684.Lbm,Landsat 4 image showing San Francisco city and bay. The city's bridges are clearly defined.
xxIMAGE 1600_99\684a.Lbm,Landsat 1 image of the Netherlands, showing clearly the sea defences.