IMAGE 1300_99\389.Lbm,ERS 1 under test at the Interspace facility at Toulouse, France.
IMAGE 1400_99\424.Lbm,Europe's Earth resources satellite ERS 1 being tested in the large space simulator at ESTEC.
IMAGE 1300_99\390.Lbm,Integration of ERS 1 into its nose cone prior to launch at the Kourou Space Center, French Guiana.
IMAGE 1300_99\386.Lbm,ERS 1, the European Space Agency's first Earth resources satellite, pictured in orbit 780 km above the Earth.
IMAGE 1300_99\387.Lbm,ERS 1, pictured over the Namib Desert in southern Africa. Data it sends back will give a closer insight into how such regions develop.
IMAGE 1300_99\388.Lbm,ERS 1, pictured over the Arctic. Earth resources satellites are particularly useful for collecting data about such inaccessible regions.
IMAGE 1300_99\391.Lbm,The first image, of the Netherlands, sent back by ERS 1's radar imaging system. (SAR stands for synthetic aperture radar.)
IMAGE 1300_99\392.Lbm,Details of the landscape show up in this ERS 1 image of the Netherlands.
IMAGE 1300_99\393.Lbm,ERS 1 image showing the Swiss and Italian Alps and at left, the Rhone Valley.
IMAGE 1300_99\394.Lbm,ERS 1 image showing the Bay of Naples and the adjoining land mass. The prominent peak and crater is the volcano Vesuvius.
xxIMAGE 1300_99\394a.Lbm,ERS 1 image of the island of Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands off the north-west coast of Africa.
IMAGE 1300_99\395.Lbm,This ERS 1 image of Morecambe Bay in England has been processed to bring out tidal regions (red).
IMAGE 1300_99\396.Lbm,Two images produced from data from ERS 1's microwave and infrared sensors, which monitor temperature. They show the English Channel (left) and Kuwait immediately after the Gulf War. The Kuwait image picks up the smoke given off by burning oilfields.
IMAGE 1300_99\397.Lbm,Wind speeds over the world's oceans measured by ERS 1's radar altimeter (RA).
IMAGE 1400_99\430.Lbm,Earthnet is also one of the main facilities for processing and distributing Earth resources images from ERS 1. This frame shows the Arctic island of Spitzbergen.